41 research outputs found

    Effects on Student Achievement of Changing Cognitive Strategies During Targeted Tier II Interventions

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether changing cognitive based strategies is more effective than not changing strategies when a student fails to respond to an intervention. Ninety students who performed in the bottom third on a state reading test from a rural school district in Virginia were randomly placed into three groups: 1) students who received traditional evidence-based reading interventions 2) students whose teachers were trained in Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory and whose teacher chose an intervention that she considered being the most suited to the student’s cognitive profile 3) students who were assessed using the Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III COG) and were given interventions based on their test results. The scores on the year end SOL test were compared. Results indicated that there was a significant difference between students whose intervention strategy was changed after failing to respond to intervention and those whose intervention strategy was not changed

    It's never too LATE: A new look at local average treatment effects with or without defiers

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    In heterogeneous treatment effect models with endogeneity, identification of the LATE typically relies on the availability of an exogenous instrument monotonically related to treatment participation. We demonstrate that a strictly weaker local monotonicity condition identifies the LATEs on compliers and on defiers. We propose simple estimators that are potentially more efficient than 2SLS, even under circumstances where 2SLS is consistent. Additionally, when easing local monotonicity to local stochastic monotonicity, our identification results still apply to subsets of compliers and defiers. Finally, we provide an empirical application, rejoining the endeavor of estimating returns to education using the quarter of birth instrument

    Realtime Generation of Audible Textures Inspired by a Video Stream

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    We showcase a model to generate a soundscape from a camera stream in real time. The approach relies on a training video with an associated meaningful audio track; a granular synthesizer generates a novel sound by randomly sampling and mixing audio data from such video, favoring timestamps whose frame is similar to the current camera frame; the semantic similarity between frames is computed by a pretrained neural network. The demo is interactive: a user points a mobile phone to different objects and hears how the generated sound changes

    Dual compartment neurofluidic system for electrophysiological measurements in physically isolated neuronal cell cultures.

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    This work investigates an approach to record electrophysiological measurements of neuronal cell cultures in a dual compartment neurofluidic system. The two compartments are separated by 10-ÎĽm-wide and 3-ÎĽm-high microchannels and this provides a physical isolation of neurons allowing only neurites to grow between the compartments. We present long-term cell viability in closed compartment devices, neurite growth across the microchannels and a recording setup for the long-term recording of the network activity over 21 Days-in-Vitro (DIV). Structural and fluidic isolation between the compartments are demonstrated using transfection experiments and neurotoxin exposure, respectively