7 research outputs found
Who determines the ideal body? A Summary of Research Findings on Body Image
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'International Institute for Science, Technology and Education'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1955
- Field of study
The globalization of media have paved way for Print and television advertisements to use images of thin female bodies to sell products and these advertisements are viewed by women all over the world. Through the media we are constantly bombarded with the western images of beautiful women and perfect bodies. Many surveys have proved the fact that men and women feel negative about their body image not only in the west but also in other parts of the world and the feminist scholars have tended that one should try to view the portrayal of idealized body image critically . In this connection, this paper, through a survey of relevant literature on body image, attempts to understand the following: 1) The concept of body image 2) Various determinants that idealize a woman’s body and define beauty standards 3) Influence of media on the body image of women 4) How the various determinants are interwoven targeting women, making them vulnerable to the idealized images. Keywords: Body image, Determinants, Medi
Charities—Liability in Tort—Effect of Liability Insurance
- Author
- Publication venue
- Washington University Open Scholarship
- Publication date
- 01/01/1930
- Field of study
Buku ini mengupas pengertian bahwa seorang wartawan terutama wartawan foto harus sigap menjelajah setiap sudut untuk mendapatkan foto berita yang otentik dan baik. Foto berita adalah fakta, sehingga tidak dibenarkan adanya rekayasa. Dan sebuah foto jurnalistik tingkat keberhasilannya sudah ditentukan pada saat photo journalist-wartawan foto berada di tempat (wartawan foto yang baik adalah selalu berada di tempat kejadian). Foto-foto jurnalistik yang dimuat dalam buku ini khususnya subyek human interest, pembuatannya juga diawali dengan berjalan kaki, tidak menggunakan kendaraan karena subjek liputan menyangkut kehidupan orang-orang terpinggirkan, hidupnya ada di pelosok
Interrogating the Intersections Between General and Special Education in the History of Teacher Education Reform
- Author
- *Allen M.
- *Book C. L.
- *Brooks D.
- *Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy
- *Clift R. T.
- *Cochran-Smith M.
- *Crowe E.
- *Darling-Hammond L.
- *Darling-Hammond L.
- *Darling-Hammond L.
- *Earley P. M.
- *Fideler E. F.
- *Floden R.
- *Goodlad J. I.
- *Hidalgo F.
- *Huling-Austin L.
- *Kennedy M. M.
- *Murray F. B.
- *National Research Council
- *Offer V. D.
- *Pugach M. C.
- *Roth R. A.
- *Roth R. A.
- *Sedlak M. W.
- *Shulman L. S.
- *Sleeter C. E.
- *Stallings J. A.
- *Strong M.
- *Teitel L.
- *Tom A. R.
- *Wang J.
- *Wenglinsky H.
- *Wiedeman C. R.
- *Willis J. W.
- *Wise A. E.
- *Zeichner K. M.
- Banks J. A.
- Banks J. A.
- Blanton L. P.
- Blanton L. P.
- Blanton L. P.
- Cochran-Smith M.
- Cochran-Smith M.
- Cochran-Smith M.
- Cochran-Smith M.
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Darling-Hammond L.
- Darling-Hammond L.
- Gideonse H. D.
- Gollnick D. M.
- Hollins E. R.
- Houston W. R.
- Howard T. C.
- Howey K. R.
- Howey K. R.
- Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
- Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
- Ladson-Billings G.
- Linda P. Blanton
- Marleen C. Pugach
- McDiarmid G. W.
- Mildred Boveda
- Murray F. B.
- National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
- National Support Systems Project
- National Support Systems Project
- Ohito E. O.
- Polly D.
- Pugach M. C.
- Pugach M. C.
- Pugach M. C.
- Reynolds M. C.
- Sapon-Shevin M.
- Sikula J.
- Sikula J.
- Sleeter C. E.
- Smith D. C.
- Urban W. J.
- Voltz D.
- Wilson S. M.
- Wisniewski R.
- York J. L.
- Young K. S.
- Yssel N.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.
- Author
- A
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A. Albert P
- A. B
- A. Della
- A. H
- A. P
- A.A.
- Abel Hugo
- Abel Leger
- Abeneour
- Ada Negri
- Adolf Tobler
- AL
- Albert G
- Albert Leon
- Albert Mathiez
- Albert Rennert Hugo
- Aldo
- Aless Chiappelli
- Alessandro
- Alessandro Marasca
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexis B
- Alexis Pitou
- Alfred
- Alfred de Musset Un
- Alfred M
- Alfrede G
- Alfredo Segre
- Alfredo Segre
- Alos Ramon
- Alphonse
- Alphonse Daudet
- Alzola
- Amedeo Arullani Vittorio
- Amelia B
- Amerindo Camilli
- Ancora
- Andre Chenier
- Andre Gide
- Andres Martinez Salazar
- AndĂĽly Robert Eugene Griselle Arnauld
- Angel Marvaud
- Angers
- Annuario
- Anthology S.
- Antoine Barbier
- Antoine Benoifit
- Antoine Chanoux
- Antoine Deresse
- Antoine Heroet
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antonio B
- Aragon Jacques
- Aranzadi
- Aranzadi
- Aranzadi Telesforo
- Archivio
- Arezzo Ugo
- Aristide Marre
- Armas Joso
- Arnaldo A
- Arnaldo Della
- Aroaldo B
- Aron Terraoini Benvenuto
- Arras B
- Arthur Harter
- Arthur Rossat
- Arthur Tilley
- Artur
- Arturo
- Arturo Campion
- Arturo Farinelli
- Aten In
- Atkinson Jenkine T.
- Attinger
- Auguste Angellier
- Auguste Angellier
- Auguste Longnon
- Auguste Vidal
- Augusto L
- Ayala Pero
- Azevedo P.
- Azevedo P.
- B. C
- B. C
- Baccini
- Bada Viana A. R.
- Bagnard
- Bagnard
- Baker A. T.
- Balzac Honore
- Barcelona
- Baron Desazare
- Bartholomaeia V.
- Basto
- Bataille
- BattiĂźta Alberti Leon
- Batz Baron
- Baumann
- Bauval
- Bd.
- Belleza
- Belli
- Ben Croce
- Benedetto Dei
- Benrubi
- Benvenuti
- Berardi
- Bernardo Capello
- Berte
- Berthon H. E.
- Bertinelli S. D. C
- Bi
- Biblioteca
- Biblioteca
- Bibliotheque
- Bildnis S.
- Bildnis S.
- Bindo C
- Binet
- Blanchefleur Flore
- Blanchefleur Flore
- Blanchet
- Boberto Cesei
- Boieeonnade
- Boillot
- Bollettino
- Bonaparte L. L.
- Bonarelli
- Bonfigli
- Bonifaoio Calvo
- Bonne Mire Florian« La
- Bonner Henri
- Boooh-Arkossy
- Borgherini Scarabellin
- Bottini G. II
- Bouchaud Pierre
- Br Freiburg
- Braaoamp Freire
- Braconnier
- Braga Barreiroe
- Brandes
- Bransby
- Brauns
- Brazil
- Bredif
- Bruno
- Bruno Busse
- Bruno E
- Bruxelles
- Bry M.
- BSD N.
- Bucbanan Milton
- Bueey-Babutin
- C
- C.
- C.
- C.
- C. B
- C. B. B
- Ca
- Canaille P
- Caprin Giulio
- Cardinal Peire
- Carlo Zilli
- Caroline Spalding Mary
- Castaldo A.
- Catalina
- Cbampeval
- Cecchi Eugenio
- Cesare Masoara Filippo
- Ch Dangibeaud
- Ch Lecomte
- Ch.
- Ch.
- Ch.
- Ch. B
- Charasson
- Charles
- Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Beauquier
- Charles Colle
- Charles S
- Charles Seignobos
- Charlotte Lady
- Chateaubriand
- ChervoĂĽlot
- Cheze J.-B. L. B
- Chiarini G.
- Chiarini GK A. P
- Chr Pflster
- Christian
- Churchman Philip
- Ciarette
- Cifuentes Vicuna
- Claretie
- Claude Garnier
- Clemente Barbieri
- Clemente Barbieri
- Codecasa
- Colin A.
- Colton M.
- Commedia La Divina
- Comptes
- Comptes
- Comte
- Concetto Marchesi
- Conversazioni
- Coppee
- Corrado Corradino
- Corriere
- Costanzo Binaudo
- Counson
- Courteault
- Cousin
- Crisoetomo Ferrucci
- Crouzet P.
- Crowe
- Cygne Chevalier
- D
- D
- D. A
- D. B
- D. B
- D. B
- Dame Salut Notre
- Danoif
- Dante
- Dante
- Dante
- Dante· Enrico
- Daranatz J. B.
- Das M.
- de Blasi Jolanda
- de Boranger Chansons
- de Charlemagne Enfances
- de Fauvel Roman
- de Hesdin Jehan Acart
- de la Servitude Volontaire Diecours
- de Mendoza Diego Hurtado
- de Montauban Chanson
- de Noblesse Trosor
- de Paris Qeufroi
- de Sainte-Maure Benoit
- de Savoie Heuree
- de Thaon Philippe
- de Thaon Philippe
- de Thoophile Gautier De Pinfluence
- de Troyee Chretien
- de Vega Lope
- de Vüloison Ansäe
- Decreto
- del Olmet Fernando Anton
- del Tassoni Le
- della Domemca Fanfulla
- della Domemca Fanfulla
- Della Giovanna J. II
- della Gioventa In Amicö
- der Sprachen Bd M.
- des Houesayeg Cotton
- Deschamps
- di Ludovico Ariosto L'Erbolato
- di Pesoina Maral
- Dialogue
- Dias
- Die Schriften
- Dienne
- Direttore Agostino
- DL
- DL
- Documents
- Documents
- Dodgson E.
