4 research outputs found

    Recurrence of cryptococcal meningitis in HIV-infected patients following immune reconstitution.

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    Two HIV-infected patients had recurrent cryptococcal meningitis (CM) despite treatment with fluconazole and immune reconstitution with combination antiretroviral therapy (CART). Following treatment of CM with fluconazole, lumbar puncture should be performed either after completion of induction treatment for CM or before starting CART, in order to confirm cerebrospinal fluid sterility

    Cholangiocarcinoma presenting in an adolescent with vertically acquired HIV infection.

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    An adolescent with long-standing HIV infection who was severely immunosuppressed during HIV diagnosis developed cholangiocarcinoma 1.5 years after starting antiretroviral therapy

    Chronic knee stiffness and swelling in a Zimbabwean adolescent.

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    A 12-year-old Zimbabwean girl presented with tuberculous monoarthritis. She was moderately wasted, stunted and sexually immature. These clinical findings lead to the diagnosis of underlying HIV infection, which was thought to have been acquired from mother-to-child transmission