8 research outputs found

    Využití sériového rozhraní glukometrů nevidomými

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    Many of the personal diagnostic systems mainly glucometers (for measuring glucose) contain a serial interface for PC connection. Through this interface it is possible to receive useful data that will be used mainly for an attending physician’s purpose to evaluate the treatment process over a long time period and to set down further treatment procedures. For purblind or sightless diabetics people it is impossible to read the current data showed on displays of the personal diagnostic systems. Those who are sightless need a help of another person at disposal when measuring. The newly designed unique electronic construction in conjunction with the personal diagnostic system enables a purblind or a sightless people to identify measured data and use them suitable for the further treatment processes. The purblind or sightless people will be able to perform selfmonitoring (observation of disease trend and a dosage adjustment by a person himself)

    Substantive Theories of Military Coup: Causal Factors

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    The review article provides an analysis of Anglo-Saxon literature specialized in military coup research, especially that which focused on substantive theories of military coup inception and execution. The main goal of the article is to present previous military coup research and to minimize the conceptual gap between Anglo-Saxon and Czech political science with regard to the understanding of such a significant phenomenon. Starting with a definition of the military coup, the article’s goal is to describe and critically analyze ten separate substantive theories (such as the theory of military centrality, the theory of the coup trap, contagion theory, or linkage and leverage theory). From a Central European perspective, these theories offer a sufficient basis for additive coup research focused on European or Middle Eastern conditions. However, from the perspective of the requirements of a generally applicable formal theory, substantive theories provide limited conceptual instruments, which should be used carefully with respect to the specifications of particular cases.The review article provides an analysis of Anglo-Saxon literature specialized in military coup research, especially that which focused on substantive theories of military coup inception and execution. The main goal of the article is to present previous military coup research and to minimize the conceptual gap between Anglo-Saxon and Czech political science with regard to the understanding of such a significant phenomenon. Starting with a definition of the military coup, the article’s goal is to describe and critically analyze ten separate substantive theories (such as the theory of military centrality, the theory of the coup trap, contagion theory, or linkage and leverage theory). From a Central European perspective, these theories offer a sufficient basis for additive coup research focused on European or Middle Eastern conditions. However, from the perspective of the requirements of a generally applicable formal theory, substantive theories provide limited conceptual instruments, which should be used carefully with respect to the specifications of particular cases

    The Terminology of Coup d'État Studies: Its Use in Specialized Literature Between 1962 and 2014

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    This short study provides a comparative analysis of Anglo-Saxon scientific literature (in the form of monographs, articles from reviewed periodicals, Internet sources) in which the phenomenon of coup d’état is the primary subject of research interest. The main goals of this text are (1) to increase awareness of research into coup d’état as an essential phenomenon in the sphere of transitology among Czech political science students, and (2) to present solutions to the terminological problems relating to this political science discipline. To achieve these goals, the text presents a coherent terminological concept of coup d’état based on a semantic analysis of the disparate literature of Anglo-Saxon provenance, in which research into coup d’état has reached an advanced level of knowledgeThis short study provides a comparative analysis of Anglo-Saxon scientific literature (in the form of monographs, articles from reviewed periodicals, Internet sources) in which the phenomenon of coup d’état is the primary subject of research interest. The main goals of this text are (1) to increase awareness of research into coup d’état as an essential phenomenon in the sphere of transitology among Czech political science students, and (2) to present solutions to the terminological problems relating to this political science discipline. To achieve these goals, the text presents a coherent terminological concept of coup d’état based on a semantic analysis of the disparate literature of Anglo-Saxon provenance, in which research into coup d’état has reached an advanced level of knowledg

    Causes of Military Coup: A Synthesized Causal Model

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    The article is an advancement of a preceding text which analyzed particular substantive theories of military coup in mainstream Anglo-Saxon political science literature. It provides a synthesis analysis of the previously analyzed literature specialized in military coup research, and because each substantive theory provides explanations of the occurrence of military coups through different independent variables, these factors are categorized for research purposes. Working with the definition of a military coup, the article’s goal is to set ten separate theories together into a formal concept of the military coup and express it by means of a synthesized causal model. This model contains individual premises of existing research and constitutes a conceptual framework for the formulation of “the hammer and anvil theory” of military coup. The “hammer” signifies the capacity and commitment of the army to effect a change of government by the use of force or under the threat of it. The “anvil” represents factors which delegitimize a government and de facto hamper its ability to escape the “hammer” blow.The article is an advancement of a preceding text which analyzed particular substantive theories of military coup in mainstream Anglo-Saxon political science literature. It provides a synthesis analysis of the previously analyzed literature specialized in military coup research, and because each substantive theory provides explanations of the occurrence of military coups through different independent variables, these factors are categorized for research purposes. Working with the definition of a military coup, the article’s goal is to set ten separate theories together into a formal concept of the military coup and express it by means of a synthesized causal model. This model contains individual premises of existing research and constitutes a conceptual framework for the formulation of “the hammer and anvil theory” of military coup. The “hammer” signifies the capacity and commitment of the army to effect a change of government by the use of force or under the threat of it. The “anvil” represents factors which delegitimize a government and de facto hamper its ability to escape the “hammer” blow

    Web Application Performance Testing

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    Tato práce se zabývá testováním softwaru, konkrétně výkonnostním testováním webových aplikací. V úvodních kapitolách je nastíněna problematika testování - od vysvětlení obecných pojmů testování a kvality softwaru, označení klíčových problémů, přes zasazení testování do životního cyklu vývoje softwaru, srovnání testování webových a desktopových aplikací, až po výkonnostní testování. Poté je zvolena vhodná webová aplikace k testování (Kentico CMS 6), následovaná představením a srovnáním existujících nástrojů pro výkonnostní a zátěžové testování, z nichž je jeden vybrán pro pozdější testování (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition). Dále jsou navrženy scénáře výkonnostních testů a ukázka jejich implementace (vytváření, úpravy a ladění, rozšiřování, správa, spouštění v distribuovaném prostředí, atd.). V závěru jsou představeny reporty z testování a návrh dalšího rozšíření testů.This thesis is about software testing and mainly focused on performance testing of web applications. The introductory chapters outline problems of testing, identification of key issues, explanation of general concepts and software quality, differences between desktop and web application testing and finally - performance testing. Then, there is chosen a web application suitable for testing (Kentico CMS 6) and comparison of existing tools for performance and load testing. One of them (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition) is chosen for the further testing. Therefore, several test scenarios are designed and implemented (including demonstration of creating, editing and debugging, extending with plug-ins, maintaining, running in a distributed environment, etc.). Finally, there are introduced testing reports and suggestions for the further testing.

    Compare of Contemporary Open Source Content Management Systems

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    This thesis is about comparing open source content management systems. There is a description of the content management system and there are three chosen systems to compare - Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress. The same web project containing multiple users, blogs, discussion forum and e-shop is consequently implemented in each of them. Systems are compared in many phases of development cycle of web applications - comparison includes introduction, installation, managing users, creating web structure, changing design, extendability, user interface, managing backups, actualization, localization and more. There is also a chapter discussing SEO and web application testing

    Měřič glykemické křivky s hlasovým výstupem

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky. Katedra (454) elektroniky a telekomunikační technik

    Residential Financing Options

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je zpracování problematiky financování bydlení. Teoretická část se zabývá bytovým trhem v České republice v obecné rovině. Dále se zabývá rodinným rozpočtem a rozborem možností financování, zejména hypotečním úvěrem a úvěrem ze stavebního spoření. Zkoumá se zde výhodnost nájmu a koupě bytu. V praktické části je ilustrováno konkrétní použití získaných informaci na modelovém případě. Primárně je v rámci rozhodovací analýzy řešen výběr mezi koupí bytu s následným možným prodejem a bydlení v nájmu s krátkodobého i dlouhodobého hlediska.The subject of this bachelor thesis is analysis of the problem of housing financing. The theoretical part deals with the housing market in the Czech Republic on a general level. It also deals with the family budget and the analysis of financing possibilities, especially mortgage loan and building savings loan. The relevant question here is the comparison of advantages and disadvantages of renting and buying an apartment. The practical part illustrates the concrete application of the information obtained in theoretical part on the model case. Primarily, in the decision-making analysis, the choice between purchasing an apartment with subsequent possible sale and rental housing with a short-term and long-term perspective is addressed.