- Domenico Carutti
- Dominguez Arevalo Toraas
- Doutrepont
- Drame
- Du Bellay L'Olive
- du Boudin Dit
- du Lic II.
- Dubarat
- Dudley Frank Colman
- Dumas
- Duoore
- Duprat
- Duschinsky
- Dutil
- Duvoi
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E. C
- E. D
- E. G.
- E. G.
- E. L
- E. M
- E. M
- Eaton Gerothwohl
- Echecs
- Ecole des Hautes-Etudes S.
- Ed Hrkal
- Edmund G.
- Edouard C
- Edward Henry F
- Edward Montier
- El
- El
- El Bolognese
- el Trentino Lingua
- Eleizalde Luis
- Elia F.
- Emil P
- Emile F
- Emile Faguet
- Emile Magne
- Emile Verhaerens Die Gesichter
- Emmanuel Philipot
- Eneae
- Enr Thovez
- Eohaux Bertrand
- Eohegaray
- Ernest Lunel
- Ernest Seiliiere
- Ernesto Monaoi
- Erneut
- Erneut
- Ernst Tappolet
- Ertr S.
- Espagne Mispoulet J.-B.
- Espinohal Comte
- Estr S.
- Etienne Deville
- Ett Malde
- Ettmayer
- Ettore
- Ettore
- Etudes
- Etymologias V. J.
- Etymologies
- Eugene Griselle
- Evera II.
- Extrait du Bull S.
- Ezio Levi
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F. R
- Fabrizio A.
- Faddegon
- Fagniez
- Faul L
- Favitta
- Fazzi Bertino
- Fedeiico Olivero
- Felice Tocco
- Ferd O
- Ferdinand Brunot
- Ferdinande R
- Ferdinando Russo
- Fernand Baldeneperger
- Fernand Cortez
- Fiammetta
- Fiammetta
- Figueroa Francisco
- Filippo O
- Filippon Severino
- Finamore
- Flammarion Paris
- Florian Melcher
- Fontaines Des
- Fortunat Stroswki
- Foulche-Delbosc
- Fournier
- Fr
- Fr Hanssen
- Fr. B
- Francesco Luigi M
- Franz Funck-Brentano
- Frdr Weber
- Fribourg
- Fritz KrĂĽger
- Fritz Strohmeyer
- G
- G.
- G.
- G.
- G. B. P
- G. Dupont
- G. L.
- G. M
- G. S. G
- Gabriel Faure
- Gar Goldoni
- Gargano G.
- Gaston Desohamps
- Gaston Maugras
- Gaulois Le
- Gauvain Enfances
- Gavel
- Gazier
- Geiger Mathias«
- Gentile
- Geopraphie
- Georg Caro
- George
- Georges
- Georges
- Gerig Aneatu John L.
- Gh Bally
- Gh Grandmougin
- Giaoomo S.
- Ginguene
- Giordano Bruno
- Giosuö Carducci
- Giov Boqoacoio
- Giov Segantini
- Giovanni Camerana
- Giovanni Crocioni
- Giovanni Jaffei
- Giovanni Papini
- Giovanni Ptaonik
- Giovanni Rabizzani
- Giovanni Rizzi
- Giraldo
- Giuliani
- Giulio
- Giulio Bertoni
- Giulio Bertoni
- Giulio Bertoni
- Giunio Qaravani
- Gius Tomassetti
- Giuseppe Agnelli
- Giuseppe C
- Giuseppe Peoohio
- Giuseppe Pitrfc
- Giuseppe Tambara
- Giuseppe Tofianin
- Giuseppe V
- Giuseppina Fumagalli
- Gnesio Basapopi
- Gomes Pereira
- Gomez Pereira
- Gottfried Baist
- Goutmann K.
- Graf
- Grassi G.
- Gregorio
- GrĂĽtzner P.
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gualterio C
- Gualterio C
- Guarnerio P. E.
- Guarnerio P.E.
- Guerra D. J.
- Guerra Juan
- Guevara Luie Velez
- Guido Muoni
- Gustave
- Gustave
- Gustave Roiin
- Guy C
- Guynemer
- Gähtgens
- H.
- H.
- H.
- H. C
- H. C
- H. C
- H. Mono
- Habillo
- Haghee Vaganay
- Hanesen
- Harpe La
- Hartmann
- Hayward K
- He Gerghel
- Hegesippe Moreau
- Hegesippe Moreau
- Heidelberg
- Heinrich
- Henri
- Henri B
- Henri B
- Henri Bourgeois
- Henri Cordier Harrisee Henryf
- Henri Fouqueray
- Henri Hauvette
- Henri Liebrecht
- Henri Qheon
- Henri Qheon
- Henri Welschinger
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry Bordeaux
- Henry Coonin
- Henry Guy
- Henry Murger
- Herelle
- Herold A.
- Herzog
- Hevesy Andro
- Hibezzo
- Histoire Nicollet F. N.
- Historische Bibliothek S. M.
- Historische S.
- Holme James
- Hortis Attilio
- Houssaye Henry
- Houssaye Henry
- Huet
- Hugo Schuchardt
- Hugues Vaganay
- Ictterarie In Cronache
- II
- II.
- II.
- Iiorenzo Schiavi
- In Critica
- In Dante
- In Dante
- In Dante
- In Dante
- In Fortnightly
- In GD
- In La
- In Le
- In Les
- In MLR
- In Quellen
- In Rpl
- In Vtrs
- Inez Fauna
- Investigattur
- Ireneo Sanesi
- Italia Scrittori
- Italia Scrittori
- Italienische Forschungen M.
- Iturralde Juan
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J. B
- J. B. D
- J. B. D
- J. C
- J. D
- J. G. P
- Jaberg
- Jac Burokhardt
- Jacques Boulenger
- Jacques Delille
- Jacques Normand
- Jacques R
- Jacquet L.
- James Caterley
- Jan H
- Jchard
- Jean
- Jean
- Jean
- Jean A
- Jean Bonnard
- Jean Carrere
- Jean Deriee
- Jean Dornis
- Jeanroy
- Jesus Teresa
- Joachim Murat Weil M. H.
- Joeo Heredia
- John
- John C. R
- John Fitz Gerald
- John V
- Joseph
- Joseph A
- Joseph Autran
- Joseph Bedier
- Joseph Joubert
- Joseph Turquan
- Juan Tixnoneda
- Jud
- Jud
- Jujio Cejador
- Jul Bierbaum
- Jules Feller
- Jules Marsan
- Julien Vineon
- Julien Vinson
- Julien Vinson
- Julien Vinson
- Julien Vinson
- Kader Salza
- Karl
- Karl B
- Karl Gruber
- Karl W
- Karte
- Kenneth Maokenzie
- Kirschner
- Kont
- Koracsonyi
- Kurt
- L'umorismo
- L.
- L.
- L.
- L.
- L. E. K
- L. G. P
- L. T
- La
- La
- La
- La Guarnerio P. E.
- La Jaoobsen J. P.
- la Lyoorn· Dame
- La S.
- Lacombe G.
- Lambert
- Las Cuebas
- Laurens H.
- Laurent T
- LC
- Le
- Leite
- Lelong Eugene
- Leo Spitzer
- Leon
- Leon
- Leon
- Leonardo da Vinci La
- Leroux
- Les
- Letteratura
- Lily Higgin
- Lippi Lorenzo
- Literatur S.
- Livingeton A.
- Livingston A. A.
- Loga Valerian
- Lombardo Archivio Storico
- Longnon Auguste
- Loopold Medan
- Lor Campana
- Lorme
- Lote
- Louis Daville
- Louis Delpit
- Louis Karl
- Louis M
- Louis Mädel
- Loutchisky
- Loyer Le
- Luciano V
- Luden M
- Luden Maury
- Luden Romier
- Luigi
- Luigi Luoiani
- Lutz R.
- LÂŁon Seche
- L· E.
- L· E.
- L· E.
- L· Medioi
- M
- M
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M. J.
- M. M
- M. S.
- Macdonakl Alden Raymond
- Macedonio Eepinosa Aurelio
- Madame
- Maeterlink
- Mahrenholz
- Marburger S.
- Marcel Frager
- Marcel Reymond
- Marco G
- Marguerite Audoux
- Marguerite Dupont-Chatelain
- Maria Angelica Furtado
- Maria Lombarde Giacomo
- Mario
- Mario Felaez
- Mario Roques
- Mario Rossi
- Marioun la Tonio Teysaier
- Marius
- Marivaux
- Martin Brusot
- Martin Landerreche
- Martin Landerreche
- Martini
- Marzocco In
- Mat Bandello
- Mateo Aleman
- Mateo Aleman
- MathĂĽu
- Maurice Muret
- Maurice Tourneux
- Maurin
- Max Fehr
- Max Prinety S. Rh HO
- Maxime Reymond
- Mdelkader
- Mendaur U.
- Merlin
- Merlo
- Merlo C.
- Meyer Ernst
- Meyer Von Richard
- Meyer-Liibke
- Michele Barbi
- Michelet R. B.
- Miguel Urruzunoko Pedro
- Miohaut
- Mirot
- Mite K
- Mitfioa G.
- Mo
- Mo Laughlin
- Modernismo
- Mohr J. C. B.
- Moline
- Mondon
- Montalembert
- Morgenroth
- Morin D. G.
- Mornety D.
- Morton H. B
- Mrs Ady
- Musik Die
- M·
- MĂĽsset Ed. L
- MĂĽsset Ed. L
- N.
- N.
- N.
- N. S. Nr.
- NA
- Neera
- Nelles
- Neubert
- Niccolini G. B.
- Nioolas Malezieu
- Nobiling
- Notes
- Novati
- Novela
- Nunee J. J.
- O S.
- OB
- Olivares Teodor Llorente
- Olivier
- Onorato Fastine
- Orazio Bacci
- Orlando Montanelli G. F.
- Orlando Orlandini
- Ortzuri Azkue R. M.
- Oscar H
- Ossolana
- Ot
- Otcherki S.
- Ott
- Otto Grautoflf
- Otto Sperling
- P
- P
- P.
- P.
- Pabbo Desfontaines Voltaire
- Pailleron
- Panizzi
- Paolina Leopardi
- Parco Francesco L
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parisienne Lepreux Georges«
- Parodi
- Passerini G. L.
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul Barbier
- Paul C
- Paul Courteault
- Paul Fiat
- Paul G
- Paul Meyer
- Paul Meyer
- Paul Meyer
- Paul Porteau
- Paul S
- Paul S
- PazBi G. G.
- Per
- Per
- Pereira
- Petracconi
- Ph Keiper
- Philippide
- Philologie S. M.
- PhĂĽipon
- Piat
- Picard A.
- Pierre
- Pierre Godet
- Pierre Lhande
- Pierre Mirianisohvili
- Pierrehumbert
- Pietro F
- Pietro Giordani
- Pietro R
- Pietro Zorutti
- Pilot
- Pilot Antonio
- Piohon
- Plaoe La
- Poisson G.
- Pope Mildred
- Porouse Gabriel
- Pratt O.
- Prentout
- Prevost
- Prior BertareUi A.
- PrĂĽderie Loliee
- Päcalä Victor
- Pöittevin Le
- Qander
- Qaston Paris
- Qauchat
- Qeddes J.
- Qiacomo Barsellotti
- Qiaoomo Casanova
- Qiulio Mazzarini
- Qlane
- Qriera
- Quattrini A.
- Quattrini A.
- Quental Anthero
- Quentin-Bauchart
- Quillaume Des Autele
- Quillaume Enfances
- R.
- R. H. G
- Ramiro Ortlz
- Rbli
- Rbli
- Rbli
- Rbli
- Rbti
- Rbti
- Rbti
- Rcr N. S.
- Rcr N. S.
- Rcr NF.
- Rdlr
- Re
- Reboul
- Regnier Henri
- Reichten
- Renato Serra
- Rene Radouant
- Reno Maubert
- Reno Pinon
- Revue
- Revue
- Rhl
- Rhs
- Ricardo Leon
- Riccardo Truffi
- Richard Bagot
- Richelieu
- Risorgimento
- Riv In
- Rivarol
- Ro
- Robert
- Robert Garnier
- Robert Mettig
- Roberto Barbarani
- Robinson Duolaux Mme A.
- Roeeat
- Roger
- Roger Levy
- Rolandslied
- Rolandslied
- Roma
- Romain Yvonne
- Romanische Forschungen Bd S.
- Romanische S.
- Romanische S. M.
- Roueselot
- Rousseau J.
- Rousseau J.-J.
- Rousseau Jean-Jacques
- RR
- Rua Giuseppe
- Rudolf Gutmann
- Rudolf Haberl
- Rumänisch
- Rössel V.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S. Ac
- S. Ac
- S. Ac
- S. BSD
- S. d.
- S. d.
- S. Gsli
- S. Gsli
- S. In Svaghi
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. Rbli
- S. Rbli
- S. Rbli
- S. Rbli
- S. Rcr N. S.
- S. Rdlr
- S. Rdqh
- S.-A.
- Saccenti Santi
- Sahuc
- Saint Pierre
- Saint-Cyr
- Saint-Maurice
- Saint-Point
- Salinger Von R.
- Salomone M
- Salverda
- Salvioni
- Samain
- Sansoni G. C.
- Santillana
- Sarran
- Schinz
- Scriteori
- Scrittori
- Scrittori
- Sermone
- Sforza Cesarini
- Silvio B
- Smith
- Soaeta
- Souchon
- Soulary
- Sperber
- Staaff
- Stanley Leman G
- Stengel
- Stewart
- Storia
- Stourdza Alexandre
- Stuart D.
- Studer
- Suite Notes
- Sulla
- Supplement
- Söderbergh
- Söderbergh
- T.
- Taf S. m.
- Tallez P. A
- Tallgren O.
- Tallgren O.
- Tappöl
- Tappöl
- Tartas Jean
- Tb Gärtner
- Teixeira
- Teofllo Folengo
- Text S.
- Th Gerold
- The Catalan Mascaron Wickersham Crawford J. P.
- The Crawford J. J. W.
- Theodor Kalepky
- Theophile Gautier
- Thomas Piree Antonio
- TI
- Tiktin
- Tinseau Leon
- Tzigara-Samurcas
- TĂśttle E.
- Ugo C
- Uhlenbeok C.
- Uliers Marc
- Un II.
- Una
- Universalgeschichte S. M.
- Urquijo
- Urquijo J.
- Urquijo J.
- Urquijo J.
- Usseglie B. II
- Uuiv Columbia
- V
- V.
