78 research outputs found

    Flows and particles with shear-free and expansion-free velocities in (L^-_n,g)- and Weyl's spaces

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    Conditions for the existence of flows with non-null shear-free and expansion-free velocities in spaces with affine connections and metrics are found. On their basis, generalized Weyl's spaces with shear-free and expansion-free conformal Killing vectors as velocity's vectors of spinless test particles moving in a Weyl's space are considered. The necessary and sufficient conditions are found under which a free spinless test particle could move in spaces with affine connections and metrics on a curve described by means of an auto-parallel equation. In Weyl's spaces with Weyl's covector, constructed by the use of a dilaton field, the dilaton field appears as a scaling factor for the rest mass density of the test particle. PACS numbers: 02.40.Ky, 04.20.Cv, 04.50.+h, 04.90.+eComment: 20 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/001104

    Space construction system analysis. Part 2: Platform definition

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    The top level system requirements are summarized and the accompanying conceptual design for an engineering and technology verification platform (ETVP) system is presented. An encompassing statement of the system objectives which drive the system requirements is presented and the major mission and subsystem requirements are described with emphasis on the advanced communications technology mission payload. The platform design is defined and used as a reference configuration for an end to space construction analyses. The preferred construction methods and processes, the important interactions between the platform design and the construction system design and operation, and the technology development efforts required to support the design and space construction of the ETVP are outlined

    A retinal code for motion along the gravitational and body axes

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    Self-motion triggers complementary visual and vestibular reflexes supporting image-stabilization and balance. Translation through space produces one global pattern of retinal image motion (optic flow), rotation another. We examined the direction preferences of direction-sensitive ganglion cells (DSGCs) in flattened mouse retinas in vitro. Here we show that for each subtype of DSGC, direction preference varies topographically so as to align with specific translatory optic flow fields, creating a neural ensemble tuned for a specific direction of motion through space. Four cardinal translatory directions are represented, aligned with two axes of high adaptive relevance: the body and gravitational axes. One subtype maximizes its output when the mouse advances, others when it retreats, rises or falls. Two classes of DSGCs, namely, ON-DSGCs and ON-OFF-DSGCs, share the same spatial geometry but weight the four channels differently. Each subtype ensemble is also tuned for rotation. The relative activation of DSGC channels uniquely encodes every translation and rotation. Although retinal and vestibular systems both encode translatory and rotatory self-motion, their coordinate systems differ

    Development and evaluation of a youth mental health community awareness campaign – The Compass Strategy

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    BACKGROUND: Early detection and treatment of mental disorders in adolescents and young adults can lead to better health outcomes. Mental health literacy is a key to early recognition and help seeking. Whilst a number of population health initiatives have attempted to improve mental health literacy, none to date have specifically targeted young people nor have they applied the rigorous standards of population health models now accepted as best practice in other health areas. This paper describes the outcomes from the application of a health promotion model to the development, implementation and evaluation of a community awareness campaign designed to improve mental health literacy and early help seeking amongst young people. METHOD: The Compass Strategy was implemented in the western metropolitan Melbourne and Barwon regions of Victoria, Australia. The Precede-Proceed Model guided the population assessment, campaign strategy development and evaluation. The campaign included the use of multimedia, a website, and an information telephone service. Multiple levels of evaluation were conducted. This included a cross-sectional telephone survey of mental health literacy undertaken before and after 14 months of the campaign using a quasi-experimental design. Randomly selected independent samples of 600 young people aged 12–25 years from the experimental region and another 600 from a comparison region were interviewed at each time point. A series of binary logistic regression analyses were used to measure the association between a range of campaign outcome variables and the predictor variables of region and time. RESULTS: The program was judged to have an impact on the following variables, as indicated by significant region-by-time interaction effects (p < 0.05): awareness of mental health campaigns, self-identified depression, help for depression sought in the previous year, correct estimate of prevalence of mental health problems, increased awareness of suicide risk, and a reduction in perceived barriers to help seeking. These effects may be underestimated because media distribution error resulted in a small amount of print material "leaking" into the comparison region. CONCLUSION: We believe this is the first study to apply the rigorous standards of a health promotion model including the use of a control region to a mental health population intervention. The program achieved many of its aims despite the relatively short duration and moderate intensity of the campaign

    Social Marketing: Principles and Practice

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