947 research outputs found

    Argumentos ontológicos

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    In this paper we propose a deep revisten of the classical ontological arguments of Anselm, Descartes, Leibniz and Spinoza. The introduction c1arifies the concept of ontological argument and point out the important logic distinction between the validity of an argument and its soundness, where besides validity it is required that all premises are actually true. The following sections discuss in turn the arguments of Anselm, Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. In all cases we have translated the relevant passages of the original argument and formalized its hypothesis and conclusion. In some cases we reconstructed the whole argument and added as hypothesis all statements that served the authors to prove their thesis. By doing this we detached ourselves from what is traditionally considered the argument (for example, as seen in Logic and Theism [Sobel]) and most of the arguments become formally valid.We are aware of the fact that in this way we made explicit the hidden assumptions that made the argument valid while weakening its strength. The reason why is that the new hypothesis are hard to justify as in many cases they have philosophical import and they even committed the fallacy known as petitio principii. Very often the new hypothesis are existential statements, which c1early allow passing from a definition, which simply establishes a correspondence between properties, to an assumption of consistency, stating that certain sets are not empty. The paper includes the issues relevant to this study: the consideration of existence as a predicate, improper descriptions, existential import of universal statements, modal categories and the eventual modal collapse. We should highlight the effort of formalization for which we have used several logics: classical first order logic, higher order (with a description operator) and modal logic. We conclude by pointing out that the subject of ontological arguments still fascinate logicians and philosophers and received attention in the twentieth and the twenty first century.En este artículo proponemos una revisión a fondo de los argumentos ontológicos clásicos: de Anselmo, Descartes, Spinoza y Leibniz. En la introducción se precisa la noción de argumento ontológico y señalamos la importante distinción que hacemos en lógica entre la validez de un argumento y su solidez, esta última tiene en cuenta no sólo la corrección formal del mismo sino también la verdad de las hipótesis. En las siguientes secciones se analizanpor turno los argumentos de Anselmo, Descartes, Spinoza y Leibniz. En todos los casos hemos traducido los pasajes correspondientes del argumento original y formalizado sushipótesis y conclusión. En algunos casos hemos reconstruido el argumento y destacado como hipótesis todos los enunciados que de hecho se usan en la demostración por parte de los autores en estudio. De esta forma a veces nos separamos de lo que tradicionalmente es considerado el argumento (por ejemplo, tal y como se presentan en Logic and Theism [Sobel]) y la mayor parte de los argumentos deviene en formalmente válidos. Somos conscientes de que de esa manera hemos explicitado las premisas ocultas que validan el argumento pero a la vez disminuyen la solidez del mismo por tratarse de hipótesis de dificil justificación y con carga filosófica en muchos casos, incluso de falacias de petición de principio. Frecuentemente se trata de hipótesis existenciales, que claramente permiten pasar de una definición, que simplemente establece una correspondencia entre propiedades, a una asunción de consistencia, estableciendo que no son vacíos ciertos conjuntos. Se mencionan los temas relevantes a este estudio: el de la consideración de la existencia como un predicado, el de las descripciones impropias, el compromiso o aporte existencial de los enunciados universales, las categorías modales y el eventual colapso modal. Habría que destacar el esfuerzo de formalización para la que hemos empleado varias lógicas: clásica de primer, de orden superior (con descriptores como operadores lógicos) y lógica modal. Finalizamos señalando que el tema de los argumentos ontológicos sigue fascinando a los lógicos y filósofos, recibió mucha atención en el siglo XX y también en el XXI

    Sources of parthenocarpy for Zucchini breeding: relationship with ethylene production and sensitivity

