21 research outputs found

    Biological efficacy evaluation of larvicide formulations in mosquito (Diptera, Culicidae) control

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    Na globalnom i lokalnom nivou, komarci se svrstavaju u grupu najznaĉajnijih molestanata i vektora patogena ĉoveka i ţivotinja, prouzrokovaĉa oboljenja sa ĉestim smrtnim ishodom, kao što su malarija, ţuta groznica, groznica zapadnog Nila, denga i ĉikungunja. Hematofagni reţim ishrane ţenki komaraca na ljudima i ţivotinjama je deo ponašanja koje ih ĉini toliko vaţnim sa aspekta javnog zdravlja, jer već tokom uzimanja prvog obroka krvi one mogu usvojiti i patogene iz zaraţenog domaćina. Cirkulacija virusa zapadnog Nila u ljudima, pticama, konjima i komarcima je nedavno potvrĊena na prostoru Srbije tokom nekoliko uzastopnih godina. Vrsta koju karakterišu osobine visoko kompetentnog vektora je kućni komarac, odnosno domaća vrsta Culex pipiens complex. Vrsta je prisutna u svim delovima Srbije i veoma rasprostranjena u širokom spektru akvatiĉnih razvojnih staništa.  Druga veoma znaĉajna je invazivna vrsta Aedes albopictus. Ova invazivna vrsta uspešno prenosi patogene prouzrokovaĉe gore pomenutih oboljenja u Evropi.  U programima suzbijanja komaraca neophodno je dopuniti strategiju prilagoĊenu suzbijanju komaraca molestanata strategijom suzbijanja vektora, koja podrazumeva prilagoĊavanje i podizanje efikasnosti metoda koje će se koristiti u cilju bolje i brţe kontrole. Za razliku od većine zemalja Evrope gde se zadovoljavajuća efikasnost u suzbijanju komaraca ostvaruje samo larvicidnim tretmanima u Srbiji se to još ne postiţe, ĉak i pored prekomerne i rastuće aplikacije adulticida. Planiranje i sprovoĊenje akcija suzbijanja komaraca treba da bude prilagoĊeno novonastalim potrebama suzbijanja vektora. Prilikom opredeljivanja i izrade planova i programa suzbijanja komaraca u Srbiji bilo bi potrebno da se uspostavi suzbijanje komaraca koje će biti precizno prilagoĊeno lokalnim uslovima, ekonomiĉno, efikasno i koje će minimalno uticati na narušavanje prirodne ravnoteţe u ruralnim i urbanim staništima.  Cilj ovog istraţivanja je evaluacija biološke efikasnosti i procena perzistentnosti delovanja formulacija ciromazina, diflubenzurona, piriproksifena i polidimetilsiloksana u funkciji supresije dve veoma vaţne molestantske i vektorske vrste komaraca, Cx. pipiens complex i Ae. albopictus.  Opredeljena su tri razliĉita tipa regulatora rasta i razvoja insekata (IGR)- ciromazin, piriproksifen i diflubenzuron kao standard/komparativna aktivna materija (hemijski metod), a potom i polidimetilsiloksana (fiziĉki metod). Mehanizam delovanja IGR agenasa zasnovan je na ometanju hormonskog balansa u telu insekta ili prekidu normalnih funkcija vezanih za proces presvlaĉenja koji se dalje reperkutuju na ometanje i prekid normalnih tokova fizioloških funkcija, rezultirajući smrtnim ishodom tretiranog insekta. Selektovane su formulacije granula na ekološki prihvatljivim, biodegradabilnim nosaĉima (zeolit, kukuruzna koĉanka i Biodac, komercijalni nosaĉ na bazi reciklirane hartije). Biološka efikasnost formulacija ciromazina, piriproksifena i diflubenzurona ocenjivana je na larvama vrste Cx. pipiens complex u laboratorijskim uslovima, nakon ĉega je ciromazin ocenjivan u poluprirodnim uslovima (u plastiĉnim buradima). Potom su granule ciromazina i diflubenzurona opredeljene za nastavak evaluacije u poljskim eksperimentima (u drenaţnim kanalima semiruralne sredine).  Aquatain AMF je preparat novijeg datuma na bazi silikona (polidimetilsiloksan), koji na površini vode stvara monomolekularni film, a od nedavno EU komisija ga uvrštava u grupu biocida za suzbijanje komaraca. Ovaj monomolekularni film ometa i prekida normalan razvoj juvenilnih stadijuma komaraca redukujući površinski napon vode. Na ovaj naĉin onemogućena je respiracija akvatiĉnih formi komaraca. Smatra se da ovaj agens uzrokuje „multistage― efekat, utiĉući na sve stadijume razvića tretirane populacije komaraca.  Sve testirane granule regulatora rasta su pokazale visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju vrste Cx. pipiens complex. Granule ciromazina su ukazale direktnu vezu primenjene doze i efikasnosti. Zabeleţena je visoka i perzistentna efikasnost granula sa sadrţajem aktivne materije ciromazina od 2 % u odnosu na granule sa niţim sadrţajem ciromazina (0.5%). Granule sa 2% ciromazina su zadrţale visoku efikasnost tokom dva meseca u laboratorijskim uslovima. Primenjene granule diflubenzurona (1% a.m) i piriproksifena (0.5% a.m) su takoĊe postigle supresiju celokupne eksponirane populacije (mortalitet 100%), ali su ovi IGR zahtevali duţi period za postizanje maksimalnog efakta. Zadovoljavajuću efikasnost (LT90) najbrţe su postigle granule ciromazina 2, potom diflubenzuron, dok je najsporije delovanje zabeleţeno primenom piriproksifena.  Testirane granule nisu flotirale, te je sve do optimizacije ove formulacije potrebno ograniĉiti njihovu primenu na razvojna staništa komaraca sa ĉvrstom strukturom dna (npr. veštaĉki recipijenti vode svih zapremina), gde ne postoji mogućnost gubljenja apliciranih granula usled zamuljivanja.  Aquatain AMF je pokazao visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju larvi i lutki obe ciljne vrste Cx. pipiens complex i Ae. albopictus u laboratorijskim uslovima. MeĊutim, kućni komarac je pokazao veći stepen osetljivosti na prisustvo Aquatain AMF sloja u odnosu na tretiranu invazivnu vrstu. Najveća senzitivnost obe vrste na monomolekularni sloj zabeleţena je u poslednjem larvenom stupnju i stadijumu lutke. Senzitivnost testiranih vrsta u stadijumu lutke se nije meĊusobno razlikovala. Primenjen u veštaĉkim recipijentima vode, ovaj preparat obezbeĊuje visok stepen supresije (100%) tretirane populacije obe vrste. Aplikacijom u kanalima redukuje populaciju kućnog komarca u trajanju od 21 dan (u kanalu gusto obraslim vegetacijom) pa sve do 56 post tretman dana (u kanalu na ĉijoj vodenoj površini ništa ne remeti celovitost apliciranog sloja), u zavisnosti od abiotiĉkih i biotiĉkih faktora koji ometaju postojanost monomolekularnog sloja. U preporuĉenoj i duploj dozi od 1, odnosno 2 mL/m2, preparat ne prevenira ovipoziciju dugoroĉno (maksimalno do nedelju dana), ali onemogućava razvoj larvi iz jaja poloţenih na film. Kada je testirana 10 puta veća doza, utvrĊeno je da Aquatain AMF onemogućava polaganje jaja u trajanju od 19 dana.  UvoĊenje evaluiranih, novih supstanci u programe suzbijanja juvenilnih stadijuma razvoja komaraca, pre nego što doĊe do pojave odraslih formi, svakako predstavlja opravdanu mogućnost za proširenje izbora supstanci koje postoje na trţištu u Srbiji.  Urbane zone se smatraju kritiĉnim taĉkama za suzbijanje komaraca obe navedene vrste jer usled mnogobrojnih izvorišta i povoljnih uslova razvoja (temperatura vode), blizine velikog broja potencijalnih domaćina, dolazi do kontinuiranog polaganja jaja,  odnosno formiranja više generacija tokom sezone, koje se meĊusobno preklapaju. Adekvatna primena ocenjivanih biocidnih agenasa prilagoĊena tipu razvojnog staništa dve najznaĉajnije urbane vrste komaraca omogućila bi smanjenje broja tretmana u poreĊenju sa primenom kako konvencionalnih tako i bioloških larvicida DatumMosquitoes are globally and locally most significant molestants and vectors, transmitting pathogens which may cause humans’ and animals’ severe diseases like West Nile Fever, yellow fever, malaria, dengue and chikungunya frequently with fatal outcome. Mosquito females regular behaviour pattern which includes haematophagous feeding regime on humans and animals gave them highly significant role in public health. Females may intake pathogens at first blood meal on infected host. West Nile Virus circulation in humans, birds, horses and mosquitoes on the Serbian territory has been recently confirmed in several consecutive years. The major highly competent vector is house mosquito, Culex pipiens complex. The species is widely distributed in all parts of Serbia, inhabiting diverse aquatic breeding sites. Invasive, widespread Aedes albopictus is one of the most important vector species of severe human and animal diseases in Europe.  Within mosquito control programs it is essential to modify the strategy of molestant control by vector control, which implies adaptations and optimisations of available methods’ efficacy aiming to the enhanced and faster mosquito suppression/control. Opposite to the most European countries which succeed satisfying mosquito suppression level only by larvicide treatments, Serbia has not reached that level yet, regardless excessive and increasing adulticides treatments in our country. Mosquito control methods should be planed and implemented according to the most recent surveillance of mosquito vector species. Mosquito control plans and programs in Serbia should be precisely based on local conditions and enable economically, ecologically, highly effective meassures which will minimize the negative impact to the equilibrium of the non-target aquatic biota and other organisms that could be endangered by eco-toxicological aspects of applied products into waters of rural and urban areas.  The main objectives of this study aimed to evaluate available larvicide efficacy (cyromazine, diflunbenzuron, pyriproxyfen and polydimethylsiloxane) and to determine susceptibility of the juvenile forms of Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus populations to the applied compounds, but also to determine product persistence/longevity in mosquito population reduction treatments.  As a part of chemical control three different Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) types were selected- cyromazine, pyriproxyfen and diflubenzuron as standard/comparative active ingradient. Additionally, silicone (polydimethylsiloxane) based product Aquatain AMF, aimed for physical control, was evaluated.  Mode of IGRs action consists of hormonal disbalance or regular molting process disturbance that reflects to disorder or break of normal physiological functions, resulting by insect death. Aquatain AMF is a silicone-based monomolecular film (polydimethylsiloxane), novel tool, and recently-approved product in the EU for mosquito control affecting mosquitoes’ aquatic developmental stages. AMF spreads spontaneously and rapidly over a water surface. The physical mode of action based on lowering water surface tension prevents mosquito larvae/pupae respiration. Subsequently, AMF disables gravid females to land on the water surface and obstructs the natural oviposition process. According to the multiple effects on all immature mosquito stages, AMF can reduce mosquito density. All selected IGR formulation were granules consisted of ecologically suitable, biodegradable carriers (zeolite, corn cob and Biodac, commercial carrier made of recycled paper). Biological efficacy of all tested IGRs was evaluated in laboratory conditions and subsequently cyromazine was tested in semi-field experiments (in plastic barrels). Following findings obtained cyromazine and diflubenzuron granules were evaluated under field conditions (ditches/channels semirural location).  Tested IGR granules showed high efficacy in Cx. pipiens complex control. Cyromazine granules applied doses were directly equivalent to its efficacy. Granules with 2% cyromazine demonstrated higher, faster and more persistent efficacy comparing to the granules with lower cyromazine content (0.5 %).  Cyromazine 2 granules were two months highly effective against Cx. pipiens juveniles in laboratory conditions. Applied diflubenzuron (1% a.i.) and pyriproxyfen (0.5% a.i.) granules caused complete population reduction (mortality 100%). However, diflubenzuron and pyriproxyfen required longer period to cause same rate of effectiveness. Satisfying efficacy level (LT90) cyromazine achieved more rapidly than other evaluated IGRs. Slowest activity of tested products was recorded in pyriproxyfen treatment.  Bias of all tested IGR formulations were their inability to float. Therefore, until optimised, application of IGR granular formulation should be limited to aquatatic breeding sites with solid base structure (e.g. artificial water recipient, regardless of volume), in which granules would not be lost in mud after they sink from water surface.  Aquatain AMF achieved high mortality rates of juvenile stages of both Ae. albopictus and Cx. pipiens under laboratory conditions. However, Cx. pipiens larvae showed higher susceptibility to AMF compared to Ae. albopictus. The impact on pupae was not different between species. Pupae of both species were highly susceptible. Applied in artificial water recipients, Aquatain AMF inhibits completely (100%) population eclosion to the adult stage of Ae. albopictus. In field conditions Aquatain AMF longevity to suppress Cx. pipiens complex population was estimated in range from 21 to 56 post treatment days, depending on abiotic and biotic factors disturbing applied monomolecular layer.  Recommended dose of this product will not prevent females’ oviposition in a longterm (maximum seven days), but will unable juvenile development hatched from eggs after oviposited on monomolecular layer. Increased dose (10 fold) provides long-term oviposition prevention. Females would be 19 days unable to lay eggs on 10 mL/m2 thick layer.  Implementation of tested novel mosquito control agents which prevent juvenile stages development to adult stage justify possibility of increasing available products of biocides for a sound vector control.  Urban breeding sites are critical and complex to control mosquitoes because of continuous seasonal availability of water bodies and suitable temperatures (frequently higher than in rural areas). Additionally, vicinity of densely populated hosts (humans), generates enormous populations with overlapping generations and presence of all developmental stages from April to October. Adequate selection and application of evaluated biocide agents, adapted to the Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus breeding site types would decrease required number of treatments comparing to conventional and biological biocides, especially treatments in urban areas

