810 research outputs found

    Study of the accuracy of gas flow measurements using the sonic throat method

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    Accuracy of gas flow measurements as determined by sonic throat metho

    The intestinal immune response against the porcine nematode Ascaris suum

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    Le design de la recherche : conventions et déplacements du doctorat en design

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    International audienceDesign has specific ways of doing things. This article studies PhD thesis forms and formats in the context of design research. We consider the thesis as a kind of document built over time from many conventions that are too rarely questioned. First of all, we discuss historical evolutions and the restrictions of doctoral dissertations. We then study how conventions frame research to ask if design research must create others norms, or try to deconstruct them. Finally, we pose the question whether design can be seen as a « laboratory » for changing the ways in which research is done.Prenant acte d’une spécificité du design quant au travail des supports d’expression, cet article se donne comme champ d’étude les formes et formats de thèses dans le contexte de la recherche en design. Nous considérerons ici la thèse comme un « type » de document ayant intégré au fil du temps un certain nombre de conventions qui ne sont que trop rarement interrogées. Nous reviendrons tout d’abord sur son évolution historique et discuterons des conventions et normes des thèses en design à l’heure actuelle. Nous étudierons ensuite la manière dont ces dernières structurent le travail de recherche pour nous demander si la recherche en design se doit d’en créer d’autres, ou si elle doit œuvrer à les déconstruire. Enfin, nous nous demanderons si le design peut être vu comme un « laboratoire » permettant de déplacer les façons de faire de la recherche, au sens large

    A phosphorylcholine-containing glycolipid-like antigen present on the surface of infective stage larvae of Ascaris spp. is a major antibody target in infected pigs and humans

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    BACKGROUND: The pig parasite Ascaris suum plays and important role in veterinary medicine and represents a suitable model for A. lumbricoides, which infects over 800 million people. In pigs, continued exposure to Ascaris induces immunity at the level of the gut, protecting the host against migrating larvae. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize parasite antigens targeted by this local immune response that may be crucial for parasite invasion and establishment and to evaluate their protective and diagnostic potential. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Pigs were immunized by trickle infection for 30 weeks, challenged with 2,000 eggs at week 32 and euthanized two weeks after challenge. At necropsy, there was a 100% reduction in worms recovered from the intestine and a 97.2% reduction in liver white spots in comparison with challenged non-immune control animals. Antibodies purified from the intestinal mucus or from the supernatant of cultured antibody secreting cells from mesenteric lymph nodes of immune pigs were used to probe L3 extracts to identify antibody targets. This resulted in the recognition of a 12kDa antigen (As12) that is actively shed from infective Ascaris L3. As12 was characterized as a phosphorylcholine-containing glycolipid-like antigen that is highly resistant to different enzymatic and chemical treatments. Vaccinating pigs with an As12 fraction did not induce protective immunity to challenge infection. However, serological analysis using sera or plasma from experimentally infected pigs or naturally infected humans demonstrated that the As12 ELISA was able to detect long-term exposure to Ascaris with a high diagnostic sensitivity (98.4% and 92%, respectively) and specificity (95.5% and 90.0%) in pigs and humans, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings show the presence of a highly stage specific, glycolipid-like component (As12) that is actively secreted by infectious Ascaris larvae and which acts as a major antibody target in infected humans and pigs

    Inventaire des cavités souterraines abandonnées et cartographie des dangers qui leur sont liés

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    Un inventaire national des cavités souterraines abandonnées, des accidents de sol qui leur sont imputables et de leurs conséquences dommageables a été réalisé à l’échelle de 1/1 000 000 en 1993 et 1994 par le BRGM pour le ministère de l’Environnement (Direction de la Prévention des Pollutions et des Risques). Il a conduit à élaborer des documents cartographiques de synthèse et à définir des niveaux de dangers dont la localisation permettra de lancer des études plus détaillées en vue d’assurer la sécurité des personnes et des bien

    A role for eosinophils in the intestinal immunity against infective Ascaris suum larvae

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    The aim of this study was to explore the mechanisms of resistance against invading Ascaris suum larvae in pigs. Pigs received a low dose of 100 A. suum eggs daily for 14 weeks. This resulted in a .99% reduction in the number of larvae that could migrate through the host after a challenge infection of 5000 A. suum eggs, compared to naı¨ve pigs. Histological analysis at the site of parasite entry, i.e. the caecum, identified eosinophilia, mastocytosis and goblet cell hyperplasia. Increased local transcription levels of genes for IL5, IL13, eosinophil peroxidase and eotaxin further supported the observed eosinophil influx. Further analysis showed that eosinophils degranulated in vitro in response to contact with infective Ascaris larvae in the presence of serum from both immune and naı¨ve animals. This effect was diminished with heat-inactivated serum, indicating a complement dependent mechanism. Furthermore, eosinophils were efficient in killing the larvae in vitro when incubated together with serum from immune animals, suggesting that A. suum specific antibodies are required for efficient elimination of the larvae. Together, these results indicate an important role for eosinophils in the intestinal defense against invading A. suum larvae
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