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    Parthenocarpy is becoming an essential trait for off-season greenhouse production of Zucchini squash. Given that winter conditions promote a reduction in the number of male flowers and in the activity of pollinators, the application of synthetic auxins is currently the most widespread method to induce fruit set. We have evaluated the parthenocarpic tendency of 48 long-fruited accessions of Cucurbita pepo spp. pepo, from morphotypes Zucchini, Vegetable marrow and Cocozelle, including 45 traditional cultivars and 3 commercial hybrids, with the goal of identifying new sources of parthenocarpy for breeding programs. After the first screening, 20 selected accessions were evaluated for the growth rate of unpollinated fruit. Twelve of the selected accessions identified as either strongly parthenocarpic or non-parthenocarpic, were compared for fruit rate growth, ethylene production and ethylene sensitivity. Apart from the three control hybrids, the fastest parthenocarpic fruit growth was observed in 'CpCAL112', 'CM-37', 'E-27', 'PI261610', and 'V-185'. The source of the parthenocarpy of some of these accessions differs from that of the hybrids as it was not associated with the conversion of female into bisexual flowers or with the so-called "fruits with attached flowers" syndrome, which is an undesirable trait in current parthenocarpic hybrids. The alternative sources of parthenocarpy may be of great importance in current Zucchini breeding programs. We also demonstrate that the parthenocarpy of these accessions is associated with downregulation of ethylene production in unpollinated fruits during the first days post anthesis (DPA). In non-parthenocarpic accessions, unpollinated fruits boosted ethylene production at 3 DPA, concomitantly with fruit abortion and senescence, while in parthenocarpic accessions, fruits produced little ethylene at 3 DPA. Therefore, ethylene production in ovaries/fruits at 3 DPA can be used as a marker to identify and select parthenocarpy in Zucchini squash. However, in the cultivars tested here, ethylene production and sensitivity in vegetative organs and in male flowers earlier than 3 PDA do not appear well associated with parthenocarpy.Martinez, C.; Manzano, S.; Megias, Z.; Garrido, D.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Jamilena, M. (2014). Sources of parthenocarpy for Zucchini breeding: relationship with ethylene production and sensitivity. Euphytica. 200(3):349-362. doi:10.1007/s10681-014-1155-83493622003Byers R, Baker L, Dilley D, Sell H (1972) Chemical induction of perfect flowers on a gynoecious line of muskmelon, Cucumis melo L. HortSci 9:321–331Carbonell-Bejerano P, Urbez C, Granell A, Carbonell J, Perez-Amador MA (2011) Ethylene is involved in pistil fate by modulating the onset of ovule senescence and the GA-mediated fruit set in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol 11:84de Jong M, Mariani C, Vriezen WH (2009) The role of auxin and gibberellin in tomato fruit set. J Exp Bot 60:1523–1532de Menezes CB, Maluf WR, De Azevedo SM, Faria MV, Nascimento IR, Nogueira DW, Gomes LAA, Bearzoti E (2005) Inheritance of parthenocarpy in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Genet Mol Res 4:39–46de Ponti OMB, Garretsen F (1976) Inheritance of parthenocarpy in pickling cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) and linkage with other characters. Euphytica 25:633–642Decker DS (1988) Origin(s), evolution, and systematics of Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). Econ Bot 42:4–15den Nijs APM, Balder J (1983) Growth of parthenocarpic and seed-bearing fruits of zucchini squash. Cucurbit Genet Coop Rep 6:84–85den Nijs APM, van Zanten N (1982) Parthenocarpic fruit set in glasshouse grown zucchini squash. Cucurbit Genet Coop Rep 5:44–45Durham G (1925) Has parthenogenesis been confused with hermaphroditism in Cucurbita? Am Nat 59:283–294Ferriol M, Picó B, Nuez F (2003) Genetic diversity of a germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo using SRAP and AFLP markers. Theor Appl Genet 107:271–282Formisano G, Roig C, Esteras C, Ercolano MR, Nuez F, Monforte AJ, Picó MB (2012) Genetic diversity of Spanish Cucurbita pepo landraces: an unexploited resource for summer squash breeding. Genet Resour Crop Evol 59:1169–1184Globerson D (1971) Effects of pollination on set and growth of summer squash (Cucumis pepo) in Israel. Expt Agr 7:183–188Gómez P, Peñaranda A, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2004) Evaluation of flower abscission and sex expression in different cultivars of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo). In: Lebeda A, Paris H (eds) Progress in Cucurbit genetics and breeding research. Eucarpia-Cucurbitaceae 2004. Palacký University, Olomouc, pp 347–352Jobst J, King K, Hemleben V (1998) Molecular evolution of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and phylogenetic relationships among species of the family Cucurbitaceae. Mol Phylogenet Evol 9:204–219Katzir N, Tadmor Y, Tzuri G, Leshzeshen E, Mozes-Daube N, Danin-Poleg Y, Paris HS (2000) Further ISSR and preliminary SSR analysis of relationships among accessions of Cucurbita pepo. Acta Hortic 510:433–439Loy JB (2012) Breeding squash and pumpkins. In: Wang Y, Behera T, Kole C (eds) Genetics, genomics and breeding of cucurbits. Hew Hampshire, Science Publisher, Enfield, pp 93–139Manzano S, Martínez C, Domínguez V, Avalos E, Garrido D, Gómez P, Jamilena M (2010) A major gene conferring reduced ethylene sensitivity and maleness in Cucurbita pepo. J Plant Growth Regul 29:73–80Manzano S, Martínez C, Megías Z, Gómez P, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2011) The role of ethylene and brassinosteroids in the control of sex expression and flower development in Cucurbita pepo. Plant Growth Regul 65:213–221Manzano S, Martínez C, Megías Z, Garrido D, Jamilena M (2013) Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in the transition from male to female flowering in the monoecious Cucurbita pepo. J Plant Growth Regul 1–10Martínez C, Manzano S, Kraaman P, Jamilena M (2008) Producción de etileno: un marcador temprano para seleccionar ginoecia en melón. Actas Hortic 51:197–198Martínez C, Manzano S, Megías Z, Garrido D, Picó B, Jamilena M (2013) Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in fruit set and early fruit development in zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). 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    Lack of a synergistic effect of a non-viral ALS gene therapy based on BDNF and a TTC fusion molecule

