25 research outputs found

    DE QUE EDUCAÇAO NECESSITAMOS? Por uma educação pública e contra-hegemônica

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    Este artigo propõe um diálogo entre especificidades da Formação de Professores, sob a ótica do PARFOR, e a proposta, encampada pelo governo federal, pela regulamentação da Educação Domiciliar.  Busca-se compreender as relações entre o projeto governamental e seus impactos no espaço macro e micro da Educação brasileira. Partimos dos textos apresentados na JOINPP 2019, na mesa temática “De que educação necessitamos?”, que problematizaram o desmonte das políticas educacionais marcado pela deslegitimação das conquistas históricas dos trabalhadores, perda de direitos e desconstrução da educação pública. Este texto articula as reflexões sobre o PARFOR, como política nacional de formação de professores, suas correlações formativas para a ação/trajetória de mulheres-professoras, suas práticas de letramento escolar e o projeto neoliberal de privatização e desfinanciamento da educação pública

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil : data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Background: In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) management, enhancing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is as important as good metabolic control and prevention of secondary complications. This study aims to evaluate possible regional differences in HRQoL, demographic features and clinical characteristics of patients with T1DM in Brazil, a country of continental proportions, as well as investigate which variables could influence the HRQoL of these individuals and contribute to these regional disparities. Methods: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, multicenter study performed by the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group (BrazDiab1SG), by analyzing EuroQol scores from 3005 participants with T1DM, in 28 public clinics, among all geographical regions of Brazil. Data on demography, economic status, chronic complications, glycemic control and lipid profile were also collected. Results: We have found that the North-Northeast region presents a higher index in the assessment of the overall health status (EQ-VAS) compared to the Southeast (74.6 ± 30 and 70.4 ± 19, respectively; p < 0.05). In addition, North- Northeast presented a lower frequency of self-reported anxiety-depression compared to all regions of the country (North-Northeast: 1.53 ± 0.6; Southeast: 1.65 ± 0.7; South: 1.72 ± 0.7; Midwest: 1.67 ± 0.7; p < 0.05). These findings could not be entirely explained by the HbA1c levels or the other variables examined. Conclusions: Our study points to the existence of additional factors not yet evaluated that could be determinant in the HRQoL of people with T1DM and contribute to these regional disparities

    Análise da eficácia do uso terapêutico da trimetazidina nas principais síndromes coronarianas agudas

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    A injúria de reperfusão, ou isquemia, é um mecanismo fisiopatológico que ocorre nas etiopatogenias do miocárdio, como na angina instável. Assim, são utilizados fármacos adjuvantes citoprotetores, como a trimetazidina (TMZ), que visam à diminuição do tempo de hospitalização e melhora na função cardíaca com ação profilática contra essa lesão. No entanto, apesar dos seus potenciais benefícios no tratamento da síndrome coronariana aguda, ainda não está clara a sua eficácia em relação a outras terapias disponíveis. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo é analisar a eficácia do uso terapêutico da trimetazidina nas principais síndromes coronarianas agudas. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática usando as bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library e Embase. Um total de 3 estudos foi incluído na análise. Os resultados mostraram que a terapia com trimetazidina reduziu significativamente a incidência de eventos cardíacos adversos maiores (ECAM) (OR = 0,33, IC 95% 0,15-0,75, p = 0,007), menor dano miocárdico (p &lt; 0,05) e fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda mais elevada e menos eventos adversos em comparação com o grupo placebo (p &lt; 0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos de trimetazidina e controle em termos de mortalidade por todas as causas, mortalidade cardiovascular ou incidência de eventos adversos. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a terapia adjuvante com trimetazidina pode melhorar os resultados clínicos e a função cardíaca em pacientes com IAM sem aumentar o risco de eventos adversos. No entanto, são necessários mais ensaios clínicos randomizados em larga escala para confirmar esses resultados e determinar a duração e dose ideais da terapia com trimetazidina nessa população de pacientes

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil: data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Regional differences in clinical care among patients with type 1 diabetes in Brazil: Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear understanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5,6,7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8,9,10,11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world's most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepresented in biodiversity databases.13,14,15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may eliminate pieces of the Amazon's biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological communities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple organism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region's vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most neglected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lost