1,247 research outputs found

    The Long Range Gravitational Potential Energy Between Strings

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    We calculate the gravitational potential energy between infinitely long parallel strings with tensions \tau_1 and \tau_2. Classically, it vanishes, but at one loop, we find that the long range gravitational potential energy per unit length is U/L = 24G_N^2\tau_1\tau_2/(5 \pi a^2) + ..., where a is the separation between the strings, G_N is Newton's constant, and we set \hbar = c =1. The ellipses represent terms suppressed by more powers of G_N \tau_i. Typically, massless bulk fields give rise at one loop to a long range potential between p-branes in space-times of dimension p+2+1. The contribution to this potential from bulk scalars is computed for arbitrary p (strings correspond to p=1) and in the case of three-branes its possible relevance for cosmological quintessence is commented on.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Dimensional analysis using toric ideals: Primitive invariants

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    © 2014 Atherton et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Classical dimensional analysis in its original form starts by expressing the units for derived quantities, such as force, in terms of power products of basic units M, L, T etc. This suggests the use of toric ideal theory from algebraic geometry. Within this the Graver basis provides a unique primitive basis in a well-defined sense, which typically has more terms than the standard Buckingham approach. Some textbook examples are revisited and the full set of primitive invariants found. First, a worked example based on convection is introduced to recall the Buckingham method, but using computer algebra to obtain an integer K matrix from the initial integer A matrix holding the exponents for the derived quantities. The K matrix defines the dimensionless variables. But, rather than this integer linear algebra approach it is shown how, by staying with the power product representation, the full set of invariants (dimensionless groups) is obtained directly from the toric ideal defined by A. One candidate for the set of invariants is a simple basis of the toric ideal. This, although larger than the rank of K, is typically not unique. However, the alternative Graver basis is unique and defines a maximal set of invariants, which are primitive in a simple sense. In addition to the running example four examples are taken from: a windmill, convection, electrodynamics and the hydrogen atom. The method reveals some named invariants. A selection of computer algebra packages is used to show the considerable ease with which both a simple basis and a Graver basis can be found.The third author received funding from Leverhulme Trust Emeritus Fellowship (1-SST-U445) and United Kingdom EPSRC grant: MUCM EP/D049993/1

    Numerical simulations of string networks in the Abelian-Higgs model

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    We present the results of a field theory simulation of networks of strings in the Abelian Higgs model. Starting from a random initial configuration we show that the resulting vortex tangle approaches a self-similar regime in which the length density of lines of zeros of ϕ\phi reduces as t2t^{-2}. We demonstrate that the network loses energy directly into scalar and gauge radiation. These results support a recent claim that particle production, and not gravitational radiation, is the dominant energy loss mechanism for cosmic strings. This means that cosmic strings in Grand Unified Theories are severely constrained by high energy cosmic ray fluxes: either they are ruled out, or an implausibly small fraction of their energy ends up in quarks and leptons.Comment: 4pp RevTeX, 3 eps figures, clarifications and new results included, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Correlations in Cosmic String Networks

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    We investigate scaling and correlations of the energy and momentum in an evolving network of cosmic strings in Minkowski space. These quantities are of great interest, as they must be understood before accurate predictions for the power spectra of the perturbations in the matter and radiation in the early Universe can be made. We argue that Minkowski space provides a reasonable approximation to a Friedmann background for string dynamics and we use our results to construct a simple model of the network, in which it is considered to consist of randomly placed segments moving with random velocities. This model works well in accounting for features of the two-time correlation functions, and even better for the power spectra.Comment: 20pp Plain LaTeX, 11 EPS figures, uses epsf.st

    Excited ΛQ\Lambda_Q Baryons in the Large NcN_c Limit

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    The spectrum of excited ΛQ\Lambda_Q-type heavy baryons is considered in the large NcN_c limit. The universal form factors for Λb\Lambda_b semileptonic decay to excited charmed baryons are calculated in the large NcN_c limit. We find that the Bjorken sum rule (for the slope of the Isgur--Wise function) and Voloshin sum rule (for the mass of the light degrees of freedom) are saturated by the first doublet of excited ΛQ\Lambda_Q states.Comment: 9 pages, use phyzzx, CALT-68-191

