735 research outputs found

    A Daydream

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    A case study of foundation failure of a residential building: From diagnosis to reparation

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    The pathology that appears in reinforced concrete structures, old and new, is inevitable and involves all stakeholders at all levels of responsibility, from the technician to the decision maker at the highest level. It also concerns engineers from design offices and experts from offices responsible for diagnosing existing structures, as well as engineers from repair companies. Like all countries in the world, the study of the pathology and safety of civil engineering buildings is one of the big problems encountered in the field of construction in Algeria. The foundations are among of the structural elements of the buildings most affected by this damage, these constitute the link between the structure and the soil, they allow the transmission of loads from the structure to the soil. If these structural elements are damaged, they affect the general stability of the building. Depending on the severity of the damage, it can cause the building collapse. The main objective of this paper is to study a pathological case of foundation failure of a residential building: from diagnosis to reparation. This repair was carried out according to an intervention plan comprising stages spread over time, this allowed the strengthening of the infrastructure and gave the building an acceptable level of security

    An investigation of Grammar Gender-bias Correction for Google Translate When Translating from English to French

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    This work investigated how to address the Google Translate\u27s gender-bias when translating from English to French. The developed solution is called GT gender-bias corrector that was built based on combining natural language processing and machine learning methods. The natural language processing was used to analyze the original sentences and their translations grammatically identifying parts of speech. The parts of speech analysis facilitated the identification of three patterns that are associated with the gender bias of Google Translate when translating from English to French. The three patterns were labeled simple, intermediate and complex to reflect the structure complexity. Samples of texts that represent the three patterns were generated. The generated texts were used to build a decision-tree-based classifier to automatically detect the pattern to which a text belongs. The GT gender-bias corrector was tested using a survey completed by participants with diverse levels of English and French fluency. The survey analysis showed the success of the corrector in addressing the Google Translate gender-bias for the three patterns identified in this work


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    Area di sekitar Site Green City Apartment &Office merupakan salah satu Business Hub ( Pusat Bisnis ) di Kota Tangerang-Kabupaten Tangerang dan juga terkadang merupakan penghubung kegiatan bisnis dengan Ibu Kota Jakarta. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari bangunan- bangunan disekitar site seperti AEON Mall, ICE Exhibition Center ( Salah satu Convention Center di Asia Tenggara, Kampus Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Branz BSD City Apartment dan Mercure Hotel BSD Tangerang. Data kontruksi bangunan sejak dibuka sebagai daerah aktivitas bisnis tahun 2010 juga menunjukkan kenaikan yang sangat tinggi, yaitu apabila di kalkulasi dalam rumus laju pembangunan terhadap laju waktu maka daerah BSD City ini mengalami laju yang sangat cepat , bahkan melebihi pembangunan di kota Jakarta. Maka Daerah Business District BSD City ini akan terus berkembang dan bahkan berpotensi menjadi daerah bisnis baru selain di kota Jakarta. Melihat data tersebut saya menyusun perancangan desain Green City Apartment and Office Building yang dapat menjadi jembatan interaksi antara aktivitas bekerja “ Working” dan tinggal “ Living ”

    Integrated curriculum success and challenges: a review of the experience of the International Islamic School Malaysia (IISM)

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    Education is one of the most important aspects of the human life, perhaps the most influential social system that man was able to create. The future of any nation rests on its educational system. In most western societies, education turned into a driving force that contributes to nation building, by providing individuals with necessary skills and knowledge, and prepares them to enter job markets, compete for better opportunities, and meet the demands of life in the modern age. Education in Islam however, has much wider spectrum. Every positive action a Muslim does or seeks including seeking knowledge is regarded as an act of worship (ibadah), which brings God’s blessing and deserves reward. Another dimension of education in Islam is the fact that it is considered as a mean to protect the faith and its tenets, as well as to preserve the tradition and the Islamic way of life. The launching of Islamic education in a very early stage, simultaneously with efforts of the Islamic call (da’wah), -which, in its essence seeks to spread the principles of faith and gain Allah’s favors by living according to his commands in this world and preparing for the day after- such simultaneousness symbolizes the importance of education, even for the survival of the faith itself. The educational Islamic experience witnessed several periods of tide and ebb. It reached its peak during the medieval ages, with outstanding scientific, intellectual accomplishments, and leading roles, which rendered the Islamic orient as a center for knowledge and innovation. However, primarily political, and intellectual conditions which began to accumulate in the tenth century BC, led to an extreme tide of regression in the Islamic intellectualism and intelligentsia. In contrast Europe was initiating an intensive educational and rational travail of renaissance, pragmatism, scientific exploits, industrialization, and reforms which ultimately revitalized, transformed and reinstated it to its leading role. The new order was culminated by the military European colonial offensive against the Muslim world in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The incapacitation of Muslim role in making of civilization, and relegating their influence, was not because of the western domination solely. In contrast, the domestic intellectual malaise and internal educational decay among Muslims is the prime culprit which allowed such situation to exist. The task shouldered by Muslim educators, academics and activists to rejuvenate Islamic education is complicated and heavy indeed, especially with the decadence, deterioration, and acute illnesses of life conditions in the Muslim world. One major contemporary challenge that needs to be addressed seriously and find remedies to it is the issue of dualism in most of educational systems in the Muslim countries. It is manifested in a form of religious versus secular curriculum. Of course, there were many conflicting views among scholars, decision makers and even parents about the best solution to tackle this issue. Some, driven by philosophical and economic incentives would favor the western secular system, because according to them, it is modern, progressive and highly demanded in the job markets. Others, driven by religious motives rather prefer the traditional Islamic education. For them such system will help to preserve the Islamic identity of the new generation. Between these two conflicting views, a third opinion, which claim balance and moderation calls for the balance between the acquisition of revealed and western sciences in one educational package, in other words, it adopts the approach of teaching an integrated curriculum. Ultimately, many educational institutions and projects in the Muslim world were established based on the concept of integrated curriculum. This paper tries to review the idea of school integrated curriculum through the experience of one leading educational institution in Malaysia, that the International Islamic School Malaysia (IISM). The school which started to operate in 1998 was the result of several years of planning and projection by the international Islamic university Malaysia. After reaching 16 years of operation, and with many phases of success and disappointments, the researchers think that it is a ripe time to conduct this review

    Social Change According to Badiuzzaman Nursi and Ali Shariati: Comparative Inquiry

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    Throughout the course of Islamic revivalism history, many prominent Muslim reformists left a great impact on the actual Islamic world view. They left their marks in the efforts of lifting the Muslim Ummah up from the state of decline and backwardness. • Theses efforts varied tremendously due to the social, intellectual, sectarian and political background of these reformists. However, it is safe to say that all of their efforts were brave attempts to cross the borders of division among Muslims and propose an Islamic framework for change. • In this presentation we will explore the differences between Badiuzzaman Nursi's `gradualist', `progressive' approach and Ali Shariati `revolutionary‘ approach to generate social change


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    Most thinkers, educational practitioners, and parents acknowledge that schools are not only brickstructures, which role is traditionally of informationdispensing, but, rather, schools are ought to educate the students, and mold them into well-balanced social beings, who are active members of the society, and who dynamically interact with their environment. In other words, transforming the students into responsible ethical thinkers, who are characterized by good judgment in all that they do, in their relationships with others, and with themselves .(Mathew Lipman 1993) and this is the core business of moral education

    Effects of genotype and sowing date on phytostanol-phytosterol content and agronomic traits in wheat under organic agriculture

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    Cereals are an important source of sterols and stanols in the human diet. The present study underlines the effect of genotype and weather conditions in bread wheat, on total sterol and stanol content (TSS), agronomic traits, proteins and ash content under organic conditions. Variations in TSS as well as other characters between two sowing dates were observed. A broad genotypic variability was also reported since extreme genotypes differed by more than 30 mg 100. g-1 DW for TSS, with total stanol content varying twofold. Moreover, two groups of genotypes that differed in agronomic production, ash and protein content were depicted, based on their response to an increase in temperature. This result suggests that the genotypic factor prevails over the sowing date factor for determining sterol and stanol traits in wheat cultivated under organic conditions. Nevertheless, a strong interaction exists between the two factors, which can be used to drive bioaccumulation of these molecules

    Comportement différé des marnes du tunnel d’Arbus (France) soumises à des essais de fluage et de gonflement

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    Le travail présenté se concentre sur le comportement différé des marnes consécutif à la modification de l’état de contrainte et à l’action de l’eau. L’historique des chargements et la présence d’eau peuvent induire des changements importants dans le comportement des géomatériaux. Au cours du temps, leurs effets peuvent se superposer et créer des dégâts considérables dans les différents domaines miniers et du génie civil, notamment en construction souterraine. Sept essais ont été réalisés avec des oedomètres sur des marnes du tunnel d’Arbus (France). Les échantillons sont d’abord soumis à un chargement sous un seul palier (fluage mono palier) ou à un chargement par paliers successifs (fluage multi paliers), ensuite ils sont hydratés puis déchargés selon plusieurs paliers. Le comportement dû au fluage est simulé par le modèle de Lemaitre et le gonflement est modélisé par une loi hyperbolique. Le modèle global considérant la partition des déformations pendant le fluage et le gonflement reproduit fidèlement la déformation expérimentale mesurée.Mots clés: Marnes - Fluage - Viscoplasticité - Modèle J. Lemaitre - GonflementDiffered behavior from marl of Arbus tunnel (France) subjected to creep and swelling testsThe paper focuses on the delayed behavior of marls induced by a change in stress state and by the effect of water. Loading history and presence of water can induce important changes in the behavior of geomaterials. During time, their effects may enhanced-up and generate great damage in different applications in mining and civil engineering, in particular in underground construction.Seven experiments were conducted in oedometric cells on marl from the Arbus tunnel (France). The samples were subjected to a single loading step (one-stage creep test) or to successive loading steps (multi-stage creep test), after they are hydrated and discharged according to a several stages.The creep behavior was simulated by Lemaitre model and swelling was modeled by a hyperbolic law. A global model that partitions the deformation during the creep and swelling allows to faithfully giving the measured experimental deformation.Keywords: Marls - Creep - Viscoplasticity - J. Lemaitre model - Swellin