721 research outputs found

    Foreshortened convolute section for a pressurized suit Patent

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    Development of improved convolute section for pressurized suits to provide high degree of mobility in response to minimum of applied torqu

    Omnidirectional joint Patent

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    Cord restraint system for pressure suit joint

    Pressure garment joint Patent

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    Design and development of flexible joint for pressure suit

    Pressurized suits can be fabricated with adjustable dimensions

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    Root cords sewn within tube-like channels form a fabric convolute. Cord length adjusts to individual wearer's dimensions

    Deciphering large-scale superposed fold systems at shallow crustal levels in collision zones: insights from the Marguareis Massif (southwestern Alps)

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    We present and discuss the results of a field-based approach including accurate geological mapping and micro- to map-scale structural analysis to highlight the finite strain pattern recorded in Marguareis Unit, a massif deformed at shallow crustal levels at the boundary between Maritime and Ligurian Alps. We describe superposed tectonic structures developed under low-grade metamorphic conditions during the Alpine collision and nowadays exceptionally well recorded in the area of interest. We demonstrate that the structural frame of the Marguareis Unit results from superposition of fourfold systems, later segmented, but without significant displacements, by brittle faults

    Deformation history of the blueschist-facies sequences from the Villa de Cura unit (Northern Venezuela)

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    The Serrania del Interior terrane is located in Northern Venezuela, that represents the southern margin of the Caribbean plate. This terrane includes the Villa de Cura unit, which mainly consists of multiple sub-units of metamorphosed and deformed Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequences. These sequences are commonly interpreted as generated in a supra-subduction zone setting. The structural history of the Villa de Cura blueschists-facies units includes four main deformational phases, from D1 to D4. The first D1 phase is mainly represented by a relict S1 schistosity developed under HP/LT conditions. The relic S1 schistosity is deformed by isoclinal to subisoclinal F2 folds showing similar geometry. The F2 folds are characterized by a continuous S2 crenulation cleavage developed under greenschist-facies metamorphism. The parallelism between the A2 axes and the related L2 mineral lineations suggests an interpretation of the F2 folds as sheath folds developed during non-coaxial deformation. The kinematic indicators suggest a top-to-W sense of shear for the D2 phase. The D3 phase is distinguished by asymmetric, parallel F3 folds with a S vergence. Finally, the D4 phase consists of F4 open, gentle folds with high-angle to sub-vertical axial planes. The collected data suggest a complex deformation history, characterized by coupling of strike-slip tectonics and shortening during the retrograde evolution of the blueschist-facies sequences

    Radiolarian biostratigraphic evidence for a Late Jurassic age of the El Tambor Group ophiolites (Guatemala)

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    We present a radiolarian biostratigraphic study of the metacherts of the El Tambor Group ophiolites (South Motagua Unit), Guatemala. The ophiolite sequence comprises MOR pillow metabasalts, massive metabasalts, metacherts and micaschists. The age of the studied metacherts is referable to the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian - Kimmeridgian). The radiolarian assemblage described in this paper is the first Jurassic finding in the ophiolitic MOR succession of the Motagua zone and represents a valuable tool to constrain the geodynamic evolution of the Caribbean area. A review of the ages of Jurassic rocks associated with the ophiolites from the Caribbean area is also reported

    Andesitic dyke swarms in the Araç-Boyalı foredeep basin, N Anatolia: Evidence for Eocene extension

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    A number of dykes and sills have been investigated in the Araç-Boyalı Flysch Basin, a foreland basin formed on the platform of the Sakarya Composite Terrane following the closure of the Intra-Pontide Ocean during the Late Cretaceous – Late Paleocene. The andesitic dyke swarms, characterized by well-developed chilled margins, flow textures and elongated vesicles, intrude the basin sediments, among which massive and pillow lavas, as well as lava and pillow breccias are also found. Major element data plotted on SiO2 indicates plagioclase, pyroxene and biotite fractioation, as well Fe-Ti oxides in the samples, that are andesites and andesitic basalts of calc- alkaline character. Tectono-magmatic discrimination diagrams of lavas as well as the dykes are indicative for destructive plate margin volcanism. Lava and dyke samples display similar patterns in REE and Spider diagrams. A depletion of heavy REE, enrichment of LREE is observed, as well as a marked Nb-Ta trough, characteristic of arc magmas. Based on low Mg numbers, together with low compatible trace element concentrations and low Nb/La ratios, compositions of examined samples might have been modified by assimilation processes. Geochemical characteristics of the volcanic rocks reveal that they are products of continental arc magmatism within the Sakarya Composite Terrane above the N-ward subducting Izmir-Ankara oceanic lithosphere of Neotethys.Similarities in major, minor and trace element geochemistry are in favour of dykes being the feeders of the Eocene lava flows within the Eocene basins that formed as a result of post-collisional extention
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