365 research outputs found

    VLT/MUSE view of the highly ionized outflow cones in the nearby starburst ESO338-IG04

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    The Lyα\alpha line is an important diagnostic for star formation at high redshift, but interpreting its flux and line profile is difficult because of the resonance nature of Lyα\alpha. Trends between the escape of Lyα\alpha photons and dust and properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) have been found, but detailed comparisons between Lyα\alpha emission and the properties of the gas in local high-redshift analogs are vital for understanding the relation between Lyα\alpha emission and galaxy properties. For the first time, we can directly infer the properties of the ionized gas at the same location and similar spatial scales of the extended Lyα\alpha halo around ESO 338-IG04. We obtained VLT/MUSE integral field spectra. We used ionization parameter mapping of the [SII]/[OIII] line ratio and the kinematics of Hα\alpha to study the ionization state and kinematics of the ISM of ESO338-IG04. The velocity map reveals two outflows. The entire central area of the galaxy is highly ionized by photons leaking from the HII regions around the youngest star clusters. Three highly ionized cones have been identified, of which one is associated with an outflow. We propose a scenario where the outflows are created by mechanical feedback of the older clusters, while the highly ionized gas is caused by the hard ionizing photons emitted by the youngest clusters. A comparison with the Lyα\alpha map shows that the (approximately bipolar) asymmetries observed in the Lyα\alpha emission are consistent with the base of the outflows detected in Hα\alpha. No clear correlation with the ionization cones is found. The mechanical and ionization feedback of star clusters significantly changes the state of the ISM by creating ionized cones and outflows. The comparison with Lyα\alpha suggests that especially the outflows could facilitate the escape of Lyα\alpha photons [Abridged].Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Teleological Reasoning in 4-Month-Old Infants: Pupil Dilations and Contextual Constraints

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    Four-month-old infants were presented with feeding actions performed in a rational or irrational manner. Infants reacted to the irrational feeding actions by dilating their pupils, but only in the presence of rich contextual constraints. The study demonstrates that teleological processes are online at 4 months of age and illustrates the usefulness of pupil dilations as a measure of social cognitive processes early in infancy

    O VI Emission Imaging of a Galaxy with the Hubble Space Telescope: a Warm Gas Halo Surrounding the Intense Starburst SDSS J115630.63+500822.1

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    We report results from a new HST study of the OVI 1032,1038\AA\ doublet in emission around intensely star-forming galaxies. The programme aims to characterize the energy balance in starburst galaxies and gas cooling in the difficult-to-map coronal temperature regime of 2-5 x 10510^5K. We present the first resolved image of gas emission in the OVI line. Our target, SDSS J1156+5008, is very compact in the continuum but displays OVI emission to radii of 23 kpc. The surface brightness profile is well fit by an exponential with a scale of 7.5kpc. This is ten times the size of the photoionized gas, and we estimate that 1/6 the total OVI luminosity comes from resonantly scattered continuum radiation. Spectroscopy - which closely resembles a stacked sample of archival spectra - confirms the OVI emission, and determines the column density and outflow velocity from blueshifted absorption. The combination of measurements enables several new calculations with few assumptions. The OVI regions fill only ~10−310^{-3} of the volume. By comparing the cooling time with the cloud sound-crossing time, the cooling distance with the size, and the pressure in the OVI and nebular gas, we conclude that the OVI-bearing gas cannot have been lifted to the scale height at this temperature, and must be cooling in situ through this coronal temperature regime. The coronal phase contains ~1% of the ionized mass, and its kinetic energy is currently ~1% of the budget set by supernova feedback. However a much larger amount of the gas must have cooled through this phase during the star formation episode. The outflow exceeds the escape velocity and the gas may become unbound, but it will recombine before it escapes and become visible to Lyman (and OI) spectroscopy. The mapping of this gas represents a crucial step in further constraining galaxy formation scenarios and guiding the development of future satellites.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. 25 pages, 11 figures. Section 7 presents calculated properties of warm halo gas. Version 2 fixes PDF compatibility issue for some PDF viewer

    Super star cluster feedback driving ionization, shocks and outflows in the halo of the nearby starburst ESO 338-IG04

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    Stellar feedback strongly affects the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies. Stellar feedback in the first galaxies likely plays a major role in enabling the escape of LyC photons, which contribute to the re-ionization of the Universe. Nearby starburst galaxies serve as local analogues allowing for a spatially resolved assessment of the feedback processes in these galaxies. We characterize the feedback effects from the star clusters in the local high-redshift analogue ESO 338-IG04 on the ISM and compare the results with the properties of the most massive clusters. We use high quality VLT/MUSE optical integral field data to derive the physical properties of the ISM such as ionization, density, shocks, and perform new fitting of the spectral energy distributions of the brightest clusters in ESO 338-IG04 from HST imaging. ESO 338-IG04 has a large ionized halo which we detect to a distance of 9 kpc. We identify 4 Wolf-Rayet (WR) clusters based on the blue and red WR bump. We follow previously identified ionization cones and find that the ionization of the halo increases with distance. Analysis of the galaxy kinematics shows two complex outflows driven by the numerous young clusters in the galaxy. We find a ring of shocked emission traced by an enhanced [OI]/Hα\alpha ratio surrounding the starburst and at the end of the outflow. Finally we detect nitrogen enriched gas associated with the outflow, likely caused by the WR stars in the massive star clusters. Photo-ionization dominates the central starburst and sets the ionization structure of the entire halo, resulting in a density bounded halo, facilitating the escape of LyC photons. Outside the central starburst, shocks triggered by an expanding super bubble become important. The shocks at the end of the outflow suggest interaction between the hot outflowing material and the more quiescent halo gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22 pages, 15 figure

    Verbal and nonverbal memory in school-aged children born to opioid-dependent mothers

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    Background: The potential long-term developmental effects of prenatal methadone and buprenorphine exposure during pregnancy are still largely unknown. Aims: We investigated memory function in school-aged children of women enrolled in opioid maintenance therapy (OMT) during pregnancy. Study design: Prospective longitudinal cohort study. Subjects: Participants included 41 children (aged 9–11 years), 20 of which had histories of prenatal methadone or buprenorphine exposure. Outcome measures: Verbal and non-verbal memory function was assessed using four subtests from the Test of Memory and Learning - Second edition (TOMAL-2). Results: The OMT group scored lower on both the two non-verbal as well as the two verbal memory tasks, all p-values <.05. Group differences remained for three out of the four subtests after controlling for general IQ. Including maternal tobacco use during pregnancy increased the explanatory power of the model, R2 change of 0.07, p = .04. Conclusions: Children prenatally exposed to methadone or buprenorphine had significantly lower memory performance, however, this association may in part be explained by maternal tobacco use during pregnancy. Consequently, smoking cessation programs should be systematically integrated into opioid maintenance therapy programs for pregnant women.publishedVersio

    MUSE Illuminates Channels for Lyman Continuum Escape in the Halo of SBS 0335-52E

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    We report on the discovery of ionised gas filaments in the circum-galactic halo of the extremely metal-poor compact starburst SBS 0335-052E in a 1.5h integration with the MUSE integral-field spectrograph. We detect these features in Hα{\alpha} and [OIII] emission down to surface-brightness levels of 5×10−195 \times 10^{-19}erg s−1^{-1}cm−2^{-2}arcsec−2^{-2}. The filaments have projected diameters of 2.1 kpc and extend more than 9 kpc to the north and north-west from the main stellar body. We also detect extended nebular HeII λ\lambda4686 emission that brightens towards the north-west at the rim of a star-burst driven super-shell, suggestive of a locally enhanced UV radiation field due to shocks. We also present a velocity field of the ionised gas. The filaments appear to connect seamlessly in velocity space to the kinematical disturbances caused by the shell. Similar to high-zz star-forming galaxies, the ionised gas in this galaxy is dispersion dominated. We argue that the filaments were created via feedback from the starburst and that these ionised structures in the halo may act as escape channels for Lyman continuum radiation in this gas-rich system.Comment: Revised version after peer review. Accepted for publication in A&A letter

    A search for Population III galaxies in CLASH. I. Singly-imaged candidates at high redshift

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    Population III galaxies are predicted to exist at high redshifts and may be rendered sufficiently bright for detection with current telescopes when gravitationally lensed by a foreground galaxy cluster. Population III galaxies that exhibit strong Lya emission should furthermore be identifiable from broadband photometry because of their unusual colors. Here, we report on a search for such objects at z > 6 in the imaging data from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH), covering 25 galaxy clusters in 16 filters. Our selection algorithm returns five singly-imaged candidates with Lya-like color signatures, for which ground-based spectroscopy with current 8-10 m class telescopes should be able to test the predicted strength of the Lya line. None of these five objects have been included in previous CLASH compilations of high-redshift galaxy candidates. However, when large grids of spectral synthesis models are applied to the study of these objects, we find that only two of these candidates are significantly better fitted by Population III models than by more mundane, low-metallicity stellar populations.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    Look Who's Talking: Pre-Verbal Infants’ Perception of Face-to-Face and Back-to-Back Social Interactions

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    Four-, 6-, and 11-month old infants were presented with movies in which two adult actors conversed about everyday events, either by facing each other or looking in opposite directions. Infants from 6 months of age made more gaze shifts between the actors, in accordance with the flow of conversation, when the actors were facing each other. A second experiment demonstrated that gaze following alone did not cause this difference. Instead the results are consistent with a social cognitive interpretation, suggesting that infants perceive the difference between face-to-face and back-to-back conversations and that they prefer to attend to a typical pattern of social interaction from 6 months of age
