871 research outputs found

    Electric and magnetic Weyl tensors in higher dimensions

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    Recent results on purely electric (PE) or magnetic (PM) spacetimes in n dimensions are summarized. These include: Weyl types; diagonalizability; conditions under which direct (or warped) products are PE/PM.Comment: 4 pages; short summary of (parts of) arXiv:1203.3563. Proceedings of "Relativity and Gravitation - 100 Years after Einstein in Prague", Prague, June 25-29, 2012 (http://ae100prg.mff.cuni.cz/

    Sistema Agrossilvipastoril na região sudoeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Semi-classical Green kernel asymptotics for the Dirac operator

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    We consider a semi-classical Dirac operator in arbitrary spatial dimensions with a smooth potential whose partial derivatives of any order are bounded by suitable constants. We prove that the distribution kernel of the inverse operator evaluated at two distinct points fulfilling a certain hypothesis can be represented as the product of an exponentially decaying factor involving an associated Agmon distance and some amplitude admitting a complete asymptotic expansion in powers of the semi-classical parameter. Moreover, we find an explicit formula for the leading term in that expansion.Comment: 46 page

    The Lazarus Project. II. Spacelike extraction with the quasi-Kinnersley tetrad

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    The Lazarus project was designed to make the most of limited 3D binary black-hole simulations, through the identification of perturbations at late times, and subsequent evolution of the Weyl scalar Ψ4\Psi_4 via the Teukolsky formulation. Here we report on new developments, employing the concept of the ``quasi-Kinnersley'' (transverse) frame, valid in the full nonlinear regime, to analyze late-time numerical spacetimes that should differ only slightly from Kerr. This allows us to extract the essential information about the background Kerr solution, and through this, to identify the radiation present. We explicitly test this procedure with full numerical evolutions of Bowen-York data for single spinning black holes, head-on and orbiting black holes near the ISCO regime. These techniques can be compared with previous Lazarus results, providing a measure of the numerical-tetrad errors intrinsic to the method, and give as a by-product a more robust wave extraction method for numerical relativity.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Journal version with text changes, revised figures. [Note updated version of original Lazarus paper (gr-qc/0104063)

    Exponential localization of hydrogen-like atoms in relativistic quantum electrodynamics

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    We consider two different models of a hydrogenic atom in a quantized electromagnetic field that treat the electron relativistically. The first one is a no-pair model in the free picture, the second one is given by the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian. We prove that the no-pair operator is semi-bounded below and that its spectral subspaces corresponding to energies below the ionization threshold are exponentially localized. Both results hold true, for arbitrary values of the fine-structure constant, e2e^2, and the ultra-violet cut-off, Λ\Lambda, and for all nuclear charges less than the critical charge without radiation field, Zc=e22/(2/π+π/2)Z_c=e^{-2}2/(2/\pi+\pi/2). We obtain similar results for the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz operator, again for all values of e2e^2 and Λ\Lambda and for nuclear charges less than e22/πe^{-2}2/\pi.Comment: 37 page

    Complete classification of purely magnetic, non-rotating and non-accelerating perfect fluids

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    Recently the class of purely magnetic non-rotating dust spacetimes has been shown to be empty (Wylleman, Class. Quant. Grav. 23, 2727). It turns out that purely magnetic rotating dust models are subject to severe integrability conditions as well. One of the consequences of the present paper is that also rotating dust cannot be purely magnetic when it is of Petrov type D or when it has a vanishing spatial gradient of the energy density. For purely magnetic and non-rotating perfect fluids on the other hand, which have been fully classified earlier for Petrov type D (Lozanovski, Class. Quant. Grav. 19, 6377), the fluid is shown to be non-accelerating if and only if the spatial density gradient vanishes. Under these conditions, a new and algebraically general solution is found, which is unique up to a constant rescaling, which is spatially homogeneous of Bianchi type VI0VI_0, has degenerate shear and is of Petrov type I(M)M^\infty) in the extended Arianrhod-McIntosh classification. The metric and the equation of state are explicitly constructed and properties of the model are briefly discussed. We finally situate it within the class of normal geodesic flows with degenerate shear tensor.Comment: 12 pages; introduction partly rewritten, notation made more clear, table of results adde

    The mass shell in the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz model

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    We consider the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz model for a single free electron interacting with the quantized radiation field. Employing a variant of Pizzo's iterative analytic perturbation theory we construct a sequence of ground state eigenprojections of infra-red cutoff, dressing transformed fiber Hamiltonians and prove its convergence, as the cutoff goes to zero. Its limit is the ground state eigenprojection of a certain Hamiltonian unitarily equivalent to a renormalized fiber Hamiltonian acting in a coherent state representation space. The ground state energy is an exactly two-fold degenerate eigenvalue of the renormalized Hamiltonian, while it is not an eigenvalue of the original fiber Hamiltonian unless the total momentum is zero. These results hold true, for total momenta inside a ball about zero of arbitrary radius p>0, provided that the coupling constant is sufficiently small depending on p and the ultra-violet cutoff. Along the way we prove twice continuous differentiability and strict convexity of the ground state energy as a function of the total momentum inside that ball.Comment: 44 page

    Theorems on shear-free perfect fluids with their Newtonian analogues

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    In this paper we provide fully covariant proofs of some theorems on shear-free perfect fluids. In particular, we explicitly show that any shear-free perfect fluid with the acceleration proportional to the vorticity vector (including the simpler case of vanishing acceleration) must be either non-expanding or non-rotating. We also show that these results are not necessarily true in the Newtonian case, and present an explicit comparison of shear-free dust in Newtonian and relativistic theories in order to see where and why the differences appear.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX. Submitted to GR

    Beans with bugs: Covert carnivory and infested seed selection by the red-nosed cuxiú monkey

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    Members of the Neotropical primate genus Chiropotes eat large volumes of immature seeds. However, such items are often low in available proteins, and digestion of seeds is further inhibited by tannins. This suggests that overall plant-derived protein intake is relatively low. We examined the presence of insect larvae in partially eaten fruits, compared with intact fruit on trees, and examined fecal pellets for the presence of larvae. We found that red-nosed cuxiú (Chiropotes albinasus) individuals may supplement their limited seed-derived protein intake by ingesting seed-inhabiting insects. Comparison of fruits partially eaten for their seeds with those sampled directly from trees showed that fruits with insect-containing seeds were positively selected in 20 of the 41 C. albinasus diet items tested, suggesting that fruits with infested seeds are actively selected by foraging animals. We found no differences in accessibility to seeds, that is, no differences in husk penetrability between fruits with infested and uninfested seeds excluding the likelihood that insect-infestation results in easier access to the seeds in such fruits. Additionally, none of the C. albinasus fecal samples showed any evidence of living pupae or larvae, indicating that infesting larvae are digested. Our findings raise the possibility that these seed-predating primates might provide net benefits to the plant species they feed on, since they feed from many species of plants and their actions may reduce the populations of seed-infesting insects