298 research outputs found

    Calibration of XRF data on silicate rocks using chemicals as in-house standards

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    X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is an accurate, rapid spectroscopic technique for chemical element determinations on rock samples. The aim of this research was to evaluate a calibration method based on the use of suitable mixtures of chemicals. X-ray fluorescence analysis of major elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe) was carried out using sample-lithium borate fusion mixtures (with a 1:9 sample/borate dilution). The accuracy of the proposed calibration method was tested on twenty-four international rock standards. Results are in good or excellent agreement with the literature recommended value


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    The service-oriented paradigm promises a novel degree of interoperability between\ud business processes, and is leading to a major shift in way distributed applications are\ud designed and realized. While novel and more powerful services can be obtained, in such\ud setting, by suitably orchestrating existing ones, manually developing such orchestrations\ud is highly demanding, time-consuming and error-prone. Providing automated service\ud composition tools is therefore essential to reduce the time to market of services, and\ud ultimately to successfully enact the service-oriented approach.\ud In this paper, we show that such tools can be realized based on the adoption and extension\ud of powerful AI planning techniques, taking the “planning via model-checking” approach\ud as a stepping stone. In this respect, this paper summarizes and substantially extends a\ud research line that started early in this decade and has continued till now. Specifically, this\ud work provides three key contributions.\ud First, we describe a novel planning framework for the automated composition of Web\ud services, which can handle services specified and implemented using industrial standard\ud languages for business processes modeling and execution, like ws-bpel. Since these\ud languages describe stateful Web services that rely on asynchronous communication\ud primitives, a distinctive aspect of the presented framework is its ability to model and\ud solve planning problems for asynchronous domains.\ud Second, we formally spell out the theory underlying the framework, and provide algorithms\ud to solve service composition in such framework, proving their correctness and\ud completeness. The presented algorithms significantly extend state-of-the-art techniques\ud for planning under uncertainty, by allowing the combination of asynchronous domains\ud according to behavioral requirements.\ud Third, we provide and discuss an implementation of the approach, and report extensive\ud experimental results which demonstrate its ability to scale up to significant cases for\ud which the manual development of ws-bpel composed services is far from trivial and time\ud consuming

    MORPH: A Reference Architecture for Configuration and Behaviour Self-Adaptation

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    An architectural approach to self-adaptive systems involves runtime change of system configuration (i.e., the system's components, their bindings and operational parameters) and behaviour update (i.e., component orchestration). Thus, dynamic reconfiguration and discrete event control theory are at the heart of architectural adaptation. Although controlling configuration and behaviour at runtime has been discussed and applied to architectural adaptation, architectures for self-adaptive systems often compound these two aspects reducing the potential for adaptability. In this paper we propose a reference architecture that allows for coordinated yet transparent and independent adaptation of system configuration and behaviour

    Metabolic rate and climate change across latitudes: Evidence of mass-dependent responses in aquatic amphipods

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    Predictions of individual responses to climate change are often based on the assumption that temperature affects individuals’ metabolism independently of their body mass. However, empirical evidence indicates that interactive effects exist. Here, we investigated the response of individual Standard Metabolic Rate (SMR) to annual temperature range and forecasted temperature rises of 0.6-1.2°C above the current maxima, under the conservative climate change scenario IPCC-RCP2.6. As a model organism we used the amphipod Gammarus insensibilis, collected across latitudes along the western coast of the Adriatic Sea down to the southernmost limit of the species’ distributional range, with individuals varying in body mass (0.4-13.57mg). Overall, we found that the effect of temperature on SMR is mass-dependent. Within the annual temperature range, the mass-specific SMR of small/young individuals increased with temperature at a greater rate (activation energy: E=0.48 eV) than large/old ones (E=0.29 eV), with a higher metabolic level for high-latitude than low-latitude populations. However, under the forecasted climate conditions, the large individuals’ mass-specific SMR responded differently across latitudes. Unlike the higher-latitude population, whose mass-specific SMR increased in response to the forecasted climate change across all size classes, in the lower-latitude populations, this increase was not seen in large individuals. The larger/older conspecifics at lower latitudes could therefore be the first to experience the negative impacts of warming on metabolism-related processes. Although the ecological collapse of such a basic trophic level (aquatic amphipods) due to climate change would have profound consequences for population ecology, the risk is significantly mitigated by phenotypic and genotypic adaptation

    Energy Densities of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and Its Main Prey Items in an Alpine Stream of the Slizza Basin (Northwest Italy)

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    ABSTRACT In the present study, energy densities of 80 adult brown trout (Salmo trutta), seasonally sampled in an alpine stream in the eastern Alps and energy densities of their main prey items, were determined. The energy density (J/g wet mass) and dry weight content (%) of fish were highly correlated (p<0.00 1) and averaged 5, 611.6 ± 857.9 J/g wet mass and 25.3 ± 2.1% dry weight, respectively. Energy density values were significantly higher in fish sampled in spring than in other seasons. No major changes in the energy content were observed due to age or sex. Macroinvertebrates. particularly Ephemeroptera and Diptera, were the major food source of brown trout in the sampled area. Their gross energy content varied within a wide range of values (1, 654–5, 110 J/g wet weight), depending on the taxa and family or genus within a given taxon

    Localizzazione inusuale di cisti del dotto tireoglosso

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    nglish version Summary: An unusual localization of thyroglossal duct cyst. M. Barbaro, A. Di Mario, D. De Seta, G. Rispoli, E. Covelli, G.A. Bertoli, A. Minni Thyroglossal duct cysts are most common neck masses after benign lymphonodes. They originate from primitive thiroglossal duct, so they could be locate along its course. Every mass in the middle line of the neck can be considerated as a thyroglossal cyst. Best treatment is surgery (Sistrunk procedure). We present a case of unusual localization at floor of the mouth of thyroglossal in a 34 years old woman. To our knowledge in literature, only two cases, have been reported both

    Biology and distribution of Danube barbel (Barbus balcanicus) (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae) at the Northwestern limit of its range

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    Presence of Danube barbel Barbus balcanicus was investigated at the westernmost portion of its distribution area (Italian portion of the Isonzo River Basin). Genetic analyses carried out on specimens collected in different watercourses confirmed B. balcanicus presence in the same locations where Barbus caninus was erroneously classified in the past. More precisely, 4 Cyt b haplotypes belonging to the Balkanic species were described, three of which were evidenced for the first time. Analysis of meristic characters also confirmed genetic results and completed the taxonomical assessment. At the same time, a target population was studied to deepen knowledge about the species ecology. In this case, 120 specimens belonging to five age classes (from 0+ to 4+) were collected with monthly frequency in Barbucina Creek, representing the model watercourse inhabited by the species in the study area. Regression between total weight (W) and standard length (SL) did not differ significantly between males and females, therefore not displaying sexual dimorphism. SL values showed wide ranges, often overlapping among age classes. Mean condition factor (Kmean) decreased significantly with growth and age, as small individuals were in better nutritional condition. From an ecological point of view, biometric parameters seemed to be affected by habitat conditions and, specifically, to the limited space of the creeks, rather than by trophic conditions. Finally, trends of gonadosomatic index (GSI) showed that B. balcanicus reproductive period stretches between April and late May/early June. Results indicated that sexual maturity is reached at 1+ age, corresponding to a mean standard length equal to 5.50 ± 0.66 for female and 5.71 ± 0.53 for male breeders. In conclusion, experimental results highlighted the presence and adaptability of this "forgotten" species of the Italian fish fauna, which certainly will deserve attention in a future amendment of the Italian IUCN Red List of vertebrates

    Prenatal Exposure to BPA: The Effects on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism in Male and Female Rat Fetuses

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic chemical compound widely used for manufacturing plastics. BPA exposure originates principally from the diet, but it can also originate from dermal contact. In over 90% of individuals, including pregnant women, BPA is detectable in several body fluids. The effects of this exposure on the fetus are under active investigation in several research laboratories. The aim of our work was to study the impact of prenatal exposure to BPA in the liver of rat fetuses from a sex-dependent point of view. We particularly investigated the effects of prenatal BPA exposure on hepatic lipids because of their crucial role, not only for the liver, but also for the whole-body functions. Our results demonstrate that the liver of rat fetuses, in utero exposed to a very low dose of BPA (2.5 µg/kg/day), displays significant modulations with regard to proteins involved in cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis and trafficking. Moreover, an impact on inflammatory process has been observed. All these effects are dependent on sex, being observable only in female rat fetuses. In conclusion, this work demonstrates that maternal exposure to BPA compromises hepatic lipid metabolism in female offspring, and it also reveals the perspective impact of BPA on human health at doses currently considered safe