17 research outputs found

    Correlation of salivary cortisol, baseline characteristics, glucose and lipid metabolism as well as catecholamines; filled circles represent controls, filled triangles represent insomniacs; p values including all participants are presented.

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    <p>Correlation of salivary cortisol, baseline characteristics, glucose and lipid metabolism as well as catecholamines; filled circles represent controls, filled triangles represent insomniacs; p values including all participants are presented.</p

    Midnight and morning salivary cortisol concentrations in insomniacs and controls.

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    <p>Midnight values were significantly higher in insomniacs than in controls (p = 0.02), whereas morning values did not differ significantly (p = 0.18).</p

    Illustrates time course of skin conductance responses (SCR, group means).

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    <p>For this illustration the median (neuroticism score: 1.67) served as the boundary between the high and the low neuroticism groups (please note: in the statistical model neuroticism was used as continuous variable). Five video clip presentations were averaged into one block, i.e. the first block summarizes five video clip presentations that showed laughing infants at the beginning of the fMRI experiment, the following six blocks summarize each five video clip presentations that showed crying children, and finally the last block summarizes five video clip presentations that showed laughing children at the end of the fMRI experiment. Women scoring higher on neuroticism showed overall stronger skin conductance responses to the ongoing exposure to film clips of crying infants. Error bars indicate standard errors.</p

    Effects of heroin on brain perfusion in contrast to placebo.

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    <p>BA: Brodmann area; L: left; P: perfusion; R: right; WM: white matter;</p>*<p>: p≤0.05;</p>***<p>: p≤0.001.</p><p>Each coordinate triple is a peak area of contrast intensity in one of the two significant clusters and refers to a specific area defined in the atlas of Talairach & Tournoux (1988).</p