2 research outputs found

    MOESM4 of Detection and replication of QTL underlying resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes in adult sheep using the ovine 50K SNP array

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    Additional file 4: Table S3. Total list of annotated genes extracted from the Sheep Genome Assembly v3.1 using the BioMart web-tool for the significant QTL regions and SNP associations identified for the two parasite resistance traits analyzed in the present study. Among the total list of genes extracted, we identified 205 functional candidate genes involved in the immune response, based on our candidate gene survey, which are indicated in blue font colour. The colour of the rows refer to genes extracted based on the results of the Linkage Analysis (LA; green), Combined Linkage Disequilibrium and Linkage Analysis (LDLA; yellow) and Genome-wise Association Study (GWAS; blue)

    MOESM3 of Detection and replication of QTL underlying resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes in adult sheep using the ovine 50K SNP array

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    Additional file 3: Table S2. Summary table of the correspondence between the QTL and SNP associations identified in the present study and other studies previously reported for parasite resistance traits in sheep. This table shows the correspondences found for all the QTL identified in this study (by LA, LDLA and GWAS) (indicated in green cells) with QTL previously reported based on microsatellite-based studies (compiled in the SheepQTLdb; indicated in light orange cells) and SNP chip-based studies (indicated in orange cells)