95 research outputs found

    A photonic chip based frequency discriminator for a high performance microwave photonic link

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    We report a high performance phase modulation direct detection microwave photonic link employing a photonic chip as a frequency discriminator. The photonic chip consists of five optical ring resonators (ORRs) which are fully programmable using thermo-optical tuning. In this discriminator a drop-port response of an ORR is cascaded with a through response of another ORR to yield a linear phase modulation (PM) to intensity modulation (IM) conversion. The balanced photonic link employing the PM to IM conversion exhibits high second-order and third-order input intercept points of + 46 dBm and + 36 dBm, respectively, which are simultaneously achieved at one bias point.\ud \u

    Modeling and design of a spiral-shaped Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor for refractive index sensing of watery solutions

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    The modeling and design of a spiral-shaped Mach-Zehnder Interferometric sensor (sMZI sensor) for refractive index sensing of watery solutions is presented. The goal of the running project is to realise a multi-sensing array by placing multiple sMZIs in series to form a sensing branch, and to place several sensing branches in parallel. In such an arrangment it is possible to use a single light source for several sensors. Each sensor will contain an electro-optical modulator, which makes it possible to separately interrogate and accurately read-out each sensor in the same sensing branch. One of the novelties in this project is the spiral-shaped layout of the MZI, which has several advantages: a long sensor window length can be placed in a compact sensor chip: within an area of 1 × 1 cm2 lengths of several tens of cm are feasible. Another advantage of the spiral shape is that if both MZI branches are identical (except for the sensor layer) the sensor should be very insensitive to fluctuations in temperature and even to temperature gradients across the chip. Beside robustness, the spiral shape also allows cascading of several sensors. A parametrised sMZI has been designed such that the position, slope, and curvature are continuous. The sensors can each be coated with e.g. a specific immunolayer to be able to detect changes in concentration of viri, bacteria or enzymes. In this project, technology is being developed for the immobilisation and photolithographical patterning of such immunolayers, which should result in a demonstrator to monitor the ripening process of cheese by measuring changes in the concentration of several different enzymes involved in this process

    Densely integrated photonic devices based on microring resonators for use in access networks

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    A reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer as well as a 1x4x4 reconfigurable λ router, designed for use in the second telecom window, are demonstrated. The devices that each have a footprint less than 2 mm2_{2} are based on thermally tunable vertically coupled microring resonators fabricated in Si3N4Si_{3}N_{4}/SiO2SiO_{2}

    Integrated photonic K<sub>u</sub>-band beamformer chip with continuous amplitude and delay control

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    We present the first demonstration of a broadband and continuously tunable integrated optical beamforming network (IOBFN) capable of providing continuously tunable true-time-delay up to 236 ps over the entire DVB-S band (10.7–12.75 GHz), realized with a CMOS compatible process. The tunable delays are based on reconfigurable optical ring resonators in conjunction with a single optical sideband filter integrated on the same optical chip. The delays and filter responses are software programmable. Four tunable delay lines are integrated on a single chip and configured to feed a 16-element linear antenna array. The broadband beam steering capability of the proposed IOBFN is demonstrated by the squint-free antenna pattern generated from the measured RF amplitude and phase responses of the optical delay line

    On-chip Mach-Zehnder interferometer for OCT systems

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    By using integrated optics, it is possible to reduce the size and cost of a bulky optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. One of the OCT components that can be implemented on-chip is the interferometer. In this work, we present the design and characterization of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer consisting of the wavelength-independent splitters and an on-chip reference arm. The Si3N4 was chosen as the material platform as it can provide low losses while keeping the device size small. The device was characterized by using a home-built swept source OCT system. A sensitivity value of 83 dB, an axial resolution of 15.2 μm (in air) and a depth range of 2.5 mm (in air) were all obtained
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