40 research outputs found

    Time Evolution after Double Trace Deformation

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    In this paper, we consider double trace deformation to single CFT2{}_2, and study time evolution after the deformation. The double trace deformation we consider is nonlocal: composed of two local operators placed at separate points. We study two types of local operators: one is usual local operator in CFT, and the other is HKLL bulk local operator, which is still operator in CFT but has properties as bulk local operator. We compute null energy and averaged null energy in the bulk in both types of deformations. We confirmed that, with the suitable choice of couplings, averaged null energies are negative. This implies causal structure is modified in the bulk, from classical background. We then calculate time evolution of entanglement entropy and entanglement Renyi entropy after double trace deformation. We find both quantities are found to show peculiar shockwave-like time evolution.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, references added, typos correcte

    Butterflies from Information Metric

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    We study time evolution of distance between thermal states excited by local operators, with different external couplings. We find that growth of the distance implies growth of commutators of operators, signifying the local excitations are scrambled. We confirm this growth of distance by holographic computation, by evaluating volume of codimension 1 extremal volume surface. We find that the distance increases exponentially as e2πtβe^{\frac{2\pi t}{\beta}}. Our result implies that, in chaotic system, trajectories of excited thermal states exhibit high sensitivity to perturbation to the Hamiltonian, and the distance between them will be significant at the scrambling time. We also confirm the decay of two point function of holographic Wilson loops on thermofield double state.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, reference added, minor modification

    Surface/State Correspondence as a Generalized Holography

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    We propose a new duality relation between codimension two space-like surfaces in gravitational theories and quantum states in dual Hilbert spaces. This surface/state correspondence largely generalizes the idea of holography such that we do not need to rely on any existence of boundaries in gravitational spacetimes. The present idea is motivated by the recent interpretation of AdS/CFT in terms of the tensor networks so called MERA. Moreover, we study this correspondence from the viewpoint of entanglement entropy and information metric. The Cramer-Rao bound in quantum estimation theory implies that the quantum fluctuations of radial coordinate of the AdS is highly suppressed in the large N limit.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, Late

    Causal Evolutions of Bulk Local Excitations from CFT

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    Bulk localized excited states in an AdS spacetime can be constructed from Ishibashi states with respect to the global conformal symmetry in the dual CFT. We study boundary two point functions of primary operators in the presence of bulk localized excitations in two dimensional CFTs. From two point functions in holographic CFTs, we observe causal propagations of radiations when the mass of dual bulk scalar field is close to the BF bound. This behavior for holographic CFTs is consistent with the locality and causality in classical gravity duals. We also show that this cannot be seen in free fermion CFTs. Moreover, we find that the short distance behavior of two point functions is universal and obeys the relation which generalizes the first law of entanglement entropy.Comment: 23pages, Late

    Holographic Entanglement of Purification from Conformal Field Theories

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    We explore a conformal field theoretic interpretation of the holographic entanglement of purification, which is defined as the minimal area of entanglement wedge cross section. We argue that in AdS3/CFT2, the holographic entanglement of purification agrees with the entanglement entropy for a purified state, obtained from a special Weyl transformation, called path-integral optimizations. By definition, this special purified state has the minimal path-integral complexity. We confirm this claim in several examples.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, 5 figure

    Holographic BCFT with a Defect on the End-of-the-World Brane

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    In this paper, we propose a new gravity dual for a 22d BCFT with two conformal boundaries by introducing a defect that connects the two End-of-the-World branes. We demonstrate that the BCFT dual to this bulk model exhibits a richer lowest spectrum. The corresponding lowest energy eigenvalue can continuously interpolate between πc24Δx-\frac{\pi c}{24\Delta x} and 00 where Δx\Delta x is the distance between the boundaries. This range was inaccessible to the conventional AdS/BCFT model with distinct boundary conditions. We compute the holographic entanglement entropy and find that it exhibits three different phases, one of which breaks the time reflection symmetry. We also construct a wormhole saddle, analogous to a 33d replica wormhole, which connects different boundaries through the AdS bulk. This saddle is present only if the BCFT is non-unitary and is always subdominant compared to the disconnected saddle.Comment: 23+5 pages, 6 figure

    Fluctuation in the Fidelity of Information Recovery from Hawking Radiation

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    The interior of a pure-state black hole is known to be reconstructed from the Petz map by collecting a sufficiently large amount of the emitted Hawking radiation. This was established based on the Euclidean replica wormhole, which comes from an ensemble averaging over gravitational theories. On the other hand, this means that the Page curve and the interior reconstruction are both ensemble averages; thus, there is a possibility of large errors. In the previous study [Bousso, Miyaji (2023)], it was shown that the entropy of the Hawking radiation has fluctuation of order eSBHe^{-S_{\mathbf{BH}}}, thus is typical in the ensemble. In the present article, we show that the fluctuations of the relative entropy difference in the encoding map and the entanglement fidelity of the Petz map are both suppressed by eSBHe^{-S_{\mathbf{BH}}} compared to the signals, establishing the typicality in the ensemble. In addition, we also compute the entanglement loss of the encoding map.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, v2: typos correcte

    Fluctuations in the Entropy of Hawking Radiation

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    We use the gravitational path integral (GPI) to compute the fluctuations of the Hawking radiation entropy around the Page curve, in a two-dimensional model introduced by Penington \emph{et al}. Before the Page time, we find that δS=eS/2\delta S = e^{-S}/\sqrt{2}, where SS is the black hole entropy. This result agrees with the Haar-averaged entropy fluctuations of a bipartite system, which we also compute at leading order. After the Page time, we find that δSeS\delta S \sim e^{-S}, up to a prefactor that depends logarithmically on the width of the microcanonical energy window. This is not symmetric under exchange of subsystem sizes and so does not agree with the Haar average for a subsystem of fixed Hilbert space dimension. The discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that the black hole Hilbert space dimension is not fixed by the state preparation: even in a microcanonical ensemble with a top-hat smearing function, the GPI yields an additive fluctuation in the number of black hole states. This result, and the fact that the Page curve computed by the GPI is smooth, all point towards an ensemble interpretation of the GPI.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, v2: incorporates improved results on fluctuations in bipartite systems [31

    Anti-de Sitter Space from Optimization of Path Integrals in Conformal Field Theories

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    We introduce a new optimization procedure for Euclidean path integrals which compute wave functionals in conformal field theories (CFTs). We optimize the background metric in the space on which the path integration is performed. Equivalently this is interpreted as a position-dependent UV cutoff. For two-dimensional CFT vacua, we find the optimized metric is given by that of a hyperbolic space and we interpret this as a continuous limit of the conjectured relation between tensor networks and Anti--de Sitter (AdS)/conformal field theory (CFT) correspondence. We confirm our procedure for excited states, the thermofield double state, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and discuss its extension to higher-dimensional CFTs. We also show that when applied to reduced density matrices, it reproduces entanglement wedges and holographic entanglement entropy. We suggest that our optimization prescription is analogous to the estimation of computational complexity.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, 2 figures, Version 2 : The version published in PRL, title expanded and typos correcte