3 research outputs found

    Status of S. mansoni infection at Gorgora, Northwest Ethiopia

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    Abstract: The study was conducted among school children in Gorgora town, located on the shore of Lake Tana. The objective was to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection. The result showed that, out of 472 students examined, the prevalence of S. mansoni was 29% (95% CI, 27 - 32%). The intensity of infection was moderate (Geometric _ epg = 289). Of the 137 positives, 21.2% had heavy infections (>800 epg). The prevalence and intensity of infection was high in the age group of 10-14 years. Reduction in morbidity is recommended as top priority in the control of schistosomiasis. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1999;13(1):15-19

    Attrition rates among student nurses at the Gondar college of medical sciences

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    Abstract: A retrospective analysis of academic performance of nursing students was done. From the 402 students admitted from 1984 to 1991, 267 (66.4%) graduated. The attrition rate showed an increase from 15.2% to 45.4%. Higher attrition rate (51.3%) was reported for females as compared to males (21.9%). No correlation between ESLCE result and academic performance was detected (r = 0.01) .The use of multiple admission criteria, increasing the duration of training and improving the learning environment are some of the recommendations suggested based on the study. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1995;9(2):87-90

    Epidemic prone diseases in Ethiopia EPHA Expert Group report

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    Infectious agents have caused disease and death in human populations throughout history . Some of the most devastating epidemics ever recorded have been caused by uncontrollable spread of dangerous human pathogens. The plague epidemic of the middle ages was responsible for the death of 13 million people in Europe during a four-year period (1). More recently, in the first part of the century , pandemic influenza swept the world by killing 20 million people in less than a Year's time (1). At present the world population is affected by devastating epidemics that have resulted in high morbidity and mortality