189 research outputs found

    Valoración de la ingesta dietética a nivel poblacional mediante cuestionarios individuales: sombras y luces metodológicas

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    José María Martin Moreno ([email protected])El desarrollo de la moderna metodología necesaria para caracterizar con rigor la ingesta de individuos y poblaciones data de hace sólo dos décadas, cuando germinó la epidemiología nutricional. La razón del carácter reciente de esta disciplina radica en el hecho de que la valoración de la ingesta dietética a nivel poblacional presenta retos complejos, que sólo van siendo superados a medida que investigamos y mejoramos los instrumentos metodológicos disponibles. En el presente artículo se revisan los métodos alternativos para estimar la ingesta de alimentos y nutrientes en los individuos. Tras una sucinta descripción de los métodos indirectos y directos de valoración del consumo alimentario, que incluye una breve referencia a los biomarcadores y a técnicas mixtas como las de estudios de "dieta total", el artículo se centra en los métodos directos de cuantificación de ingesta alimentaria mediante cuestionarios. Aquí se plantean los fundamentos, ventajas y limitaciones de las opciones alternativas. Tras ello, se pone al día de forma resumida el desarrollo de nuevos diseños de cuestionarios y de técnicas analítico-estadísticas que tienen como fin optimizar la metodología disponible. Finalmente, tras reconocer los avances realizados a la par que las cuestiones pendientes, se concluye afirmando que las aproximaciones que plantean la introducción complementaria de biomarcadores junto a la utilización optimizada de métodos combinados con cuestionarios individuales presentan potencialmente mayor fiabilidad y precisión conjunta para la estimación de la ingesta dietética a nivel poblacional, quedando patente la necesidad de impulsar la investigación que permita mejorar la metodología en este campo.The development of the modern methodology necessary to accurately characterize dietary intake in individuals and population only dates back two decades, when nutritional epidemiology first emerged. The reason for the recentness of this discipline lies in the fact that dietary assessment at the population level presents complex challenges which are only being overcome as we investigate and improve the available methodological instruments. In this paper, alternative methods to estimate food and nutritional intake are reviewed. Following a succinct description of direct and indirect methods to evaluate dietary consumption, including a brief reference to biomarkers and mixed techniques such as "total diet" studies, the article focuses on direct methods of quantifying dietary intake through questionnaires. The basis, advantages, and limitations of alternative options are considered, and subsequently the article summarizes the development of new survey designs and analytical/statistical techniques which aim to optimize the available methodology. The article finally concludes by affirming that the approximations indicated by the complementary introduction of biomarkers, together with the optimized use of combined methods with questionnaires, are potentially the most precise and trustworthy estimations of dietary intake at the population level. In light of both the advances achieved and the pending challenges, it is clear that there is a strong necessity to foster research which will lead to improvement in the methodology in this field

    Computer simulations of the structure of nanoporous carbons and higher density phases of carbon

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    The most stable form of solid carbon is graphite, a stacking of graphene 2 layers in which the carbon atoms show sp2 hybridization which leads to strong intra3 layer bonding. Diamond is a denser phase, obtained at high pressure. In diamond the 4 carbon atoms show sp3 hybridization. Metastable solid carbon phases can be pre5 pared also with lower density than graphite (in fact, densities lower than water); for 6 instance the carbide-derived carbons. These are porous materials with a quite disor7 dered structure. Atomistic computer simulations of carbide-derived carbons indicate 8 that the pore walls can be viewed as curved and planar nanographene ribbons with 9 numerous defects and open edges. Consequently, the hybridization of the carbon 10 atoms in the porous carbons is sp2. Because of the high porosity and large specific 11 surface area, nanoporous carbons find applications in gas adsorption, batteries and 12 nanocatalysis, among others. We have performed computer simulations, employing 13 large simulation cells and long simulation times, to reveal the details of the structure 14 of the nanoporous carbons. In the dynamical simulations the interactions between 15 the atoms are represented by empirical many-body potentials. We have also investi16 gated the effect of the density on the structure of the disordered carbons and on the 17 hybridization of the carbon atoms. At low densities, typical of the porous carbide18 derived carbons formed experimentally, the hybridization is sp2. On the other hand, 19 as the density of the disordered material increases, a growing fraction of atoms with 20 sp3 hybridization appear

    Development and Evaluation of a Post–Hip Fracture Instructional Workshop for Caregivers

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    “This is an original manuscript of an article published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy on July 2020, available at: doi: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000230.”Background and Purpose: A hip fracture is an unexpected traumatic event and mostly the informal caregivers of patients with an acute hip fracture have only short time to learn the new skills of postoperative care and handling of the patient. This sudden responsibility changes the life of the caregiver who perceives a higher level of preoccupation. The objective of this study was to develop and test feasibility for a post-hip fracture in-patient instructional workshop for caregivers of older adults with hip fracture, and to establish their knowledge of hip fracture recovery, and perceptions of the utility and satisfaction with the workshop. Methods: This two-part study was conducted at the (blinded for per-review) from September 2016 to April 2017. We invited caregivers, of consecutive patients (60 years or older) hospitalized for a surgically-treated fall-related hip fracture, to attend an informational and skill-development hospital-based workshop (60-90 minutes in duration) on management strategies post discharge. Following the workshop, we invited caregivers to complete a questionnaire to obtain their knowledge about care after hip fracture, and their perceived concerns. Furthermore, we request they provide feedback on workshop utility and satisfaction (0 to 10 points) and suggestions for improvement. Results and Discussion: Over eight months we delivered 42 workshops. There 103 caregivers who attended the sessions and enrolled in the study, mean (SD) age 52.1 (12.8) years and most of them (69%) were women. Caregivers’ main concern was apprehension for delivering physical care to their family member/friend (75%), followed by lack of time (42%). Caregivers who were employed were 3.16 times as likely to be concerned about time availability to provide care for their family member/friend. The median (Q1-Q3) of both workshop utility and satisfaction was 10 (10,10), minimum-maximum: 7-10. Conclusions: Caregivers in this study stated that the workshop was useful and satisfactory. As caregivers play such a vital role in recovery after hip fracture providing knowledge and skill development as part of healthcare delivery may support more person-centered care

    Discovery of recurring slope lineae candidates in Mawrth Vallis, Mars

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    We thank NASA, JPL, University of Arizona, Malin Space Science Systems, Arizona State University, and The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for providing HiRISE, CTX, CRISM images and related products free of charge. A.B. acknowledges the Swedish Research Council for supporting his research in cold arid environments. L.S. acknowledges the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for her PhD scholarship. We acknowledge the Wallenberg Foundation and the Kempe Foundation for supporting the research activities. Data Availability All of the remote sensing data used in this study are freely available from the Planetary Data System (http://pds.nasa.gov) and from sensor-specific websites such as http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/ and http://crism-map.jhuapl.edu/. All the data products analysed for this study are included as web references in the figure captions and text of this article.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The effects of myofascial induction therapy in survivors of head and neck cancer: a randomized, controlled clinical trial

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    Purpose We aim to evaluate the effects of myofascial induction therapy (MIT) on the sequelae suffered by the survivors of HNC (sHNC). Methods We enrolled 46 sHNC in a randomized controlled trial (RCT), of whom 20 received a MIT protocol and 23 were placed on a waitlist while receiving the recommended treatment for 6 weeks. The MIT protocol included a total of 18 sessions, 3 days a week on alternate days for 6 weeks. Maximal mouth opening, the presence of temporomandibular dysfunction, cervical endurance, active range of motion (AROM), shoulder AROM, handgrip strength, and perceived physical fitness were assessed. Results Maximal mouth opening, temporomandibular dysfunction, cervical endurance, and AROM, affected shoulder abduction and unaffected shoulder flexion and external rotation significantly improved (p < .05) after an MIT protocol, but only cervical AROM and affected shoulder abduction changes were clinically meaningful. No statistically significant changes were observed in the other shoulder AROM, handgrip strength, or physical fitness perception (p > .05). Conclusion A 6-week MIT protocol improves mouth opening, TMD, cervical function (endurance and AROM), affected shoulder abduction and unaffected shoulder flexion, and external rotation AROM in the sHNC. However, no changes were observed in most of the shoulder AROM, muscular strength, or perceived physical fitness. Future studies should perform longer follow-up designs, increase the sample size, and include multimodal treatments to address these sequelae in the sHNC.Fondos Estructurales de la Union Europea (FEDER)University of Granada, Excellence Actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de Andalucia PI-0171-2020 CSy

    Visión actual de la apicultura en españa

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    La apicultura es una actividad agropecuaria orientada a la cría de abejas para obtener beneficios derivados de la venta de los productos apícolas y de la acción polinizadora en los cultivos. Es un sector que se distribuye principalmente en Castilla y León con el 16% del total de explotaciones, de las cuales la mayoría son no profesionales y estantes. Le siguen en importancia Galicia con el 14,3% de explotaciones, y Andalucía con el 13%, donde están a la par las colmenas profesionales y no profesionales con trashumancia. Dentro del panorama comunitario, España ocupa el primer lugar en el censo con un 17,1% del total de colmenas de Europa, con un volumen exportador del 27,9%; los destinos principales son Francia y Alemania. En el plano extracomunitario, España importa miel de China y Argentina ocupando el 5º lugar (3,4%) de las importaciones a nivel mundial. No obstante el nivel de autoabastecimiento español alcanza un 88,2%.The beekeeping is a farming activity orientated to the young of bees in order to obtain benefits derived from the sale of apicultural products and the pollinating action on the cultivates. It’s a sector distributed mainly in Castilla and Leon with 16% of the total of operations, of which the majority is nonprofessional and permanent. They are followed in importance by Galicia with 14.3% of operations, and Andalucia with 13% where the non professional beehives with seasonal migrations are similar.Within the communitarian perspective, Spain occupies the first place in the census with the 17.1% of the total of beehives of Europe, with an exporting volume of 27,9%; the main destinies are France and Germany. In the extracommunitarian plane, Spain imports honey from China and Argentina occupying the fifth place (3.4%) of the imports at world-wide level. Despite the level of Spanish self-supplying it reaches a 88.2%

    Association between Physiological and Subjective Aspects of Pain and Disability in Post-Stroke Patients with Shoulder Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Patients often experience pain as a result of a stroke. However, the mechanism of this pain remains uncertain. Our aim was to investigate the relationship between pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) and disability pain in patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP). Methods: Twenty-six post-stroke patients (age 53.35 +/- 13.09 years) and healthy controls (54.35 +/- 12.37 years) participated. We investigated spontaneous shoulder pain, disability pain perception through the shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI), and the PPTs over joint C5–C6, upper trapezius, deltoid, epicondyle, second metacarpal, and tibialis anterior, bilaterally. Results: The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences in pain between groups (p < 0.001) and differences in the SPADI (p < 0.001) between groups but not between sides for PPTs over deltoid (group: p = 0.007; side: p = 0.750), epicondyle (group: p = 0.001; side: p = 0.848), and tibialis anterior (group: p < 0.001; side: p = 0.932). Pain in the affected arm was negatively associated with PPTs over the affected epicondyle (p = 0.003) and affected tibialis anterior (p = 0.009). Pain (SPADI) appeared negatively correlated with PPTs over the affected epicondyle (p = 0.047), and disability (SPADI) was negatively associated with PPTs over the affected tibialis anterior (p = 0.041). Conclusions: Post-stroke patients showed a relationship between widespread pressure pain hypersensitivity with lower PPT levels and pain disability perception, suggesting a central sensitization mediated by bilateral and symmetric pain patterns

    Therapeutic Benefits of Balneotherapy on Quality of Life of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review

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    This paper has external funding for publication from the "Catedra Hammam Al Andalus I + D + I en Bienestar Humano" (Hammam Al Andalus Chair in Human Well-being), University of Granada, Spain.Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflammatory rheumatic disease. RA symptoms make the disease disabling and strongly impact the quality of life of patients. Among the available forms of treatment, balneotherapy seems to be one of the most common forms of nonpharmacological treatment for rheumatic disease. The aim was to explore the effectiveness of balneotherapy for improving the quality of life of patients with RA. Methods: Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and The Cochrane library were searched for randomized or clinical controlled trials published in English or Spanish until May 2021. Risk of bias of included articles were assessed using the Cochrane tool. A total 535 records were retrieved, and seven met the inclusion criteria. All the included studies showed statistically significant improvements in the quality of life of patients who received balneotherapy treatment despite differences in treatment administration. Sessions should be approximately 20 min long and use natural mineral waters enriched with elements, or mud, at a water temperature between 35–38ºC. Conclusions: Balneotherapy benefits the quality of life of people with RA. The obtained results show positive effects for both mineral bathing and immersion in sand or mud on the quality of life of people who suffer from RA."Catedra Hammam Al Andalus I + D + I en Bienestar Humano" (Hammam Al Andalus Chair in Human Wellbeing), University of Granada, Spai

    Martian slope streaks as plausible indicators of transient water activity

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    We thank NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/Malin Space Science systems/Arizona State University for providing the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) data, HiRISE images, ConTeXt Camera (CTX) images, LROC images, and JMARS software free of charge. Although we have cited all the previous research results used in the paper, here we acknowledge the efforts of all those researchers for providing the essential inputs to our study. L.S. acknowledges German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for her PhD scholarship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Persistent pain management in an oncology population through pain neuroscience education, a multimodal program: PaiNEd randomized clinical trial protocol

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    Pain is one of the most persistent symptoms after cancer treatment. The central nervous system can erroneously stay in its alarm phase, altering the pain experience of patients who have cancer. Pain neuroscience education (PNE) with multimodal approaches may benefit these patients.“Subvenciones para la Financiación de la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D+I) Biomédica y en Ciencias de la Salud, Consejería de Salud y Familias”, of the Andalusian Regional Government (PI-0171-2020