35 research outputs found

    Posizionarsi nel mondo : del lavoro artigiano e del pensiero visuale

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    In L. Cremonesi, G. Magnani et F. Migliorati (sous la direction de), Remo Pasetto. Dignità del lavoro, Presentarsì, Castiglione d/S, 2014, ISBN 978-88-97730-54-5.The text attempts to analyze the poetics of the painter Remo Pasette.Il testo rappresenta un tentativo di analisi della poetica del pittore Remo Pasetto

    Sabrina Ferrari. Stupirci, incontrando una superficie

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    In G. Magnani et F. Migliorati (sous la direction de), Sabrina Ferrari. Il dinamismo dell'essere, Presentarsì, Castiglione d/S, 2013, ISBN 978-88-97730-32-3.The text attempts to analyze the poetics of the sculptor Sabrina Ferrari, and the reflection on the "movement" and the "stasis".Il testo rappresenta un tentativo di analisi della poetica dello scultrice Sabrina e della riflessione sul "movimento" e sulla "stasi"

    Michele della Maestra. Il peso di ciò che vediamo

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    in G. Magnani (sous la direction de), Michele della Maestra. Vuoti a perdere, Presentarsì, Castiglione d/S, 2014, ISBN 978-88-97730-28-6.The text attempts to analyze the poetics of the painter Michele Della Maestra.Il testo rappresenta un tentativo di analisi della poetica del pittore Michele Della Maestra

    Gianpietro Moretti. L'apertura e la classicità

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    In G. Magnani et F. Migliorati (sous la direction de), Gianpietro Moretti. Il corpo e l'anima, Presentarsì, Castiglione d/S, 2013 ISBN 978-88-977330-34-7.The text attempts to analyze the poetics of the sculptor Giampietro Moretti, starting from the dual polarity of "body" and "soul."Il testo rappresenta un tentativo di analisi della poetica dello scultore Gianpietro Moretti, partendo dalla doppia polarità di "corpo" e "anima"

    Frastagliando l'inframince

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    In L. Gorini, Autoritratto con autoritratto, G. Magnani et F. Migliorati (sous la direction de), Gussago, casa di marrani, 2012, ISBN 978-88-905562-4-1The essay analyzes the reflection that the visual artist Lauro Gorini has effected on the theme of the self-portrait.Il saggio analizza la riflessione che l'artista Lauro Gorini ha effettuato sul tema dell'autoritratto

    Image Retrieval with Random Bubbles

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    In this work we propose an algorithm for content based im−age retrieval based on random selection of circular bubbles on the reference image. More specifically, an image finger−print vector is extracted from the image, the components of which are simple statistical parameters associated to the luminance values in some selected circular areas of the im−age. The positions and radius of these bubbles result from a random selection, with characteristics defined by the user. In this way, the extracted fingerprint is very robust with respect to linear and nonlinear distortion of the image. Experiments based on the detection of various linearly and nonlinearly distorted versions of a test image in a large database have shown very promising results

    CBCD Based on Color Features and Landmark MDS-Assisted Distance Estimation

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    Content-Based Copy Detection (CBCD) of digital videos is an important research field that aims at the identification of modified copies of an original clip, e.g., on the Internet. In this application, the video content is uniquely identified by the content itself, by extracting some compact features that are robust to a certain set of video transformations. Given the huge amount of data present in online video databases, the computational complexity of the feature extraction and comparison is a very important issue. In this paper, a landmark based multi-dimensional scaling technique is proposed to speed up the detection procedure which is based on exhaustive search and the MPEG-7 Dominant Color Descriptor. The method is evaluated under the MPEG Video Signature Core Experiment conditions, and simulation results show impressive time savings at the cost of a slightly reduced detection performance

    Torque loss after miniscrew placement: An in-vitro study followed by a clinical trial

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    7noTo evaluate torque loss a week after insertion, both in an in vivo and an in vitro experimental setup were designed. In the in vivo setup a total of 29 miniscrews were placed in 20 patients who underwent orthodontic treatment. Maximum insertion torque (MIT) was evaluated at insertion time (T1). A week later, insertion torque was measured again by applying a quarter turn (T2); no load was applied on the screw during the first week. In the in vitro setup a total of 20 miniscrews were placed in pig rib bone samples. MIT was evaluated at insertion time (T1). Bone samples were kept in saline solution and controlled environment for a week during which the solution was refreshed every day. Afterwards, torque was measured again by applying a quarter turn (T2). The comparison of MIT over time was done calculating the percentage difference of the torque values between pre- and post-treatment and using the parametric two independent samples t-test or the non-parametric Mann–Whitney test. After a week unloaded miniscrews showed a mean loss of rotational torque of 36.3% and 40.9% in in vitro and in in vivo conditions, respectively. No statistical differences were found between the two different setups. Torque loss was observed after the first week in both study models; in vitro experimental setup provided a reliable study model for studying torque variation during the first week after insertion.openopenMigliorati, Marco; Drago, Sara; Barberis, Fabrizio; Schiavetti, Irene; Dalessandri, Domenico; Benedicenti, Stefano; Biavati, Armando SilvestriniMigliorati, Marco; Drago, Sara; Barberis, Fabrizio; Schiavetti, Irene; Dalessandri, Domenico; Benedicenti, Stefano; Biavati, Armando Silvestrin

    How Modelers Model: the Overlooked Social and Human Dimensions in Model Intercomparison Studies

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    There is a growing realization that the complexity of model ensemble studies depends not only on the models used but also on the experience and approach used by modelers to calibrate and validate results, which remain a source of uncertainty. Here, we applied a multi-criteria decision-making method to investigate the rationale applied by modelers in a model ensemble study where 12 process-based different biogeochemical model types were compared across five successive calibration stages. The modelers shared a common level of agreement about the importance of the variables used to initialize their models for calibration. However, we found inconsistency among modelers when judging the importance of input variables across different calibration stages. The level of subjective weighting attributed by modelers to calibration data decreased sequentially as the extent and number of variables provided increased. In this context, the perceived importance attributed to variables such as the fertilization rate, irrigation regime, soil texture, pH, and initial levels of soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks was statistically different when classified according to model types. The importance attributed to input variables such as experimental duration, gross primary production, and net ecosystem exchange varied significantly according to the length of the modeler’s experience. We argue that the gradual access to input data across the five calibration stages negatively influenced the consistency of the interpretations made by the modelers, with cognitive bias in “trial-and-error” calibration routines. Our study highlights that overlooking human and social attributes is critical in the outcomes of modeling and model intercomparison studies. While complexity of the processes captured in the model algorithms and parameterization is important, we contend that (1) the modeler’s assumptions on the extent to which parameters should be altered and (2) modeler perceptions of the importance of model parameters are just as critical in obtaining a quality model calibration as numerical or analytical details.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio