108 research outputs found

    Gene expression analysis in cold stress conditions reveals BBX20 and CLO as potential biomarkers for cold tolerance in almond

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    Late spring frosts can become one of the limiting factors for the expansion of cultivation area towards a harsher climate for the almond [Prunus amygdalus Batsch syn P. dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] crop as spring frost can damage up to 90% of the harvest. In order to identify key genes favoring cold tolerance in almonds, branches from three late-blooming genotypes: ‘Guara’, ‘Soleta’ and ‘Belona’ were exposed at -4¿C during 24 h in a constant climate chamber. Phenotype analysis showed that ‘Guara’ and ‘Soleta’ had a greater acclimation capacity to cold than ‘Belona’. The qRT-PCR BioMark System technology was used to monitor the relative expression of 30 candidate genes with a potential relation to cold response, which are either involved in the ICE-CBF-COR pathway or the independent CBF pathway, and also genes not yet characterized or with unknown function in almond genome. Differences in the gene expression profiles were found among the three studied genotypes and the three time-points of cold exposure (0, 2 and 24 h). BBX20 and CLO genes behaved as differentiator genes between tolerant and susceptible genotypes in cold stress response in almond pistils. In addition, the differences of expression among the tolerant genotypes suggested the intervention of different mechanisms responding to cold stress in almonds. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Caractérisation des systèmes de production ovine dans la zone de "Sierra del Segura y la Sagra", Espagne

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    [FR] Le présent article se propose d¿analyser les caractéristiques les plus saillantes du secteur ovin dans une partie de la zone géographique sous Indication Géographique Protégée (IGP) "Cordero de Segura y la Sagra". Une enquête a été menée sur 93 propriétaires d¿élevages, dans l'objectif de connaître la situation du secteur dans cette zone. Les questions concernaient les sujets suivants: caractéristiques du troupeau, âge, niveau d'études, ouvriers à la ferme, continuité des activités de la ferme. La taille moyenne du troupeau est de 378 animaux et la race "Segureña" est prédominante (99%). Dans 93,4% des cas l¿éleveur travaille à temps plein dans l¿exploitation et le revenu principal est la vente d¿agneaux pour la viande, mais seulement 9,7% des éleveurs font partie d¿une coopérative pour la commercialisation. L'âge moyen du fermier est de 50 ans et 87,1% des éleveurs n¿ont pas d¿études ou de faible niveau. La moyenne du travail employé est de 1,31 UTA, essentiellement de type familial. Seulement dans 12% des cas il existe une sécurité de la continuité de l'activité. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'il est nécessaire de parvenir à de meilleures conditions socioéconomiques pour les exploitations dans la zone étudiée. L'IGP "Cordero de Segura y la Sagra" pourrait être utile pour améliorer ces aspects.[EN] The aim of this study is to present the basic characteristics which define the sheep systems in some zones of the PGI Cordero de Segura y la Sagra protected area, in order to bring about actions to improve the competitiveness of such systems. A survey has been conducted among 93 farm owners. The questionnaire included questions regarding herd characteristics, age, educational level, workers, and continuity of the farm activity. The average herd size is 378 animals and the Segureña breed sheep is predominant (99 percent). In 93.5 percent of cases the owner works full time on the farm and the main economic benefit is the sale of lambs for meat, but only 9.7 percent of farmers belong to some kind of marketing cooperative. The average farmer's age is 50 years old and a high percentage (87.1 percent) has no education or a very basic one. The year work unit (YWU) is 1.31 and the work is mainly of family type. In only 12 percent of the cases the continuity of the activity is assured. The above analysed aspects show that it is necessary to achieve better socioeconomic conditions of farms. The PGI Cordero de Segura y la Sagra could be useful to improve these aspects. Therefore we suggest that the PGI must be promoted among farmers, especially among young people.Navarro-Ríos, M.; Marín-Bernal, A.; Martí, A.; Fernández Martínez, CJ. (2011). Characterizacion of Segureña sheep production system in the area of Sierra del Segura y la Sagra, Spain. Options Mediterraneennes. Serie A: Seminaires Mediterraneens. (100):211-216. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107315S21121610

    Early imaging and molecular changes with neoadjuvant bevacizumab in stage ii/iii breast cancer

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    This prospective, phase II study evaluated novel biomarkers as predictors of response to bevacizumab in patients with breast cancer (BC), using serial imaging methods and gene expression analysis. Patients with primary stage II/III BC received bevacizumab 15 mg/kg (cycle 1; C1), then four cycles of neoadjuvant docetaxel doxorubicin, and bevacizumab every 3 weeks (C2–C5). Tumour proliferation and hypoxic status were evaluated using18F-fluoro-3'-deoxy-3'-L-fluorothymidine (FLT)-and18F-fluoromisonidazole (FMISO)-positron emission tomography (PET) at baseline, and during C1 and C5. Pre-and post-bevacizumab vascular changes were evaluated using dynamic contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). Molecular biomarkers were assessed using microarray analysis. A total of 70 patients were assessed for treatment efficacy. Significant decreases from baseline in tumour proliferation (FLT-PET), vascularity, and perfusion (DCE-MRI) were observed during C1 (p = 0.001), independent of tumour subtype. Bevacizumab treatment did not affect hypoxic tumour status (FMISO-PET). Significant changes in the expression of 28 genes were observed after C1. Changes in vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)-2p levels were observed in 65 patients, with a > 20% decrease in VEGFR-2p observed in 13/65. Serial imaging techniques. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Prevenció de les exposicions accidentals a sang i material biològic

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    Sang; Material biològic; ExposicióSangre; Material biológico; ExposiciónBlood; Biological material; ExposureL’objectiu d’aquestes recomanacions és prevenir les exposicions accidentals i informar sobre les mesures que cal adoptar després d’un accident. De l’anàlisi de les exposicions accidentals declarades al Servei de Medicina Preventiva de l’Hospital Vall d’Hebron, durant un període de cinc anys, cal destacarne que la meitat s’han produït en l’habitació del pacient o en el box d’exploració

    Continuously variable true time delay optical feeder for phased array antenna employing chirped fiber gratings

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    In this paper we propose and demonstrate a novel approach of true-time delay (TTD) optical feeder for phased-array antennas. A continuously variable TTD is achieved by employing tunable lasers and a wide bandwidth chirped fiber grating as dispersive element. The results show that a very high resolution performance (equivalent to a 6 bit microwave phase shifter) is obtained for a L-band phased-array antenna employing narrow tuning bandwidth lasers with a wavelength stability of 0.005 nm and a 4 nm bandwidth chirped grating with dispersion 835 ps/nm

    Grafting Snake Melon [Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo Var. flexuosus (L.) Naudin] in Organic Farming: Effects on Agronomic Performance; Resistance to Pathogens; Sugar, Acid, and VOC Profiles; and Consumer Acceptance

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    The performance of snake melon [Cucumis melo var. flexuosus (L.)] in organic farming was studied under high biotic and salt stress conditions. Soilborne diseases (mainly caused by Macrophomina phaseolina and Neocosmospora falciformis), combined with virus incidence [Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), and Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV)] and Podosphaera xanthii attacks, reduced yield by more than 50%. Snake melon susceptibility to M. phaseolina and Monosporascus cannonballus was proved in pathogenicity tests, while it showed some degree of resistance to Neocosmospora keratoplastica and N. falciformis. On the contrary, salt stress had a minor impact, although a synergic effect was detected: yield losses caused by biotic stress increased dramatically when combined with salt stress. Under biotic stress, grafting onto the melon F1Pat81 and wild Cucumis rootstocks consistently reduced plant mortality in different agroecological conditions, with a better performance compared to classic Cucurbita commercial hybrids. Yield was even improved under saline conditions in grafted plants. A negative effect was detected, though, on consumer acceptability, especially with the use of Cucurbita rootstocks. Cucumis F1Pat81 rootstock minimized this side effect, which was probably related to changes in the profile of sugars, acids, and volatiles. Grafting affected sugars and organic acid contents, with this effect being more accentuated with the use of Cucurbita rootstocks than with Cucumis. In fact, the latter had a higher impact on the volatile organic compound profile than on sugar and acid profile, which may have resulted in a lower effect on consumer perception. The use of Cucumis rootstocks seems to be a strategy to enable organic farming production of snake melon targeted to high-quality markets in order to promote the cultivation of this neglected crop.