    Is the Universe Inflating? Dark Energy and the Future of the Universe

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    We consider the fate of the observable universe in the light of the discovery of a dark energy component to the cosmic energy budget. We extend results for a cosmological constant to a general dark energy component and examine the constraints on phenomena that may prevent the eternal acceleration of our patch of the universe. We find that the period of accelerated cosmic expansion has not lasted long enough for observations to confirm that we are undergoing inflation; such an observation will be possible when the dark energy density has risen to between 90% and 95% of the critical. The best we can do is make cosmological observations in order to verify the continued presence of dark energy to some high redshift. Having done that, the only possibility that could spoil the conclusion that we are inflating would be the existence of a disturbance (the surface of a true vacuum bubble, for example) that is moving toward us with sufficiently high velocity, but is too far away to be currently observable. Such a disturbance would have to move toward us with speed greater than about 0.8c in order to spoil the late-time inflation of our patch of the universe and yet avoid being detectable.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Evidence for Statistical Production of J/psi Mesons in Nuclear Collisions at 158--200 A GeV

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    The hypothesis of statistical production of J/psi mesons at hadronization is formulated and checked against experimental data. It explains in the natural way the observed scaling behavior of the J/psi to pion ratio at the CERN SPS energies. Using the multiplicities of J/psi and eta mesons the hadronization temperature T_H = 175 MeV is found, which agrees with the previous estimates of the temperature parameter based on the analysis of the hadron yield systematics.Comment: revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Mass Cytometry Defines Virus-Specific CD4 + T Cells in Influenza Vaccination

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    The antiviral response to influenza virus is complex and multifaceted, involving many immune cell subsets. There is an urgent need to understand the role of CD4+ T cells, which orchestrate an effective antiviral response, to improve vaccine design strategies. In this study, we analyzed PBMCs from human participants immunized with influenza vaccine, using high-dimensional single-cell proteomic immune profiling by mass cytometry. Data were analyzed using a novel clustering algorithm, denoised ragged pruning, to define possible influenza virus-specific clusters of CD4+ T cells. Denoised ragged pruning identified six clusters of cells. Among these, one cluster (Cluster 3) was found to increase in abundance following stimulation with influenza virus peptide ex vivo. A separate cluster (Cluster 4) was found to expand in abundance between days 0 and 7 postvaccination, indicating that it is vaccine responsive. We examined the expression profiles of all six clusters to characterize their lineage, functionality, and possible role in the response to influenza vaccine. Clusters 3 and 4 consisted of effector memory cells, with high CD154 expression. Cluster 3 expressed cytokines like IL-2, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, whereas Cluster 4 expressed IL-17. Interestingly, some participants had low abundance of Clusters 3 and 4, whereas others had higher abundance of one of these clusters compared with the other. Taken together, we present an approach for identifying novel influenza virus-reactive CD4+ T cell subsets, a method that could help advance understanding of the immune response to influenza, predict responsiveness to vaccines, and aid in better vaccine design

    Constraints on Cosmic Strings due to Black Holes Formed from Collapsed Cosmic String Loops

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    The cosmological features of primordial black holes formed from collapsed cosmic string loops are studied. Observational restrictions on a population of primordial black holes are used to restrict ff, the fraction of cosmic string loops which collapse to form black holes, and μ\mu, the cosmic string mass-per-unit-length. Using a realistic model of cosmic strings, we find the strongest restriction on the parameters ff and μ\mu is due to the energy density in 100MeV100 MeV photons radiated by the black holes. We also find that inert black hole remnants cannot serve as the dark matter. If earlier, crude estimates of ff are reliable, our results severely restrict μ\mu, and therefore limit the viability of the cosmic string large-scale structure scenario.Comment: (Plain Tex, uses tables.tex -- wrapped lines corrected), 11 pages, FERMILAB-Pub-93/137-