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    Significant improvements in behavioral and electrophysiological results, motoneuron survival and anti-apoptotic/survival-activated pathways were observed with BDNF-TTC treatment. However, no synergistic effect was found for this fusion molecule. Although BDNF in the fusion molecule is capable of activating autocrine and neuroprotective pathways, TTC treatment alone yielded similar neuroprotection. Therefore, an accurate study of the neuroprotective effects of TTC fusion molecules should be performed to obtain a better understanding of its effect

    Colour implications of self-association processes of wine anthocyanins

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    [EN] Copigmentation processes have been indicated to be crucial to stabilise coloured forms of the anthocyanins and explain colour expression in young red wines. Several studies exist about copigmentation between anthocyanins and different phenolics in model solutions, but little information is available about interactions among anthocyanins themselves. In this work, the process of self-association has been investigated in wine-like model solutions containing different grape anthocyanins (the 3-glucosides of malvidin, delphinidin and peonidin). The results obtained confirmed the existence of anthocyanin self-association and its influence on the apparent hydration constant of the anthocyanins with subsequent modification in the colour of the solutions. It was observed that the greater the degree of methoxylation of the anthocyanin B-ring the greater was the magnitude of the self-association. Colour analyses in the CIELAB space showed that self-association produces changes, which are more important in quantitative parameters (chroma, C ab* and lightness, L *) than in qualitative ones (hue, h ab). Self-association leads to an increase in C ab*, indicating a more intense colour of the solutions, and to a decrease in the psychometric index L *, meaning that a darkening is produced. The effects on the colour were more pronounced with the passage of time of storage of the solutions

    Studies on the copigmentation between anthocyanins and flavan-3-ols and their influence in the colour expression of red wine

