25 research outputs found

    Juveniles as victims of criminal acts committed under the misuse of computer network

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    The fact is that technological development has improved many aspects of life, but at the same time, according to the principle of a double-edged sword, it created justifiable fear in view of the numerous negative consequences of its misuse. A special segment of technological development where such misuses are increasingly present are computer networks. Such fear is further expressed when it comes to juveniles, who, due to the characteristics of this development period, represent easy targets, which often leads to serious and long-term consequences. Although this category of people, as a rule, works well with such innovations, their inexperience can easily put them in danger. For the above reasons, this problem should be approached from a theoretical point of view. It seems that questions that have been discussed in this paper deserve special attention: the impact of internet dependency on victimization; typology of juvenile victims; characteristics of victims of internet pedophilia. The use of meta-analysis has resulted in the synthesis of the results of existing research and attitudes, which served as a basis for a critical review and an attempt to give a modest contribution to solving these issues

    Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of soybean seeds extracts

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    Plants are a good source of natural antioxidants and could provide protection against harmful free radicals. Phenolic compounds were found to be an important part of human diet and are considered as active principles in many medicinal and agricultural plants. Detailed information about health-promoting components of different soybean cultivars could lead to a better understanding and an increased consumption of this crop, including its use in functional foods. The objective of this study was to determine total phenolics, total tannins, total flavonoids and antioxidant capacity with different assays of five Serbian soybean cultivars (Merkur, Sava, Valjevka, Venera and Victoria) extracted with three different solvents (70% acetone, 70% ethanol and 70% methanol). Total phenolics varied among cultivars and among applied solvents. Antioxidant properties highly depended on a solvent used for extraction. Such results highlight an existing variability in soybean seeds and emphasise the need to evaluate diversity and to support conventional breeding programs to improve soybean nutritional value


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    Venous leg ulcers represent a significant public health problem that will increase as the population ages. Numerous herbs and their extracts are potentially conducive to wound healing, including the ability to serve as antimicrobial, antifungal, astringent etc. The aim of the study was to establish the in-vivo antimicrobial effects of herbal hydrogel formulation DermaplantG. The major components of the DermaplantG were the extracts of Allii bulbus, Hyperici herba and extract of Calendulae flos. A total of 12 patients with non-infected venous leg ulcers were treated twice daily, for 5 weeks, with new hydrogel formulation. All ulcers showed clinical signs of contamination or colonization without signs of systemic infection. Premoistening the swab with sterile saline was considered when the surface of the wound was dry. The tip of the swab was rolled on its side in a zigzag pattern for at least one full rotation. Standard methods for isolation and identification of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were used. On baseline assessment, a large number of different types of bacteria were detected in all venous leg ulcers. S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were isolated from almost all controls.On baseline, mixed bacterial flora (50%) was isolated in six venous leg ulcers (five ulcers with S. aureus-P. aeruginosa and one ulcer with E.coli-Enterobacter spp-P.aeruginosa). At the end of the treatment in DermaplantG group in 8 venous ulcers were detected S. aureus (66.66%) and P. aeruginosa (16.66%), and one venous leg ulcers was detected as sterile (8.33%). The number of different types of isolated bacterial species decreased significantly (P<0.05) after the use of DermaplantG herbal preparations. Therapy in DermaplantG group was administered without any side effects.The preliminary results of this pilot study demonstrate potential antimicrobial effects of herbal therapy on non-infected venous leg ulcers


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    Venous leg ulcers represent a significant public health problem that will increase as the population ages. A wide variety of agents are available for the treatment of venous leg ulcers, including ointments and dressings. Numerous herbs and their extracts are potentially conducive to wound healing, including the ability to serve as an antimicrobial, antifungal, astringent and etc.The aim of the study was to establish the healing effects of herbal therapy on non-infected venous leg ulcers. The major components of the DermaplantG were extract of Allii bulbus, Hyperici herba and extract of Calendulae flos. In the study were included 18 patients with venous leg ulcers treated by DermaplantG herbal therapy. Our investigation focused on the five controls (baseline, 1st , 3rd, 5th 7th weeks) of the parameters changes important for ulcer healing: wound surface area and reduction of venous leg ulcer score (fibrin deposits, exudation and eczema). Within-treatment analysis showed that, following DermaplantG herbal treatment, there was a significant decrease in surface leg ulcer and venous leg ulcer score after 7th treatment week (P < 0.05). The results of this pilot study demonstrate healing and antimicrobiologic efects of herbal therapy on non-infected venous leg ulcer

