3 research outputs found

    Variations of Southern South China Sea characteristics near Pahang

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    Oceanographic cruises in Pahang water in October 2003 and April 2004, monsoon transition months, produce data on water characteristics. The temperature in both months showed higher values in nearshore compared to the offshore stations. The nearshore salinity in both months is lower than offshore stations. Comparatively, there were smaller differences in temperature and salinity in October than in April, with very little variation between nearshore and offshore stations. T-S diagram showed significant differences between October and April water characteristics. According to the water characteristic observations, the temperature and salinity in October was lower than in April, while dissolved oxygen was higher than in April. The lower temperature and salinity taken during the sampling time in October suggested that during this time, the study area already received the influences of strong winds due to upcoming monsoon. The warmer and saltier water obtained in April showed that during this time, the study area was influenced by southwest monsoon.Winds related to rainfall were observed to have impact to the dynamics of water characteristics during both months

    Local student perception towards foreign student in IIUM Gombak

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    Educational tourism become famous practices in worldwide as known as gaining knowledge while travelling somewhere. However, the cultural diversity happened in university campus can create positive and negative thoughts among local students because of different perception on multicultural environment. The aim of this study is to investigate the local studentsā€™ perception towards foreign students either it shows positive or negatively inclined .Thus the findings of this study will be reference for next research in order to observe on the potential of IIUM Gombak to be one of the International Educational Tourism university soon. Specifically, this research concentrate on quantitative research design using a none probability sampling method. The research findings represent collected data from questionnaire that has been distribute to local students of IIUM Gombak using online platform. The result obtained on local studentsā€™ perception towards foreign students from this study is based on 32 sample. Overall findings of this research shows local students had positive perception towards foreign students, however minor group of local student are not comfortable enough with the presence of foreign student because of their bad experiences in the past. The significant contribution of this study was to take ensure there are positive perception, interaction between local students towards foreign students to create successful and peaceful environment as potential education tourism university

    Chetty: the unforgotten

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    Melaka is one of the historical cities which is famous with its culture and heritage values. Unfortunately, Chettyā€™s community is closely to be left out and forgotten despite of any tourism commercialization by the Melaka State Government. Therefore, in order to make this Chettyā€™s community to be acknowledged by the local people and tourists around the world, the concept of Augmented Reality is vital to be introduced in order to curb the distinction of this community. This initiative is produced in live brochure form to promote the culture and custom of the Chettyā€™s community in Melaka which resulted from an improper medium of marketing and promotion. Furthermore, this live brochure comprises of all the information related to the Chettyā€™s community such as navigation, attractions, activities, customs and lifestyle that present the Chettyā€™s features which located in Kampung Gajah Berang. Nevertheless, this initiative can lift up their image as one of the unique minority ethnics in Melaka World Heritage Site. The live brochure will also benefit the Chettyā€™s community in tourism activities specifically in preserving the priceless values of that community based on their history and custom which could be protected. Consequently, it will become one of the attractive tourism destinations in Melaka World Heritage Site with exclusive design of the brochure and able to captivate the touristsā€™ attention