55 research outputs found

    Frequency of caesarean section in mothers of Children with speech, language and Learning disorders

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    Conditions under which intrauterine development, childbirth, and period immediately after childbirth occurs, effects the creation of child’s organism basic capacity. Development of child’s primary capacities but also the ability to receive and use stimulus from the external environment are affected by those conditions. This chapter discusses the impact of childbirth with anesthesia (Cesarean section and vaginal birth with epidural anesthesia) as mediating factors which cause significant consequences on the child and also the influence of complications that occur immediately after the birth (asphyxia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress) that are the result of immaturity, infections or metabolic processes. Based on theoretical indicators and empirical experience, the author emphasizes the advantage of natural childbirth for normal, harmonious physical and mental development of the child, but also the importance of treating the symptoms that are a consequence of the traumatic effects of a Caesarean section. Speech and language development are a very complex process and understanding of this process is especially important for speech-language disorders therapy. Development of speech and language is influenced by a large number of factors that may be related to the integrity of the nervous system, cognitive and intellectual capacities, pathways of processing information as well as emotional influences. Cesarean section is in the research of many authors (Emerson, 1998; Janus, 1991; Levine and Kline, 2007; Curran, et al., 2015) portrayed as traumatic experience for a baby with far-reaching consequences on both physical and mental development. This paper presents the results of the birth method study on 205 children with speech, language, learning and behavior disorders and showed that 63% were children born by labor during which anesthesia was used. Of these, 29% were planned Caesarean sections, 14% emergency Caesarean sections and 20% vaginal ones with epidural anesthesia.Uslovi pod kojima se odvija intrauterini razvoj, uticaji tokom porođaja i neposredno posle porođaja, učestvuju u stvaranju bazičnog ka- paciteta organizma deteta koji ono donosi rođenjem. Od toga zavisi razvoj detetovih primarnih kapaciteta ali i sposobnost primanja i korišćenja uticaja iz spoljne sredine. U poglavlju se razmatra uticaj porođaja uz primenu anestezije (car- ski rez i vaginalni porođaj sa epiduralnom anestezijom), kao posrednog faktora, koji može izazvati suštinske posledice po dete i kompli- kacije koje se javljaju neposredno po rođenju (asfiksija, hiperbilirubine- mija, hipoglikemija, respiratorni distres) a posledica su nezrelosti, infekcija i metaboličkih procesa koji se pokreću, u novim sredinskim uslovima, na razvoj deteta. Autor kako na osnovu teorijskih pokazatelja tako i empirijskog iskustva ističe prednost prirodnog porođaja za normalan, skladan fizički i psihički razvoj deteta, ali i značaj tretiranja simptoma koji su posledica traumatskih efekata carskog reza. Usvajanje govora i jezika je veoma kompleksan razvojni proces, a raz- umevanje ovog procesa je posebno značajno za terapiju govorno-jezičkih poremećaja. Sam razvoj govora i jezika je pod uticajem velikog broja fak- tora koji mogu biti povezani sa integritetom nervnog sistema, kog- nitivnim i intelektualnim kapacitetima, putevima procesiranja informacija, kao i emotivnim uticajima. Carski rez je u istraživanjima mnogih autora (Emerson, 1998; Janus, 1991; Levine, Kline, 2007; Curran, et al., 2015) prikazan kao traumatično iskustvo za bebu sa dalekosežnim posledicama po njen fizički i psi- hički razvoj. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja načina rođenja 205 dece sa poremećajima govora, jezika, učenja i ponašanja i pokazalo da je 63% dece rođeno porođajima u toku kojih je korišćena anestezija. Od toga 29% su bili planirani carski rezovi, 14% hitni carski rezovi i 20% vaginalni porođaji uz primenu epiduralne anestezije

    Vrednosti osnovnih hematoloških parametara u perifernoj krvi radnika izloženih uticaju para žive

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    In the present study was assessed the influence of occupational exposure to mercury vapours on the basic haematological parameters (erythrocyte, leukocyte and platelet count, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, MCV, MCH and MCHC). Studies were carried out on 138 workers involved in the production of chlorine using the mercuric electrolysis method (divided into three groups: permanently, periodically and earlier exposed to mercury vapours), as well as on 38 healthy workers. The shift time - weighted averages for mercury was determined in the workplace air before research; mean value was significantly over maximum tolerated dose. The mercury content in the blood and urine of exposed workers was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In all three groups 95th percentile values of mercury in blood and urine are significantly over MTD. Peripheral blood cell parameters were determined using an automatic cell counter. In the group exposed to mercury vapours, was found a statistically significant increase of erythrocyte count with a concomitant decrease in MCV. The mean values of haemoglobin concentration, MCHC and platelet count were higher in the group of workers exposed to mercury vapours, but the difference was not statistically significant. There were no significant differences in haematocrit, MCH and leukocytes between the studied groups. Our results indicate that long-term and permanent exposure to mercury vapours induces changes in the important haematological parameters of the peripheral blood.U radu je ispitivan uticaj izloženosti parama žive iz radne sredine na osnovne hematološke parametre (broj eritrocita, leukocita i trombocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, hematokrit, MCV, MCH i MCHC). U studiju je uključeno 138 radnika koji rade u proizvodnji hlora procesom elektrolize (podeljeni su u tri grupe: stalno izloženi, povremeno izloženi i ranije izloženi uticajima para žive), kao 38 zdravih radnika. Pre studije su određene koncentracije žive u vazduhu radne sredine; srednje vrednosti su bile znatno iznad maksimalne doze tolerancije (MTD). Koncentracije žive u krvi i urinu radnika koji su izloženi živi određena je atomskom apsorpcionom spektrometrijom. U sve tri grupe je vrednost 95-tog percentila bila znatno iznad MTD. Hematološki parametri su određeni uz pomoć automatskog brojača. U grupi koja je stalno izložena parama žive, dobijeno je značajno poveć anje srednje vrednosti broja eritrocita, kao i značajno smanjenje vrednosti MCV. Srednje vrednosti koncentracije hemoglobina, MCHC i broja trombocita u grupi radnika koji su stalno izloženi uticaju žive bile su viće nego u kontrolnoj grupi, ali ta razlika nije statistički značajna. Između posmatranih grupa nije bilo značajne razlike u vrednostima hematokrita, MCH i broja leukocita. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da dugotrajna i stalna izloženost parama žive može da dovede do promena u vrednostima važnih hematoloških parametara

    Poremećaji verbalne komunikacije i otoakustička emisija

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    OAE are small sounds within the meatus accusticus externus to vibrations from physiologically vital and sensible cochlea. The cochlea creates small internal vibrations, sometimes they are about 30 dB SPL. They can be produced spontaneously as internal sounds, but the most recently it can be given acoustic stimulation to evoke an OAE. They are not electrical but they are vibrant responses. For their detection it can be used microphones which transform them in electrical signal for easy analyses. OAE is sensitive to cochlear dysfunction that is caused by ototoxic agenses, hypoxia and intensive noise. Dysfunction of cochlea may produce lower or completely elimination's OAE in human. Aim of work was to investigate OAE (TEOA and DPOAE) in children with verbal communication disorder. TEOA and DPOAE more assessed in children aged from 5 to 8 years with articulation disorders, developmental dysphasia, stuttering and in children with normal speech-language development. Investigation results showed statistical important differences (TEOAE and DPOAE) between hearing impaired children and all the others investigation groups and between children with developmental dysphasia in related with children with typically speech and language development on TEOAE right ear, on DPOAE both sides.OAE predstavljaju zvuci u spoljašnjem slušnom kanalu koji potiču od fiziološki vitalne i osetljive kohlee. Zvuci koje stvara kohlea su mali ali potencijalno audibilni i ponekad dostižu do 30 dB SPL. Oni mogu da nastanu spontano, ali mnogo češće OAE prati akustičku stimulaciju. OAE je osetljiva na kohlearnu disfunkciju koja je uzrokovana oštećenjem funkcije spoljašnjih slušnih ćelija čije oštećenje može biti izazvano ototoksičnim agensima, hipoksijom ili intenzivnom bukom. Oštećenje kohlee može dovesti do smanjenja ili potpunog izostanka OAE. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita OAE (TEOAE i DPOAE) kod dece sa poremećajima u verbalnoj komunikaciji (oštećenje sluha, poremećaj artikulacije, razvojna disfazija, mucanje) u odnosu na decu sa tipičnim govorno jezičkim razvojem. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 104 dece uzrasta 5-8 godina sa poremećajem verbalne komunikacije (poremećaj artikulacije, razvojna disfazija, mucanje) i kod dece sa tipičnim govorno jezičkim razvojem. Kod sve dece je ispitana TEOAE i DPOAE. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su statistički značajne razlike (TEOAE i DPOAE) prisutne između dece sa oštećenjem sluha i svih ostalih ispitivanih grupa i između dece sa razvojnom disfazijom u odnosu decu sa tipičnim govorno jezičkim razvojem na TEOAE (desno uvo), na DPOAE (obostrano)

    Sposobnost akumulacije teških metala Veronica vrsta sa planinskih lokaliteta u Srbiji