    Delayed harvesting of soybean: effects on pod shattering and seed germination

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    elayed harvesting on pod shattering and seed germination were investigated. Unfavorable conditions (high temperature during reproductive period and a small amount of rainfall) caused poorer seed quality, higher shattering, more excessive losses in germination with later harvesting. Considering pod shattering, it begins the second week after maturation in early varieties Ranka and Panonka, and in the third week for later varieties Balkan and Vojvodjanka, increasing rapidly, particularly under unfavourable conditions. Declined germination ability was observed in all varieties in both years, but it is stronger in early varieties under unfavourable conditions. Regression coefficients in 1994 and 1995 for the variety Ranka were b=-1.02 and b = -0.43, for Panonka b =-0.33 and b = -0.40, for Balkan b = - 0.50 and b = -0.07 and for Vojvodjanka b = -0.52 and b=-0.01

    Analysis of activity of nitrogen metabolism enzymes on grain yield and content of soluble proteins in soybean

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    Field and laboratory tests were performed in 1995 in order to find out the effect of interdependance of enzyme activity of nitrogen metabolism on grain yield and content of soluble proteins in soybean. The activities of all three tested enzymes (nitrogenase, NG; nitrate reductase, NR and glutamate dehydrogenase, GDH) were in negative correlation with grain yield and in positive correlation with the content of soluble proteins. Path coefficient analysis showed that direct effect of NG activity was positive when compared to both tested characteristics, while the direct effects of NR and GDH were negative

    MALDI TOF Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Collagen

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    Collagen is the most frequently occuring fibrillar protein in mammals, which can be found in cartilage, tendon, bone, ligament, skin, etc. The structure of collagen is based on a complicated helix structure of single chains of amino acids (most abundant is glicine-Gly, proline-Pro and hydroxyproline-Hyp) which are connected by hydrogen bonds. We tried to establish MALDI method to get better resolution of collagenā€™s mass spectra. Digested collagen (type II from bovine Achilles tendon which was digested with collagenase from Clostridium histolycium) has been analysed on MALDI-TOF MS in order to find peptideā€™s fragments that are characteristic for collagen. In mass spetra we found peaks of peptides, which is highly indicative for collagen (GlyPro-Hyp, Gly-Pro-Asp, Gly-Pro-Glu ect.) We hope that it should be possible to obtain MS analysis and structure characterization of collagen by MALDI-TOF/TOF in future

    Changes in polyphenols content in soybean (Glycine max L.) and thornapple (Datura stramonium L.) after treatment with the herbicides and Delfan Plus

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    Korovi predstavljaju veliki problem u proizvodnji soje i limitirajući su faktor za visoke i stabilne prinose. Poslednjih godina se smanjuje broj registrovanih herbicida u soji zbog ekotoksikoloÅ”kih i ekonomskih razloga, poÅ”to se smanjuju povrÅ”ine pod sojom koja nije genetski modifikovana. NajčeŔća kombinacija herbicida za suzbijanje korova u soji posle nicanja useva i korova je Pulsar 40 i Harmony 75WG. Međutim, ukoliko se herbicidi primenjuju pri viÅ”im temperaturama mogu da dovedu do stresa kod soje, prolazne fitotoksičnosti i smanjenja prinosa. Delfan Plus je biostimulator sa visokim sadržajem aminokiselina koji može da se koristi u kombinaciji sa herbicidima. Nakon primene Delfana Plus tretirane biljke lakÅ”e sintetiÅ”u neophodne proteine koji će omogućiti brže prevazilaženje stresa. Preporučuje se preventivna i kurativna primena pri različitim stresnim uslovima kao Å”to su: visoke i niske temperature, oÅ”tećenje od leda, primena herbicida itd. Cilj rada je da se ispita da li dolazi do promene sadržaja fenolnih jedinjenja (ukupnih fenola, tanina, flavonoida i proantocijanidina), i fitotoksičnosti kod soje, i u korovu u usevu soje ā€“ tatuli, između tretiranih biljaka sa herbicidima u kombinaciji sa i bez Delfan Plus, tj. da li Delfan Plus smanjuje stres kod biljaka soje koje su tretirane herbicidima pri visokoj temperaturi. Određen je stepen fitotoksičnosti i prinos soje