1,641 research outputs found

    The emerging business of science in Vietnam

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    Manh-Tung Ho, Khanh-Linh Hoang, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Manh-Toan Ho (2019). Chapter 8. The emerging business of science in Vietnam. In Quan-Hoang Vuong, Trung Tran (Eds.), The Vietnamese Social Sciences at a Fork in the Road (pp. 163–177). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter. DOI:10.2478/9783110686081-013. Online ISBN: 9783110686081 © 2019 Sciendo / De Gruyte

    The linear span of projections in AH algebras and for inclusions of C*-algebras

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    A CC^*-algebra is said to have the LP property if the linear span of projections is dense in a given algebra. In the first part of this paper, we show that an AH algebra A=lim(Ai,ϕi)A = \underrightarrow{\lim}(A_i,\phi_i) has the LP property if and only if every real-valued continuous function on the spectrum of AiA_i (as an element of AiA_i via the non-unital embedding) belongs to the closure of the linear span of projections in AA. As a consequence, a diagonal AH-algebra has the LP property if it has small eigenvalue variation. The second contribution of this paper is that for an inclusion of unital CC^*-algebras PAP \subset A with a finite Watatani Index, if a faithful conditional expectation E ⁣:APE\colon A \rightarrow P has the Rokhlin property in the sense of Osaka and Teruya, then PP has the LP property under the condition AA has the LP property. As an application, let AA be a simple unital CC^*-algebra with the LP property, GG a finite group and α\alpha an action of GG onto Aut(A)\mathrm{Aut}(A). If α\alpha has the Rokhlin property in the sense of Izumi, then the fixed point algebra AGA^G and the crossed product algebra AαGA \rtimes_\alpha G have the LP property. We also point out that there is a symmetry on CAR algebra, which is constructed by Elliott, such that its fixed point algebra does not have the LP property.Comment: 24 page


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    Determination of jurisdiction (jurisdiction) can be seen as the first issue that needs to be resolved by the courts in case of any dispute. However, with the unique characteristics of e-commerce transactions, the traditional principles of determining jurisdiction of court are no longer effective. Legal challenges in deremining jurisdiction on e-commerce transactions, therefore, have been rising to most legal systems worldwide. Therefore, this article focuses on analyzing the distinctive features in determining the jurisdiction of the court for e-commerce transactions, thereby presenting legal challenges and recommendations for Vietnamese law.Xác định thẩm quyền (quyền tài phán – jurisdiction) là vấn đề đầu tiên cần phải giải quyết  bởi các tòa án trong trường hợp có bất kỳ tranh chấp nào. Tuy nhiên, với những đặc tính riêng biệt trong giao dịch thương mại điện tử, những nguyên tắc truyền thống trong việc xác định thẩm quyền đã không còn hiệu quả. Do đó, những thách thức pháp lý trong việc xác định quyền tài phán trên không gian mạng đối với các giao dịch thương mại điện tử đã được đặt ra cho hầu hết các hệ thống pháp luật trên toàn thế giới. Chính vì vậy, bài viết này tập trung vào việc phân tích những đặc tính riêng biệt trong việc xác định thẩm quyền của toà án đối với các giao dịch thương mại điện tử từ đó đưa ra những thách thức pháp lý và kiến nghị cho pháp luật Việt Nam

    Drosophila Tumor Mosaic Models to Study Intercellular Interaction

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    Drosophila is a powerful genetic model system to study cancer. In patients, a small number of mutations accumulate in cells that change their growth characteristics and eventually lead to the formation of tumors. These tumors are clonal in origin, meaning the cancer arose from the proliferation of a single rogue cell. We have developed similar clonal cancer models in the Drosophila brain to study how tumor cells interact among each other and with their neighbors. To study such interactions, we need to tag the tumor cells and their neighboring cells. Such differentially marked clone-pairs or ‘twin-spots’ are ideal for genetic and biochemical analysis. In this proposal, our goal is to develop tools to manipulate either the tumor or the normal neighboring cells or both, and test the effect on tumor growth and progression. These studies will allow deeper analysis of early changes in the tumor that are precursors for the aggressive and invasive characteristics found later. We will use glioma – a lethal brain tumor – as the cancer type of interest, and will use the variety of genetic tools available in flies to generate the twin-spots using different fluorescent tags

    The Health-Seeking Behavior of the Elderly with Non-communicable Diseases at Coastal areas, Vietnam

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    Background The aging population is rapidly increasing globally. It proves a severe impact on developing and low-income countries due to insufficient resources and lack of awareness towards the challenges of health issues. In Vietnam, over 11 million people aged 60 and over, accounting for 11.8% of the population. It is projected that by 2050 there will be nearly 29 million people (HelpAge, 2018). People over 60 years old have 2.6 diseases, over 80 years old have 6.8 diseases on average (Dang Thi Thanh et al., 2018; MOH, 2020). Therefore, healthcare facilities and the health services behavior of older populations with non-communicable diseases are considered important in formulating a health program targeting this group. Significantly, the coastal area is a challenging area where participants live (Government, 2016b). Purpose This study aimed to investigate the health-seeking behavior of the elderly with non-communicable diseases, and its associated factors.   Method A Cross-sectional study was conducted in seven coastal areas in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam, with a sample of 370 people aged 60 years and older. Physicians diagnosed the presence of non-communicable diseases at health care facilities. Information on independent variables such as social, demographic, perceived health status, etc., and dependent variables such as health-seeking behavior through the utilization of healthcare services were collected using a structured questionnaire. In addition, a pilot investigation questionnaire on patients who visit a primary healthcare unit in one of seven coastal areas was conducted, and investigators were trained before collecting data. Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to examine the factors associated with the utilization of health care services. Results The mean age of participants was 69.70 ± 6.6 (SD). Over half of the participants were fishery or agriculture, 14.3% of them were under an average standard of economic. The proportion of multiple non-communicable diseases was 18%. The disease duration was mainly about 5-10 years and more than ten years with the rate over 40%, respectively. Most participants were diagnosed at public health facilities. A third of quarter of participants required health care counseling. The results of the study showed that 69.8% of the total participants had health-seeking behavior. The findings also revealed that the elderly living alone were likely to have 4.5 times less health-seeking behavior than those who did not live alone (OR: 4.48, 95% CI: 1.016-19.78, p=0.048). Similarly, the economic status was related to the health-seeking behavior. People with an average and wealthier income seemed to have 2.8 times higher utilization of healthcare services than the poor and below the average group (OR: 2.81, 95% CI: 1.11-7.11, p=0.029). A group with multiple NCDs were more likely to have nine times higher health-seeking behavior than those with only one disease (OR: 9.24, 95% CI: 2.665-32.15, p=<0.001). Health insurance and the needed for health care counseling were also relevant (OR: 4.16, 95% CI: 1.30-13.31, p=0.016), (OR: 3.91, 95% CI: 2.04-7.49, p<0.001), respectively. Conclusion Health-seeking behavior is one of the most important positive implications for the aged population, encompassing one's physical, mental, and psychological wellbeing. The future study would be clarifying the same results in-depth to understand and improve the health-seeking behavior in the elderly and enhance their quality of life.open석

    Effect of shade trees on microclimate conditions and coffee leaf rust

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    Coffee leaf rust is a common agricultural disease in the tropics, caused by the fungal pathogen Hemileia vastatrix. Recent epidemics throughout Latin America has caused devastating economic loss and re-invigorated research into new disease management. Because H. vastatrix uses wind for transmission and humidity for germination, I propose that coffee leaf rust disease dynamics can be influenced by shade trees that modify the abiotic environment. Specifically, I hypothesize that tree stands will disrupt wind transmission of fungal spores but that increasing canopy cover will reduce evaporation, increase local humidity, and increase rust germination. I explored the effect of trees on rust density on a highland coffee farm in Chiapas, Mexico where I measured and modeled the influence of tree density, canopy cover, evaporation rate, and coffee plant density on disease incidence and severity. Coffee plants were significantly less likely to become infected at higher tree and coffee plant densities, but canopy cover increased the likelihood of infection. The proportion of leaves infected was influenced only by higher coffee densities, and evaporation rates had no correlation with infection or other structural variables. These results suggest that vegetation structures – including both trees and coffee plants themselves – reduce the probability of plants contracting the coffee leaf rust, potentially by blocking spore dispersal. However, once infected, the disease severity is not influenced by humidity, as previously proposed. I suspect that areas with higher coffee densities are more likely to contain different varieties, some of which are more resistant than others, so that disease severity is influenced by the dilution effect. These results suggest that tree stands have complex, multidimensional effects on the coffee leaf rust, and that their use in disease management may not be straightforward.Master of Science (MS)Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of Michiganhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144511/1/mchauho_msThesis.pd