    Biological efficacy evaluation of larvicide formulations in mosquito (Diptera, Culicidae) control

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    Na globalnom i lokalnom nivou, komarci se svrstavaju u grupu najznaĉajnijih molestanata i vektora patogena ĉoveka i ţivotinja, prouzrokovaĉa oboljenja sa ĉestim smrtnim ishodom, kao što su malarija, ţuta groznica, groznica zapadnog Nila, denga i ĉikungunja. Hematofagni reţim ishrane ţenki komaraca na ljudima i ţivotinjama je deo ponašanja koje ih ĉini toliko vaţnim sa aspekta javnog zdravlja, jer već tokom uzimanja prvog obroka krvi one mogu usvojiti i patogene iz zaraţenog domaćina. Cirkulacija virusa zapadnog Nila u ljudima, pticama, konjima i komarcima je nedavno potvrĊena na prostoru Srbije tokom nekoliko uzastopnih godina. Vrsta koju karakterišu osobine visoko kompetentnog vektora je kućni komarac, odnosno domaća vrsta Culex pipiens complex. Vrsta je prisutna u svim delovima Srbije i veoma rasprostranjena u širokom spektru akvatiĉnih razvojnih staništa.  Druga veoma znaĉajna je invazivna vrsta Aedes albopictus. Ova invazivna vrsta uspešno prenosi patogene prouzrokovaĉe gore pomenutih oboljenja u Evropi.  U programima suzbijanja komaraca neophodno je dopuniti strategiju prilagoĊenu suzbijanju komaraca molestanata strategijom suzbijanja vektora, koja podrazumeva prilagoĊavanje i podizanje efikasnosti metoda koje će se koristiti u cilju bolje i brţe kontrole. Za razliku od većine zemalja Evrope gde se zadovoljavajuća efikasnost u suzbijanju komaraca ostvaruje samo larvicidnim tretmanima u Srbiji se to još ne postiţe, ĉak i pored prekomerne i rastuće aplikacije adulticida. Planiranje i sprovoĊenje akcija suzbijanja komaraca treba da bude prilagoĊeno novonastalim potrebama suzbijanja vektora. Prilikom opredeljivanja i izrade planova i programa suzbijanja komaraca u Srbiji bilo bi potrebno da se uspostavi suzbijanje komaraca koje će biti precizno prilagoĊeno lokalnim uslovima, ekonomiĉno, efikasno i koje će minimalno uticati na narušavanje prirodne ravnoteţe u ruralnim i urbanim staništima.  Cilj ovog istraţivanja je evaluacija biološke efikasnosti i procena perzistentnosti delovanja formulacija ciromazina, diflubenzurona, piriproksifena i polidimetilsiloksana u funkciji supresije dve veoma vaţne molestantske i vektorske vrste komaraca, Cx. pipiens complex i Ae. albopictus.  Opredeljena su tri razliĉita tipa regulatora rasta i razvoja insekata (IGR)- ciromazin, piriproksifen i diflubenzuron kao standard/komparativna aktivna materija (hemijski metod), a potom i polidimetilsiloksana (fiziĉki metod). Mehanizam delovanja IGR agenasa zasnovan je na ometanju hormonskog balansa u telu insekta ili prekidu normalnih funkcija vezanih za proces presvlaĉenja koji se dalje reperkutuju na ometanje i prekid normalnih tokova fizioloških funkcija, rezultirajući smrtnim ishodom tretiranog insekta. Selektovane su formulacije granula na ekološki prihvatljivim, biodegradabilnim nosaĉima (zeolit, kukuruzna koĉanka i Biodac, komercijalni nosaĉ na bazi reciklirane hartije). Biološka efikasnost formulacija ciromazina, piriproksifena i diflubenzurona ocenjivana je na larvama vrste Cx. pipiens complex u laboratorijskim uslovima, nakon ĉega je ciromazin ocenjivan u poluprirodnim uslovima (u plastiĉnim buradima). Potom su granule ciromazina i diflubenzurona opredeljene za nastavak evaluacije u poljskim eksperimentima (u drenaţnim kanalima semiruralne sredine).  Aquatain AMF je preparat novijeg datuma na bazi silikona (polidimetilsiloksan), koji na površini vode stvara monomolekularni film, a od nedavno EU komisija ga uvrštava u grupu biocida za suzbijanje komaraca. Ovaj monomolekularni film ometa i prekida normalan razvoj juvenilnih stadijuma komaraca redukujući površinski napon vode. Na ovaj naĉin onemogućena je respiracija akvatiĉnih formi komaraca. Smatra se da ovaj agens uzrokuje „multistage― efekat, utiĉući na sve stadijume razvića tretirane populacije komaraca.  Sve testirane granule regulatora rasta su pokazale visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju vrste Cx. pipiens complex. Granule ciromazina su ukazale direktnu vezu primenjene doze i efikasnosti. Zabeleţena je visoka i perzistentna efikasnost granula sa sadrţajem aktivne materije ciromazina od 2 % u odnosu na granule sa niţim sadrţajem ciromazina (0.5%). Granule sa 2% ciromazina su zadrţale visoku efikasnost tokom dva meseca u laboratorijskim uslovima. Primenjene granule diflubenzurona (1% a.m) i piriproksifena (0.5% a.m) su takoĊe postigle supresiju celokupne eksponirane populacije (mortalitet 100%), ali su ovi IGR zahtevali duţi period za postizanje maksimalnog efakta. Zadovoljavajuću efikasnost (LT90) najbrţe su postigle granule ciromazina 2, potom diflubenzuron, dok je najsporije delovanje zabeleţeno primenom piriproksifena.  Testirane granule nisu flotirale, te je sve do optimizacije ove formulacije potrebno ograniĉiti njihovu primenu na razvojna staništa komaraca sa ĉvrstom strukturom dna (npr. veštaĉki recipijenti vode svih zapremina), gde ne postoji mogućnost gubljenja apliciranih granula usled zamuljivanja.  Aquatain AMF je pokazao visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju larvi i lutki obe ciljne vrste Cx. pipiens complex i Ae. albopictus u laboratorijskim uslovima. MeĊutim, kućni komarac je pokazao veći stepen osetljivosti na prisustvo Aquatain AMF sloja u odnosu na tretiranu invazivnu vrstu. Najveća senzitivnost obe vrste na monomolekularni sloj zabeleţena je u poslednjem larvenom stupnju i stadijumu lutke. Senzitivnost testiranih vrsta u stadijumu lutke se nije meĊusobno razlikovala. Primenjen u veštaĉkim recipijentima vode, ovaj preparat obezbeĊuje visok stepen supresije (100%) tretirane populacije obe vrste. Aplikacijom u kanalima redukuje populaciju kućnog komarca u trajanju od 21 dan (u kanalu gusto obraslim vegetacijom) pa sve do 56 post tretman dana (u kanalu na ĉijoj vodenoj površini ništa ne remeti celovitost apliciranog sloja), u zavisnosti od abiotiĉkih i biotiĉkih faktora koji ometaju postojanost monomolekularnog sloja. U preporuĉenoj i duploj dozi od 1, odnosno 2 mL/m2, preparat ne prevenira ovipoziciju dugoroĉno (maksimalno do nedelju dana), ali onemogućava razvoj larvi iz jaja poloţenih na film. Kada je testirana 10 puta veća doza, utvrĊeno je da Aquatain AMF onemogućava polaganje jaja u trajanju od 19 dana.  UvoĊenje evaluiranih, novih supstanci u programe suzbijanja juvenilnih stadijuma razvoja komaraca, pre nego što doĊe do pojave odraslih formi, svakako predstavlja opravdanu mogućnost za proširenje izbora supstanci koje postoje na trţištu u Srbiji.  Urbane zone se smatraju kritiĉnim taĉkama za suzbijanje komaraca obe navedene vrste jer usled mnogobrojnih izvorišta i povoljnih uslova razvoja (temperatura vode), blizine velikog broja potencijalnih domaćina, dolazi do kontinuiranog polaganja jaja,  odnosno formiranja više generacija tokom sezone, koje se meĊusobno preklapaju. Adekvatna primena ocenjivanih biocidnih agenasa prilagoĊena tipu razvojnog staništa dve najznaĉajnije urbane vrste komaraca omogućila bi smanjenje broja tretmana u poreĊenju sa primenom kako konvencionalnih tako i bioloških larvicida DatumMosquitoes are globally and locally most significant molestants and vectors, transmitting pathogens which may cause humans’ and animals’ severe diseases like West Nile Fever, yellow fever, malaria, dengue and chikungunya frequently with fatal outcome. Mosquito females regular behaviour pattern which includes haematophagous feeding regime on humans and animals gave them highly significant role in public health. Females may intake pathogens at first blood meal on infected host. West Nile Virus circulation in humans, birds, horses and mosquitoes on the Serbian territory has been recently confirmed in several consecutive years. The major highly competent vector is house mosquito, Culex pipiens complex. The species is widely distributed in all parts of Serbia, inhabiting diverse aquatic breeding sites. Invasive, widespread Aedes albopictus is one of the most important vector species of severe human and animal diseases in Europe.  Within mosquito control programs it is essential to modify the strategy of molestant control by vector control, which implies adaptations and optimisations of available methods’ efficacy aiming to the enhanced and faster mosquito suppression/control. Opposite to the most European countries which succeed satisfying mosquito suppression level only by larvicide treatments, Serbia has not reached that level yet, regardless excessive and increasing adulticides treatments in our country. Mosquito control methods should be planed and implemented according to the most recent surveillance of mosquito vector species. Mosquito control plans and programs in Serbia should be precisely based on local conditions and enable economically, ecologically, highly effective meassures which will minimize the negative impact to the equilibrium of the non-target aquatic biota and other organisms that could be endangered by eco-toxicological aspects of applied products into waters of rural and urban areas.  The main objectives of this study aimed to evaluate available larvicide efficacy (cyromazine, diflunbenzuron, pyriproxyfen and polydimethylsiloxane) and to determine susceptibility of the juvenile forms of Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus populations to the applied compounds, but also to determine product persistence/longevity in mosquito population reduction treatments.  As a part of chemical control three different Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) types were selected- cyromazine, pyriproxyfen and diflubenzuron as standard/comparative active ingradient. Additionally, silicone (polydimethylsiloxane) based product Aquatain AMF, aimed for physical control, was evaluated.  Mode of IGRs action consists of hormonal disbalance or regular molting process disturbance that reflects to disorder or break of normal physiological functions, resulting by insect death. Aquatain AMF is a silicone-based monomolecular film (polydimethylsiloxane), novel tool, and recently-approved product in the EU for mosquito control affecting mosquitoes’ aquatic developmental stages. AMF spreads spontaneously and rapidly over a water surface. The physical mode of action based on lowering water surface tension prevents mosquito larvae/pupae respiration. Subsequently, AMF disables gravid females to land on the water surface and obstructs the natural oviposition process. According to the multiple effects on all immature mosquito stages, AMF can reduce mosquito density. All selected IGR formulation were granules consisted of ecologically suitable, biodegradable carriers (zeolite, corn cob and Biodac, commercial carrier made of recycled paper). Biological efficacy of all tested IGRs was evaluated in laboratory conditions and subsequently cyromazine was tested in semi-field experiments (in plastic barrels). Following findings obtained cyromazine and diflubenzuron granules were evaluated under field conditions (ditches/channels semirural location).  Tested IGR granules showed high efficacy in Cx. pipiens complex control. Cyromazine granules applied doses were directly equivalent to its efficacy. Granules with 2% cyromazine demonstrated higher, faster and more persistent efficacy comparing to the granules with lower cyromazine content (0.5 %).  Cyromazine 2 granules were two months highly effective against Cx. pipiens juveniles in laboratory conditions. Applied diflubenzuron (1% a.i.) and pyriproxyfen (0.5% a.i.) granules caused complete population reduction (mortality 100%). However, diflubenzuron and pyriproxyfen required longer period to cause same rate of effectiveness. Satisfying efficacy level (LT90) cyromazine achieved more rapidly than other evaluated IGRs. Slowest activity of tested products was recorded in pyriproxyfen treatment.  Bias of all tested IGR formulations were their inability to float. Therefore, until optimised, application of IGR granular formulation should be limited to aquatatic breeding sites with solid base structure (e.g. artificial water recipient, regardless of volume), in which granules would not be lost in mud after they sink from water surface.  Aquatain AMF achieved high mortality rates of juvenile stages of both Ae. albopictus and Cx. pipiens under laboratory conditions. However, Cx. pipiens larvae showed higher susceptibility to AMF compared to Ae. albopictus. The impact on pupae was not different between species. Pupae of both species were highly susceptible. Applied in artificial water recipients, Aquatain AMF inhibits completely (100%) population eclosion to the adult stage of Ae. albopictus. In field conditions Aquatain AMF longevity to suppress Cx. pipiens complex population was estimated in range from 21 to 56 post treatment days, depending on abiotic and biotic factors disturbing applied monomolecular layer.  Recommended dose of this product will not prevent females’ oviposition in a longterm (maximum seven days), but will unable juvenile development hatched from eggs after oviposited on monomolecular layer. Increased dose (10 fold) provides long-term oviposition prevention. Females would be 19 days unable to lay eggs on 10 mL/m2 thick layer.  Implementation of tested novel mosquito control agents which prevent juvenile stages development to adult stage justify possibility of increasing available products of biocides for a sound vector control.  Urban breeding sites are critical and complex to control mosquitoes because of continuous seasonal availability of water bodies and suitable temperatures (frequently higher than in rural areas). Additionally, vicinity of densely populated hosts (humans), generates enormous populations with overlapping generations and presence of all developmental stages from April to October. Adequate selection and application of evaluated biocide agents, adapted to the Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus breeding site types would decrease required number of treatments comparing to conventional and biological biocides, especially treatments in urban areas

    Distribution of Anopheles daciae and other Anopheles maculipennis complex species in Serbia

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    Malaria is one of the most severe health problems facing the world today. Until the mid-twentieth century, Europe was an endemic area of malaria, with the Balkan countries being heavily infested. Sibling species belonging to the Anopheles maculipennis complex are well-known as effective vectors of Plasmodium in Europe. A vast number of human malaria cases in the past in the former Yugoslavia territory have stressed the significance of An. maculipennis complex species as primary and secondary vectors. Therefore, the present study evaluates the species composition, geographic distribution and abundance of these malaria vector species. Mosquitoes were collected in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina and analysed by PCRRFLP, multiplex PCR and sequencing of the ITS2 intron of genomic rDNA. Four sibling species of the An. Maculipennis complex were identified. Both larvae and adults of the recently described species An. daciae were identified for the first time in Serbia. In 250 larval samples, 109 (44%) An. messeae, 90 (36%) An. maculipennis s.s., 33 (13%) An. daciae and 18 (7%) An. atroparvus were identified. In adult collections, 81 (47%) An. messeae, 55 (32%) An. daciae, 33 (19%) An. maculipennis s.s., and 3 (2%) An. atroparvus were recorded. The most abundant species in Vojvodina was An. messeae, whereas An. atroparvus was confirmed a rare species in all parts. Since this species is a potentially, highly competent malarial vector, low population density could be crucial to prevent a new establishment of endemic malaria transmission in Serbia

    Species diversity, host preference and arbovirus detection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in south-eastern Serbia