    InAs/AlGaAs quantum dot intermediate band solar cells with enlarged sub-bandgaps

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    In the last decade several prototypes of intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs) have been manufactured. So far, most of these prototypes have been based on InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) in order to implement the IB material. The key operation principles of the IB theory are two photon sub-bandgap (SBG) photocurrent, and output voltage preservation, and both have been experimentally demonstrated at low temperature. At room temperature (RT), however, thermal escape/relaxation between the conduction band (CB) and the IB prevents voltage preservation. To improve this situation, we have produced and characterized the first reported InAs/AlGaAs QD-based IBSCs. For an Al content of 25% in the host material, we have measured an activation energy of 361 meV for the thermal carrier escape. This energy is about 250 meV higher than the energies found in the literature for InAs/GaAs QD, and almost 140 meV higher than the activation energy obtained in our previous InAs/GaAs QD-IBSC prototypes including a specifically designed QD capping layer. This high value is responsible for the suppression of the SBG quantum efficiency under monochromatic illumination at around 220 K. We suggest that, if the energy split between the CB and the IB is large enough, activation energies as high as to suppress thermal carrier escape at room temperature (RT) can be achieved. In this respect, the InAs/AlGaAs system offers new possibilities to overcome some of the problems encountered in InAs/GaAs and opens the path for QD-IBSC devices capable of achieving high efficiency at RT

    An overview of jets and outflows in stellar mass black holes

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    In this book chapter, we will briefly review the current empirical understanding of the relation between accretion state and and outflows in accreting stellar mass black holes. The focus will be on the empirical connections between X-ray states and relativistic (`radio') jets, although we are now also able to draw accretion disc winds into the picture in a systematic way. We will furthermore consider the latest attempts to measure/order jet power, and to compare it to other (potentially) measurable quantities, most importantly black hole spin.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Also to appear in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI - The Physics of Accretion on to Black Holes (Springer Publisher

    Attributes influencing parental decision-making to receive the Tdap vaccine to reduce the risk of pertussis transmission to their newborn – outcome of a crosssectional conjoint experiment in Spain and Italy

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    Pertussis vaccination of parents and household contacts (‘cocooning’) to protect newborn infants is an established strategy in many countries, although uptake may be low. Many aspects may influence such decision-making. We conducted a cross-sectional survey (NCT01890447) of households and other close contacts of newborns aged ≤6 months (or of expectant mothers in their last trimester) in Spain and Italy, using an adaptive discrete-choice experiment questionnaire. Aims were to assess the relative importance of attributes influencing vaccine adoption, and to estimate variation in vaccine adoption rates and the impact of cost on vaccination rates. Six hundred and fifteen participants (Spain, n = 313; Italy, n = 302) completed the survey. Of 144 available questionnaire scenarios, the most frequently selected (14% of respondents in both countries) were infant protection by household vaccination at vaccination center, recommendation by family physician and health authorities, with information available on leaflets and websites. The attribute with highest median relative importance was ‘reduction in source of infection’ in Spain (23.1%) and ‘vaccination location’ in Italy (18.8%). Differences between other attributes were low in both countries, with media attributes showing low importance. Over 80% of respondents indicated a definite or probable response to vaccine adoption (at no-cost) with estimated probability of adoption of 89–98%; applying vaccine costs (25€ per person) would reduce the probability of uptake by 7–20% in definite/probable respondents. Awareness of these determinants is helpful in informing Health Authorities and healthcare practitioners implementing a cocooning strategy for those populations where maternal immunization is not a preferred option