621 research outputs found

    Historia natural de Osteocephalus castaneicola Moravec, Aparicio, Guerrero-Reinhard, Calderón, Jungfer & Gvoždík, 2009 (Anura: Hylidae) con descripción de canto de anuncio y nuevos datos de distribución

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    Estudiamos la historia natural de Osteocephalus castaneicola en el suroeste de la Amazonia. Usamos observaciones de un experimento no exitoso pero relevante, entre enero de 2009 y enero de 2010 en la Fazenda Experimental Catuaba, así como de registros de diez recipientes para almacenamiento de látex entre enero y marzo del 2011 y 2012 en la Fazenda Bonal. Los datos de campo de ambas áreas y de colecciones biológicas permitieron mostrar aspectos de su reproducción en fitotelmata, variación fenotípica, canto de anuncio y generar un mapa de distribución actual de Osteocephalus castaneicola. Esta especie evidenció una gran plasticidad reproductiva en los tipos de fitotelmata, desde la preferencia de bambús muertos y cápsulas de castaña brasileña (Bertholletia excelsa) en el suelo, hasta huecos de árboles en diferentes estratos cerca al dosel. Hubo diferencia en el número de huevos y tipo de cuidado parental para congéneres restantes. Registramos reproducción estacional restringida a la época lluviosa y especializada con renacuajos caníbales con suministro facultativo de huevos tróficos. Su canto de anuncio está compuesto por 23.4 cantos promedio por minuto y una frecuencia dominante que oscila entre 0.486 y 0.904 kHz. La distribución de esta especie fue ampliada de la previamente conocida, mostrando una gran plasticidad ecológica en diferentes hábitats

    Diet of five anuran species in a forest remnant in eastern acre state, Brazilian Amazonia

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    The diet of anuran species is based on a large variety of prey items, which may be related to the availability of prey in the environment. In Amazonia, studies on the diet of anurans have occurred mainly in primary forests. Because forest fragmentation promotes changes in the environment, it is expected that the diet of anuran species will also be affected. Here we describe the diet composition of anurans captured in a forest remnant at Fazenda Amoty, municipality of Plácido de Castro, state of Acre, Brazil. Stomach contents of 34 specimens of Allobates femoralis (Aromobatidae), Adenomera hylaedactyla, Engystomops freibergi (Leptodactylidae), Rhinella sp. (Bufonidae), and Elachistocleis muiraquitan (Microhylidae) had 877 prey items belonging to 19 prey categories. The diet of most species were arthropods. Myrmicinae ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) was the most abundant and frequent item in A. hylaedactyla, Rhinella sp. and A. femoralis stomachs. Termitidae (Isoptera) was the second most abundant taxon in Rhinella sp. and A. hylaedactyla, and the only taxon found eaten by E. freibergi and E. muiraquitan. Most studied species showed generalist diet, which is the habit for most anuran species. Contrarily, E. freibergi and E. muiraquitan are likely specialized in Isoptera. © 2019, Societas Europaea Herpetologica. All rights reserved


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    O conceito de sustentabilidade tem levado a pesquisa agropecuária a uma crescente busca de modelos alternativos e sustentáveis para a agricultura, sendo as formas de uso e manejo do solo o ponto de partida determinante para a compreensão da dinâmica do ambiente edáfico e serviços ambientais dos agroecossistemas. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade do ambiente edáfico e serviços ecossitêmicos em diferentes sistemas de ocupação da terra, através de indicadores ambientais qualitativos. Foram selecionados indicadores sustentáveis de diagnóstico participativo para avaliar quatro sistemas de ocupação da terra: pastagem, mandala agrícola, sistema agroflorestal (SAF) e mata nativa. O conjunto de dados dos indicadores do solo foi analisado por meio de uma Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP). O sistema agroflorestal apresenta semelhanças na qualidade do ambiente edáfico e serviços ecossistêmicos quando comparado à área de mata nativa. Recomenda-se que práticas de manejo de conservação do solo sejam adotadas nos sistemas com maior intervenção antrópica, a exemplo da pastagem e mandala agrícola. Palavras-chave: indicadores ambientais; qualidade do solo; manejo; agroecossistemas.   Qualitative indicators of the edaphic environment and ecosystem services in different land occupation systems   ABSTRACT: The concept of sustainability has led agricultural research to a growing search for alternative and sustainable models for agriculture, with the forms of land use and management being the determining starting point for understanding the dynamics of the edaphic environment and environmental services of agroecosystems. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the quality of the edaphic environment and ecosystem services in different land occupation systems, through qualitative environmental indicators. Sustainable indicators of participatory diagnosis were selected to assess four land occupation systems: pasture, agricultural mandala, agroforestry system and native forest. The data set of the soil indicators was analyzed using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The agroforestry system has similarities in the quality of the edaphic environment and ecosystem services when compared to the native forest area. It is recommended that soil conservation management practices be adopted in systems with greater anthropic intervention, such as pasture and agricultural mandala. Keywords: environmental indicators; soil quality; management; agroecosystems

