78 research outputs found

    Disorder and interaction effects in two dimensional graphene sheets

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    The interplay between different types of disorder and electron-electron interactions in graphene planes is studied by means of Renormalization Group techniques. The low temperature properties of the system are determined by fixed points where the strength of the interactions remains finite, as in one dimensional Luttinger liquids. These fixed points can be either stable (attractive), when the disorder is associated to topological defects in the lattice or to a random mass term, or unstable (repulsive) when the disorder is induced by impurities outside the graphene planes. In addition, we analyze mid-gap states which can arise near interfaces or vacancies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Interaction Between Superconducting and Ferromagnetic Order Parameters in Graphite-Sulfur Composites

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    The superconductivity of graphite-sulfur composites is highly anisotropic and associated with the graphite planes. The superconducting state coexists with the ferromagnetism of pure graphite, and a continuous crossover from superconducting to ferromagnetic-like behavior could be achieved by increasing the magnetic field or the temperature. The angular dependence of the magnetic moment m(alpha) provides evidence for an interaction between the ferromagnetic and the superconducting order parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Universal Magnetic-Field-Driven Metal-Insulator-Metal Transformations in Graphite and Bismuth

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    Applied magnetic field induces metal - insulator and re-entrant insulator-metal transitions in both graphite and rhombohedral bismuth. The corresponding transition boundaries plotted on the magnetic field - temperature (B - T) plane nearly coincide for these semimetals and can be best described by power laws T ~ (B - B_c)^k, where B_c is a critical field at T = 0 and k = 0.45 +/- 0.05. We show that insulator-metal-insulator (I-M-I) transformations take place in the Landau level quantization regime and illustrate how the IMT in quasi-3D graphite transforms into a cascade of I-M-I transitions, related to the quantum Hall effect in quasi-2D graphite samples. We discuss the possible coupling of superconducting and excitonic correlations with the observed phenomena, as well as the signatures of quantum phase transitions associated with the M-I and I-M transformations.Comment: 23 pages including 14 figure

    Photoemission And Transport Studies Of The Metal-insulator Transition In Granular Palladium Films

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    Photoemission and resistivity measurements of granular Pd samples are reported which exhibit a metal-insulator transition with decreasing metal fraction. As the net metallic concentration is reduced the resistivity passes through T, lnT, exp{+(AT)14}, and insulating exp{+(BT)12} temperature dependences while the photoemission results show a continuous reduction in the Pd local density of states within 1 eV of the Fermi level. In the insulating regime a gap is observed in the photoemission spectrum. © 1983 The American Physical Society.50221795179

    Análise de processos de oxidação com Trans-LC para fabricação de células solares

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    Apesar do filme para passivação padrão da indústria de células solares atual ser SiNx, as últimas tendências do mercado fazem com que seja necessário reavaliar o SiO2 para passivação das superfícies de células solares. Para crescer estes óxidos, no entanto, são necessárias etapas de processamento em altas temperaturas, que deixam as lâminas de silício suscetíveis a contaminações metálicas. Para evitar essa contaminação, o composto orgânico Trans-LC é utilizado para limpeza do tubo de oxidação. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a eficácia deste composto para limpeza dos tubos e determinar a qualidade da passivação que os óxidos produzidos desta forma proporcionam para as lâminas de Si. Observou-se que as limpezas realizadas não foram capazes de prevenir a contaminação de lâminas de Si de alto tempo de vida inicial. Porém, o Trans-LC foi suficientemente eficaz para oxidações realizadas em lâminas de baixo tempo de vida dos portadores minoritários.Even though the standard film for passivation currently utilized in the silicon solar cell industry is SiNx, the late tendencies of the market make it necessary to reevaluate the SiO2 for surface passivation of solar cells. In order to grow these oxides, however, high-temperature processing steps are necessary, which leave the wafers susceptible to metallic contamination. To avoid this contamination, the organic compound Trans-LC is used to clean the oxidation tube. The goal of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of this compound for the tube cleaning and determine the passivation quality that the oxides produced this way provide to the Si wafers. It was observed that the cleanings were not capable to prevent the contamination of high initial lifetime Si wafers. However, the Trans-LC was sufficiently effective for oxidations realized on wafers with low initial minority carrier lifetime.Tema 4: Energía solar, conversión fotovoltaica.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Análise de processos de oxidação com Trans-LC para fabricação de células solares

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    Apesar do filme para passivação padrão da indústria de células solares atual ser SiNx, as últimas tendências do mercado fazem com que seja necessário reavaliar o SiO2 para passivação das superfícies de células solares. Para crescer estes óxidos, no entanto, são necessárias etapas de processamento em altas temperaturas, que deixam as lâminas de silício suscetíveis a contaminações metálicas. Para evitar essa contaminação, o composto orgânico Trans-LC é utilizado para limpeza do tubo de oxidação. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a eficácia deste composto para limpeza dos tubos e determinar a qualidade da passivação que os óxidos produzidos desta forma proporcionam para as lâminas de Si. Observou-se que as limpezas realizadas não foram capazes de prevenir a contaminação de lâminas de Si de alto tempo de vida inicial. Porém, o Trans-LC foi suficientemente eficaz para oxidações realizadas em lâminas de baixo tempo de vida dos portadores minoritários.Even though the standard film for passivation currently utilized in the silicon solar cell industry is SiNx, the late tendencies of the market make it necessary to reevaluate the SiO2 for surface passivation of solar cells. In order to grow these oxides, however, high-temperature processing steps are necessary, which leave the wafers susceptible to metallic contamination. To avoid this contamination, the organic compound Trans-LC is used to clean the oxidation tube. The goal of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of this compound for the tube cleaning and determine the passivation quality that the oxides produced this way provide to the Si wafers. It was observed that the cleanings were not capable to prevent the contamination of high initial lifetime Si wafers. However, the Trans-LC was sufficiently effective for oxidations realized on wafers with low initial minority carrier lifetime.Tema 4: Energía solar, conversión fotovoltaica.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Análise de processos de oxidação com Trans-LC para fabricação de células solares

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    Apesar do filme para passivação padrão da indústria de células solares atual ser SiNx, as últimas tendências do mercado fazem com que seja necessário reavaliar o SiO2 para passivação das superfícies de células solares. Para crescer estes óxidos, no entanto, são necessárias etapas de processamento em altas temperaturas, que deixam as lâminas de silício suscetíveis a contaminações metálicas. Para evitar essa contaminação, o composto orgânico Trans-LC é utilizado para limpeza do tubo de oxidação. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a eficácia deste composto para limpeza dos tubos e determinar a qualidade da passivação que os óxidos produzidos desta forma proporcionam para as lâminas de Si. Observou-se que as limpezas realizadas não foram capazes de prevenir a contaminação de lâminas de Si de alto tempo de vida inicial. Porém, o Trans-LC foi suficientemente eficaz para oxidações realizadas em lâminas de baixo tempo de vida dos portadores minoritários.Even though the standard film for passivation currently utilized in the silicon solar cell industry is SiNx, the late tendencies of the market make it necessary to reevaluate the SiO2 for surface passivation of solar cells. In order to grow these oxides, however, high-temperature processing steps are necessary, which leave the wafers susceptible to metallic contamination. To avoid this contamination, the organic compound Trans-LC is used to clean the oxidation tube. The goal of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of this compound for the tube cleaning and determine the passivation quality that the oxides produced this way provide to the Si wafers. It was observed that the cleanings were not capable to prevent the contamination of high initial lifetime Si wafers. However, the Trans-LC was sufficiently effective for oxidations realized on wafers with low initial minority carrier lifetime.Tema 4: Energía solar, conversión fotovoltaica.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Influência do tempo de difusão de boro no campo retrodifusor seletivo de alumínio e boro em células solares de silício

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    O campo retrodifusor seletivo em células solares possibilita aumentar a eficiência e evita o abaulamento. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a influência do tempo de difusão de boro na formação do campo retrodifusor seletivo de alumínio e boro em células solares processadas em lâminas de silício Czochralski tipo p, grau solar. A difusão de boro foi implementada em toda a face posterior da lâmina e por serigrafia foi depositada a pasta de alumínio, somente nas trilhas metálicas. O processo de queima das pastas metálicas foi realizado em forno de esteira. Variou-se o tempo de difusão de boro de 10 a 30 minutos para a temperatura de difusão de 950 a 970 °C. Constatou-se que o melhor tempo de difusão depende da temperatura de difusão de boro e que a maior eficiência média, de (15,6 ± 0,1) %, foi obtida para a temperatura de 970 °C e tempo de difusão de 30 minutos.The selective back surface field in solar cells enables to increase the efficiency and avoid the bowing. The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of boron diffusion time in the formation of boron/aluminum selective back surface field. The solar cells were processed in solar grade Si-Cz wafers. The boron diffusion was performed in the whole rear face of the silicon wafer and the aluminum paste was deposited by screen printing, only in the metal fingers. The firing process of the metal pastes was performed in a belt furnace. The boron diffusion time was ranged from 10 to 30 minutes for the diffusion temperature from 950 °C to 970 °C. It was found that the better diffusion time depends on the boron diffusion temperature and the highest average efficiency of solar cells, of (15.6 ± 0.1) %, was obtained with the temperature of 970 °C and the diffusion time of 30 minutes.Tema 4: Energía solar, conversión fotovoltaica.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism