4 research outputs found

    Data on 30-year stand dynamics in an old-growth broad-leaved forest in the Kaluzhskie Zaseki State Nature Reserve, Russia

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    The article provides primary data on repeated tree measurements collected during two censuses on a permanent sampling plot (440 m × 200 m) established in the old-growth polydominant broad-leaved forest in the Kaluzhskie Zaseki State Nature Reserve (centre of European Russia). The time span between the inventories was 30 years, and a total of 11 578 individuals of ten tree, one shrub species, and several undefined tree species of three known genera were registered. During the surveys, tree identity, stem diameter at breast height (DBH) of 1.3 m, and life status (alive or dead) were recorded for every tree individual with DBH ≥ 5 cm. Additional attributes were determined for some individuals. Field data were digitised and compiled into the PostgreSQL database. An accurate data quality assessment, validation, and cleaning (with documentation of changes) have been performed before data standardisation according to the Darwin Core standard. Standardised data were published through the GBIF repository. From 1986 to 1988, 9811 individuals were recorded within the initial census, including 3920 Corylus avellana individual shrubs. Corylus avellana shrubs were recorded without measuring DBH. From 2016 to 2018, 7658 stems were recorded in the recensus, including 3090 living trees marked during the initial census, and 1641 other living trees reaching the DBH of at least 5 cm. Corylus avellana was not included in the recensus. Thus, over 30 years, about 65% of living tree individuals have survived, but the total number of living trees has not changed considerably. The mean diameter of shade-intolerant tree species (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Populus tremula, and Betula spp.) has increased the most remarkably during 30 years. For these species, the increase in average diameter, along with the decrease in numbers, is associated with the death of young trees, presumably due to low illumination under the canopy. Contrastingly, shade-tolerant tree species (Ulmus glabra, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides) increased in number, while their mean diameter increased slightly or even decreased, that evidences the successful regeneration of these species under the canopy. These data are relevant for investigating forest ecology questions at spatiotemporal scales as a model of natural succession

    Dynamics of Diversity of Woody Species Taxa under Human Impact in the Upper Volga Region (NW Russia) According to Pedoanthracological Data

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    We studied charcoal from several types of natural soil archives, including cultural layers of archaeological sites (hillforts), surrounding forest and arable soils, and sediments in lower parts of the slopes associated with hillforts and moraine hills. The stratigraphy of the charcoals was described, and 41 samples were radiocarbon-dated. Analysis of 2277 charcoals showed the presence of 13 taxa of woody species; Pinus and Picea charcoals dominated. Charcoals older than 300 BC were found only in sediment and in several pits formed after treefalls with uprooting. The greatest diversity of woody species was found in the hillforts’ cultural layers composed of Anthropogenic Dark Earth soils formed between 300 BC and 300 cal. AD (Early Iron Age). All charcoals from ancient arable soils were younger than charcoals from the hillforts. Charcoals indicated that burning for arable farming started in the study region in the 6th century AD. Woody taxa exhibited a decrease in number of species and a decrease in the proportion of nemoral (broadleaved) species from the Early Iron Age to the Middle Ages and to the present. Quercus, Tilia, and Corylus have become relatively rare, although they still occur in the study region. Ulmus and Acer are now rare in the Upper Volga region and were not found in the vicinity of the study sites

    Peatland Development, Vegetation History, Climate Change and Human Activity in the Valdai Uplands (Central European Russia) during the Holocene: A Multi-Proxy Palaeoecological Study

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    Peatlands are remarkable for their specific biodiversity, crucial role in carbon cycling and climate change. Their deposits preserve organism remains that can be used to reconstruct long-term ecosystem and environmental changes as well as human impact in the prehistorical and historical past. This study presents a new multi-proxy reconstruction of the peatland and vegetation development investigating climate dynamics and human impact at the border between mixed and boreal forests in the Valdai Uplands (the East European Plain, Russia) during most of the Holocene. We performed plant macrofossil, pollen, testate amoeba, Cladocera, diatom, peat humification, loss on ignition, carbon and nitrogen content, δ13C and δ15N analyses supported by radiocarbon dating of the peat deposits from the Krivetskiy Mokh mire. The results of the study indicate that the wetland ecosystem underwent a classic hydroserial succession from a lake (8300 BC–900 BC) terrestrialized through a fen (900 BC–630 AD) to an ombrotrophic bog (630 AD–until present) and responded to climate changes documented over the Holocene. Each stage was associated with clear changes in local diversity of organisms responding mostly to autogenic successional changes during the lake stage and to allogenic factors at the fen-bog stage. The latter can be related to increased human impact and greater sensitivity of peatland ecosystems to external, especially climatic, drivers as compared to lakes