54 research outputs found


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    Cost-benefit analysis represents the most frequent technique used for a rational allocation of resources. This modality of evaluating the expenditure programs is an attempt to measure the costs and gains of a community as a result of running the evaluatedcost-benefit analysis, social benefits, investment project, public funds, sensitivity analysis

    Considerations about the Influence Factors on the Competitiveness of SME’s from Western Region of Romania

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    There are many ways in which the firm competitiveness can be understood in the related literature. The purpose of this research is to undertake a better understanding of expectations and concerns of small and medium sized enterprises from Romanian Western region, in term of competitiveness. This study presents preliminary results of a finished grant focused on SME’s competitiveness. There are some positive and negative factors in our research which are influencing firms’ competitiveness. This study has confirmed our hypothesis. The external environment influence on the competitiveness of SME’s is strong and contributes decisively to their performance.SME’s, competitiveness, growth, external factors, Romania


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    Financial and economic crime is not just a destructive element for the crimes in themselves but it also influences seriously the trust of participants on the market, the trust in the rule of law and its capacity to ensure economic and social order. In this article we are trying to present from a theoretical point of view the concepts economic-financial criminality operates with, in general, and the consequences it has upon national security and European Community. At the sate time we shortly present the new trends criminal organizations adopt in order to gain maximum profit - criminal enterprise and the concrete way criminality on vertical and horizontal level may seriously affect the EU interests.financial and economic crime, criminal activity, tax fraud, European criminal code, crime, corruption, smuggling

    Integration of Social Responsibility in Business Strategies of the Romanian Organizations. A Study in the West Region

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    Organizations Social Responsibility (or CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility) represents a new way "to make business" in the new European economic framework. An increasing number of contemporary companies decide, voluntarily, to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. Their strategies include social responsibility as an answer to a variety of social, economic and environmental pressures. These companies aim to transmit a signal towards all the stakeholders: employees, shareholders, investors, customers, providers, public authorities, and non - governmental organizations. Therefore, CSR is a concept which has modified the strategy of many companies. In this paper, the authors attempt a qualitative study of a large number of companies from western region of Romania. The study seeks an answer to a precise question: is CSR known and applied in the Romanian business environment? Our work is focused on four dimensions of CSR: human resource management, relations with stakeholders, community and human rights, environment. Starting from these points, the authors propose a multicriterial model for CSR measurement.corporate strategy, social responsibility, organizational culture, stakeholders.


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    Shock wave produced by the financial crisis started from the "heart of world finance” - United States of America, suddenly hit the European Union economy and finance, especially strong states. Recent studies conducted on the economies of EU highlighted serious problems in functioning and underlying weaknesses in the policies pursued by their governmentseconomic crime, financial crime, fraud, underground economy.

    The managerial performances evaluation through the economic value added

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    The goal of this work is to provide a pertinent measure of managerial performances, starting from the idea that those are real only when they assure the satisfaction of all groups, which are interested in the good evolution of the firm. The performances of a firm come from the operating activities, which has to generate big enough cash flow to accomplish the satisfactory remuneration of the creditors, to overcome all the taxes imposed by the state and to lead to the growth of the shareholders’ wealth. Measured trough economic value added the performances of the firm are dependent on the strategies, which are applied by managers.peer-reviewe

    Considerations about the Influence Factors on the Competitiveness of SME’s from Western Region of Romania

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    There are many ways in which the firm competitiveness can be understood in the related literature. The purpose of this research is to undertake a better understanding of expectations and concerns of small and medium sized enterprises from Romanian Western region, in term of competitiveness. This study presents preliminary results of a finished grant focused on SME’s competitiveness. There are some positive and negative factors in our research which are influencing firms’ competitiveness. This study has confirmed our hypothesis. The external environment influence on the competitiveness of SME’s is strong and contributes decisively to their performance

    Considerations about the Influence Factors on the Competitiveness of SME’s from Western Region of Romania

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    There are many ways in which the firm competitiveness can be understood in the related literature. The purpose of this research is to undertake a better understanding of expectations and concerns of small and medium sized enterprises from Romanian Western region, in term of competitiveness. This study presents preliminary results of a finished grant focused on SME’s competitiveness. There are some positive and negative factors in our research which are influencing firms’ competitiveness. This study has confirmed our hypothesis. The external environment influence on the competitiveness of SME’s is strong and contributes decisively to their performance

    False positive results of real-time elastography in the diagnosis of thyroid nodal lesions

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    Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania, The IVth Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging of the Republic of Moldova with international participation, Chisinau, May 31 – June 2, 2018Introduction: L’élastographie en temps rĂ©el est une mĂ©thode de diagnostic qui ajoute de la qualitĂ© dans le diagnostic des lĂ©sions nodulaires thyroĂŻdiennes. La mĂ©ta-analyse actuelle suggĂšre une bonne performance diagnostique avec une spĂ©cificitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rale de 80% et une sensibilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rale de 85%. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude est une analyse rĂ©trospective des causes les plus frĂ©quentes de faux negatifs et faux positifs rĂ©sultats rencontrĂ©s dans l’échographie thyroĂŻdienne. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes: Nous avons analysĂ© 433 des lĂ©sions nodulaires, opĂ©rĂ©s et Ă©valuĂ©es par l’échographie de la thyroĂŻde classique et l’élastographie, avec la mĂȘme sonde linĂ©aire, multifrĂ©quence, Hitachi Preirus machine, Hitachi Inc., Japon. Les rĂ©sultats de l’échographie n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© communiquĂ©s au pathologiste. Une analyse rĂ©trospective des rĂ©sultats a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. RĂ©sultats: Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© 433 cas avec des nodules avec un volume moyen de 2,14 ml (allant de 0,78 ml Ă  10,45 ml). 134/433 cas ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s avec un cancer de la thyroĂŻde, 251/434 Ă©tant bĂ©nignes. La sensibilitĂ© de l’élastographie Ă©tait de 82,02%, la spĂ©cificitĂ© de 83,94%, la prĂ©cision de 83,37%. Nous avons observĂ© 48 cas de lĂ©sions bĂ©nignes, identifiĂ©es par l’élastographie comme des lĂ©sions suspectes – 23/48 lĂ©sions avec de cellules HĂŒrthle, sans maladies vasculaires, 8/48 lĂ©sions prolifĂ©ratives potentiellement incertaines, 5/48 prolifĂ©ration folliculaire, 8/48 thyroĂŻdite myxomateuse / granulomateuse et 12/48 cas de maladie thyroĂŻdienne auto-immune. Nous avons Ă©galement notĂ© 24 rĂ©sultats faussement nĂ©gatifs: 19/24T microcarcinomes papillaires, 5/25 carcinomes folliculaires. Être mentionnĂ© que les microcarcinomes qui ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s dans les nodules, ont de diamĂštres supĂ©rieurs Ă  3,5 cm. Conclusions: Les prolifĂ©rations de cellules HĂŒrthle et les microcarcinomes papillaires sont les conditions pour faux diagnostic le plus frĂ©quent chez l’élastographie de la thyroĂŻde.Introduction: Real-time elastography is an imaging method that adds quality to the diagnosis of nodular thyroid lesions. Meta-analysis data suggest a good diagnostic performance with an overall specificity of 80% and sensitivity of 85%. The present study is a retrospective analysis of the most common causes of false negative and false positive results encountered in thyroid ultrasound. Material and methods: We analyzed 433 nodular lesions, operated and evaluated by classical thyroid ultrasound and elastography, using a linear probe on a Hitachi Preirus machine, Hitachi Inc., Japan: The results of the ultrasound were not communicated to the pathologist. A retrospective analysis of the results was performed. Results: We evaluated 433 thyroid nodules with an average volume of 2.14 ml (ranging from 0.78 ml to 10.45 ml). 134/433 cases were identified with thyroid cancer and 251/434 were identified as benign lesions. The sensitivity of the elastography was 82.02%, the specificity – 83.94%, the accuracy being 83.37%. We observed 48 cases of benign lesions, identified by elastography as suspicious lesions : 23/48 – lesions with HĂŒrthle cells, without vascular diseases, 8/48 – proliferative lesions potentially uncertain, 5/48 – follicular proliferation, 8/48 – myxomatous / granulomatous thyroiditis and 12/48 cases of autoimmune thyroid disease. We also noted 24 false negative results: 19 / 24 – papillary microcarcinomas, 5/25 – follicular carcinomas. Of note is that microcarcinomas that have been observed in nodules, had > 3.5 cm in diameter. Conclusions: Hurtle cell proliferations and papillary microcarcinomas are the most common misdiagnosed conditions in thyroid elastography

    Evaluation of medical decision errors during the transition period to telemedicine

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    The context of the Coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we approach medical services. Beyond setting up new technological possibilities, it has propelled telemedicine to become a reality, bringing undeniable practical benefits. The questions that arise are both justified and worrying: can digitalization replace a direct interpersonal relationship that involves a physical examination, while preserving the quality of the medical act and the degree of patient satisfaction? Isn\u27t there a risk that the digitization of the medical record will cancel out the deep human character of classical medicine that has evolved since the time of Hippocrates? Should the implementation of telemedicine be the state-of-art of modern medicine, in accordance with the co-evolution of digital technology? It is hard to believe that once used in this period, telemedicine will be abandoned. However, telemedicine must be analyzed not only in the short term but also in the long term, in order to be able to evaluate both its usefulness and possible deficiencies
