23 research outputs found

    Faktor analisis pendorong dan penghalang kepada kenderaan tidak bermotor di Bangi

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    Kenderaan tidak bermotor adalah penting bagi menjamin kehidupan dalam persekitaran yang bersih, sihat dan berkualiti tinggi. Hari ini, sistem pengangkutan di bandar-bandar Malaysia sering dikaitkan dengan imej buruk seperti kesesakan, kemalangan dan ketidakcekapan pengangkutan awam sebagai alternatif. Selain itu kesan pembebasan gas karbon ke ruang atmosfera menyumbang kepada pencemaran alam dan menjejaskan aspek kualiti kehidupan secara umumnya. Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi responden untuk membuat pemilihan kepada penggunaan kenderaan tidak bermotor berdasarkan kepada faktor pendorong dan penghalang. Bagi tujuan ini, faktor analisis dan CFA digunakan untuk menjelaskan situasi penggunaan kenderaan tidak bermotor berdasarkan borang soal selidik dengan 39 item yang dipecahkan kepada empat aspek utama yang menjadi instrumen soal selidik. Seramai 400 responden di Bandar Baru Bangi telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kumpulan faktor yang amat mempengaruhi keinginan menggunakan kenderaan tidak bermotor adalah faktor halangan iaitu cuaca dan jarak perjalanan (10.879), keperluan asas yang tidak disediakan (1.945), keadaan laluan (1.589), persekitaran (1.142) dan halangan perundangan (1.044). Manakala faktor kedua yang mempengaruhi mempengaruhi keputusan untuk memilih kepada kenderaan tidak bermotor adalah faktor kesenangan (2.233), galakan (1.401) dan keselamatan (1.002). Manakala factor yang paling rendah mempengaruhi keputusan untuk bertukar kepada penggunaan kenderaaan tidak bermotor ialah faktor sekatan iaitu tiada kemudahan untuk kenderaan tidak bermotor (1.302). Hasil kajian ini memberi implikasi bahawa elemen kesenangan dan kesejahteraan kepada pengguna perlu diberi keutamaan dalam membentuk polisi ke arah penggunaan kenderaan tidak bermotor di Malaysia

    User's Acceptance on e-Hailing System as Alternative Transportation by Using Modal Shift

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    e-Hailing system is one of the mediums that are functioning to minimize the person on using the private transportation. Due to modern technology era, internet is used to ease the user in communication. With the internet platform assist, the e-Hailing system has well in management with the users can request the destination, travel time and also the cost for this service. The objective of this study was to identify the contributing factors effect to use e-Hailing system and also to analyze modal shift between public transport and e-Hailing system. Therefore, a study towards user's acceptance on using e-Hailing system as alternative transport based on the modal shift method with Binary Logistic regression analysis was necessary to identify factor and effect that influence modal shift occur from public transport to the alternative transport which is e-Hailing system. Johor Bahru area was the selected area as the location of the study due popular with the e-Hailing system. This study also shows the type of e-Hailing system that is used and will know the how this system really works with the safety, cost and also travel time. The binary logistic regression analysis shows that all the components were positively significant. This alternative transport is actually sending the user to the destinations that are selected by the user in the application. Therefore, the e-Hailing system is an alternative transport that must be used for people nowadays

    Travellers’ choice behaviour of bicycle sharing system: logit binary model method

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    Bicycle sharing system is being proposed in many countries as a pattern to realize sustainable transport. It is also can be a way to solve some actual traffic problem, provide an alternative way for travellers to choose, and perfect the transportation system. This study attempts to use a study based on a questionnaire for travellers to investigate the factors that encourage them choose cycling as their trip mode and build a model to analyse their behaviours. A binary logarithm model was developed based on the trip data. The case site is selected in National University of Malaysia (UKM). In order to compare the utility of travel means between campus buses and bicycles. The explanatory factors that looked at this model with trip characteristics, have been demonstrated, those are important influence variables on travellers’ travel mode choices. Data were processed by SPSS to identify the factors that significant influence students’ travel mode choices in UKM. Found that 6 variables have significant influence on students’ travel mode choice which are gender, age, road terrain in UKM, bicycle lane, fare rate of bicycle system, and cycling travel time. Based on the result, some proper policies will be proposed to increase students’ willingness to participate in this syste

    Pavement Management System Research Output: A Scientometric Assessment

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    Developing countries are struggling with cost management of pavement construction and rehabilitation. This case is similar to developedcountries butdeveloping countries are suffering issues of inadequate funds. Therefore, most of the countries started usage of Pavement Management Systems (PMS) to manage the decision-making process and alternate/priority assessments for pavement construction and rehabilitation. Hence, the PMS remains the topic of research interest for various researchers. This paper evaluates the scale and effectiveness of articles published by Web of Science (WoS) Group on PMS since 1990. The data has been collected from the WoS database from 1990 till 2020. The datawas processedand analyzed by Microsoft excel. This paper concludes that the trend of publication PMS articles is increasing and researchers are publications in high-quality articles on theWoS. The citation trend is alsoincreasing butit is analyzed that theWoSis not publishing the PMS conference articles as per the collected data. This paper compiles all the high-quality papers on PMS. It will also assist the authors to find a suitable publisher based on previously published work by the publisher

    Predicting the Use of Public Transportation: A Case Study from Putrajaya, Malaysia

