3,631 research outputs found

    Timetable and Details of New Supervisors' Workshops 2014

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    Electrostatic discharge control for STDN stations

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    This manual defines the requirements and control methods necessary to control the effect of electrostatic discharges that damage or destroy electronic equipment components. Test procedures for measuring the effectiveness of the control are included

    Catch-per-unit-effort and biological parameters from the Massachusetts coastal lobster (Homarus americanus) resource: Description and trends

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    Acomprehensive description of the Massachusetts coastal lobster (Homarus americanus) resou,rce was obtained by sampling commercial catches coastwide at sea and at dealerships between 1981 and 1986. Acommercial lobster sea-sampling program, wherein six coastal regions were sampled monthly, with an areal and temporal data weighting design, was the primary source of data. An improved index of catch per trap haul/set-over-day was generated by modeling the relationship between catch and immersion time and standardizing effort. This 6-year time-series of mean annual catch rates tracked closely the landings trend for territorial waters. During the study period there was a gradual increase in indices of exploitation and total annual mortality which corresponded to a gradual decline in mean carapace length of marketable lobster. The frequency of culls escalated from 10.0% in 1981 to 20.9% in 1986, while the percentage of lobster found dead in traps was consistently less than 1%. The sex ratio (%F:%M) was significantly different from 50:50 and approximated a 60:40 relationship during the study period. Male and female weight-length relationships were significantly different. Females weighed more than males at smaller sizes and less than males at larger sizes. A north-south clinal trend was evident wherein lobster north of Cape Cod weighed less at length than those from regions south of Cape Cod. Functional size-maturity relationships were developed for female lobster by staging cement gland development. Proportions mature at size represent more realistic values than those obtained by analyses of percent of females ovigerous. Regional variation occurred in most of the parameters studied. Three lobster groups, differing in major population descriptors, are defined by our data.(PDF file contains 28 pages.

    Study of Ga, GaN, Li and LiF laser ablation plumes using spectroscopic and fast imaging techniques

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    The thesis describes the design and implementation of (1) a spatially resolved ultraviolet emission spectroscopy system and (2) an ultrafast imaging experimental setup to study the dynamics and composition of laser ablation plumes suitable for Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) of materials. These techniques allow the simultaneous recording of the plume absolute emission intensities up to 4 cm above the target surface, in the spectral range from 240 nm to 900 nm with a series of frames of the expanding plume, thus furnishing spatial, temporal an spectral information on the plume's evolution. Emission spectra of Ga and GaN ablation plumes, in typical PLD conditions, were obtained with this system and are presented as a function of N2 ambient gas pressure from 1 x 10~7 to 5 mbar and ablation laser wavelengths of 266, 355, 532 and 1064 nm. Atomic level populations and excitation temperatures are estimated from these spectra. A series of temporally resolved images of the luminous plume expanding into N2 pressures of 1 x 10-5, 1 x 10—2, 1 x 10-1, 1 and 5 mbar were recorded and plume velocities are estimated from these data. Emission spectra are also presented for Li and LiF plumes expanding into vacuum and the corresponding atomic level populations and excitation temperatures were estimated. Ultrafast images were recorded as a function of laser wavelength (266, 532 and 1064nm) and spotsize (115 x 80, 340 x 250, 90 x 525, 1000 x 000 and 2000x2000 ¿¿m) yielding plume velocities. An anomalous emission line ratio feature of these spectra was observed and discussed

    Prospective thinking; scenario planning meets neuroscience

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    The Intuitive Logics (IL) scenario planning process is grounded in the work of Hermann Kahn and Pierre Wack in the 1960s and 1970s. Its broad adoption and sustained use over 50 years has taken it beyond the typical management fashion or fad. It has helped shape the strategies of many types of institutions and organisations. The process encourages individuals to recall past events and to imagine future happenings. But, little is known about neither how they do this nor the contextual conditions that shape how they do it and how they might do it better. Recent developments in cognitive psychology and neuroscience have had success in several management domains e.g., marketing, information systems, leadership, economics and finance. However, little attention has been paid to their application in strategic management and, in particular, in scenario planning. The paper provides a critical coverage of the pertinent cognitive sciences literature and explores opportunities for co-joint research between scenario planners and cognitive psychologists that might help to further foster and support the IL process

    History of the British Academy of Management 1986-2007

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    This project started as a set of scribbles to aid a failing memory. At BAM’s inaugural conference at Warwick in 1986, Peter Grinyer (St Andrews) presented the early results that we had developed from our ‘Sharpbender’ project. After getting the taste for BAM, I have attended every conference since then. I joined Council in 1995/96 and enjoyed my experiences on the Research Committee and as Chair and President from 2001 to 2006. In particular, I was impressed by the commitment, hard work and great humour of many fine colleagues working for the Academy on a voluntary basis. Some are no longer with us and I have dedicated the history to the memory of two close and dear colleagues of ours in BAM, Tony Beasley and Richard Whipp

    Pencil Drawing

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    Delphi technique

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    The Delphi Method is designed to elicit opinion and counter opinion from a group of experts in order to inform better the decision making process. These experts may be geographically dispersed. Traditionally, information is captured through the use of questionnaires and their analysis is fed back to the experts in an unattributed manner through a continuous loop system until the group converges on a common opinion. The approach is valuable when decisions have to be made in highly charged domains e.g., politics, education, or when actions may have severe outcomes e.g., thermonuclear warfare