1,033 research outputs found

    Industrial symbiosis: a sustainable approach for territorial development through the reuse of biomass

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    The worldwide demand of raw materials is facing an exponential increase since the economic boom registered in the second post-war scenario. The energy and the manufacturing industries are strictly dependent on the employment of non-renewable resources in the transformation and production processes, by contributing to the improvement of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere and to the loss of natural capital. With the aim of increasing the environmental preservation in terms of biodiversity and raw materials access, this study contributes to examine the benefits of the circular economy approach for the promotion of industrial symbiosis practices, based on the horizontal collaboration and cooperation. According to this approach, the waste of one company can become secondary raw materials for other companies operating in the same or even in different sectors, by implementing territorial integration and networks in the industrial system

    A new proof of evidence of cysteamine quantification for therapeutic drug monitoring in patients with cystinosis

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    Background To date, measurement of intracellular cystine is used for the therapeutic monitoring of patients affected by cystinosis in treatment with cysteamine. Since this method is time and sample consuming, development of a faster method to quantify cysteamine would be extremely useful in order to help clinicians to adjust dosages of cysteamine and to define better the pharmacokinetic profile of this drug. The aim of the study was to develop a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of cysteamine in plasma samples and to test its applicability on plasma samples derived from patients with nephropathic infantile cystinosis in treatment with cysteamine. Results The percentage of accuracy of the developed method varied between 97.80 and 106.00% and CV% between 0.90 and 6.93%. There was no carry over. The calibration curves were built from 2.5 to 50 mu M. The limit of detection and the lower limit of quantification occurred at 0.25 and 1.25 mu M respectively. Cysteamine was stable up to 2 months at -20 degrees C. Concentrations of cysteamine and intracellular cystine of 4 patients were in line with data previously reported. Conclusion The proposed method showed an appropriate selectivity, specificity, linearity, sensibility, accuracy, precision and good applicability to samples

    Fine-tuning synthesis of fluorescent silver thiolate nanoclusters

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    Noble metal thiolate nanoclusters are a new class of nanomaterials with molecular-like properties such as high dispersibility and fluorescence in the visible and infrared spectral region, properties highly requested in biomedicine for imaging, sensing and drug delivery applications. We report on three new silver phenylethane thiolate nanoclusters, differing for slight modifications of the preparation, i.e., the reaction solvent and the thiolate quantity, producing changes in the nanocluster composition as well as in the fluorescence behavior. All samples, excited in the range 250-500 nm, emit around 400 and 700 nm differing in the emission maxima and behavior. The silver thiolate nanoclusters have been characterized by way of C, H, S elemental analyses and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) to determine the nanocluster composition, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) to investigate the nanocluster morphology and UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy to study their optical properties

    Expression profiles of the lncRNA antisense GAS5-AS1 in colon biopsies from pediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients and its role in regulating sense transcript GAS5

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    The long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) growth arrest-specific transcript 5 (GAS5) level was demonstrated as involved in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) pathogenesis. Since its antisense transcript GAS5-AS1 has never been investigated in IBD, this study aims to detect whether GAS5-AS1 and GAS5 levels are related to IBD clinical parameters and investigate their correlation in vitro. Twenty-six IBD pediatric patients were enrolled; paired inflamed and non-inflamed intestinal biopsies were collected. We evaluated GAS5 and GAS5-AS1 levels by real-time PCR. The role of GAS5 and GAS5-AS1 was assessed in vitro by transient silencing in THP1-derived macrophages. GAS5-AS1 and GAS5 levels were associated with patients' clinical parameters; GAS5-AS1 expression was downregulated in inflamed tissues and inversely correlated with disease activity. A positive correlation between GAS5-AS1 and GAS5 levels was observed in non-inflamed biopsies. On THP1-derived macrophages, a reduced amount of both GAS5-AS1 and GAS5 was observed; accordingly, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 9 was increased. After GAS5-AS1 silencing, a downregulation of GAS5 was found, whereas no effect was detected on GAS5-AS1 after GAS5 silencing. Conclusion: This study provided for the first time new insights into the potential role of GAS5-AS1 in IBD. GAS5-AS1 modulates GAS5 levels in vitro and may serve as a potential IBD diagnostic biomarker

    SERS spectroscopy as a tool for the study of thiopurine drug pharmacokinetics in a model of human B leukemia cells

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    : The thiopurine drugs are immunomodulatory antimetabolites that are characterized by dose-dependent adverse effects such as myelosuppression and hepatotoxicity, often related to inter-individual differences, involving the activity of important enzymes at the basis of their biotransformation, such as thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT). Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spectroscopy is emerging as a bioanalytical tool and represents a valid alternative in terms of affordable costs, shorter analysis time and easier sample preparation in comparison to the most employed methods for pharmacokinetic analysis of drugs. The aim of this study is to investigate mercaptopurine and thioguanine pharmacokinetics by SERS in cell lysates of a B-lymphoblastoid cell line (NALM-6), that did (TPMT*1) or did not (MOCK) overexpress the wild-type form of TPMT as an in vitro cellular lymphocyte model to discriminate between cells with different levels of TPMT activity on the base of the amount of thioguanosine nucleotides (TGN) metabolites formed. SERS analysis of the cell lysates was carried out using SERS substrates constituted by Ag nanoparticles deposited on paper and parallel samples were used for quantification of thiopurine nucleotides with liquid chromatography-tandem mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). A direct SERS detection method has been set up that could be a tool to study thiopurine drug pharmacokinetics in in vitro cellular models to qualitatively discriminate between cells that do and do not overexpress the TPMT enzyme, as an alternative to other more laborious techniques. Results underlined decreased levels of TGN and increased levels of methylated metabolites when TPMT was over expressed, both after mercaptopurine and thioguanine treatments. A strong positive correlation (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient rho = 0.96) exists between absolute quantification of TGMP (pmol/1x106 cells), obtained by LC-MS/MS, and SERS signal (intensity of TGN at 915 cm-1). In future studies, we aim to apply this method to investigate TPMT activity in patients' leukocytes

    EMN-KCMD Migration Country Factsheets: Statistical Annexes 2020 and how to read guide: Statistical annex based on 2019 data, complementing the 2020 issue of EMN-KCMD Country Factsheets

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    The Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) co-operates with the European Migration Network (EMN) for the first time this year in the 2020 edition of the Migration Country Factsheets covering the 27 EU Member States plus Norway. The Country Factsheet is made by a narrative section, divided into ten thematic areas, and a statistical annex, providing for each area relevant data and visualizations. EMN will publish the Factsheets on the following page: https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/networks/european_migration_network/reports/factsheets_en The role of KCMD in the project is to produce the statistical annexes for the 27 EU Member States plus Norway.JRC.E.6-Demography, Migration and Governanc

    PACSIN2 as a modulator of autophagy and mercaptopurine cytotoxicity: mechanisms in lymphoid and intestinal cells

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    PACSIN2 variants are associated with gastrointestinal effects of thiopurines and thiopurine methyltransferase activity through an uncharacterized mechanism that is postulated to involve auto-phagy. This study aims to clarify the role of PACSIN2 in autophagy and in thiopurine cytotoxicity in leukemic and intestinal models. Higher autophagy and lower PACSIN2 levels were observed in inflamed compared with non-inflamed colon biopsies of in-flammatory bowel disease pediatric patients at diagnosis. PAC-SIN2 was identified as an inhibitor of autophagy, putatively through inhibition of autophagosome formation by a protein- protein interaction with LC3-II, mediated by a LIR motif. Moreover, PACSIN2 resulted a modulator of mercaptopurine-induced cyto-toxicity in intestinal cells, suggesting that PACSIN2-regulated autophagy levels might influence thiopurine sensitivity. However, PACSIN2 modulates cellular thiopurine methyltransferase activity via mechanisms distinct from its modulation of autophagy

    The optical method based on gas injection overestimates leaf vulnerability to xylem embolism in three woody species

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    Plant hydraulic traits related to leaf drought tolerance like the water potential at turgor loss point (TLP) and the water potential inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (P50), are extremely useful to predict potential impacts of drought on plants. While novel techniques allowed the inclusion of TLP in studies targeting a large group of species, fast and reliable protocols to measure leaf P50 are still lacking. Recently, the optical method coupled with the gas-injection (GI) technique has been proposed as a possibility to speed up P50 estimation. Here, we present a comparison of leaf optical vulnerability curves (OVc) measured in three woody species, namely F Acer campestre (Ac), Ostya carpinifolia (Oc) and Populus nigra (Pn), based on bench dehydration (BD) or gas-injection (GI) of detached branches. For Pn, we also compared optical data with direct micro-CT imaging in both intact saplings and cut shoots subjected to BD. Based on the BD e procedure, Ac, Oc and Pn had P50 values of -2.87, -2.47 and -2.11 MPa, respectively, while the GI procedure overestimated leaf vulnerability (2.68, 2.04 and 1.54 MPa for Ac, Oc and Pn, respectively). The overestimation was higher for Oc and Pn than for Ac, likely reflecting the species-specific e vessel lengths. According to micro-CT observations performed on Pn, the leaf midrib showed none or very few embolized conduits at -1.2 MPa, consistent with the OVc obtained with the BD procedure but at odds with that derived on the basis of GI. Overall, our data suggest that coupling the optical method with GI might not be a reliable technique to quantify leaf hydraulic vulnerability, since it could be affected by the ‘open-vessel’ artefact. Accurate detection of xylem embolism in the leaf vein network should be based on BD, preferably of intact up-rooted plants
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