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    Putrajaya is a new federal administrative capital of Malaysia which has been set to achieve a 70% share of all travels by public transport in the city area. However, the current modal split between the public transport and private transport is 15 : 85. In order to understand travelers’ willingness to use the public transport, a conceptual model has been developed to determine the factors that affect them to use the public transport instead of travelling in their own cars. Various variables such as service quality, environmental impact, attitude, and behavior intention were analyzed and tested using structural equation model (SEM). Results indicate that the service quality and attitude are found to have positive effects on the behavioral intention of taking the public transport. Other than this, this study also shows that the service quality and environmental impact have some positive influences on the attitude to using the public transport. However, environmental impact has no significant, positive, and direct effect on behavioral intention. The results of this study demonstrate that the model that was developed is useful in predicting the public transport and it could provide a more complete understanding of behavioral intention towards public transport use

    Effectiveness of traffic management at Kajang SILK Highway

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    The traffic management centre is a place of operational monitoring and supervision activities at all highways under the Malaysian Highway Authority. The purpose of this centre is to help gather and disseminate information related to traffic to the users. The information presented by them is accurate and constantly updated from time to time. However, are highway users in Malaysia aware of the existence of this traffic management centre? How can traffic management centre help them to determine their travel times and fast routes especially during the festive seasons? Therefore, researchers have outlined some of the objectives to assist in obtaining information about this study. The main objective of this study is to measure the level of consumer awareness of the highway traffic management centre. In addition, the second objective of this study is to examine the factors causing traffic congestion. Besides, researchers also want to investigate the drivers’ attitudes during the congestion which will lead to an accident and congestion and thus propose measures to raise the level of awareness and measures that can be taken to reduce traffic congestion. The technique used to carry out this study is a fuzzy conjoint model. The questionnaire distributed will be administered by the researcher himself. The level of consumer awareness will be measured through the likert scale which uses fuzzy linguistic variables such as one to five scale (never, sometimes, uncertain, ever, always). This study is conducted on users who use the Kajang SILK highway through the Toll Plaza Sg. Ramal. At the end of the study, the researcher hoped that this study would help the authorities, especially the Malaysian Highway Authority and other management in improving the traffic management centre

    Modelling on Faculty of Engineering (FKJ) students readiness in implementation of parking charging system at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

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    Transportation mode choice by students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah may depend on the parking price trend. A parking charging system is one in which a user can leave their vehicle at a particular place and pay a price based on the amount of time the vehicle is left unattended. The main objective of this research is to develop a transportation model based on the parking price factor in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). This model is important to overcome the adverse effect from the excessive number of private vehicles in UMS. The method used in this research is Stated Preference Survey (SPS). Questionnaire form has been designed and will be distributed to respondents via online to obtain required data. The data were then analyzed by using linear regression to develop a logistic model. Based on this study, there are five transportation models that have been developed in the form of a logistic model that can reflect the willingness of UMS students to shift from private vehicles to public transport. It is found that 100% of drivers are willing to shift from private vehicles to public transport if the parking price per hour is RM 4.00. The shifting of private vehicle users to public transport may reduce the number of private vehicles and indirectly help to minimize the negative effects from excessive private vehicles on the road

    Assessing the Safety Behaviour of the Bus Express Driving Condition from the Passengers' Perspective

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    This paper presents the passengers' perspective towards express bus safety issues based on the driver's behavioural characteristics, providing an important aspect in reducing the accidents in Malaysia.  A pilot study with a respondent of 40 people, aged between 16 to 41 years old were conducted in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The developed questionnaires based on the five-point Likert Scale were implemented to assess the safety perception on express buses, and it has a higher reliability of Cronbach's Alpha score at 0.91. The findings show that more than 45 % of the respondents agreed that dangerous behaviour of express bus drivers were mainly due to the use of mobile during driving (63.33%), tailgating (57.58%) and driving above the given speed limit (48.59%). The reason of this behaviour is insufficient time to stick to running schedules and the shift pattern rotations. In terms of safety precautions, about 77% passengers preferred safety briefing using audio due to its ease in understanding the meaningful instruction. In addition, 97% passengers agreed on the needs of a second driver to ensure a safe journey to their destination. Hence, a proposed mitigated solution such as drivers monitoring is needed by the respective agencies to reduce this careless behaviour that may influence the dangerous driving behaviour

    An Active School Transport Instrument to Measure Parental Intentions: The Case of Indonesia

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    An active school transport (AST) instrument to measure parental intentions in a developing country context with 11 latent constructs and 108 measuring items has been created as part of an integrated framework, including psychological and social cognitive constructs, perceived environmental constructs, and habit constructs. The purpose of the current study is to develop and carry out the initial validation of these construct items for measuring parental intentions to promote AST in the context of a developing country. Three experts assigned a content validity index (CVI) to the measurement items and evaluated them based on the item-CVI (I-CVI) and the scale-level-CVI (S-CVI). A pilot study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the construct items in Palembang, Indonesia, with 34 parents of school-aged children returning the instruments to be analyzed using SPSS Version 23. It was discovered that 93 items were legitimate, since their R values were greater than 0.3, and it was determined that 11 constructs were reliable because the measured items revealed a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient range of 0.8–0.9 (very good) to >0.9. (excellent). This instrument met the requirements for good validity and reliability and thus, can contribute as a novel instrument to measure parental intentions towards AST, especially in developing countries in Asia, particularly Indonesia