135 research outputs found

    Modelo de fracionamento isotópico da água na bacia Amazônica (Primeira aproximação)

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    Two models on the isotopic fracteonation of water are presented in this paper. In the first model, it is assumed that the only source of water vapour for the Amazon region is the Atlantic Ocean, introduced by the predominant easterly winds. The second model contains the assumption that the forest also serves as a source of water vapour contributing an equal volume of water to the regional rains as the vapour of oceanic origin.Neste trabalho são apresentados dois modelos de fracionamento isotópico da água. No primeiro admite-se como única fonte de vapor dágua o oceano Atlântico, sendo o vapor introduzido na região Amazônica através dos ventos predominantes do quadrante Este. Em seguida, é apresentado outro modelo admitindo-se que a floresta atua como uma segunda fonte de vapor dágua, sendo a sua contribuição, para a produção das chuvas da região, da mesma ordem de grandeza que a do vapor proveniente do oceano

    High Efficacy of Preoperative Low-Dose Radiotherapy with Sanazole (AK-2123) for Extraskeletal Ewing's Sarcoma: A Case Report

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    Extraskeletal Ewing's sarcoma is a rare soft tissue tumor that is morphologically indistinguishable from Ewing's sarcoma of bone. We report a case of extraskeletal Ewing's sarcoma with several systemic problems. A 69-year-old man presented with a 5-month history of a rapidly enlarging mass in the right thigh. Because preoperative radiotherapy with sanazole (AK-2123) contributed the tumor mass reduction down to 40% in size, the tumor was successfully resected with clear surgical margins and repaired with a musculocutaneous flap. The high efficacy of pre-operative low-dose radiotherapy with sanazole was histologically confirmed that the resected tumor specimen involved no viable tumor cells and showed 100% necrosis. Based on clinical outcomes in this case, the combined modality of pre-operative low-dose radiotherapy with hypoxic cell radiosensitizer and adequate surgical resection might provide for the useful clinical application of extraskeletal Ewing's sarcoma treatment

    Utilização do fertilizante nitrogenado aplicado a uma cultura de feijão

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    The efficiency of nitrogen in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L) cv. Carioca was studied in an Oxic Paleudalf soil, in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, in five periods (6,26,46, 66 and 86 days after germination-DAG). Zero and 42 kg of N/ha were applied, using ammonium sulphate with 56.111% of 15N atoms in excess. This fertilization took place in two stages: 1/3 six DAG and the rest 26 DAG. The plant population was of 250,000 per hectare. Each sample comprised branches + leaves, roots, pods and whole plants. Such samples were analysed for total N content (semi-microkjeldahl method) and N isotopic composition (Dumas method), using an Atlas Variant CH-4 mass spectrometer. The following conclusions were obtained: a) the source of N used significantly increased the production; b) the percentage of N in the plant, obtained from the fertilizer, varied (p = 0.05) as concerned to sampling time, but not among plant parts within each sample; c) the maximum efficiency in N fertilizer utilization (75.9%) was observed during the stage of higher pod development; and d) the grains obtained 16.4 kg/ha of N from the fertilizer and used efficiently 38.9%.Em solo Paleudalf óxico (Terra Roxa Estruturada), localizado em Piracicaba, SP, estudou- se a extração, distribuição e eficiência da utilização do N-fertilizante pelo feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.), cv. Carioca, em cinco épocas de seu desenvolvimento (06, 26, 46, 66, e 86 dias após a germinação - DAG). O nitrogênio (0 e 42 kg/ha de N) foi aplicado, usando sulfato de amônio com 56,111% de átomos de 15 N em excesso, em duas épocas: um terço aos 06 DAG, e o restante aos 26 DAG. A população foi de 250.000 plantas/ha. Em cada amostragem, as plantas foram separadas em: ramos + folhas, raízes, vagens e total, nas quais foram feitas análises de N-total (método semi-microkjeldahl) e da composição isotópica do N (método Dumas), usando espectrômetro de massa Atlas Variant, CH-4. Concluiu-se que: a) a fonte de N usada incrementou significativamente a produção; b) a percentagem de N na planta, proveniente do fertilizante, variou (p = 0,05) somente entre épocas de amostragem, mas não entre órgãos dentro de cada amostragem; c) a eficiência máxima de utilização do N-fertilizante (75,9%) coincidiu com o estágio de maior desenvolvimento das vagens; e d) os grãos extraíram 16,4 kg/ha do N-fertilizante, sendo sua eficiência de utilização de 38,9%

    Composição isotópica da água de chuva e da água do solo em floresta amazônica do tipo terra firme, região de Manaus

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    It was possible to observe the rain water values of δ2H e δ18O and theirs respective repartition, including the soil water until the depth of 1.20m. The work was done in the Model Basin in an experimental area near the Km 14 of the ZF-2 road. The obtained results showed that the isotopic composition of the rain water vary with the season of the year, and are more enriched in 2H and 18O in the period wich begins at the end of April and beginning of November. These variations were not observed in the igarapé Tarumã-Açu water, suggesting a blend of waters and a high storage of water by the soil.Observou-se os valores de δ2H e δ18O da água de chuva e suas respectivas repartições, incluindo-se a água do solo até a profundidade de 1,20m. O trabalho foi realizado na Bacia Modelo, em área experimental próxima ao Km 14 da estrada ZF-2. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os conteúdos isotópicos da água de chuva variam com a estação do ano, sendo mais rica no período que se inicia em fins de abril até início de novembro. Para a água do igarapé Tarumã-Açu essa variação não foi observada, indicando uma mistura de águas e um armazenamento pelo solo de grandes quantidades de água

    Comprehensive phenotypic and genomic characterization of venous malformations

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    Hirose K., Hori Y., Ozeki M., et al. Comprehensive phenotypic and genomic characterization of venous malformations. Human Pathology 145, 48 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humpath.2024.02.004.Venous malformations (VMs) are the most common vascular malformations. TEK and PIK3CA are the causal genes of VMs, and may be involved in the PI3K/AKT pathway. However, the downstream mechanisms underlying the TEK or PIK3CA mutations in VMs are not completely understood. This study aimed to identify a possible association between genetic mutations and clinicopathological features. A retrospective clinical, pathological, and genetic study of 114 patients with VMs was performed. TEK, PIK3CA, and combined TEK/PIK3CA mutations were identified in 49 (43%), 13 (11.4%), and 2 (1.75%) patients, respectively. TEK-mutant VMs more commonly occurred in younger patients than TEK and PIK3CA mutation-negative VMs (other-mutant VMs), and showed more frequent skin involvement and no lymphocytic aggregates. No significant differences were observed in sex, location of occurrence, malformed vessel size, vessel density, or thickness of the vascular smooth muscle among the VM genotypes. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the expression levels of phosphorylated AKT (p-AKT) were higher in the TEK-mutant VMs than those in PIK3CA-mutant and other-mutant VMs. The expression levels of p-mTOR and its downstream effectors were higher in all the VM genotypes than those in normal vessels. Spatial transcriptomics revealed that the genes involved in “blood vessel development”, “positive regulation of cell migration”, and “extracellular matrix organization” were up-regulated in a TEK-mutant VM. Significant genotype-phenotype correlations in clinical and pathological features were observed among the VM genotypes, indicating gene-specific effects. Detailed analysis of gene-specific effects in VMs may offer insights into the underlying molecular pathways and implications for targeted therapies

    Label-free multiphoton excitation imaging as a promising diagnostic tool for breast cancer

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    Histopathological diagnosis is the ultimate method of attaining the final diagnosis; however, the observation range is limited to the two-dimensional plane, and it requires thin slicing of the tissue, which limits diagnostic information. To seek solutions for these problems, we proposed a novel imaging-based histopathological examination. We used the multiphoton excitation microscopy (MPM) technique to establish a method for visualizing unfixed/unstained human breast tissues. Under near-infrared ray excitation, fresh human breast tissues emitted fluorescent signals with three major peaks, which enabled visualizing the breast tissue morphology without any fixation or dye staining. Our study using human breast tissue samples from 32 patients indicated that experienced pathologists can estimate normal or cancerous lesions using only these MPM images with a kappa coefficient of 1.0. Moreover, we developed an image classification algorithm with artificial intelligence that enabled us to automatically define cancer cells in small areas with a high sensitivity of ≥0.942. Taken together, label-free MPM imaging is a promising method for the real-time automatic diagnosis of breast cancer.This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article:Matsui T., Iwasa A., Mimura M., et al. Label-free multiphoton excitation imaging as a promising diagnostic tool for breast cancer. Cancer Science 113, 2916 (2022), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/cas.15428. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    Precipitation In The Central Amazon Basin: - The Isotopic Composition Of Rain And Atmospheric Moisture At Belém And Manaus

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    In order to improve the understanding of the water in the Amazon Basin, samples of rain and moisture were collected daily at Belém and Manaus from August 78 to January 80. All isotope data are presented. The most depleted values, sometimes lower than - 10‰ in δ18O at Belém or Manaus, were encountered during the rainy season (January-April). Possible causes of the seasonal differences in tne isotope pattern are discussed.No período de agosto de 1978 a janeiro de 1980, foram feitas coletas diárias de amostras de águas de chuva e de vapor d'água do ar em Belém e Manaus, a fim de ampliar os conhecimentos a cerca de parâmetros ligados ao ciclo da água na bacia Amazônica. Estão apresentados os dados isotópicos referentes as amostras. Os valores mais negativos ocorreram durante o período chuvoso (janeiro-abril), atingindo muitas vezes, valores de δ18O menores do que - 10‰. São discutidas as possíveis causas dessas composições.", 'p