7,043 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la educación emocional en los centros de educación secundaria obligatoria de Elche

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    En esta investigación, se explora la importancia de la educación emocional para los jóvenes de los centros de educación secundaria obligatoria de Elche. Además, se incluye el diseño de una entrevista con 5 dimensiones para evaluar la educación emocional en los centros (Actitud hacia la educación emocional, presencia o ausencia de la educación emocional, características de los programas, formación de los docentes que lo aplican y participación familiar). Se recoge el análisis de las respuestas obtenidas, donde se destaca una actitud muy favorable hacia la educación emocional combinada con una presencia muy reducida. Destaca también, una carente falta de tiempo para aplicar educación emocional y además, una falta de formación por parte de quien aplica este tipo de educación. Por último, se ofrecen propuestas de mejora para la E.E. en Elche, como la implementación de un programa de formación en este campo para tutores y orientadores escolares

    Nature-Based solutions in coastal and estuarine areas of Europe

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    ABSTRACT: Momentum for sustainable and climate resilience solutions for coastal protection are growing globally given the pressing need to prevent further loss of biodiversity and ecosystems while meeting the climate change adaptation and mitigation goals. Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) represent an opportunity to align environmental and resilience goals, at a time of strained budgets in a global context and when short-term needs may run counter to long-term goals. In Europe, NbS fit the mandates of major EU environmental and climate change policies by restoring biodiversity and enhancing climate-resilience and carbon sequestration. Previous studies have compiled scientific evidence about hydro-meteorological hazards for the use of NbS. However, their implementation at scale is still lacking. As the knowledge and experience with NbS for adaptation to natural hazards and climate change increases, it becomes more important to draw lessons learned and insights for replicating and scaling up NbS, especially in coastal areas where their implementation is still limited compared to other environments. This study analyzed NbS case studies across European coastal and estuarine areas to draw key lessons, understand better the current status of implementation, and identify key challenges and gaps. From a total of 59 NbS case studies associated with flooding, erosion and biodiversity loss, results show an increase in NbS implementation since 1990s, but most rapidly between 2005 and 2015. Most of the case studies are hybrid solutions employing wetlands, predominantly located in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Netherlands. Funding of NbS is largely from public sources, and rarely come from a single or a private source. Three-quarters of the case studies reported monitoring activities, but more than half did not disclose quantitative results related to effectiveness against flooding and/or erosion. The need to improve coastal defenses was indicated as the main motivation for NbS implementation over traditional structures, while sustainability was the most mentioned additional reason. Although a variety of co-benefits and lessons learned was identified, clearer descriptions and enhanced details of such information are required. There is a need for tools and strategies to expand knowledge sharing of lessons learned to enable further replication of successful cases in other areas.This research was carried out with the contribution of the LIFE Programme of the European Union to the Project ADAPTABLUES (ref. LIFE18 CCA/ES/001160

    O Mapa das Cortes: perspectivas cartográficas

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    O presente trabalho realiza uma análise exaustiva do Mapa das Cortes, aplicando critérios da cartografia, em particular da cartografia matemática. Assim, analisam-se: autor, escala, projeção, meridiano de origem, cores, convenções, simbologia e outros. Após uma análise morfológica qualitativa, passa-se a um exame quantitativo, comparando esse mapa com um atual, bastante preciso: com o auxílio de um programa de cartografia digital e uma planilha eletrônica foram comparadas as coordenadas geográficas (latitude e longitude) de mais de 430 pontos. A quantificação sistemática e detalhada dos erros em diferentes regiões, da costa atlântica à região amazônica, mostrou aspectos surpreendentes de como o Mapa das Cortes (MC) foi habilmente construído. Essa análise permitiu quantificar de maneira mais precisa as distorções, identificando em que locais foram introduzidas e seu caráter indubitavelmente proposital.In this paper, we present a thorough analysis of the Map of the Courts based on criteria used in cartography, particularly mathematical cartography. As such, it takes into account the following elements: author, scale, projection, the prime meridian, colors, conventions, symbology, and other. After a qualitative morphological analysis, we move on to a quantitative examination by comparing the said map with a quite accurate present-day chart, using a digital cartography software application and spreadsheet to match the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of over 430 points. The systematic and detailed quantification of errors in various areas, from the Atlantic coast to the Amazon region, revealed surprising aspects as to how skillfully the Map of the Courts was constructed. This analysis enabled us to quantify the distortions more accurately and thus identify the locations where they were introduced as well their unquestionable intentional character

    Development of the Platysma Muscle and the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (Human Specimens at 8–17 Weeks of Development)

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    There is controversy regarding the description of the different regions of the face of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) and its relationship with the superficial mimetic muscles. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of the platysma muscle and the SMAS in human specimens at 8–17 weeks of development using an optical microscope. Furthermore, we propose to study the relationship of the anlage of the SMAS and the neighbouring superficial mimetic muscles. The facial musculature derives from the mesenchyme of the second arch and migrates towards the different regions of the face while forming premuscular laminae. During the 8th week of development, the cervical, infraorbital, mandibular, and temporal laminae are observed to be on the same plane. The platysma muscle derives from the cervical lamina and its mandibular extension enclosing the lower part of the parotid region and the cheek, while the SMAS derives from the upper region. During the period of development analyzed in this study, we have observed no continuity between the anlage of the SMAS and that of the superficial layer of the temporal fascia and the zygomaticus major muscle. Nor have we observed any structure similar to the SMAS in the labial region

    Herbicide Resistance in Brazil: Status, Impacts, and Future Challenges

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    Brazil is a large producer and exporter of crops in global terms. Weeds may be responsible for ~14% of crop losses, depending on the crop system. Herbicides occupy 58% of the Brazilian pesticide market; however, the continuous use of these products and the high selection pressure have led to the emergence of weeds resistant to herbicides. Today, there are 51 weed species reported as being resistant to herbicides in Brazil, of which 17 involves cross and multiple-resistance. Acetolactate synthase (ALS), acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) and 5-enolpiruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPs) inhibitors are the herbicidal groups with the most resistance cases. Soybean, corn, rice, wheat and cotton present 30, 12, 10, 9 and 8 cases, respectively, occurring mainly in herbicide-resistant crop fields from the Southern and Central West regions of the country. To better understand the dimensions of herbicide resistance, in this chapter, we will explore the size of agricultural activity in Brazil, the pesticide market and the use of herbicides in the main crops. In addition, the agronomic, scientific-technical and economic aspects that have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the selection of resistant weeds will be discussed in order to have an overview of the economic impact of herbicide resistance management

    Soft tissues, areal bone mineral density and hip geometry estimates in active young boys: The PRO-BONE study

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.Purpose: Soft tissues, such as fat mass (FM) and lean mass (LM), play an important role in bone development but this is poorly understood in highly active youths. The objective of this study was to determine whether FM or LM is a stronger predictor of areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and hip geometry estimates in a group of physically active boys after adjusting for height, chronological age, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), FM, and LM. Methods: Participants included 121 boys (13.1±1.0 years) from the PRO-BONE study. Bone mineral content (BMC) and aBMD measured at total body, femoral neck and lumbar spine using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and hip structural analysis was used to estimate bone geometry at the femoral neck. Body composition was assessed using DXA. The relationships of FM and LM with bone outcomes were analysed using simple and multiple linear regression analyses. Results: Pearson correlation coefficients showed that total body (less head) aBMD was significantly correlated with LM but not FM. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that FM, after accounting for height, age, MVPA and LM had no significant relationship with aBMD or hip geometry estimates, except for arms aBMD. By contrast, there were positive associations between LM and most aBMD and hip geometry estimates, after accounting height, age, MVPA and FM. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that LM, and not FM, is the stronger predictor of aBMD and hip geometry estimates in physically active boys.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007–2013] under grant agreement no. PCIG13-GA-2013-618496

    Nuclear receptors in vascular biology

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    Nuclear receptors sense a wide range of steroids and hormones (estrogens, progesterone, androgens, glucocorticoid, and mineralocorticoid), vitamins (A and D), lipid metabolites, carbohydrates, and xenobiotics. In response to these diverse but critically important mediators, nuclear receptors regulate the homeostatic control of lipids, carbohydrate, cholesterol, and xenobiotic drug metabolism, inflammation, cell differentiation and development, including vascular development. The nuclear receptor family is one of the most important groups of signaling molecules in the body and as such represent some of the most important established and emerging clinical and therapeutic targets. This review will highlight some of the recent trends in nuclear receptor biology related to vascular biology

    Soil management of sugarcane fields affecting CO2 fluxes

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    The harvesting system of green sugarcane, characterized by mechanized harvesting and no crop burning, affects soil quality by increasing the remaining straw left on the soil surface after harvesting, thus, contributing to the improvement of physical, chemical, and microbiological soil attributes, influencing CO2 fluxes. This study aimed to evaluate CO2 fluxes and their relation to soil properties in sugarcane crops under different harvesting managements: burned (B), Green harvesting for 5 years (G-5) and Green harvesting for ten years (G-10). For this, a 1 ha sampling grid with 30 points was installed in each area, all located in the Northeast of São Paulo State, Brazil. In each point, CO2 fluxes were measured and the soil was sampled to analyze the microbial biomass, physical (soil moisture and temperature, mean weight diameter, bulk density, clay, macroporosity and microporosity) and chemical characterization (pH, organic C, base saturation and P). The CO2 fluxes were divided into four quantitative criteria: high, moderate, low and very low from the Statistical Division (mean, first quartile, median and third quartile) and the other data were classified according this criterion. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify the main soil attributes that influence CO2 fluxes. The results showed that G-10 CO2 fluxes were 28 and 41 % higher than those in the G-5 and B treatments, respectively. The PCA analysis showed that macroporosity was the main soil attribute that influenced the high CO2 fluxes

    Psychometric properties of 4-item questionnaire for sleep habits and time in a South American paediatric population

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    Objectives: To assess the psychometric properties of 4-item questionnaire about sleep habits and time in South American children (3-10 years) and adolescents (11-18 years). Material and Methods: We evaluated 459 participants from seven South American cities. Two items from week and weekend days wake up time and bedtime were asked twice, with a 2-week interval. We calculated time spent in bed (subtracting wake up time from bedtime). Participants also answered the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) sleep time questionnaire. Results: The questionnaire showed acceptable temporal stability in children and adolescents on total days (rho >= 0.30; p<0.05). For total days, the questionnaire presented acceptable convergent validity only in children (rho from 0.48 to 0.62; p <= 0.01) compared with the HELENA questionnaire. Conclusion: The 4-item questionnaire is a reliable and valid tool for children; however, its validity is not consistent in adolescents for sleep habits and time
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