- V.
- V. J.
- Val di Magra Lerici
- Vandal Albert
- Vaqueiras Raimbautde
- Vaughan H.
- Vauvenargues Fontenelle
- Vauvenargues Fontenelle
- Veetrepain
- Vega Hermano
- Venturi
- Verhaeren
- Verona
- Verona
- Verrua
- Viau
- Victor Cousin
- Victor Cousin P.
- Victor Du Blöd
- Victor Du Blöd
- Vigne
- Vignoli
- Vigny
- Vincenw
- Vincenze RUSBO
- Vincenzo Carco
- Vinton Julien
- Virgile Rössel
- Vit Alfleri
- Vittoria Aganoor
- Vittoria Aganoor
- Vittorio C
- Vittorio C
- Vittorio Clan
- Vladimiro Zabughin
- Von Benedetto C
- von Pisan Christine
- Väsdrnapi In
- W.
- W.
- Walberg
- Walt Benary
- Walt Percy
- Walther
- Walther K
- Walther K
- Walther KĂĽchler
- Warren F. M.
- Weekley
- Werner Söderhjelm
- Weslowski
- William EvOrett
- Willy Etzrodt
- Wilmotte
- With
- Wohlfahrt
- Wolfgang
- Wolfram
- XI
- Xtodocanachi
- York New
- Zaccagnini
- Zevaco
- Zu Roland
- ÂŁe Flaubert Le
- Ăźalnt-Simon
- Ă–es
- österheld Erich
- ΡΓοανόηςοΙ Vivo
- Publication venue
- 'Walter de Gruyter GmbH'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1912
- Field of study
- Author
- A. Amprimoz
- A. Amprimoz
- A. Blott
- A. Boutelle
- A. Brodie
- A. Feder
- A. Gandolfo
- A. Purdy
- A. Roche
- A.C. Stewart
- A.D. Armitage
- A.E. Davidson
- A.W. Riley
- Acland Lois
- Alianak Hrant
- Allen Robert
- Amprimoz Alexandre
- Andrus David
- Annand Alan Mark
- Aquin Hubert
- Ardies Tom
- Atwood Margaret
- Atwood Margaret
- Aubert Rosemary
- Austin Don
- Avery Martin
- Avison Margaret
- Avison Margaret
- B. Cameron
- B. Daurio
- B. Davies
- B. Fawcett
- B. Godard
- B. Hehner
- B. Kingstone with
- B. Rasporich
- B. Wood
- B. Wood
- B.M. Ewing
- Bailey Alfred G.
- Bailey Bill
- Barbour Douglas
- Bartlett Brian
- Bartlette Sandra
- Bauer William
- Beissel Henry
- Beresford-Howe Constance
- Berton Pierre
- Biderman Ruth
- Bonnie Fred
- Bowering George
- Bowie Douglas
- Boyarsky Abraham
- Brownlow Edward William
- Bullock Michael
- Burns Mary
- Buyukmihci H.S.
- C. Belkin
- C. Hosek
- C. Pagnoulle
- C. Pollack
- C. Rosen
- C. Thomas
- C.H. Gervais
- C.L. Smiley
- C.T. Bissell
- Calder Ruth
- Callaghan Morley
- Canadian
- Carman Bliss
- Carr Emily
- Castillo Charles
- Clark Joan
- Clute John
- Cohen Leonard
- Cohen Matt
- Collier Diana G.
- Colson Theodore
- Corning Emilia
- Crowe Eleanor
- Crowell Peter
- Cuevas Ernesto
- Cull David
- D. Arnason
- D. Barbour
- D. Barbour
- D. Barbour
- D. Bessai
- D. Bessai
- D. Day
- D. Edmonds
- D. Godfrey
- D. Kent
- D. Ketterer
- D. Latham
- D. Livesay
- D. Livesay
- D. Mantz
- D. Mantz
- D. Rubin.
- D.E.D. Downey
- D.J. Dooley
- D.W. Russell
- D.W. Russell
- Dabydeen Cyril
- Dagg Mel
- Davies Ken
- Davies Robertson
- Davies Robertson
- Dawson Fielding
- Denison Merrill
- Deverell Rex
- Dewdney Chris
- Dickinson Don
- Dickinson Mary Lou
- Doran Jane
- Doubt Bryan
- Drabek Jan
- Dudek Louis
- Duncan Sara Jeannette
- Dunmore Spencer
- E. Cameron
- E. Jewinski
- E. Mandel
- E. Mandel
- E. Seidner
- E. Wachtel
- Eggleston Wilfrid
- Egyedi Bela
- Eirikson Irene
- Elves Hazel
- Engel Howard
- Engel Marian
- Enright William
- Evans Cicely Louise
- Everson R.G.