    Bentonites Modified with Phosphomolybdic Heteropolyacid (HPMo) for Biowaste to Biofuel Production

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    Two bentonites from Paraíba (Northeastern Brazil) were impregnated with heteropoly phosphomolybdic H3PMo12O40 (HPMo). The materials produced were characterized by various techniques such as N2 adsorption-desorption (specific surface area, SSA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA/DTG), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) equipped with Dispersive Energy X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), acid-base titration analysis. The catalytic activity of these materials was tested in the esterification of a waste from palm oil deodorization and the main results obtained (about 93.3% of conversion) indicated that these materials have potential to act as heterogeneous solid acid catalysts. The prepared materials exhibited satisfactory catalytic performance even after a very simple recycling process in three reuse cycles, without significant loss of their activities

    Lippia origanoides essential oil possesses anticonvulsant effect in pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in rats: a behavioral, electroencephalographic, and electromyographic study

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    Epilepsy is a neuronal disorder characterized by abnormal excitability of the brain, leading to seizures. Only around 66% of the epileptic patients respond adequately to treatment with existing conventional anticonvulsants, making it necessary to investigate new antiepileptic drugs. The growing research into natural products and their pharmacological properties has become increasingly promising, particularly in the study of essential oils, which are already widely used in popular culture for treating various diseases. The present study evaluated the anticonvulsant effects of Lippia origanoides essential oil (LOEO) (100 mg/kg i. p.) compared to diazepam (DZP) (5 mg/kg i. p.), and the combined administration of these two substances to control convulsions induced by pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) (60 mg/kg i. p.). This evaluation was carried out using 108 male Wistar rats, which were divided into two experiments. Experiment 1–Behavioral assessment: The animals were divided into 4 groups (n = 9): (I) saline solution + PTZ, (II) DZP + PTZ, (III) LOEO + PTZ, (IV) LOEO + DZP + PTZ. The convulsive behavior was induced 30 min after the administration of the tested anticonvulsant drugs, and the observation period lasted 30 min. Experiment 2- Electrocorticographic evaluation: The animals were divided into 8 groups (n = 9): (I) saline solution; (II) LOEO; (III) DZP; (IV) LOEO + DZP; (V) saline + PTZ, (VI) DZP + PTZ (VII) LOEO + PTZ, (VIII) LOEO + DZP + PTZ. PTZ was administered 30 min after LOEO and DZP treatments and electrocorticographic activity was assessed for 15 min. For the control groups, electromyographic recordings were performed in the 10th intercostal space to assess respiratory rate. The results demonstrated that Lippia origanoides essential oil increased the latency time for the appearance of isolated clonic seizures without loss of the postural reflex. The animals had a more intense decrease in respiratory rate when combined with LOEO + DZP. EEG recordings showed a reduction in firing amplitude in the LOEO-treated groups. The combining treatment with diazepam resulted in increased anticonvulsant effects. Therefore, treatment with Lippia origanoides essential oil was effective in controlling seizures, and its combination with diazepam may represent a future option for the treatment of difficult-to-control seizures

    Bacuri : (Platonia insignis Mart.-Clusiaceae). Agrobiodiversidade

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    Bacuri: agrobiodiversidade ç uma publicação que aborda nâo s= a historicidade do fruto como tambçm a retratação do manejo, a propagação (como informaçâes sobre matrizes para o plantio e multiplicação de árvores mais produtivas) e a explanação sobre os métodos atuais utilizados no melhoramento genético do Bacuri, tudo com o explícito objetivo de elaborar, oportunizar e aprimorar técnicas de desenvolvimento sustentável