166 research outputs found

    Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI) and iron (III) by H-point standard addition method

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    In this work the possibility of simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in alloys with help of the mixed organic reagent (diphenylcarbazide and 1,10-phenanthroline) is studied. We have applied Н-point standard addition method to determine concentrations of chromium (VI) and iron (III) from the mixture. The pure signals of complexes of chromium (VI) with diphenylcarbazide and iron (III) with the 1,10-phenanthroline and their calibration plots are previously carried out. We established the possibility of simultaneous determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in the different concentration ranges by Н-point standard addition method. Correctness of determination of concentration by means of the offered technique is proved by "added-found" method for a series of mixtures with different ratios of concentration of chromium (VI) and iron (III). It is founded that the error of determination of concentration doesn't exceed 33 %.

    Selektivno određivanje Fe(III) u uzorcima Fe(II) UV-spektrofotometrijom pomoću kvercetina i morina

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    Selective UV-spectrophotometric methods for determination of iron(III) in iron(II) samples have been developed. The methods are based on the interaction of Fe(III) with quercetin and morin, compounds of the flavonoid group. Redox reactions occurring between Fe(III) ions and the reagents used make the basis for the detection. Iron(II) does not react with quercetin and morin under the conditions applied [aqueous-methanolic (3 : 2) solutions, 0.3 mol L1 HCl, and 1.2 × 10-4 mol L1 quercetin (morin)] and does not interfere with the determination of Fe(III). Iron(III) can be determined up to 15 μg mL1 using both the examined systems. The detection limits are 0.06 and 0.38 μg mL1 when using quercetin or morin, respectively. The method with quercetin was applied to the determination of Fe(III) (ca. 0.2%) in a Fe(II) pharmaceutical product.U radu je opisan razvoj selektivnih UV-spektrofotometrijskih metoda za određivanje željeza(III) u uzorku željeza(II). Metode se temelje na redoks reakciji Fe(III) sa spojevima iz skupine flavonoida kvercetinom i morinom u reakcijskim uvjetima u kojima željezo(II) ne reagira (vodeno/metanolna otopina 3:2, 0,3 mol L1 HCl, 1,2 x 104 mol L1 kvercetin ili morin). Najniža koncentracija željeza(III) koja se može odrediti je 15 μg mL1 u oba ispitivana sustava. Granice detekcije su 0,06 i 0,38 μg mL1 ako se koristi kvercetin, odnosno morfin. Metoda s kvercetinom primijenjena je za određivanje Fe(III (približno 0,2%) u farmaceutskom produktu Fe(II)

    Sensitive flotation-spectrophotometric determination of niobium with use of oxalate, 3,5-dinitrocatechol and rhodamine B

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    International audienceA method of flotation separation with subsequent sensitive spectrophotometric determination of niobium is developed. In the presence of oxalate, niobium and 3,5-dinitrocatechol form an anionic complex able to associate with Rhodamine B (RB). The niobium compound is 'floated' with cyclohexane, dissolved in acetone and the absorbance of the solution is measured at 555 nm. Beer's law is obeyed up to a niobium concentration of 0.3 ?g ml-1; the molar absorptivity is 2.1 x 105 l mol-1 cm-1. The probable composition of the floated compound was established as [(RB+)4][(NbO)2C2O4(DNP)4]4-. In the presence of EDTA the method is fairly selective and becomes specific for niobium after a preliminary extraction of its complex with ?-benzoin oxime from 5 M hydrochloric acid. The method shows good precision and accuracy and was applied to the determination of niobium (1 x 10-5-1 x 10-2%) in geological materials