1,762 research outputs found

    Optimización metodológica para detección de complejidad clonal en la infección por "Mycobacterium tuberculosis" y caracterización de cepas de especial interés clínico y epidemiológico

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída el 10 de Junio de 2010.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 and primary health care

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    Carta al editor[EN] Rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 and primary health careS

    Refugee Women with a History of Trauma: Gender Vulnerability in Relation to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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    Refugees represent a population whose living conditions have a strong impact on their mental health. High rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), more than other mental disorders, have been found in this group, with women having the highest incidence. The objective of the present systematic review was to identify and examine studies from the last fifteen years on the relationship between the impact of traumatic experiences and PTSD psychopathology in refugee women. Twelve studies were included, from which the overall results approved this relation. In addition, six of these studies show that exposure to sexual trauma in refugee women is associated with the high odds of being at risk for PTSD. These findings suggest that gender-related traumatic experiences can explain the high rate of PTSD in refugee women and highlight the unmet need for psychosocial health care in this population.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Analysis of primary language competition through ICT

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    Este artículo muestra el uso de las TIC para la mejora de la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes de Educación Primaria. Desde un diseño cuasi-experimental, la muestra conformada por 34 estudiantes de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria de diferentes centros educativos en la comunidad andaluza, se ha dividido en dos grupos, grupo de control y grupo experimental, con la medición de la variable competencia lingüística a través de un cuestionario pretest-postest (? = ,821). A través del análisis estadístico para muestras independientes T de Student, los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en la variable de competencia lingüística (t=2,506; p=0.017) obteniendo un mayor valor en el grupo experimental. En conclusión, se mejora la competencia lingüística con las TIC en las rutinas aprendizaje.This article shows the use of ICTs for the improvement of Primary Education students' linguistic competence. From a quasi-experimental design, the sample made up of 34 students of the third cycle of Primary Education from different educational centers in the Andalusian community, has been divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group, with the measurement of the linguistic competence variable through a pretest-postest questionnaire (? =, 821). Through statistical analysis for independent Student's T samples, the results showed significant differences in the linguistic competence variable (t = 2.506; p = 0.017), obtaining a higher score in the experimental group. In conclusion, the linguistic competence improves when the ICT is applied in learning routines

    Predicting the physicochemical properties and geographical ORIGIN of lentils using near infrared spectroscopy

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    [EN]Calibration statistical descriptors for both whole and ground lentils using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), combined with fiber-optic probe, are presented and discussed. The models were developed for estimating the weight, size, total raw protein, moisture, total fat, total fiber, and ash. Standard methods were used to determine compositional parameters of 42 samples of different varieties of lentils. The calibration curves show a wide range of validity for all parameters. The results showed excellent predictability for the determination of weight, fiber, and ash in whole lentils. However, size, moisture, and total fat were predicted satisfactorily in ground lentils. The total protein content could be predicted for both whole and ground lentils. Moreover, NIRS and Direct Partial Least Squares (DPLS) were used to determine whether a sample of lentils belonged to the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) “Lenteja de La Armuña” or not. The results showed that 95% of the samples were correctly classified as belonging to a PGI. This result demonstrates that this technique allows the differentiation of samples from nearby regions

    El profesorado universitario desde una perspectiva de género

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    En este artículo presentamos un estudio de las instituciones universitarias de Castilla y León, y más concretamente de su personal docente, desde una perspectiva de género. Con la finalidad de que sirva como marco de referencia efectuamos, en primer lugar, algunas reflexiones sobre la relación entre el género, la formación y las posibilidades de acceso laboral; en segundo lugar recogemos y comentamos algunos datos en torno a la evolución experimentada por la Universidad Española, en relación con la participación de la mujer entre su profesorado. Este mismo aspecto es revisado también en un otro epígrafe del artículo, en el que nos centramos ya propiamente en las instituciones universitarias de Castilla y León. Por último, describimos la investigación que sobre género y función docente hemos desarrollado durante el curso académico 2001-2002 en la citada comunidad autónoma, presentando los principales resultados al respect

    Influencia del ph sobre el efecto tóxico inducido en clones de Dictyosphaerium Chlorelloides sensibles y resistentes a Cromo (VI)

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    El presente estudio establece una correlación entre las variaciones de pH en el medio y las concentraciones de Cromo (VI), mediante su efecto en poblaciones de Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides, microalgas eucariotas cosmopolitas de agua continental. Se cultivaron en medio BG11 dos clones de D. chlorelloides, uno sensible al Cr (VI) y otro resistente a concentraciones de 25 μg/ml, en un rango de pH entre 2,5 y 11 para determinar el efecto de la acidez. Habiendo establecido un rango de pH definitivo (3-7,5), realizamos los ensayos de toxicidad para obtener el valor de pH mínimo al que la población de microalgas no sufría variaciones estadísticamente significativas. El análisis de la exposición a Cr (VI) evidenció una NOEC ajustada al valor de pH=4,25 para ambos clones. Los valores de CI50(72) obtenidos a pH 7,5 y 4,25 evidenciaron variaciones estadísticamente significativas entre ambos valores de pH, no habiendo diferencias significativas relativas al crecimiento poblacional en la cepa sensible de D. chlorelloides, aunque sí en el clon resistente.This paper explains the relationship between the environmental variations of pH and Chromium (VI) concentration, by their effect on populations of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides, eukaryotic cosmopolitan microalgae of fresh water ecosystems. Two strains of D. chlorelloides were cultured in BG11 culture medium, being one of them sensitive to Cr (VI) and the other one resistant up to concentrations of 25 μg/ml, at pH values between 2.5 and 11 in order to determine their viability. When the pH range was determined (3-7.5), toxicity assays were done to obtain the minimum value of pH in which the microalgal populations did not vary significantly. The analysis of Cr (VI) exposure demonstrated a NOEC fitted to the pH value of 4.25. The IC50(72) values obtained at pH 7.5 and 4.25 showed significant statistic variations between both pH values, and there were not significant differences related to community growth in the sensitive strain, unlike the resistant one

    A Low Frequency of Losses in 11q Chromosome Is Associated with Better Outcome and Lower Rate of Genomic Mutations in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    [EN] To analyze the impact of the 11q deleted (11q-) cells in CLL patients on the time to first therapy (TFT) and overall survival (OS), 2,493 patients with CLL were studied. 242 patients (9.7%) had 11q-. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies showed a threshold of 40% of deleted cells to be optimal for showing that clinical differences in terms of TFT and OS within 11q-CLLs. In patients with >= 40% of losses in 11q (11q-H) (74%), the median TFT was 19 months compared with 44 months in CLL patients with <40% del(11q) (11q-L) (P<0.0001). In the multivariate analysis, only the presence of 11q-L, mutated IGHV status, early Binet stage and absence of extended lymphadenopathy were associated with longer TFT. Patients with 11q-H had an OS of 90 months, while in the 11q-L group the OS was not reached (P = 0.008). The absence of splenomegaly (P = 0.02), low LDH (P = 0.018) or beta 2M (P = 0.006), and the presence of 11q-L (P = 0.003) were associated with a longer OS. In addition, to detect the presence of mutations in the ATM, TP53, NOTCH1, SF3B1, MYD88, FBXW7, XPO1 and BIRC3 genes, a select cohort of CLL patients with losses in 11q was sequenced by next-generation sequencing of amplicons. Eighty % of CLLs with 11q-showed mutations and fewer patients with low frequencies of 11q-had mutations among genes examined (50% vs 94.1%, P = 0.023). In summary, CLL patients with <40% of 11q-had a long TFT and OS that could be associated with the presence of fewer mutated genes.European Commision (EC). Funding FP7/SP1/HEALTH. Project Code: 30624