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    This paper describes the relationships between the concentrations of selected trace elements in soil and their bioaccumulation in the aerial parts of three Veronica species (Plantaginaceae). Plant and soil samples were collected from three mountainous areas in Serbia, prepared by microwave-assisted acid digestion and analyzed by flame and flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. The total concentrations of Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cr in the soil varied from 12.38 to 47.77, 62.78 to 138.00, 517.58 to 1675.78, 13574.22 to 35920.00 and 36.18 to 115.15 mg kg-1, respectively, while those in the plants ranged from 6.04 to 12.8, 27.66 to 58.01, 25.38 to 89.25, 35.53 to 563.26 and 0.44 to 18.96 mg kg-1, respectively. There were no significant differences in heavy metal concentrations between the tested Veronica species from the same location, indicating that their heavy metal uptake pattern was not species specific. In the case of Mn, despite its wide variation in the soil, the concentrations in the plant samples were uniform, which suggests the potential ability of the tested species to control Mn uptake and/or its translocation to the upper plant parts. Additionally, the lowest concentrations of Cu were obtained in plant samples collected from soil with the highest Fe concentrations, indicating that Cu availability to plants might be reduced due to high Fe contents in soil solution.U ovom radu prikazan je odnos sadržaja odabranih elemenata u tragovima u zemljištu i njihove bioakumulacije u nadzemnim delovima tri Veronica vrste (Plantaginaceae). Biljni i uzorci zemljišta sakupljeni su sa tri planinska lokaliteta u Srbiji, podvrgnuti su mikrotalasnoj digestiji u kiseloj sredini i analizirani primenom plamene i elektrotermalne atomske apsorpcione spektroskopije. Ukupna koncentracija Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe i Cr u uzorcima zemljišta varira od 12,38 do 47,77, 62,78 do 138,00, 517,58 do 1675,78, 13574,22 do 35920,00 i 36,18 do 115,15 mg kg-1, dok se u biljnim uzorcima kreće u opsegu od 6,04 do 12,8, 27,66 do 58,01, 25,38 do 89,25, 35,53 do 563,26 i 0,44 do 18,96 mg kg-1, redom. Nisu pokazane značajne razlike u koncentraciji teških metala između testiranih Veronica vrsta sa istih lokaliteta, što pokazuje da model usvajanja teških metala nije karakteristika vrste. Uprkos velikih variranja koncentracije Mn u zemljištu, koncentracija u biljnim uzorcima je uniformna, što ukazuje na potencijalnu mogućnost testiranih vrsta da kontrolišu preuzimanje Mn ili njegov transport do nadzemnih delova biljke. Najniža koncentracija Cu dobijena je u biljnim uzorcima sakupljenim na zemljištu sa najvećom Fe koncentracijom, sugerišući da je dostupnost Cu biljkama redukovana usled visokog sadržaja Fe u zemljišnom rastvoru

    The effects of microalloying with silicon and germanium on microstructure and hardness of a commercial aluminum alloy

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    The effect of small additions of Si and Ge on the microstructure and hardness was investigated during aging of a commercial 2219 aluminum alloy It was found that for the same level of microalloying in alloy 2219SG (containing St and Ge), a maximum hardness was achieved 3 times faster than in alloy 2219S (without Ge). The accelerated precipitation kinetics is a consequence of the presence of fine Si-Ge particles. serving as heterogeneous precipitation sites for theta strengthening particles

    Trace elements in aerial parts and rhizosphere of Thymus pannonicus All.

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    This paper brings out the results of the study on the levels of selected trace elements (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cr) in aerial parts of Thymus pannonicus All. (Lamiaceae) and rhizosphere soil from twelve locations in Serbia. Prior to assays by flame and flameless atomic absorption spectrometry, samples were subjected to microwave-assisted acid digestion. Real and potential acidity of soil samples were also measured. Obtained results for soil samples, although slightly higher for some elements (Cu: 12.38-45.18 mg/kg; Fe: 22102-46193 mg/kg; Mn: 776.95-4901.27 mg/kg; Zn: 62.27-214.02 mg/kg; Cr: 48.86-69.13 mg/kg), were found to fit into biogeochemical background. Element contents in plant samples differed depending on collecting site (Cu: 5.26-14.07 mg/kg; Fe: 25.92-1454.07 mg/kg; Mn: 89.29-278.25 mg/kg; Zn: 1.81-10.64 mg/kg; Cr: 1.11-3.51 mg/kg), which can be partly explainable by different nutrient availability influenced by soil acidity. Zinc levels in T. pannonicus were below expected and seem to be strongly influenced by plant physiological properties

    Spectral analysis of eeg signal in verbal information processing task

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    The EEG is a non-invasive method to obtain information about neural activity associated with cognitive processes. Its great temporal resolution can provide data regarding the process itself within milliseconds but EEG has poor spatial resolution. The EEG is based on the voltage difference between two (or more) electrodes and represents the summation of numerous neuron activity. The objective of the study reported was to analyze the EEG signal in verbal information processing task using spectral analysis for frequency band and power spectrum extraction. Also we wanted to determine relation between different frequency bands (Theta – θ, Beta – β and Alpha - α) and their power spectrum in different parts of the task (perception, retention and reproduction) for different stimuli (syllables, words, non-words, sentences, picture situations and picture stories). The sample comprised of 9 subjects, right-handed, native speakers of Serbian language with no history of hearing and speech-language disorders. All subjects were not using any medication that may influence EEG signal. After the standard procedure of EEG electrodes placement, subjects listened to a set of auditory presented verbal stimuli. After each stimulus they had a 2 second retention period time followed by a reproduction period. They were given 5 seconds for viewing picture situations and a 15 second period for the picture story followed by a reproduction period. Differences between EEG frequency bands and power as well as their cortical representation in verbal information processing task will be discussed