- F. Birbalsingh
- F. Cogswell
- F. Davey
- F. Spitzer
- F. Spoerly
- F. Teague
- Fagan Cary
- Fawcett Brian
- Fawcett Brian
- Fawcett Brian
- Ferguson Trevor
- Ferron Jacques
- Finkenbine Mark
- Fischman Sheila
- Fletcher Peggy
- Fobes Greg
- Ford Cathy
- Frye Northrop
- Frye Northrop
- Fuchs Terry
- G. Geddes
- G. Geddes
- G. Hancock
- G. Hancock
- G. Hancock
- G. Marcotte
- G. McWhirter
- G. Melnyk
- G. Murray
- G. Ryga
- G. Ryga
- G. Woodcock
- G. Woodcock
- G. Woodcock
- Gallant Mavis
- Galt John
- Garsonnin Eric
- Garwood Lana
- Gatenby Greg
- Gauvreau Claude
- Gibbs Robert
- Gilbert Gerry
- Gillis Susan
- Godfrey Dave
- Goldsmith Oliver
- Gorman LeRoy
- Gould Terry
- Govier Katherine
- Gregg John
- Greig Hugh
- Grove Frederick Philip
- Gutteridge Don
- GĂ©rin-Lajoie Antoine
- H. de Santana
- H. Porter
- H.G. Edinger
- Haggerty Joan
- Haig-Brown Roderick
- Haliburton Thomas Chandler
- Haliburton Thomas Chandler
- Halko Irene
- Hall Chipman
- Halperin Irving
- Hamilton Pierce Stevens
- Hamilton Susan L.
- Hardy Isabeth
- Harlow Robert
- Harris John
- Harris Paula
- Harrison Devin
- Hayman Robert
- Heide Christopher
- Heide Christopher
- Hekkanen Ernest
- Hendry Tom
- Hendry Tom
- Hendry Tom
- Hiebert Paul
- Hill Kathy
- Hine Daryl
- Hodgins Jack
- Hollingshead Greg
- Hollingsworth Margaret
- Hood Hugh
- Hooper Mollie
- Horst Roger
- Hosein Jennifer
- Howe Joseph
- Howells Annie
- Hubert Cam
- Hubert Cam
- Huggan Isabel
- Huser Glen
- Hutchison Joe
- HĂ©bert Anne
- I. Balfour
- I. Carrington
- I. Young
- Ingram Alyce
- Ireland Ann
- J. Ball
- J. Baxter
- J. David
- J. Hofsess
- J. Hofsess
- J. Lye
- J. Mallinson
- J. Neufeld
- J. Pivato
- J. Reaney
- J. Sowby
- J.C. Green
- J.H. Rosenburg
- J.M. Kertzer
- J.M. Yates
- J.M. Zezulka
- J.R. Struthers
- J.W. Foster
- J.W. Watson
- Jarvis Thomas Stinson
- Jewinski Hans
- Jiles Paulette
- Johnson G. Bertha
- Jonas George
- Jonas George
- Julian Marilyn
- K. Echlin
- K. Norris
- K. Norris
- K. Radu
- K. Russell
- K. Thompson
- K.J. Hughes
- K.P. Stich
- Keenleyside T.A.
- Kemp Penny
- Kemp Penny
- Kertes Joseph
- Kidd Flora
- Kirby William
- Kleiman Ed'
- Klein A.M.
- Knox Alexander
- Konyves Tom
- Konyves Tom
- Kreisel Henry
- Kreisel Henry
- Kroetsch Robert
- Kumin Maxine
- L. McMullen
- L. Sandler
- L.B. Meckler
- L.C. Gottlieb
- L.M. Shirinian
- Lamb Murray
- Landy Francis
- Lane John
- Lauder Scott
- Laurence Margaret
- Lavoie Stephanie
- Layton Aviva
- Layton Irving
- Layton Irving
- Leacock Stephen
- Leckie Keith
- Lee Dennis
- Lemm Richard
- Leprohon Rosanna
- LeSueur William
- Levis Deanna
- Lewis Ruth C.
- Lipkis Jeff
- Livesay Dorothy
- Longmore George
- Loomer L.S.
- Lowry Margerie Bonner
- Lowther Pat
- M. Acorn
- M. Acorn
- M. Anderson
- M. Atwood
- M. Atwood
- M. Bowering
- M. Boweririg
- M. Dorsinville
- M. Ford
- M. Kennedy
- M. Macina
- M. McLuhan
- M. Micros
- M. Page
- M. Page
- M. Ross
- M. Vipond
- M. Zola
- M.B. Oliver
- M.C. Wilson
- M.G. Hesse
- MacCormack Terry
- Macphail Andrew
- Madott Darlene
- Mahood Maurice
- Mandel Eli
- Mandrake Jill
- Marcotte Gilles
- Margoshes Dave
- Marlatt Daphne
- Marlatt Daphne
- Marshall Joyce
- Marshall Tom
- Mason Mike
- Mathews Laurence
- Mayhew Vic
- McClellan Pat
- McClung Nellie
- McCurry Jim
- McFadden David
- McFadden David
- McKenzie Earl
- McKinnon Barry
- McLean Anne
- McLean James S.
