145 research outputs found

    C(ã)es-terapeutas: o enquadre a serviço do método na análise de uma adolescente

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    This is the narrative of an analysis that became possible when my clogs became part of the transferential field. This fact does oblige us to problema-tize the concept of transference as "inter-subjective relahtionship ", as well as the idea of a setting stablished from outside the analytic process, that is, regardless of the transferer]tial diagnosis.Este é o relato de uma análise que só foi possível quando meus cães passaram a fazer parte do campo transferenciai. Tal fato nos obriga a problematizar a transferência enquanto relação intersubjetiva, bem como um enquadre fixado a priori, independente do diagnóstico transferenciai

    Unconscious: A Retrieval of its Socio-Historical Dimension.

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    This paper outlines a retrieval of the socio-historical dimension of the unconscious in its synchronic and dyachronic registers. From the synchronic point of view, taking unemployment as an example, the importance of the institutions is emphasized as the background of psychic life. Its failure in contemporary society leads to impasses in subjectivation which also finds expression in social symptoms. From the dyachronic point of view, the crisis of the representations of labour is seen as a sign of a real earthquake in the radical imaginary of our times.Este trabalho esboça um resgate da dimensão social-histórica do inconsciente em seu duplo registro: sincronia e diacronia. Do ponto de vista da sincronia, enfatiza-se, tomando como exemplo o desemprego, a importância das instituições como pano de fundo da vida psíquica. Sua falência no mundo contemporâneo leva a impasses na subjetivação que se manifestam também como sintomas sociais. Do ponto de vista da diacronia aborda-se a crise das representações do trabalho como índice de um verdadeiro abalo sísmico no imaginário radical de nossa época

    Supply Chain Trust: A Two-Way Street?

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    This research compares differences between customers´ and suppliers´ perceptions of the trustworthiness of their supply chain exchange partners and the implications for performance, applying the organizational behavior and marketing literature on trust to the supply chain context. A survey in the logistics sector in Brazil was used to collect data from two independent samples (customers and suppliers). Three alternative models of the antecedents of trustworthiness perceptions and the relationship between trust and performance were tested using multiple regression. This was followed by a panel session with logistics industry experts to discuss the results and their practical implications. We found that the ability of an exchange partner is important to both suppliers and customers in their perceptions of trustworthiness. In addition, customer integrity is important to suppliers, while supplier benevolence is important to customers. Trust is related to expectations about order accuracy, quality and cost by both suppliers and customers and to suppliers’ on-time delivery expectations. The findings support the contention of social exchange theory that, when there is a trusting relationship between exchange partners, there is heightened commitment to jointly held goals. They also support transaction cost economics theory by showing how trust forms an intangible transaction- specific asset that serves as a governance mechanism against opportunistic behavior. The findings provide a useful guideline for managers seeking to improve trust in their supply chain relationships. This paper extends interorganizational trust models showing that the relationship between trust and performance may not be applicable to customers and suppliers in the same manner

    Instituto Therapon Adolescência: tratamento institucional de transtornos emocionais graves

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    A numerical model for multigroup radiation hydrodynamics

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    We present in this paper a multigroup model for radiation hydrodynamics to account for variations of the gas opacity as a function of frequency. The entropy closure model (M1) is applied to multigroup radiation transfer in a radiation hydrodynamics code. In difference from the previous grey model, we are able to reproduce the crucial effects of frequency-variable gas opacities, a situation omnipresent in physics and astrophysics. We also account for the energy exchange between neighbouring groups which is important in flows with strong velocity divergence. These terms were computed using a finite volume method in the frequency domain. The radiative transfer aspect of the method was first tested separately for global consistency (reversion to grey model) and against a well established kinetic model through Marshak wave tests with frequency dependent opacities. Very good agreement between the multigroup M1 and kinetic models was observed in all tests. The successful coupling of the multigroup radiative transfer to the hydrodynamics was then confirmed through a second series of tests. Finally, the model was linked to a database of opacities for a Xe gas in order to simulate realistic multigroup radiative shocks in Xe. The differences with the previous grey models are discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in JQSR

    Nonequilibrium corrections in the pressure tensor due to an energy flux

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    The physical interpretation of the nonequilibrium corrections in the pressure tensor for radiation submitted to an energy flux obtained in some previous works is revisited. Such pressure tensor is shown to describe a moving equilibrium system but not a real nonequilibrium situation.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, Brief Report to appear in PRE Dec 9

    Multidimensional Supernova Simulations with Approximative Neutrino Transport I. Neutron Star Kicks and the Anisotropy of Neutrino-Driven Explosions in Two Spatial Dimensions

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    By means of two-dimensional (2D) simulations we study hydrodynamic instabilities during the first seconds of neutrino-driven supernova explosions, using a PPM hydrodynamics code, supplemented with a gray, non-equilibrium approximation of radial neutrino transport. We consider three 15 solar mass progenitors with different structures and one rotating model, in which we replace the dense core of the newly formed neutron star (NS) by a contracting inner grid boundary, and trigger neutrino-driven explosions by systematically varying the neutrino fluxes emitted at this boundary. Confirming more idealized studies as well as supernova simulations with spectral transport, we find that random seed perturbations can grow by hydrodynamic instabilities to a globally asymmetric mass distribution, leading to a dominance of dipole (l=1) and quadrupole (l=2) modes in the explosion ejecta. Anisotropic gravitational and hydrodynamic forces are found to accelerate the NS on a timescale of 2-3 seconds. Since the explosion anisotropies develop chaotically, the magnitude of the corresponding kick varies stochastically in response to small differences in the fluid flow. Our more than 70 models separate into two groups, one with high and the other with low NS velocities and accelerations after 1s of post-bounce evolution, depending on whether the l=1 mode is dominant in the ejecta or not. This leads to a bimodality of the distribution when the NS velocities are extrapolated to their terminal values. The fast group has an average velocity of about 500 km/s and peak values in excess of 1000 km/s. Establishing a link to the measured distribution of pulsar velocities, however, requires a much larger set of calculations and ultimately 3D modeling. (abridged)Comment: 40 pages, 28 figures; significantly shortened and revised version according to referee's comments; accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Minimum entropy production closure of the photo-hydrodynamic equations for radiative heat transfer

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    In the framework of a two-moment photo-hydrodynamic modelling of radiation transport, we introduce a concept for the determination of effective radiation transport coefficients based on the minimization of the local entropy production rate of radiation and matter. The method provides the nonequilibrium photon distribution from which the effective absorption coefficients and the variable Eddington factor (VEF) can be calculated. The photon distribution depends on the frequency dependence of the absorption coefficient, in contrast to the distribution obtained by methods based on entropy maximization. The calculated mean absorption coefficients are not only correct in the limit of optically thick and thin media, but even provide a reasonable interpolation in the cross-over regime between these limits, notably without introducing any fit parameter. The method is illustrated and discussed for grey matter and for a simple example of non-grey matter with a two-band absorption spectrum. The method is also briefly compared with the maximum entropy concept