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    BackgroundCulicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) is a genus of small biting midges (also known as no-see ums) that currently includes 1368 described species. They are proven or suspected vectors for important pathogens affecting animals such as bluetongue virus (BTV) and Schmallenberg virus (SBV). Currently little information is available on the species of Culicoides present in Serbia. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine species diversity, host preference and the presence of BTV and SBV RNA in Culicoides from the Stara Planina Nature Park in south-eastern Serbia.ResultsIn total 19,887 individual Culicoides were collected during three nights of trapping at two farm sites and pooled into six groups (Obsoletus group, Pulicaris group, Others group and further each group according to the blood-feeding status to freshly engorged and non-engorged). Species identification was done on subsamples of 592 individual Culicoides specimens by morphological and molecular methods (MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and PCR/sequencing). At least 22 Culicoides species were detected. Four animal species (cow, sheep, goat and common blackbird) as well as humans were identified as hosts of Culicoides biting midges. The screening of 8291 Culicoides specimens in 99 pools for the presence of BTV and SBV RNA by reverse-transcription quantitative PCR were negative.ConclusionsThe biodiversity of Culicoides species in the natural reserve Stara Planina was high with at least 22 species present. The presence of C. imicola Kieffer was not recorded in this area. Culicoides showed opportunistic feeding behaviour as determined by host preference. The absence of SBV and BTV viral RNA correlates with the absence of clinical disease in the field during the time of sampling. These data are the direct outcome of a training programme within the Institutional Partnership Project AMSAR: Arbovirus monitoring, research and surveillance-capacity building on mosquitoes and biting midges funded by the programme SCOPES of the Swiss National Science Foundation

    AIMSurv: First pan-European harmonized surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases

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    Human and animal vector-borne diseases, particularly mosquito-borne diseases, are emerging or re-emerging worldwide. Six Aedes invasive mosquito (AIM) species were introduced to Europe since the 1970s: Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus, Ae. koreicus, Ae. atropalpus and Ae. triseriatus. Here, we report the results of AIMSurv2020, the first pan-European surveillance effort for AIMs. Implemented by 42 volunteer teams from 24 countries. And presented in the form of a dataset named “AIMSurv Aedes Invasive Mosquito species harmonized surveillance in Europe. AIM-COST Action. Project ID: CA17108”. AIMSurv2020 harmonizes field surveillance methodologies for sampling different AIMs life stages, frequency and minimum length of sampling period, and data reporting. Data include minimum requirements for sample types and recommended requirements for those teams with more resources. Data are published as a Darwin Core archive in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility- Spain, comprising a core file with 19,130 records (EventID) and an occurrences file with 19,743 records (OccurrenceID). AIM species recorded in AIMSurv2020 were Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus and Ae. koreicus, as well as native mosquito species

    The Introduction and Establishment of Four Invasive Insect Species in Serbia

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    Urban areas are often populated by specific species of insects, some colorful and appealing, such as ladybugs and butterflies, and others irritating as nuisance bitters or as vectors of pathogens of public health importance. Mosquitoes in urban areas often utilize habitats adjacent to human residences, while phytophagous insect species such as stink bugs often colonize ornamental plants and utilize human-made structures including houses as overwintering shelters. This article discusses the early detection and the current distribution of two invasive mosquito species, Aedes albopictus Skuse 1894 and Ae. japonicus (Theobald 1901), in Serbia, introduced in 2009 and 2018, respectively. From the first findings until today, regular monitoring has been carried out and the establishment of both species in the newly invaded areas has been confirmed. Both species can become nuisance species, especially at high population densities, but more importantly, they are capable of transmitting a wide variety of arboviruses of public health importance. This article also discusses two invasive stink bug species Halyomorpha halys Stål 1855 and Nezara viridula Linnaeus 1758, introduced in Serbia in 2015 and 2008, respectively. These two stink bug species have also been monitored, and the establishment of their populations in the country has been confirmed. Both species have caused damage to a wide range of crops and ornamental plants and sometimes become nuisance pests in urban areas

    Evaluation of Different Monitoring Methods for Musca domestica L. 1758 (Diptera: Muscidae) Indoor Population

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    The housefly Musca domestica is a cosmopolitan insect nuisance pest, also known as a carrier of numerous pathogens both to humans and animals. Animal farms, as a very important source of house flies, simultaneously allow for all stages of their development. Having vast quantities of constantly present manure, pig units represent perfect environment for house fly breeding. This fact, coupled with the known resistance to majority of available insecticides, creates difficulties in house fly control. The present study was performed to evaluate different types of monitoring methods for indoor use: (a) spot deposit records on the cardboard; (b) fly trappings by: glue coated cardboard; (c) sticky fly strips; (d) yellow sticky cards; (e) visual records of flies on the cardboard. This study provided a clear differentiation of efficacy/usefulness of the tested methods for various house fly densities. In animal breeding units or other areas with very abundant fly population, less sensitive methods (traps are less efficient) should be selected. For these circumstances, glued cardboard or yellow sticky cards should be chosen. The “more sensitive” methods, spot cards and sticky fly strips, should be used for lower abundance of the fly population. Except for this purpose, these highly sensitive methods should be selected also in the areas where the flies should not be tolerated at any density. Although the levels of the observed fly activity significantly differ from each other, in the majority of cases they depict the similar trend of the population dynamics and relative density. The only exception to the rule was the visual method, which could not reflect the changes in the population density in the current study

    Behaviour of the Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella Oliv.) in different grain substrates and assessment of losses: Poster

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    The Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella, is a primary stored grain pest, which development occurs within a single grain. The respond of the pest to various offered grain substrates was studied in no choice laboratory experiment (temperature 27±1ºC; relative humidity 60-80%), by rearing moth populations on entire grains (corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, millet, tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass) and mechanically damaged grains (corn in fractions with/without embryo, polished rice). The pest behaviour was determined by observation of the entrance and exit hole position on different grains. The food consumption was estimated after adult emergence, by measuring of mass losses of infested grains. Mass losses were correlated with quantitative and qualitative grain parameters. The development was successfully accomplished in all grain substrates, except in Kentucky bluegrass. Strategies of larval penetration and exit hole position depended on morphological properties of grains. As a rule, the development of an individual was completed in a single grain, but in polished rice the transfer from one to another grain was observed. The highest loss of infested grain was recorded in corn grains (55.48 mg), the lowest in tall fescue grains (2.40 mg). Positive correlations were detected between the mass losses and protein, lipid and sugar content, negative in relation to cellulose and ash content.The Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella, is a primary stored grain pest, which development occurs within a single grain. The respond of the pest to various offered grain substrates was studied in no choice laboratory experiment (temperature 27±1ºC; relative humidity 60-80%), by rearing moth populations on entire grains (corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, millet, tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass) and mechanically damaged grains (corn in fractions with/without embryo, polished rice). The pest behaviour was determined by observation of the entrance and exit hole position on different grains. The food consumption was estimated after adult emergence, by measuring of mass losses of infested grains. Mass losses were correlated with quantitative and qualitative grain parameters. The development was successfully accomplished in all grain substrates, except in Kentucky bluegrass. Strategies of larval penetration and exit hole position depended on morphological properties of grains. As a rule, the development of an individual was completed in a single grain, but in polished rice the transfer from one to another grain was observed. The highest loss of infested grain was recorded in corn grains (55.48 mg), the lowest in tall fescue grains (2.40 mg). Positive correlations were detected between the mass losses and protein, lipid and sugar content, negative in relation to cellulose and ash content

    Choice of optimal biocide combination to control flies (Diptera: Muscidae)

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    Introduction. Flies – by feeding on decaying matter, human waste and food – have been implicated in the spread of numerous animal and human diseases. Excessive fly populations are generally associated with livestock units and domestic waste due to decaying organic matter. A large number of flies cause extreme disturbance in the behavior of the host, resulting in skin irritation, lesions, wounds, and secondary infections are likely to appear. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of combined applications of larvicide (cyromazine) and adulticides (acetamiprid in formulation with pheromone and thiamethoxam) on the suppression of fly populations. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on a pig farm. The piglet farms are one of the most favorable places for fly breeding. Three units were used for biocide applications and a fourth unit as the control where biocides were not applied. The monitoring of pre- and post-treatment of adult fly populations was carried out by glued cardboards. The cards were hung on metal rods above piglet’s cage. This monitoring method served as a parameter for the estimation of biological effectiveness. Results. The highest degree of fly control (88.4% mortality 8 days after treatment) was achieved when a combination of cyromazine and thiamethoxam was used. A biocide based on sex pheromone (Z)-9-tricosene + acetamiprid was the most effective on flies 3 days after biocide application, with a mortality rate of 69.1 %. Thiamethoxam achieved the highest reduction of flies 6 days after treatment, with 78.19% obtained mortality. Conclusion. Biological efficacy of the applied biocides in combination ciromazine + thiamethoxam and thiamethoxam alone was justified

    Choice of optimal biocide combination to control flies (Diptera: Muscidae)

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    Introduction Introduction. Flies – by feeding on decaying matter, human waste and food – have been implicated in the spread of numerous animal and human diseases. Excessive fly populations are generally associated with livestock units and domestic waste due to decaying organic matter. A large number of flies cause extreme disturbance in the behavior of the host, resulting in skin irritation, lesions, wounds, and secondary infections are likely to appear. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of combined applications of larvicide (cyromazine) and adulticides (acetamiprid in formulation with pheromone and thiamethoxam) on the suppression of fly populations. Material and Methods The study was conducted on a pig farm. The piglet farms are one of the most favorable places for fly breeding. Three units were used for biocide applications and a fourth unit as the control where biocides were not applied. The monitoring of pre- and post-treatment of adult fly populations was carried out by glued cardboards. The cards were hung on metal rods above piglet’s cage. This monitoring method served as a parameter for the estimation of biological effectiveness. Results The highest degree of fly control (88.4% mortality 8 days after treatment) was achieved when a combination of cyromazine and thiamethoxam was used. A biocide based on sex pheromone (Z)-9-tricosene + acetamiprid was the most effective on flies 3 days after biocide application, with a mortality rate of 69.1%. Thiamethoxam achieved the highest reduction of flies 6 days after treatment, with 78.19% obtained mortality. Conclusions Biological efficacy of the applied biocides in combination ciromazine + thiamethoxam and thiamethoxam alone was justified