- McLuhan Marshall
- Metcalf John
- Metcalf John
- Mills John
- Minions Stephen
- Mitchell Ken
- Mitchell W.O.
- Mombourquette Michael
- Moore Brian
- Moore Brian
- Moore Ken
- Morton Lionel
- Mowat Farley
- Mrkich Dan
- Munro Alice
- Munro Alice
- Murphy Jeremiah V.
- Musgrave Susan
- N. Carson
- N.W. Fraser
- Neil Al
- Newlove. John
- Nichol B.P.
- Nichol B.P.
- Nichol B.P.
- Nightingale Christine
- Nowlan Alden
- Nowlan Alden
- Nutting Leslie
- O'Flaherty Patrick
- Oates Joyce
- Oates Joyce Carol
- Okun Nicole
- Ondaatje Michael
- Ondaatje Michael
- Ord Douglas
- Orde Lewis
- P. Baltensperger
- P. Hay
- P. Hunt
- P. Monk
- P. Morley
- P. Morley
- P. Quartermain
- P. Stevens
- P. Stevens
- P. Thompson.
- P.F. McNally
- Palmer John
- Parsons Fay
- Petersen Olive MacKay
- Plantos Ted
- Powell Craig
- Pratt E.J.
- Purdy A.
- R. Cameron
- R. Cluett
- R. Fulford
- R. Huebert
- R. LaBonte
- R. Mathews
- R. Page
- R. Siemens
- R. Skelton
- R. Smith
- R. Stuart
- R. Sutherland
- R.A. Lecker
- R.A. Lecker
- R.D. MacDonald
- Raddall Thomas H.
- Radu Kenneth
- Reaney James
- Richards David
- Riches Brenda
- Richler Mordecai
- Riddell John
- Riis Sharon
- Ringwood Gwen Pharis
- Ritter Erika
- Roberts Charles G.D.
- Roberts Charles G.D.
- Roberts Kevin
- Robertson Don
- Robin Skelton
- Robin Donald M.
- Robinson Spider
- Rogers Linda
- Rohmer Richard
- Rooke Constance
- Rose Mildred A.
- Ross D.
- Ross James
- Ross Veronica
- Ross W.W.E.
- Rosta Helen
- Rowdon Larry
- S. Bonnycastle
- S. Clarkson
- S. Djwa
- S. Hatfield
- S. Martin
- S. Morrison
- S. Nagarajan
- S. Solecki
- S. Solecki
- S. Symons
- S.E. Grace
- S.J. Wilson
- Salmaniw Stephen
- Sandor Karl
- Sangster Charles
- Saul John
- Schoemperlen Diane
- Schroeder Andreas
- Schweers Gordon
- Scott Duncan Campbell
- Scott Duncan Campbell
- Scott F.R.
- Seal Graham
- Service Robert W.
- Seton Ernest Thompson
- Seán Virgo
- Sharpe. David
- Sherman K.J.
- Sherman Ken
- Sherrin Robert G.
- Shields Carol
- Shirinian Lorne M.
- Simmie Lois
- Simpson Gregg
- Simpson Leo
- Slater Ian
- Smith A.J.M.
- Smith D.C.
- Smith D.L.M.
- Souster Raymond
- Stange Kenneth
- Staniforth Richard
- Station F.
- Stead Robert
- Stein David
- Stein Louise
- Stenson Fred
- Stephen Sid
- Stevens Peter
- Stevenson Lionel
- Stewart A.C.
- Sturmanis Dona
- Such
- Suthren Victor
- Symons Scott
- Symons T.H.B.
- Szumigalski Anne
- T. Hendry
- T. Marshall
- T. Marshall
- T. Marshall
- T. Marshall
- T. Quigley
- T. Stephenson
- T. Wayman
- T.D. MacLulich
- T.D. MacLulich
- T.E. Tausky
- T.Q. Dombrowski
- Teed Roy
- Templeton Charles
- Thomas Audrey
- Thompson James
- Thompson John R.
- Thompson Kent
- Tippett Maria
- Tocque Philip
- Traill Catherine Parr
- Tupper Dorothy
- V. Boland
- Valgardson W.D.
- Valgardson W.D.
- Van der Schel Sjors
- Van Dyck Henry
- Van Rjndt Philippe
- Virgo Sean
- Vlahov Ed
- W. Cude
- W. Cude
- W. Kirkconnell
- W. Pache
- W.H. New
- W.H. New
- Wade John Stevens
- Walker Doris
- Walters Harold N.
- Waltner-Toews David
- Ward Frederick
- Watmough David
- Watt F.W.
- Weinzweig Helen
- Wheatley Patience
- White Marilyn
- Whyte Don
- Wiebe Armin
- Wiebe Rudy
- Wilford M.
- Wilson Ethel
- Windsor Robert
- Woodcock George
- Wreggitt Andrew
- Wright Doug
- Wright Richard B.
- Wynand Derk
- Young David
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study