372 research outputs found

    Treatment outcomes in the inpatient management of severe functional neurological disorder: a retrospective cohort study.

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    Functional neurological disorder (FND) is a heterogeneous condition; severe forms can be disabling. Multidisciplinary treatment and rehabilitation are recommended for severe FND, but there remains a lack of evidence for its efficacy and lack of understanding of the predictors and components of recovery. We report clinical outcome data for an inpatient cohort with severe FND. Clinical Global Impression Improvement with treatment is the primary outcome measure. Admission and discharge measures (Euroqol quality of life measures, Beck Depression Inventory, Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory, Cambridge Depersonalisation Scale, Illness Perception Questionnaire (Revised) and Functional Mobility Scale) are reported as secondary outcomes. We describe an FND cohort (n=52) with chronic illness (mean symptom duration 9.7 years). At admission, there were clinically relevant levels of depression, anxiety and depersonalisation derealisation. At the time of discharge, most (43/52) patients' global condition had improved. Measures of mobility, depression and quality of life also significantly improved while at discharge, symptoms were experienced as more understandable and less distressing than at admission. An admission measure of patient confidence in treatment was predictive of eventual clinical outcome. The most frequent outcome of inpatient rehabilitation is global improvement, even when symptoms are chronic and severe, reflected in measurable changes in both physical and psychological functioning. Significant levels of depersonalisation derealisation seen in this patient group suggest that routine enquiry into such experiences could help personalise FND treatment approaches. Patient confidence in treatment is key in determining clinical outcomes. [Abstract copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2024. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

    Stereoscopic Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging at 500 kHz

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    A new measurement technique for obtaining time- and spatially-resolved image sequences in hypersonic flows is developed. Nitric-oxide planar laser-induced fluorescence (NO PLIF) has previously been used to investigate transition from laminar to turbulent flow in hypersonic boundary layers using both planar and volumetric imaging capabilities. Low flow rates of NO were typically seeded into the flow, minimally perturbing the flow. The volumetric imaging was performed at a measurement rate of 10 Hz using a thick planar laser sheet that excited NO fluorescence. The fluorescence was captured by a pair of cameras having slightly different views of the flow. Subsequent stereoscopic reconstruction of these images allowed the three-dimensional flow structures to be viewed. In the current paper, this approach has been extended to 50,000 times higher repetition rates. A laser operating at 500 kHz excites the seeded NO molecules, and a camera, synchronized with the laser and fitted with a beam-splitting assembly, acquires two separate images of the flow. The resulting stereoscopic images provide three-dimensional flow visualizations at 500 kHz for the first time. The 200 ns exposure time in each frame is fast enough to freeze the flow while the 500 kHz repetition rate is fast enough to time-resolve changes in the flow being studied. This method is applied to visualize the evolving hypersonic flow structures that propagate downstream of a discrete protuberance attached to a flat plate. The technique was demonstrated in the NASA Langley Research Center s 31-Inch Mach 10 Air Tunnel facility. Different tunnel Reynolds number conditions, NO flow rates and two different cylindrical protuberance heights were investigated. The location of the onset of flow unsteadiness, an indicator of transition, was observed to move downstream during the tunnel runs, coinciding with an increase in the model temperature

    Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter Simulations Using PopSyCLE

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    Primordial black holes (PBHs), theorized to have originated in the early universe, are speculated to be a viable form of dark matter. If they exist, they should be detectable through photometric and astrometric signals resulting from gravitational microlensing of stars in the Milky Way. Population Synthesis for Compact-object Lensing Events, or PopSyCLE, is a simulation code that enables users to simulate microlensing surveys, and is the first of its kind to include both photometric and astrometric microlensing effects, which are important for potential PBH detection and characterization. To estimate the number of observable PBH microlensing events we modify PopSyCLE to include a dark matter halo consisting of PBHs. We detail our PBH population model, and demonstrate our PopSyCLE + PBH results through simulations of the OGLE-IV and Roman microlensing surveys. We provide a proof-of-concept analysis for adding PBHs into PopSyCLE, and thus include many simplifying assumptions, such as fDMf_{\text{DM}}, the fraction of dark matter composed of PBHs, and mˉPBH\bar{m}_{\text{PBH}}, mean PBH mass. Assuming mˉPBH=30\bar{m}_{\text{PBH}}=30 MM_{\odot}, we find \sim 3.65fDMf_{\text{DM}} times as many PBH microlensing events than stellar evolved black hole events, a PBH average peak Einstein crossing time of \sim 91.4 days, estimate on order of 102fDM10^2f_{\text{DM}} PBH events within the 8 year OGLE-IV results, and estimate Roman to detect on the order of 103fDM10^3f_{\text{DM}} PBH microlensing events throughout its planned microlensing survey

    Emotional Experience and Awareness of Self: Functional MRI Studies of Depersonalization Disorder

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    This paper presents functional MRI work on emotional processing in depersonalization disorder (DPD). This relatively neglected disorder is hallmarked by a disturbing change in the quality of first-person experience, almost invariably encompassing a diminished sense of self and an alteration in emotional experience such that the sufferer feels less emotionally reactive, with emotions experienced as decreased or “damped down,” so that emotional life seems to lack spontaneity and subjective validity. Here we explored responses to emotive visual stimuli to examine the functional neuroanatomy of emotional processing in DPD before and after pharmacological treatment. We also employed concurrent skin conductance measurement as an index of autonomic arousal. In common with previous studies we demonstrated that in DPD, there is attenuated psychophysiological response to emotional material, reflected in altered patterns of (i) regional brain response, (ii) autonomic responses. By scanning participants before and after treatment we were able to build on previous findings by examining the changes in functional MRI response in patients whose symptoms had improved at time 2. The attenuation of emotional experience was associated with reduced activity of the insula, whereas clinical improvement in DPD symptoms was associated with increased insula activity. The insula is known to be implicated in interoceptive awareness and the generation of feeling states. In addition an area of right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex emerged as particularly implicated in what may be “top-down” inhibition of emotional responses. The relevance of these findings to the wider study of emotion, self-related processes, and interoception is discussed

    Interactions between visceral afferent signaling and stimulus processing

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    Visceral afferent signals to the brain influence thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Here we highlight the findings of a set of empirical investigations in humans concerning body-mind interaction that focus on how feedback from states of autonomic arousal shapes cognition and emotion. There is a longstanding debate regarding the contribution of the body, to mental processes. Recent theoretical models broadly acknowledge the role of (autonomically mediated) physiological arousal to emotional, social and motivational behaviours, yet the underlying mechanisms are only partially characterized. Neuroimaging is overcoming this shortfall; first, by demonstrating correlations between autonomic change and discrete patterns of evoked, and task- independent, neural activity; second, by mapping the central consequences of clinical perturbations in autonomic response and; third, by probing how dynamic fluctuations in peripheral autonomic state are integrated with perceptual, cognitive and emotional processes. Building on the notion that an important source of the brain’s representation of physiological arousal is derived from afferent information from arterial baroreceptors, we have exploited the phasic nature of these signals to show their differential contribution to the processing of emotionally-salient stimuli. This recent work highlights the facilitation at neural and behavioral levels of fear and threat processing that contrasts with the more established observations of the inhibition of central pain processing during baroreceptors activation. The implications of this body-brain-mind axis are discussed

    Changes in glacial meltwater alter algal communities in lakes of Scoresby Sund, Renland, East Greenland throughout the Holocene: abrupt reorganizations began 1000 years before present

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    We investigated the response of lake algal communities to changes in glacial meltwater from the Renland Ice Cap (Greenland) through the Holocene to assess whether influxes always elicit consistent responses or novel responses. We measured sedimentary algal pigments in two proximal lakes, snow-fed Raven and glacier- and snow-fed Bunny Lake, and diatom community structure and turnover in Bunny Lake. Diatom data were not available in Raven Lake. We also modeled lake-level change in Bunny Lake to identify how glacial meltwater may have altered diatom habitat availability through time. Through a series of glacier advances and retreats over the Holocene, the algal response in Bunny Lake was relatively constant until approximately 1015 yr BP, after which there were major changes in sedimentary algal remains. Algal pigment concentrations sharply declined, and diatom species richness increased. Diatom community structure underwent three reorganizations. Until 1015 yr BP, assemblages were dominated by Pinnularia braunii and Aulacoseira pffaffiana. However, approximately 1015–480 yr BP, these species declined and Tabellaria flocculosa and Hannaea arcus became a significant component of the assemblage. Approximately 440 yr BP, A. pfaffiana increased along with species indicating elevated nitrogen. In contrast, the algal pigment records from nearby snow-fed Raven Lake showed different and minimal change through time. Our results suggest that changes in the magnitude and composition of meltwater in our two study lakes were unique over the last 1000 yr BP and elicited a non-linear threshold response absent during other periods of glacier advance and retreat. Deciphering the degree to which glaciers structure algal communities over time has strong implications for lakes as glaciers continue to recede

    Service innovations: A depersonalisation research unit progress report

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    Depersonalisation was described clinically over 100 years ago, yet there has been little research into this interesting but distressing psychiatric disorder. The symptom of depersonalisation can occur alone or in the context of other psychiatric and neurological illnesses and is characterised by the experience of detachment from one's senses and the outside environment, and may be present for several years without remission. Two years after the establishment of the depersonalisation research unit at the Maudsley Hospital, London, we report on current neurobiological and clinical research findings, including functional magnetic resonance imaging, psychophysiology and neuroendocrinology and progress regarding the development of effective treatments