750 research outputs found

    A host of factors regulating influenza virus replication.

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    A new series of genetic screens begins to illuminate the interaction between influenza virus and the infected cell

    Inside the Aviary

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    Modularity and movement of energy are two key concepts in the construction of Nikki Mehle\u27s paintings. Painting is an act of both processing and creating reality – the duality of reflection and invention

    Protecting Patients: A Proposal For Codifying The Reasonable Innovation Rule

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    Part II of this Comment will examine the history of human experimentation and how the current regime of experimenting developed then explore the gap between experimentation approved by an Institutional Review Board (“IRB”) and FDA oversight. Part III will consider the competing interests of individual patient protection and medical innovation in general and whether informed consent appropriately balances those interests. Part IV will evaluate the inadequacies of current reliance on informed consent by using two case studies, both involving novel microbial procedures, and discuss how codification of the reasonable innovation rule would address those inadequacies. Ultimately, this Comment will argue that the common law reasonable innovation rule must be codified to protect vulnerable patients who are willing to try anything. Current oversight and regulation of physicians who implement novel treatments on a regular basis do not offer enough protection to the desperate patient. It is time for the FDA to intervene in our current “wild west” system where physicians are free to deviate from common practice and implement novel and even dangerous procedures as long as they obtain patients’ informed consent

    An Inhibitory Activity in Human Cells Restricts the Function of an Avian-like Influenza Virus Polymerase

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    SummaryTransmission of avian influenza virus into human populations has the potential to cause pandemic outbreaks. A major determinant of species tropism is the identity of amino acid 627 in the PB2 subunit of the heterotrimeric influenza polymerase; glutamic acid predominates in avian PB2, whereas lysine occupies this position in human isolates. We show that a dominant inhibitory activity in human cells potently and selectively restricts the function of polymerases containing an avian-like PB2 with glutamic acid at residue 627. Restricted polymerases fail to assemble into ribonucleoprotein complexes, resulting in decreased genome transcription, replication, and virus production without any significant effect on relative viral infectivity. Understanding the molecular basis of this species-specific restriction should provide strategies to prevent and treat avian influenza outbreaks in humans

    The Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution of money

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    To delo obravnava uporabo metod fizike na statističnih modelih za porazdelitev denarja, kot primer pristopa ekonofizike. V zaprtem gospodarskem sistemu se denar ohranja. Po analogiji z energijo mora ravnotežje verjetnostne porazdelitve denarja slediti Boltzmann-Gibbsovem zakonu, pri čemer je efektivna temperatura enaka povprečnemu znesku denarja na agenta. Numerične simulacije kažejo, da to drži vsaj takrat, ko je število agentov in povprečni znesek denarja na agenta velik. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je ta rezultat dokazati.This paper is concerned with the application of the methods of physics to statistical models for money distribution as an example of the approach of econophysics. In a closed economic system, money is conserved. By analogy with energy, the equilibrium probability distribution of money must follow the exponential Boltzmann-Gibbs law characterized by an effective temperature equal to the average amount of money per economic agent. Numerical simulations suggest that at least when the number of agents and the average amount of money per agent are large, this is true. The main objective of this paper is to give a rigorous proof of this result

    Analysis of road network in municipality of Grosuplje

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    V diplomski nalogi sem preučeval cestno omrežje v občini Grosuplje. Pregledal sem občinski prostorski načrt in celostno prometno strategijo, ki sta glavna dokumenta, s katerima se na območju občine ureja področje cestne infrastrukture in povzel glavne poudarke. Na podlagi le-teh sem identificiral kritične točke na cestnem omrežju, katerim je potrebno v prihodnosti posvetiti pozornost in poiskati ustrezne rešitve. Navkljub dejstvu, da se v zadnjih letih prometu v občini daje precej pozornosti, je na tem področju potrebnega še veliko dela, tako na infrastrukturi za pešce, kolesarje in voznike motornih vozil. Dve izmed kritičnih točk sta tudi križišči na Adamičevi cesti, ki je glavna prometna os skozi mesto Grosuplje. V križišču Ljubljanske in Adamičeve ceste ter ceste Ob Grosupeljščici in Adamičeve ceste se vsakodnevno pojavljajo zastoji v prometnih konicah zaradi premajhne prepustnosti le-teh. Občina načrtuje prenovo križišč in je za potrebe tega že pridobila idejni projekt. Izbrana rešitev ni najboljša, saj bo stanje na omenjenih križiščih ob koncu planske dobe kritično. V diplomski nalogi sem preučil več možnih variant in predlagal najboljšo.In the graduation thesis I studied the road network in municipality of Grosuplje. I reviewed the municipal spatial plan and the integrated transport strategy, which are the main documents that regulate the area of road infrastructure in the municipality and summarize the main emphasis. On the basis of these, I identified the critical points on the road network, which in the future need to focus attention and find suitable solutions. In spite of the fact that in the recent years traffic in the municipality is given considerable attention, still a lot of work is needed in this area, both on pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicle drivers. Two of the critical points are crossings on Adamičeva Road, which is the main transport axis through the town of Grosuplje. At the intersection of Ljubljanska and Adamičeva Road, along the road Ob Grosupeljščici and Adamičeva Road, traffic jams occur on daily basis due to the lack of permeability of them. The municipality plans to renovate intersections and has already received a preliminary project for this purpose. The chosen solution is not the best, as the situation at the mentioned intersections at the end of the planning period will be critical. In my graduation thesis, I examined several possible variants and suggested the best

    Hypothesis generation in an automobile malfunction inference task.

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    Expert and novice subjects generated hypotheses in an automobile trouble-shooting inference task. Data collected included subjects' verbal protocols during the inference tasks and subjects' estimates of the probabilities of their generated sets of hypotheses. Analyses indicated that both expert and novice subjects had difficulty generating complete sets of hypotheses and were overconfident in their subjective estimates of the probabilities of the generated hypotheses

    Control system development for the production of cosmetics with a robot cell

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    Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti in opisati koncept izdelave personalizirane kozmetike ter razvoj vodenja in nadzora izdelave kozmetičnega izdelka z robotsko celico. S strani investitorja podjetja Vastok d.o.o. je bila predstavljena poslovna ideja, naši projektni ekipi pa izziv, kako enostavno in v nekaj korakih ustvariti lastno linijo kozmetičnega izdelka z naravnimi sestavinami ter doživeti odlično uporabniško izkušnjo. Glede na predstavljeno idejo, sem izziv sprejel in v nadaljevanju diplomskega dela je opisan moj doprinos k uresničitvi poslovne ideje in dosegi poslovnega cilja. Moja naloga v projektni ekipi je bila načrtovanje, razvoj in implementacija krmilno-nadzornega sistema skladno s koncepti četrte industrijske revolucije ter smernicami pametnih tovarn (angl. smart factory). V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni strojno-tehnološki gradniki robotske celice in gradniki, ki so vključeni v sam sistem vodenja in nadzora. Glavni in tudi atraktivni strojno-tehnološki gradniki robotske celice so dvoročni robot Yaskawa, interaktivna čelada, krmilna enota FS100, učna enota in prijemala. Robotsko celico sestavljajo tudi zalogovnik za shranjevanje praznih embalaž, sistem za doziranje osnovnih komponent, sistem za doziranje tekočih komponent, mešalna naprava, sistem za preverjanje ustreznosti embalaž, sistem za odpiranje in zapiranje embalaže, sistem za dezinfekcijo in pripravo zraka, sistem za pripravo etiket, sistem za varnost, laboratorijska oprema, razdelilna omara z močnostno in krmilno elektro opremo. Računalniški sistem je sestavljen iz računalniške strojne in programske opreme ter elementov, ki so del procesa. Gradniki krmilno-nadzornega sistema so aktuatorji, servo regulatorji Bosch Rexroth, tehtnica Sartorius, senzorji in električna ter pnevmatska oprema, ki povezuje te elemente z računalniško opremo, s katerimi se izvaja avtomatizacija. Za vodenje in nadzor opreme se je izbrala krmilniška oprema proizvajalcev Siemens in Beckhoff. Za vodenje se je izbral programirljivi logični krmilnik Siemens družine S7-1500 s Siemensovimi in Beckhoffovimi vhodno-izhodnimi karticami. Za nadzor nad procesom se je izbral operaterski panel TP1200-Comfort proizvajalca Siemens. Celotna krmilno-nadzorna oprema je v arhitekturi računalniškega sistema in je med seboj povezana s sodobnimi industrijskimi komunikacijami in protokoli: Profibus in Profinet. Klasična Ethernet komunikacija pa se preko mrežnega stikala uporablja za dostop do informacijskega nivoja. Sistem avtomatizacije robotske celice je izdelan skladno s smernicami vitke proizvodnje (ang. Lean production), s katerim se zagotavlja hitrost, ponovljivost, zanesljivost ter optimizacijo procesa. Z uporabo sodobnega programskega orodja Siemens TIA portal in razvojem aplikativne programske opreme za krmilni in nadzorni nivo se zagotavlja popolna avtomatiziranost nadzornega sistema. Pri razvoju aplikativne programske opreme za vodenje procesa izdelave personalizirane kozmetike se je sledilo modularnemu konceptu programiranja in priporočilom (ANSI/ISA-S88.01-1995, ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2000). Pri razvoju aplikativne programske kode za krmilni nivo so se upoštevala načela, da so postopki adaptivni, prediktivni in fleksibilni glede na veliko število kombinacij pri procesu izdelave personalizirane kozmetike. Pri razvoju aplikativne programske opreme za nadzor procesa se je sledilo načelom dobre inženirske prakse, s katerimi se je izvedla pregledna in uporabniku prijazna vizualizacija sistema. Vizualizacija omogoča preko operaterskega panela spremljanje procesa izdelave, alarmiranja, nadzor zalog, nastavitev tehničnih parametrov in vzdrževanju sistema. Skladno s poslovno idejo in celotnim konceptom je robotska celica eden izmed členov v verigi pri izdelavi personalizirane kozmetike. Vsa uporabniška izkušnja se namreč prične pri kreiranju lastnega izdelka preko spletne trgovine. Tam si uporabnik kreira izdelek, ga plača in s tem steče naročilo izdelka. Izdelek se s pripadajočo recepturo preko komunikacijskih vmesnikov prenese preko proizvodno-informacijskega sistema in aplikacije za prenos recepturnih parametrov na nadzorno-krmilni nivo. Nadzorno-krmilni sistem v realnem času poroča in beleži podatke o stanju procesa izdelave, procesnih parametrih, alarmih oziroma napakah, količinah in zalogah surovin ter materialov na proizvodno-informacijski sistem. Proizvodno-informacijski sistem po končanem izvajanju procesa izdelka hrani vse podatke o posameznem izdelku, omogoča sledenje izdelkov in toku materiala, analitiko in pregled arhiviranih procesnih parametrov.The purpose of this thesis is to present and describe the concept of manufacturing personalized cosmetics and the development of management and control of manufacturing of cosmetics products using the robot cell. The investor, Vastok d.o.o., presented a business idea and a challenge to the project teamhow to easily and in just a few steps create a personalized cosmetic product from natural ingredients through a great user experience. I accepted the challenge and this thesis presents my contribution towards the realization of this business idea and reaching the business goal. My role in the project team was designing, developing and implementing a control and supervisory system in accordance with the concepts of Industry 4.0 and with smart factory guidelines. The thesis presents the mechanical and technological building blocks for the robot cell as well as the building blocks for the supervisory and control system. The main and also the most attractive parts of the robot cell are the two-handed Yaskawa robot, interactive helmet, FS100 control unit, teaching unit and grippers. The robot cell is also comprised of the empty packaging storage, system for basic component dosing, system for dosing of liquid components, mixing device, system for checking the correctness of the packaging, a system for opening and closing of the packaging, system for disinfection and air preparation, labeling system, safety system, laboratory equipment and power distribution cabinets with control electrical equipment. The computer system consists of computer hardware and software and elements, which are a part of the process. The building blocks of the control and supervisory system are actuators, servo regulators Bosch Rexroth, Sartorius scale, sensors and electrical and pneumatic equipment, which connect these elements with the computer equipment in charge of the automation. Siemens and Beckoff logic controller equipment was chosen for control equipment. Siemens programmable logic controller from the S7-1500 family, together with the Beckoff input-output modules, was chosen for controlling the process. Siemens TP1200-Comfort operating panel was chosen for the process control. The control and the supervisory equipment is connected in the computer system architecture using modern industrial communications and protocols: Profibus and Profinet. For accessing the information level classical Ethernet communication over network switch is used. The automation system for the robot cell is developed in accordance with the guidelines for lean production, which ensures speed, repeatability, reliability, and process optimization. Total automation for the control and monitoring system is achieved by using modern software tool Siemens TIA portal and with development of the application software for the command and control level. Development of the application software for personalized cosmetics manufacturing process management followed a modular concept and ANSI/ISA-S88.01-1995, ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2000 recommendations. Development of the application software for the command level followed the principles that the processes are adaptive, predictable and flexible according to the number of different combinations during the personalized cosmetics manufacturing process. Development of the application software for the control level followed good engineering practices, which led to a transparent and user-friendly system visualization. Visualization allows monitoring of the manufacturing process and alarms, inventory control, setting of technical parameters and system maintenance. Consistent with the business idea and the complete concept the robot cell is just one of the links in the chain that comprises the personalized cosmetics manufacturing. The user experience starts with the creation of the personalized product in the web shop. In this shop the user creates the product, pays for it whereupon the order of the product starts. The product with the corresponding recipe is transferred over the communication interfaces, through the Manufacturing execution system and the application for transferring of recipe parameters to the control and supervisory level. It reports in real time and records data about the state of the manufacturing process, process parameters, alarms and warnings, amounts and raw materials inventory to the production information system. Production information system then after the manufacturing is finished stores all the data about a particular product, allows tracking of products and material flow, analytics and a review of archived process parameters

    Bibliografija akademika prof. dr. Bojana Čopa ob njegovi sedemdesetletnici

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    Bibliographie des oeuvres du prof. Bojan ČopBibliografija akademika prof. dr. Bojana Čopa ob njegovi sedemdesetletnic