47 research outputs found

    Agrimod: The Agricultural Modelling Knowledge Hub Website

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    Agrimod is a new web-based Agricultural Modelling Knowledge Hub covering crop, livestock and trade models and the data they require, plus a wide range of supporting tools and resources. The purpose is to address the growing need, particularly in developing countries, of building national capabilities for researching agriculture and food security using models. To support research in this area, Agrimod provides a facility enabling users to access information and data needed to more successfully develop and employ agricultural modelling. Registered users can add new information about models, data, case studies, training, funding sources etc., whilst also being able to edit existing content  and contribute to discussion threads on key modelling issues. It will serve as a model, data and case study inventory. The vision is to unite the existing agricultural modelling community by providing a platform whereby models can be showcased, their applications discussed and new collaborations built, streamlining the process by which new model activities are developed. Moreover, Agrimod is intended to be a user–friendly information portal to people in other areas of research or new to agricultural modelling, looking to develop skills and acquire first-hand knowledge on agricultural modelling research. Thus Agrimod serves as a central knowledge hub for information on agricultural modelling activities worldwide and can be used by MACSUR as a complimentary information dissemination tool

    Information to support input data quality and model improvement

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    Data quality is a key factor in determining the quality of model estimates and hence a models’ overall utility. Good models run with poor quality explanatory variables and parameters will produce meaningless estimates. Many models are now well developed and have been shown to perform well where and when good quality data is available. Hence a major limitation now to further use of models in new locations and applications is likely to be the availability of good quality data. Improvements in the quality of data may be seen as the starting point of further model improvement, in that better data itself will lead to more accurate model estimates (i.e. through better calibration), and it will facilitate reduction of model residual error by enabling refinements to model equations. This report sets out why data quality is important as well as the basis for additional investment in improving data quality

    Development of a common set of methods and protocols for assessing and communicating uncertainties

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    This reports sets out an outline approach to create definitions of uncertainty and how it might be classified. This is not a prescriptive approach rather it should be seen as a starting point from which further development can be made by consensus with CropM partners and across MACSUR Themes. We propose both a numerical quantification of uncertainty and text based classification scheme. The rational is to be able to both establish the terms and definitions in quantifying the impact of uncertainty on model estimates and have a scheme to enable identification of connectivity between types and sources of uncertainty. The aim is to establish a common set of terms and structure within which they operate that can be used to guide work within CropM.

    Standardised methods and protocols based on current best practices to conduct sensitivity analysis

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    The purpose of this report is to propose a general procedure for sensitivity analysis when used to evaluate system sensitivity to climate change, including uncertainty information. While sensitivity analysis has been largely used to evaluate how uncertainties in inputs or parameters propagate through the model and manifest themselves in uncertainties in model outputs, there is much less experience with sensitivity analysis as a tool for studying how sensitive a system is to changes in inputs. This report should help make clear the differences between these two uses of sensitivity analysis, and provide guidance as to the procedure for using sensitivity analysis for evaluating system sensitivity to climate change

    Standardised methods and protocols based on current best practices to conduct sensitivity analysis

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    The purpose of this report is to propose a general procedure for sensitivity analysis when used to evaluate system sensitivity to climate change, including uncertainty information. While sensitivity analysis has been largely used to evaluate how uncertainties in inputs or parameters propagate through the model and manifest themselves in uncertainties in model outputs, there is much less experience with sensitivity analysis as a tool for studying how sensitive a system is to changes in inputs. This report should help make clear the differences between these two uses of sensitivity analysis, and provide guidance as to the procedure for using sensitivity analysis for evaluating system sensitivity to climate change

    Communication strategy, including design of tools for more effective communication of uncertainty

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    Communication is the key link between the generation of information by MACSUR about the uncertainty of climate change impacts on future food security and how information is used by decision makers. It is therefore important to make available the common tools for reporting uncertainty, with a discussion of the advantages or difficulties of each. That is the purpose of this report

    Identification and quantification of differences between models

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    A major goal of crop model inter-comparison is model improvement, and an important intermediate step toward that goal is understanding in some detail how models differ, and the consequences of those differences. This report is intended as a first attempt at describing possible techniques for relating differences between model outputs to specific aspects of the models

    Assessment of the ClimGen stochastic weather generator at Cameroon sites

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    Simulation of agricultural risk assessment and environmental management requires long series of daily weather data for the area being modelled. Acquiring and formatting this data can be very complex and time-consuming. This has led to the development of weather generation procedures and tools. Weather generators can produce time series of synthetic weather data of any length, interpolating observed data to produce synthetic weather data at new sites. Any generator must be tested to ensure that the data that it produces is satisfactory for the purposes for which it is to be used. The aim of this paper is to test a commonly used weather generator, ClimGen (version 4.1.05) at eight sites with contrasting climates in Cameroon. Statistical test were conducted, including t-test and F-test, to compare the differences between generated weather data versus 25 years observed weather data. The results showed that the generated weather series was similar to the observed data for its distribution of monthly precipitation and its variances, monthly means and variance of minimum and maximum air temperatures. Based on the results from this study, it can be concluded that ClimGen performs well in the simulation of weather statistics in Cameroon.Keywords: Weather generators, weather data, Cameroon, climate chang

    Protocol for model evaluation

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    This deliverable focuses on the development of methods for model evaluation in order to have unambiguous indications derived from the use of several evaluation metrics. The information about model quality is aggregated into a single indicator using a fuzzy expert system that can be applied to a wide range of model estimates where suitable test data are available. This is a cross-cutting activity between CropM (C1.4) and LiveM (L2.2)

    Deliberative processes for comprehensive evaluation of agro-ecological models

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    Biophysical models are acknowledged for examining interactions of agro-ecological systems and fostering communication between scientists, managers and the public. As the role of models grows in importance, there is an increase in the need to assess their quality and performance (Bellocchi et al., 2010). However, the heterogeneity of factors influencing model outputs makes it difficult a full assessment of model features. Where models are used with or for stakeholders then model credibility depends not only on the outcomes of well-structured statistical evaluation but also less tangible factors may need to be addressed using complementary deliberative processes. To expand our horizons in the evaluation of crop and grassland models, approaches have been reviewed with emphasis on using combined metrics. Comprehensive evaluation of simulation models was developed to integrate expectations of stakeholders via a weighting system where lower and upper fuzzy bounds are applied to a set of evaluation metrics. A questionnaire-based survey helped understanding the multi-faceted knowledge and experience required and the substantial challenges posed by the deliberative process. MACSUR knowledge hub holds potential to advance in good modelling practice in relation with model evaluation (including access to appropriate software tools), an activity which is frequently neglected in the context of time-limited projects