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    [ES] With the aim of evaluating the importance of the copigmentation process between anthocyanins and flavanols on the colour expression of red wine, assays were carried out in wine model systems with mixtures of compounds obtained from two Vitis vinifera grape varieties (Graciano and Tempranillo). Spectrophotometric and chromatic analyses were performed to evaluate the magnitude of the copigmentation and the modifications induced in the colour of the solutions. Measurement of the changes in the anthocyanin hydration constant (Kh) was also used to determine the strength of the copigmentation process. All the flavanols assayed induced significant changes in the colour, perceptible to the human eye, of the wine-like anthocyanin solutions at concentrations similar to those that can exist in red wines. The percentage contribution of the copigmentation with flavanols to the colour of the anthocyanin solutions was found to range from 2% to 20%. The extent of this effect was related not only to the concentration of flavanols but also to the qualitative composition of the flavanol preparations, as influenced by the part of the grape (either skin or seed) and the variety considered. Divergences were found between the evaluation of the copigmentation based on chromatic parameters in the CIELAB colour space and that based on the measurement at visible kmax, as the latter does not consider the integral colour changes produced in the visible spectrum. The results obtained confirmed the importance of the qualitative phenolic composition, determined in the wine by the type of grape and winemaking practices, to the production of an effective copigmentation process

    Characterization of the Mean Degree of Polymerization of Proanthocyanidins in Red Wines Using Liquid Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)

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    [EN] n HPLC-MS method for the characterization of proanthocyanidins (PA) has been refined. Further application to red wines provided interesting conclusions about the composition of the flavanol fraction and PA extractability during winemaking. The yield in PA extraction increases with the length of the postfermentative maceration (PFM), as well as the mean degree of polymerization (mDP) of wine flavanols. In early winemaking events mostly monomers to trimers are extracted from grape solids, whereas PFM is required for the significant extraction of higher oligomers. Nevertheless, at the end of a regular process of elaboration the mDP is not very high and does not usually exceed a value of 2.3, dimers and trimers being the predominant flavanols in red wines. With regard to groups of compounds, gallocatechins and prodelphinidins (located in the skins) are extracted rapidly in the first stages of the winemaking. On the contrary, long postfermentative macerations are required for the extraction of galloyled derivatives from the seeds. PA extractability is also dependent on the grape variety used for winemaking. Thus, wines made with Graciano grapes were found to require a longer process of PFM than those made from Tempranillo grapes to obtain similar yields in the extraction of flavanols

    Distortion of the QRS in elderly patients with myocardial infarction

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    Background: Distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in the initial electrocardiogram (ECG) is a strong predictor of adverse outcome in myocardial infarction. Our purpose is to assess the relationship of distortion of QRS and other ECG characteristics with older age. Methods and results: We analysed 634 consecutive patients (age 62.6 &#177; 13.7, 77% male) admitted in the first 12 hours of ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Two groups of age were defined: < 75 years-old and &#8805; 75 years-old. Additionally, we defined two ECG groups according to the presence of ST segment elevation with distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in two or more adjacent leads (QRS+) or the absence of this pattern (QRS&#8211;). Older people had more often QRS+ (30% vs. 20%, p = 0.023). The older group with QRS+ had an in-hospital mortality of 18%, vs. 7% with QRS&#8211; (p = 0.04), and an incidence of major adverse events of 40% vs. 14% (p = 0.002). In the multivariate analysis, age &#8805; 75 years was an independent predictor of distortion of the QRS (odds ratio 2.1, 1.2&#8211;4.9, p = 0.016). Conclusions: The distortion of the terminal portion of the QRS in myocardial infarction is more frequent in elderly people, and is significantly related to adverse prognosis. This ECG finding can be helpful to promptly stratify the risk in elderly patient

    Reporte de la grasa corporal en la oveja Pelibuey Cubana

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    A completely randomized design was applied to 32 carcasses from breeding creole sheep ranging from 4 to 6 years old to study omental, perirenal, and subcutaneous depot fat (tail basis) and also food intake per growth unit, final weight, and carcass weight. Sheep were distributed into four groups with eight animals each, three under confinement and one under grazing conditions. Stabled treatments I, II, and III consisted in Digitaria decumbens green forage, Bermuda grass hay, and 0,2 kg/anima/day final molasses, with 1; 1,5 and 0 kg/anima/day commercial food roughage, respectively. Final weights were 43,07; 39,39 and 37,82 kg for the testing groups I, II, and III, which differed (P&lt;0,05) from the control group. Inner fat total values were 1,82 ± 0,15; 1,47 ±0,10, and 1,17 ±0,63 kg for the testing groups, and 0,25 ±0,50 kg for the control group, differing from the first ones in P&lt;0,05. Therefore, a higher nutritional level means a higher inner and subcutaneous depot fat up to similar levels from other world hairy races. Cumulative body fat levels reached suggest the results application to feeding systems elaboration which can make possible to maintain unchangeable productivity levels between abundant and deficient animal food depending on seasons.Se utilizaron 32 canales de reproductoras ovinas de la raza Pelibuey Cubana con edades promedios entre 4 y 6 años, en un diseño completamente al azar, para estudiar la deposición de grasa omental, perirrenal y subcutánea (base de la cola), así como el consumo por unidad de crecimiento, el peso final y el peso de la canal. Los animales se dividieron en cuatro grupos de ocho animales, tres en condiciones de estabulación y uno en régimen de pastoreo. Los tratamientos estabulados recibieron forraje verde de pangola, heno de bermuda cruzada y 0,2 kg/animal/día de miel final y pienso comercial a razón de 1; 0,5 y 0 kg/animal/día, que fueron los tratamientos I, II y III, respectivamente. Los pesos finales fueron 43,07; 39,39 y 37,82 kg para los grupos experimentales, que difieren P&lt;0,05 respecto al control. Los valores totales de grasa interna fueron 1,82 ± 0,15; 1,47 ± 0,10 y 1,17 ± 0,63 para los grupos experimentales y 0,25 ± 0,50 kg para el control, que difiere de aquellos P&lt;0,05. Se concluye que la elevación del plano nutricional incrementa la deposición de grasa interna y subcutánea hasta niveles similares a los obtenidos por otras razas de pelo en el mundo. Los niveles de acumulación de grasa corporal alcanzados sugieren el empleo de los resultados en la elaboración de sistemas de alimentación que permitan mantener niveles de productividad estables entre épocas de abundancia y escasez de alimentos


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    El desarrollo turístico se enfrenta a nuevos desafíos como cambios acelerados en el entorno económico, político y tecnológico, disminución drástica de las distancias, de los tiempos de reacción, riesgos de deterioro en áreas urbanas, creciente número de competidores, mayor disponibilidad de información por parte de los compradores, dependencia cada vez mayor de recursos propios, demostrando la necesidad de fortalecer el paradigma de la sostenibilidad. En este sentido, ha aparecido el término de capacidad de carga del turista como concepto fundamental que permite establecer el posicionamiento de un destino turístico. El análisis de este indicador es una técnica básica de planificación que contribuye a lograr un desarrollo sostenible mediante la determinación de los límites superiores de desarrollo y los niveles de satisfacción del visitante obteniendo su percepción del atractivo de un sitio turístico y se basa, precisamente, en el respeto al umbral de cambio aceptable. De aquí que el objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la capacidad de carga del turista para un desarrollo sostenible en el Destino “Jardines del Rey”. Se emplearon métodos teóricos como el Histórico – lógico, el análisis y síntesis y el método de abstracción y concreción: También, se emplearon diferentes técnicas directas en entre las que se destacan: la observación y la encuesta. Los resultados constituyen una herramienta para la toma de decisiones y la mejora de aspectos negativos del desarrollo turístico en el destino Jardines del Rey

    Flavanol–anthocyanin condensed pigments in plant extracts

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    [EN] Pigments resulting from the direct condensation of anthocyanins and flavanols are usually associated with reactions taking place during processing and storage of plant-derived foods and beverages and have been particularly studied in aged red wines. In this paper, small amounts of flavanol–anthocyanin condensed pigments are found in different plant extracts. Structures are suggested for 10 such condensed pigments detected in extracts of strawberry, runner beans, purple corn and grape skins, based on their MSn fragmentation patterns, following analyses by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. All of them correspond to dimers containing a flavan-3-ol [either (epi)afzelechin, (epi)catechin or (epi)gallocatechin] as the upper unit carbon–carbon linked to a lower anthocyanin unit consisting of different delphinidin, cyanidin, pelargonidin, peonidin or malvidin derivatives. The detection of these pigments in plant extracts may suggest that they are natural pigments and not products exclusively formed during storage and ageing of processed foods and beverages, as was previously assumed