130 research outputs found

    A liquid xenon imaging telescope for 1-30 MeV gamma-ray astrophysics

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    A study of the primary scintillation light in liquid xenon excited by 241 Am alpha particles and 207 Bi internal conversion electrons are discussed. The time dependence and the intensity of the light at different field strengths have been measured with a specifically designed chamber, equipped with a CaF sub 2 light transmitting window coupled to a UV sensitive PMT. The time correlation between the fast light signal and the charge signal shows that the scintillation signals produced in liquid xenon by ionizing particles provides an ideal trigger in a Time Projection type LXe detector aiming at full imaging of complex gamma-ray events. Researchers also started Monte Carlo calculations to establish the performance of a LXe imaging telescope for high energy gamma-rays

    Mohawk promotes the maintenance and regeneration of the outer annulus fibrosus of intervertebral discs.

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    The main pathogenesis of intervertebral disc (IVD) herniation involves disruption of the annulus fibrosus (AF) caused by ageing or excessive mechanical stress and the resulting prolapse of the nucleus pulposus. Owing to the avascular nature of the IVD and lack of understanding the mechanisms that maintain the IVD, current therapies do not lead to tissue regeneration. Here we show that homeobox protein Mohawk (Mkx) is a key transcription factor that regulates AF development, maintenance and regeneration. Mkx is mainly expressed in the outer AF (OAF) of humans and mice. In Mkx(-/-) mice, the OAF displays a deficiency of multiple tendon/ligament-related genes, a smaller OAF collagen fibril diameter and a more rapid progression of IVD degeneration compared with the wild type. Mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing Mkx promote functional AF regeneration in a mouse AF defect model, with abundant collagen fibril formation. Our results indicate a therapeutic strategy for AF regeneration

    高校生の家庭生活における家庭科教育の意義 : 家族と積極的に関わる実践的課題の必要性

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    The fact that high school students have little sense of obeying the rules and have bad manners has a serious problem recently. In this study, the actual situation in the family of high school students was investigated. The data obtained by the investigation was compared with that of junior high school students, which led to some findings. The present situation is that although they live with their families, they are also isolated psychologically after they enter high school. They cannot follow what they have been taught and they lack discipline, nor can they accept the values of their family. Judging from these situations, the problem in home economics education that confronts us is to help them have closer relationships with the other people in their family and good communication with their parents

    Analysis of risk factors for mild cognitive impairment based on word list memory test results and questionnaire responses in healthy Japanese individuals registered in an online database

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    Although the development of effective therapeutic drugs and radical treatment options for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remains urgent, progress in recent clinical trials of AD drugs has been less than adequate. In order to advance the progress of clinical trials, it is necessary to establish more efficient methods of recruitment. In Japan, there are registration systems stratified by mild cognitive impairment and preclinical and clinical stages of early and advanced stage dementia, but there is no registration system for healthy individuals yet. Therefore, in the present study, we developed a large-scale, internet-based health registry to investigate factors associated with cognitive function among registered participants. A total of 1038 participants completed the initial questionnaire and word list memory test. Among these participants, 353 individuals completed a second questionnaire and memory test. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed using IBM SPSS version 23.0 for Windows at a statistical significance level of p<0.05. We found that mood, motivation, and a decreased ability to perform activities of daily living were significantly associated with cognitive function. The results of the present study suggest that maintaining social involvement is important to prevent decreases in physical activity, daily function, mood, and motivation

    A Proposal for New Algorithm that Defines Gait-Induced Acceleration and Gait Cycle in Daily Parkinsonian Gait Disorders

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    We developed a new device, the portable gait rhythmogram (PGR), to record up to 70 hrs of movement-induced accelerations. Acceleration values induced by various movements, averaged every 10 min, showed gamma distribution, and the mean value of this distribution was used as an index of the amount of overall movements. Furthermore, the PGR algorithm can specify gait-induced accelerations using the pattern-matching method. Analysis of the relationship between gait-induced accelerations and gait cycle duration makes it possible to quantify Parkinson’s disease (PD)-specific pathophysiological mechanisms underlying gait disorders. Patients with PD showed the following disease-specific patterns: (1) reduced amount of overall movements and (2) low amplitude of gait-induced accelerations in the early stages of the disease, which was compensated by fast stepping. Loss of compensation was associated with slow stepping gait, (3) narrow range of gait-induced acceleration amplitude and gait cycle duration, suggesting monotony, and (4) evident motor fluctuations during the day by tracing changes in the above two parameters. Prominent motor fluctuation was associated with frequent switching between slow stepping mode and active mode. These findings suggest that monitoring various movement- and gait-induced accelerations allows the detection of specific changes in PD. We conclude that continuous long-term monitoring of these parameters can provide accurate quantitative assessment of parkinsonian clinical motor signs

    Tertiary lymphoid structures are associated with favorable survival outcomes in patients with endometrial cancer

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    Immunotherapy has experienced remarkable growth recently. Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLSs) and B cells may play a key role in the immune response and have a survival benefit in some solid tumors, but there have been no reports about their role in endometrial cancer (EC). We investigated the clinicopathological and pathobiological characteristics of the tumor microenvironment (TME) in EC. Patients with EC at Kyoto University Hospital during 2006–2011 were retrospectively included. In 104 patients with EC who met study inclusion criteria, 81 (77.9%) had TLSs, which consisted of areas rich in CD20⁺ B cells, CD8⁺ T cells, CD4⁺ T cells, and CD38⁺ plasma cells. The absence of TLS was independently associated with tumor progression (HR, 0.154; 95% CI, 0.044–0.536; P = 0.003). Patients with TLSs that included CD23⁺ germinal centers had better PFS. All tumor infiltrating lymphocytes were counted in the intratumor site. The number of CD20⁺ B cells was significantly larger in patients with TLSs than in those without TLS (P < 0.001). CD20⁺ B cells numbers were positively correlated with other TLSs. The larger number of CD20⁺ B cell was associated with better PFS (P = 0.015). TLSs and B cell infiltration into tumors are associated with favorable survival outcomes in patients with EC. They may represent an active immune reaction of the TME in endometrial cancer

    Voxel-based correlation of 18F-THK5351 accumulation and gray matter volume in the brain of cognitively normal older adults

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    BackgroundsAlthough neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) mainly accumulate in the medial temporal lobe with human aging, only a few imaging studies have investigated correlations between NFT accumulation and gray matter (GM) volume in cognitively normal older adults. Here, we investigated the correlations between 18F-THK5351 accumulation and GM volume at the voxel level.Material and methodsWe recruited 47 amyloid-negative, cognitively normal, older adults (65.0 ± 7.9 years, 26 women), who underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging, 11C-Pittsburgh compound-B and 18F-THK5351 PET scans, and neuropsychological assessment. The magnetic resonance and 18F-THK5351 PET images were spatially normalized using Statistical Parametric Mapping 12. Voxel-wise correlations between 18F-THK5351 accumulation and GM volume were evaluated using the Biological Parametric Mapping toolbox.ResultsA significant negative correlation (p < 0.001) between 18F-THK5351 accumulation and GM volume was detected in the bilateral medial temporal lobes.ConclusionsVoxel-wise correlation analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between 18F-THK5351 accumulation and GM volume in the medial temporal lobe in individuals without amyloid-β deposits. These results may contribute to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of primary age-related tauopathy in human aging

    CXCL13-producing CD4⁺ T cells accumulate in the early phase of tertiary lymphoid structures in ovarian cancer

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    卵巣がんにおける新たな免疫の仕組みを発見 --三次リンパ様構造の形成メカニズムと予後への影響を解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-08-05.Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLSs) are transient ectopic lymphoid aggregates whose formation might be caused by chronic inflammation states, such as cancer. However, how TLSs are induced in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and how they affect patient survival are not well understood. We investigated TLS distribution in relation to tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and related gene expression in high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) specimens. CXCL13 gene expression correlated with TLS presence and the infiltration of T cells and B cells, and was a favorable prognostic factor for HGSC patients. Coexistence of CD8⁺ T cells and B-cell lineages in the TME significantly improved the prognosis of HGSC and was correlated with the presence of TLSs. CXCL13 expression was predominantly coincident with CD4⁺ T cells in TLSs and CD8⁺ T cells in TILs, and shifted from CD4⁺ T cells to CD21⁺ follicular dendritic cells as TLS matured. In a mouse ovarian cancer model, recombinant CXCL13 induced TLSs and enhanced survival by the infiltration of CD8⁺ T cells. These results suggest that TLS formation was associated with CXCL13-producing CD4⁺ T cells and that TLSs facilitated the coordinated antitumor response of cellular and humoral immunity in ovarian cancer

    Molecular Identification of t(w5): Vps52 Promotes Pluripotential Cell Differentiation Through Cell-Cell Interactions

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    After implantation, pluripotent epiblasts are converted to embryonic ectoderm through cell-cell interactions that significantly change the transcriptional and epigenetic networks. An entree to understanding this vital developmental transition is the t(w5) mutation of the mouse t complex. This mutation produces highly specific defects in the embryonic ectoderm before gastrulation, leading to death of the embryonic ectoderm. Using a positional cloning approach, we have now identified the mutated gene, completing a decades-long search. The gene, vacuolar protein sorting 52 (Vps52), is a mouse homolog of yeast VPS52 that is involved in the retrograde trafficking of endosomes. Our data suggest that Vps52 acts in extraembryonic tissues to support the growth and differentiation of embryonic ectoderm via cell-cell interactions. It is also required in the formation of embryonic structures at a later stage of development, revealing hitherto unknown functions of Vps52 in the development of a multicellular organism.NSFCellular and Molecular Biolog

    食生活の多様性とうつ病および自殺の有病率との関連 ―26年間の国際比較研究―

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the associations of dietary diversity with depression and suicide rates by an ecological analysis using 26-years worldwide statistics.Methods: Average food supply and energy supply by country, excluding loss between production and household, were obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statistics Division database (FAOSTAT). Dietary diversity scores were calculated from food group classifications. Age-standardized depression prevalence and suicide rates per 100,000 people by country were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 database. The association between food diversity scores and depression prevalence and suicide rates was analyzed by a mixed effects model controlling for covariates in 137 countries with populations of 1 million or greater.Results: A significant negative association was found in the analysis of the relationship between dietary diversity and the prevalence of major depression in the model controlled for all covariates [β (se) = –225.6 (61.9), p < 0.001]. In addition, a significant negative association between dietary diversity and the suicide rate was also found in the model controlled for all covariates [β (se) = –3.08 (1.50), p < 0.05].Conclusion: Dietary diversity was significantly negatively associated with the rates of major depression and suicide. Diets rich in foods may reduce the prevalence of depression and suicide rate.【目的】本研究は、26年間の世界的な統計を用いた生態学的分析により、食生活の多様性とうつ病や自殺率との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】生産と家庭間の喪失を除く国別平均食料供給量とエネルギー供給量を国連食糧農業機関統計局データベース(FAOSTAT)から入手した。食物群分類から食事多様性スコアを算出した。年齢標準化された国別の人口10万人当たりのうつ病有病率と自殺率は、Global Burden of Disease(GBD)2017データベースから取得した。人口100万人以上の137カ国を対象に、食品多様性スコアとうつ病有病率および自殺率との関連を、共変量を制御した混合効果モデルで解析した。【結果】食生活の多様性とうつ病の有病率との関係を分析したところ、すべての共変量を調整したモデルにおいて、有意な負の関連が認められた[β(se)=-225.6(61.9)、p < 0.001]。さらに、食生活の多様性と自殺率との間の有意な負の関連も、すべての共変量を調整したモデルで認められた[β(se)= -3.08(1.50)、p < 0.05]。【結論】食生活の多様性は、うつ病および自殺の発生率と有意に負の関連があった。食物を豊富に含む食事は、うつ病や自殺を減少させる可能性がある