113 research outputs found

    the importance of appropriate statistical techniques

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    Sphagnum auriculatum Schimp. in Portugal with late Quaternary occurrences

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    Sphagnum auriculatum Schimp. occurs in Portugal mainly in the northem and central parts of the country where the precipitation rates vary between 800-2800 mm/yr. It occupies the atlantic and pre-atlantic temtories though two of the collections were made south of Lisbon, in the mediterranean tenitory. Holocene records exist 50 km south of these locations suggesting a wider distribution of this species towards the south in the Quaternary. Climate changes together with habitat disturbances may be responsable for its disappearance from these areas.S. auriculatum Schimp es troba a Portugal, principalment, al nord i centre del país, on hi ha una precipitació anual de 800 a 2800 mm. Ocupa els territoris atlàntics i subatlàntics tret de dues localitats al sud de Lisboa, de tipus mediterrani. S'han trobat registres holocènics a 50 km al sud d'aquestes localitats i això fa pensar que aquesta espècie presentava, al Quaternari, una àrea de distribució més àmplia. Canvis climàtics juntament amb alteracions del medi poden ser la causa de la desaparició de l'espècie en aquestes àrees

    Análisis de controlador difuso contra pid para vehículo autobalanceado de dos ruedas

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    Este documento presenta un análisis y comparación de dos tipos de control para un vehículo auto balanceado de dos ruedas basado en el principio del péndulo invertido. Con este fin primero se modelara el sistema y se diseñara un control PID usando como herramienta el software de simulación octave 3.6.4. Posteriormente se diseñara un controlador difuso para el mismo sistema y se compararan los resultados obtenidos

    Responsabilidad social empresarial - comunidad

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    Visita InternacionalEl presente documento pretende realizar un comparativo de la forma como tres empresas del área de la fabricación de Cementos, producción de azúcar y lácteos, desarrollan los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en las comunidades. Para este proceso se tuvo en cuenta la información que fue adquirida en referencias bibliográficas, y recolectada en la Misión internacional realizada a México en noviembre de 2019.I. RESUMEN II. ABSTRACT III. INTRODUCCIÓN IV. PREGUNTA ORIENTADORA V. OBJETIVOS 1. REVISIÓN DE LA LITERATURA 2. METODOLOGÍA 3. PRESENTACIÓN DE LOS RESULTADOS. 4. DISCUSIÓN DE RESULTADOS VI. CONCLUSIONES VII. REFERENCIAS ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Consecuencias Derivadas de la Pandemia, Frente a la Responsabilidad Civil Contractual en Contratos de Maquila para el Desarrollo de Productos Farmacéuticos

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    El presente escrito ostenta un análisis general significativo respecto de la nueva óptica que se tuvo que abordar de frente a la responsabilidad civil contractual en vigencia de la emergencia sanitaria causada por el COVID 19, en los contratos de maquila para el desarrollo de productos farmacéuticos. El documento demuestra que si bien, las farmacéuticas pudieron tener retrasos en sus producciones o fabricaciones por temas de importación de materias primas, estas responsabilidades no podrían ser atribuibles directamente al maquilador, puesto que el evento extraordinario de la pandemia (COVID 19), no fue de carácter individual sino colectivo, golpeando todos los macro y micro procesos productivos, y en la larga cadena de comercialización de cada uno de los productos.Universidad Libre - Derecho - Especialización en Derecho ComercialThis document shows the most significant clauses that should be specified in a toll manufacturing contract for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, in order to avoid in principle any contractual civil liability. The document demonstrates that although the pharmaceutical companies may have had delays in their production or manufacturing due to raw material importation issues, these responsibilities could not be directly attributable to the maquiladora, since the extraordinary event of the pandemic (Covid 19) was not individual but collective, impacting all the production processes and the commercialization chain of each of the products

    Routine HIV Screening in Portugal: Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness

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    Objective: To compare the clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of routine HIV screening in Portugal to the current practice of targeted and on-demand screening. Design: We used Portuguese national clinical and economic data to conduct a model-based assessment. Methods: We compared current HIV detection practices to strategies of increasingly frequent routine HIV screening in Portuguese adults aged 18-69. We considered several subpopulations and geographic regions with varying levels of undetected HIV prevalence and incidence. Baseline inputs for the national case included undiagnosed HIV prevalence 0.16%, annual incidence 0.03%, mean population age 43 years, mean CD4 count at care initiation 292 cells/μL, 63% HIV test acceptance, 78% linkage to care, and HIV rapid test cost €6 under the proposed routine screening program. Outcomes included quality-adjusted survival, secondary HIV transmission, cost, and incremental cost-effectiveness. Results: One-time national HIV screening increased HIV-infected survival from 164.09 quality-adjusted life months (QALMs) to 166.83 QALMs compared to current practice and had an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of €28,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Screening more frequently in higher-risk groups was cost-effective: for example screening annually in men who have sex with men or screening every three years in regions with higher incidence and prevalence produced ICERs of €21,000/QALY and €34,000/QALY, respectively. Conclusions: One-time HIV screening in the Portuguese national population will increase survival and is cost-effective by international standards. More frequent screening in higher-risk regions and subpopulations is also justified. Given Portugal’s challenging economic priorities, we recommend prioritizing screening in higher-risk populations and geographic settings

    Administración y Control de GNU/Linux Zentyal

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    En este trabajo se interactúa con el servidor Zentyal para la configuración de servicios de infraestructura, los siguientes son los servicios que cada integrante del grupo tomara como propio para profundizarse sobre él. DHCP Server, DNS Server y Controlador dominio, Proxy no trasparente, Cortafuegos, File Server y Print Server, VNP. Mediante imágenes se evidenciará el proceso de la configuración de los servicios escogidos por cada estudiante del grupo, en estas imágenes se tiene que visualizar la fecha de creación, ya que esto respalda que es de autoría propia. Las 5 temáticas desarrolladas se suben a la nube para así poder compartir un enlace en el foro colaborativo y teniendo esto se procede al compilado grupal para posteriormente revisión del tutor asignado.This work interacts with the Zentyal server for the configuration of infrastructure services, the following are the services that each member of the group will take as their own to deepen on it. DHCP Server, DNS Server and Domain Controller, Non-transparent Proxy, Firewall, File Server and Print Server, VNP. Through images the process of the configuration of the services chosen by each student of the group will be evidenced, in these images the creation date must be visualized, since this supports that it is of own authorship. The 5 themes developed are uploaded to the cloud in order to share a link in the collaborative forum and having this, we proceed to the group compilation for later review of the assigned tutor

    Advancing GABA-edited MRS Research through a Reconstruction Challenge

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    Purpose To create a benchmark for the comparison of machine learning-based Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)-edited Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) reconstruction models using one quarter of the transients typically acquired during a complete scan.Methods The Edited-MRS reconstruction challenge had three tracks with the purpose of evaluating machine learning models trained to reconstruct simulated (Track 1), homogeneous in vivo (Track 2), and heterogeneous in vivo (Track 3) GABA-edited MRS data. Four quantitative metrics were used to evaluate the results: mean squared error (MSE), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), linewidth, and a shape score metric that we proposed. Challenge participants were given three months to create, train and submit their models. Challenge organizers provided open access to a baseline U-NET model for initial comparison, as well as simulated data, in vivo data, and tutorials and guides for adding synthetic noise to the simulations.Results The most successful approach for Track 1 simulated data was a covariance matrix convolutional neural network model, while for Track 2 and Track 3 in vivo data, a vision transformer model operating on a spectrogram representation of the data achieved the most success. Deep learning (DL) based reconstructions with reduced transients achieved equivalent or better SNR, linewidth and fit error as conventional reconstructions with the full amount of transients. However, some DL models also showed the ability to optimize the linewidth and SNR values without actually improving overall spectral quality, pointing to the need for more robust metrics.Conclusion The edited-MRS reconstruction challenge showed that the top performing DL based edited-MRS reconstruction pipelines can obtain with a reduced number of transients equivalent metrics to conventional reconstruction pipelines using the full amount of transients. The proposed metric shape score was positively correlated with challenge track outcome indicating that it is well-suited to evaluate spectral quality.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest