1,227 research outputs found
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää Rainer Rajala Oy:n asiakkaiden tyytyväisyyttä yrityksen tuotteita ja palvelua kohtaan. Rainer Rajala Oy:n toimeksiannosta ei ole aikaisemmin tehty asiakastyytyväisyystutkimusta. Tavoitteena oli kuulla asiakasyritysten mielipiteet Rainer Rajala Oy:n toiminnasta ja kartoittaa asiakkaiden tarpeita, jotta jatkossa asiakkaita voitaisiin palvella entistä paremmin.
Tutkimus suoritettiin kvalitatiivisena kyselynä Rainer Rajala Oy:n vientiasiakkaille. Kysely lähetettiin yhdelletoista vientiasiakkaalle. Tutkimukseen valitut asiakkaat koostuvat jälleenmyyjistä, jotka myyvät hoitopöytiä Eurooppaan. Kaikille kyselyyn valituille lähetettiin sähköpostitse kaksisivuinen kyselylomake. Vastausaikaa annettiin viikko.
Kyselyyn vastasi kahdeksan asiakasta, näin ollen vastausprosentiksi tuli 73 %. Yleisellä tasolla Rainer Rajala Oy:n asiakkaat olivat tyytyväisiä yrityksen toimintaan, mutta toki aina löytyy kehitettävää. Tyytyväisimpiä asiakkaat olivat yrityksen joustavuuteen ja laatuun.The aim of this thesis was to measure customer satisfaction at Rainer Rajala Oy. The company had not commissioned a customer satisfaction survey earlier. The purpose of the measurement was to receive customers’ opinions about the operations of Rainer Rajala Oy and to survey their needs for customer service in order to be able to attend to the customers better.
The survey was carried out by an e-mailed questionnaire sent to eleven export customers of Rainer Rajala Oy selling treatment tables in Europe. The time to respond was one week.
Eight customers returned the questionnaire, which yielded the response percentage of 73 %. In general, the customers of Rainer Rajala Oy were satisfied with the operations of the company, however, there is always a need for improvement. The customers were most satisfied with the flexibility and the quality of the company
Parental education and adolescent health problems due to violence, self-harm and substance use : what is the role of parental health problems?
Background Adolescent health problems are more prevalent in families with low socioeconomic position, but few studies have assessed the role of parental health in this association. This study examines the extent to which parental health problems, particularly those related to high-risk health behaviour, might explain the association between parental education and adolescent health problems due to violence, self-harm and substance use.Methods We used longitudinal register data on a 20% representative sample of all families with children aged 0textendash14 years in 2000 in Finland with information on parental social background and parental and offspring health problems based on hospital discharge data. We estimated discrete-time survival models with the Karlson-Holm-Breen method on hospital admissions due to violence, self-harm and substance use among adolescents aged 13textendash19 years in 2001textendash2011 (n=145 404).Results Hospital admissions were 2textendash3 times more common among offspring of basic educated parents than tertiary educated parents. Similar excess risks were observed among those with parental mental health problems and parental health problems due to violence, self-harm and substance use. The OR for offspring of basic educated parents was attenuated from OR 2.73 (95% CI 2.34 to 3.18) to OR 2.38 (2.04 to2.77) with adjustment for parental health problems, particularly those due to violence, self-harm and substance use. Having both low parental education and parental health problems showed simple cumulative effects.Conclusions The excess risks of hospital admissions due to violence, self-harm and substance use among adolescents with lower educated parents are largely independent of severe parental health problems.Background Adolescent health problems are more prevalent in families with low socioeconomic position, but few studies have assessed the role of parental health in this association. This study examines the extent to which parental health problems, particularly those related to high-risk health behaviour, might explain the association between parental education and adolescent health problems due to violence, self-harm and substance use. Methods We used longitudinal register data on a 20% representative sample of all families with children aged 0–14 years in 2000 in Finland with information on parental social background and parental and offspring health problems based on hospital discharge data. We estimated discrete-time survival models with the Karlson-Holm-Breen method on hospital admissions due to violence, self-harm and substance use among adolescents aged 13–19 years in 2001–2011 (n=145 404). Results Hospital admissions were 2–3 times more common among offspring of basic educated parents than tertiary educated parents. Similar excess risks were observed among those with parental mental health problems and parental health problems due to violence, self-harm and substance use. The OR for offspring of basic educated parents was attenuated from OR 2.73 (95% CI 2.34 to 3.18) to OR 2.38 (2.04 to2.77) with adjustment for parental health problems, particularly those due to violence, self-harm and substance use. Having both low parental education and parental health problems showed simple cumulative effects. Conclusions The excess risks of hospital admissions due to violence, self-harm and substance use among adolescents with lower educated parents are largely independent of severe parental health problems.Peer reviewe
The m.7510T > C mutation: Hearing impairment and a complex neurologic phenotype
Objectives: Mutations in mitochondrial DNA cause a variety of clinical phenotypes ranging from a mild hearing impairment (HI) to severe encephalomyopathy. The MT-TS1 gene is a hotspot for mutations causing HI. The m.7510T>C mutation in MT-TS1 has been previously associated with non-syndromic HI in four families from different ethnic backgrounds.Materials and Methods: We describe the clinical, genetic, and histopathological findings in a Finnish family with the heteroplasmic m.7510T>C mutation in mitochondrial DNA.ResultsThe family proband presented with a progressive mitochondrial disease phenotype including migraine, epilepsy, mild ataxia, and cognitive impairment in addition to HI. One young adult presented with HI only. Other family members had a mild phenotype comprising ataxia and tremor in addition to HI. Mutation heteroplasmy was 90% in the blood of maternal grandmother and 99% in the muscle and blood of the three other family members. Muscle histology was consistent with mitochondrial myopathy in three family members. The mitochondrial haplogroup of the family was a different branch of the haplogroup H than in the previous reports of this mutation.Conclusion: Our results suggest that, in addition to sensorineural HI, the m.7510T>C mutation is associated with a spectrum of mitochondrial disease clinical features including migraine, epilepsy, cognitive impairment, ataxia, and tremor, and with evidence of mitochondrial myopathy
Nuorisorikollisuuden esiintyvyyden ja kasautumisen muutokset syntymäkohorteissa 1986–2000
Peer reviewe
Study of interpad-gap of HPK 3.1 production LGADs with Transient Current Technique
The Phase-2 upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) allows an increase in the operational luminosity value by a factor of 5-7 that will result in delivering 3000 fb(-1) or more integrated luminosity. Due to high luminosity, the number of interactions per bunch crossings (pileup) will increase up to a value of 140-200. To cope with high pileup rates, a precision minimum ionising particles (MIPs) timing detector (MTD) with a time resolution of similar to 30-40 ps and hermetic coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of vertical bar eta vertical bar = 3 is proposed by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. An endcap part (1.6 <vertical bar eta vertical bar <3) of the MTD, called the endcap timing layer, will be based on low-gain avalanche detector (LGAD) technology. LGADs provide a good timing resolution due to a combination of a fast signal rise time and high signal-to-noise ratio. The performance of the ETL depends on optimising the crucial features of the sensors, namely; gain, signal homogeneity, fill factor, leakage current, uniformity of multiple-pad sensors and long term stability. The paper mainly focuses on the study of the fill factor of LGADs with varying temperature and irradiation at varying proton fluences as these sensors will be operated at low temperatures and are subjected to a high radiation environment. The 3.1 production of LGADs from Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK) includes 2x2 sensors with different structures, in particular, different values of narrower inactive region widths between the pads, called the no-gain region. In this paper, the term interpad-gap is used instead of no-gain region in order to follow the conventional terminology. These sensors have been designed to study their fill factor, which is the ratio of the area within the active region (gain region) to the total sensor area. A comparative study on the dependence of breakdown voltage with the interpad-gap width for the sensors has been carried out. Using infrared light (as the electron-hole pair creation by IR laser mimics closely to the traversing of MIPs) from the Scanning-Transient Current Technique (Scanning-TCT) set-up shows that the fill factor does not vary significantly with a variation in temperature and irradiation at high proton fluences.Peer reviewe
Irradiated Single Crystal Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond Characterized with Various Ionizing Particles
The radiation hardness of diamond at the sensor level is studied by irradiating five sensors and studying them with various particle sources, without making any modifications to the sensors in between. The electronics used in the characterization is not irradiated to ensure that any observed effect is merely due to the sensor. Three sensors have received a fluence of 10 (14) protons cm(-2) and two 5 center dot 10 (15) protons cm(-2). At the lower fluence, the impact on the charge collection efficiency is very small, when the applied bias voltage is above 1 V mu m(-1). For the higher fluence, the charge collection efficiency is lower than expected based on earlier studies of diamond radiation hardness on the substrate level. Furthermore, it is noticed that the irradiation has a stronger impact on the signal amplitude recorded with a fast timing than with a charge sensitive amplifier.Peer reviewe
Tavanomaisen ja luomumaan välillä ei ole suuria eroja
Tavanomaisesti viljeltyjen ja pitkäaikaisesti luomuviljeltyjen vilja- tai nurmilohkojen maaperän kyntökerroksen ominaisuuksissa ei havaittu suuria eroja. MTT:n koordinoimassa tutkimuksessa vertailtin monipuolisesti maan kemiallisia, biologisia ja fysikaalisia ominaisuuksia. Selkeimmät erot saatiin liukoisten ravinteiden määrissä, joista erityisesti fosfori ja rikki olivat usein korkeampia tavanomaisessa viljelyssä. Maan rakenteessa ja eloperäisen aineksen määrässä ei eroja havaittu, mikä osaltaan selittää eliöstön vähäiset erot. Jos eroja löytyi, olivat ne yleensä luomuviljelyn eduksi. Paikkakohtaiset erot olivat viljelymenetelmää huomattavasti suurempia.vokmk
CANVAS - tasapainovaikeuksien ja kroonisen yskän mahdollinen aiheuttaja
Tasapaino- ja kävelyvaikeudet ovat yksi yleisimmistä neurologin vastaanotolle hakeutumisen syistä. Näiden oireiden taustalta voi löytyä esimerkiksi pikkuaivojen, ääreishermoston tai sisäkorvan tasapainoelimen vikaa. Kun toimintahäiriötä on samanaikaisesti useammassa kolmesta edellä mainitusta järjestelmästä, voi kyseessä olla CANVAS (cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, vestibular areflexia syndrome). Noin kahdelle kolmasosalle CANVAS-potilaista kehittyy kroonista yskää ja kolmasosalla se on taudin ensimmäinen oire. Geenivirhe löydettiin vuonna 2019, ja sen jälkeen CANVAS on osoittautunut merkittäväksi perinnöllisen ataksian aiheuttajaksi eurooppalaisessa väestössä. Kuvaamme potilastapauksen, joka havainnollistaa CANVAS-oireyhtymän kliinisen tunnistamisen haasteita
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