72 research outputs found

    Tradició, art popular i ideologia

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    Con il presente saggio I'autore vuole aprire, non senza una sottile vena polemica, un dibattito che, partendo da alcuni spunti che riguardano "I'eredita della tradizione popolare", alla lunga potrebbe implicare questioni di carattere etnocentrico, di integralismo religioso, di odio razziale. E importante sapere come conservare un patrimonio di tradizioni in graduale via di estinzione provocata dai cambiamenti che il progresso impone alla nostra societa. Perció e sembrato degno d'interesse dedicare alcune riflessioni che riguardano non solo come preservare, ma anche e soprattutto ció che, delle tradizioni, vogliamo conservare e perché, per riportare nell'alveo della tolleranza e de!l'integrazione ogni diversita come valore antropologico

    El nacionalisme com a fenomen etnicitari

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    Le apparenti contraddizioni del nazionalismo che tuttavia non perde forza nonostante gli attuali processi di mondializzazione attuali, si possono spiegare in molta buona parte tenendo in debito conto il fenomeno etnicitario da considerare nella sua espresione politica. Nel presente articolo si espongono alcunitratti caratteristici deU'etnicita, nella sua qualita di costrutto destinato a organizzare parte della interazione socia le. A partire dalla sua analisi si puo capire meglio l'attuale rilevanza della differenziazione etnica in quelle societa per le quali i pensatori modernisti avevano vaticinato erroneamente la prossima fine delle rivendicazioni nazionalistiche

    Apunts sobre la comunicació no verbal dels algueresos

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    Tutte le comunità, piccole e grandi, dispongono di una lingua per comunicare con gli altri oralmente o per iscritto; tuttavia molte di queste dispongono di un codice non verbale, meglio di un linguaggio gestuale, per rappresentare stati d'animo, situazioni personali, etc. capito comunque dall'ambiente cui si riferisce. Questo saggio, frutto di una attenta e lunga indagine, tratta della gestualità degli algheresi, di questo curioso modo di comunicare con agli altri ora con gesti magici, ora situazionali, ora concettuali e ora modali. Di questa gestualità l'autore propone uno studio comparativo e descrittivo in rapporto con le culture da cui procede, direttamente o indirettamente, il singolare modo di comunicare

    Etnicitat, cultura i nacionalisme

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    This artide deals with the relationship between nationalism, ethnicity and the social perception of culture. This social perception is very important for giving content to the expressive side of ethnicity. When we speak of culture of any one country, we generally don't mean culture in an anthropological technical sense but we are speaking of "representative culture", i.e. of only a little part of the whole culture, which has been selected through concretenarratives. The socially constructed conscience of belonging to an ethnic group is then elaborated by the rhetorics of nationalism in order to give political express ion to ethnicity

    Felip Pedrell i l'etnomusicologia

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    Felip Pedrell és considerat el pare de la musicologia històrica espanyola. D'altra banda, hom li dóna així mateix un lloc d'honor pel que es refereix a l'etnomusicologia: Los trabajos de Pedrell deben considerarse como punto de partida para los estudios de auténtico nivel científic0 que en materia de música tradicional poseemos en nuestro país.[Pedrell is] the earliest and undoubtedly the most outspoken of the Spanish musicologists for scientific investigation of Spanish folk music.Peer reviewe

    Quan el bosc no ens deixa veure els arbres: Cultures, individus i drets humans

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    The central argument of the article is that we ought nat to fall into the error of attributing too much importance to "culture", so that this doesn't let us see the individual. The concept of "culture" not only represents a category with supposed ana lytical value for social and humanistic sciences but also has a wide social relevance. Nevertheless, the manner in wich this concept is ge nerally used implies a standa rdized wiew of the social system and a certain determinism; at the same time, culture is also sometimes given a great importance over and above its bearers, the individuals. This is important from the epistemological paint of view regarding antropology, as well from the practicaI one regarding all those saciaTdiscurses in wich the idea of culture has a certain relevance. This is clear to see, for instance , in the criticism carried out by the extreme cultura l relativism against the universalist philosophy of human rights. The article pon ts out the need to think in terms of "cultural frameworks" in order to play down the ethnocratic and deterministic character of culture. In this mariner, anthropology may move closer toward an approach centered on the individual

    Empatía y Mindfulness. Convergencia teórica

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    Este artículo revisa las principales aportaciones teóricas e investigaciones sobre la empatía y su relación con el mindfulness, con la finalidad de contribuir al estudio del desarrollo humano saludable. La empatía es un elemento esencial en las relaciones interpersonales. Se trata de un constructo que ha ido evolucionando a nivel teórico y del que cada vez tenemos un mayor conocimiento científicamente fundamentado. Las iniciativas para fomentarla, particularmente en el ámbito de la educación, han tenido resultados muy satisfactorios. En los últimos años, el incremento de estudios sobre los numerosos beneficios de la práctica de mindfulness –y sobre todo aquellos programas que incluyen la compasión y la autocompasión- son muy consistentes respecto a la mejora de los vínculos con los demás. Analizar la intersección teórica entre empatía y mindfulness y detectar las necesidades actuales en lo que se refiere a su investigación es fundamental para avanzar en el conocimiento acerca de la utilidad del mindfulness como estrategia de intervención encaminada a fomentar la empatía.This article reviews the main theoretical contributions and research studies on empathy and its relationship with mindfulness, in order to contribute to the study of the healthy human development. Empathy is an essential element in the interpersonal relationships. It is a construct that is evolving at a theoretical level and each day we have a higher scientifically grounded understanding. The initiatives to promote it, particularly in the field of education, have had very successful results. In recent years, the increase of studies on the many benefits of practicing mindfulness –particularly those programs that include compassion and self-compassion- are very consistent regarding the improvement of relationships with others. Analyzing the theoretical intersection between empathy and mindfulness and identify current needs as regards their research is crutial to advance knowledge about the usefulness of mindfulness as an intervention strategy aimed at fostering empath

    Slightly congested amino terminal dendrimers. The synthesis of amide-based stable structures on a large scale

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    Nowadays, amino terminal dendrimers are appealing materials for biological applications due to their multivalence and the versatile conjugation of the amino groups. However, the high reactivity of these terminal groups can be decreased by steric hindrance, limiting their possible bioapplications. Herein, we report the divergent synthesis of slightly sterically hindered amino terminal polyamide dendrimers. A simple and unique AB2 scaffold has been chosen to build the dendritic structures, where only amide bonds have been used as the connecting unit. The 1–7 relative positions of the amino groups in the AB2 monomers avoid the steric congestion of the macromolecules, allowing the construction of robust dendrimers up to the fifth generation. The construction of the dendrimers is based on two well-established reactions, using simple and cheap reactants, with yields above 90% on a gram scale and easy purification procedures. This synthetic methodology constitutes an easy and efficient way for the preparation of stable and aqueous soluble dendrimers on a gram scale, representing a substantial improvement over the synthesis of this kind of aliphatic polyamide amino terminal dendrimer. The prepared structures were completely characterized and evaluated by size exclusion chromatography, diffusion ordered spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy to determine their size. Molecular dynamics simulations were also carried out and the values obtained were consistent with the experimentally determined values.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación (PID2019-104293GB-I00), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyectos de I+D+I “Programación Conjunta Internacional”), EuroNanoMed 2019 (PCI2019-111825-2), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; RETIC ARADYAL RD16/0006/0012) and Junta de Andalucía and Universidad de Málaga (UMA18-FEDERJA-007). We gratefully acknowledge the computer resources provided by the SCBI (Supercomputing and Bioinformatics Center) of the University of Malaga. NMR experiments have been performed in the ICTS “NANBIOSIS”, in the U28 Unit at the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND)

    Modelling flood propagation in the service galleries of a nuclear power plant

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    In the context of the stress tests that have to be applied to nuclear power plants, this work presents the study of the flooding processes of the service galleries of a nuclear plant caused by a hypothetical failure of some of the pipes of the Essential Services Water System (ESWS). To assess the flood propagation along the galleries, two-dimensional hydraulic modelling tools, based on the solution of the shallow water equations with the finite volume method, were used. Due to the complexity and special features of the geometry and hydraulic processes, when compared with more standard urban flood assessment works, several specific modules were developed. A relevant one is a new module to consider the effect of the occupation of the galleries on the advance of the waterfront. This module was developed and verified prior to being applied to a case study. The results show the suitability of the proposed methodology to be used as part of the stress tests to ensure high security standards of nuclear power plants.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Substrate adhesion determines migration during mesenchymal cell condensation in chondrogenesis

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    Mesenchymal condensation is a prevalent morphogenetic transition that is essential in chondrogenesis. However, the current understanding of condensation mechanisms is limited. In vivo, progenitor cells directionally migrate from the surrounding loose mesenchyme towards regions of increasing matrix adherence (the condensation centers), which is accompanied by the upregulation of fibronectin. Here, we focused on the mechanisms of cell migration during mesenchymal cell condensation and the effects of matrix adherence. Dendrimer-based nanopatterns of the cell-adhesive peptide arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD), which is present in fibronectin, were used to regulate substrate adhesion. We recorded collective and single-cell migration of mesenchymal stem cells, under chondrogenic induction, using live-cell imaging. Our results show that the cell migration mode of single cells depends on substrate adhesiveness, and that cell directionality controls cell condensation and the fusion of condensates. Inhibition experiments revealed that cell-cell interactions mediated by N-cadherin (also known as CDH2) are also pivotal for directional migration of cell condensates by maintaining cell-cell cohesion, thus suggesting a fine interplay between cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesions. Our results shed light on the role of cell interactions with a fibronectin-depositing matrix during chondrogenesis in vitro, with possible applications in regenerative medicine. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper