26 research outputs found

    School Violence and its Implications on Secondary School Studentā€™s Academic Performance in Nigeria

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    The paper explained the concept of school violence in secondary school and the causes of school violence which include; desperation and despair, mob spirit, hatred and jealousy, alcohol and drug abuse, lax criminal-justice systems, false religion, low self-worth, witnessing violence in the home and many others. It also talked about the types of violence such as the violence of teachers to students, intimidation, exclusion, sexual violence, and so on. The paper also highlighted the effects of school violence on studentsā€™ academic performance which leads to internalizing abuse-related distress as a harsh consequence of poor academic performance. It also highlighted some measures to adopt to minimize school violence which include an adaptation of physical security measures, and implement of policies designed to prevent violence. Conclusively, there is an increased need to address the effects of violence on academic progress and the pro-social classroom behavior of students

    Women Empowerment through Education for Individuals and National Development in Nigeria

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    The paper examined the concept of women empowerment through education which includes the provision of functional education for girls and women through skills such as sewing, dying, cooking, baking, typing, knitting, and awakening the consciousness of all women to the need for the development of a positive self-image. It examined the legislation on women's education such as socio-cultural religious and superstitious beliefs which inhibit women and prevent them from self-actualization, thus placing them in a perpetual subordinate position that must also be abandon. It also talks about the benefits of women's empowerment through education which states that educating women will encourage technological innovation, improve food production, promote skills development, increase economic efficiency, support family planning, and improve the general quality of life. It highlighted pre-requisite for Women's Empowerment such as empowerment should be sensitive to issues of gender and other aspects of humanity. It also suggested ways of empowering Women through Education for a Sustainable Economy that the Nigerian government should emphasize the importance of the education of females not only in arts, humanities, and social sciences but also in science and technology. Lastly, it talks about the relevance of women's education and empowerment to the Nation, particularly on girls as an individual, the community, and the nation at large. Conclusively, empowerment makes a person choose and demand. It makes the person able to choose her goals, generate opportunities to reach the goals, and determine the overall direction of her life

    Prediction of Compressive Strength in High Performance Concrete with Hooked-End Steel Fiber using K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

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    In this study, the predictive capability for compressive strength of IBK a K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm was put to test in High Performance Concrete (HPC) with steel fiber addition. To achieve this objective, 150 x 300 mm cylindrical specimens were casted at least three for each batch and steel fibers were added from 0.50% - 2.00% at 0.25% interval. The mean and standard deviation were determined, and these were used to generate 100 compressive strength values within this range for each proportion. IBK classifier with K =1 nearest neighbors and 3 split percentages for training and testing were utilized. Results indicate that it is possible to generate good compressive strength results from good mean and standard deviation values. The prediction capability was very high using this algorithm with small amount of associated errors. Validation of the model using predicted versus actual results shows a very high correlation coefficient. This result indicates the efficiency of the model and its predictive capacity. It also indicates that this can improve the optimization capacity of HPC mixtures with steel fiber addition

    Influence of Management of Government Records to The Promotion of Good Governance in Two Ministries of Katsina State

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    This paper examines ā€˜the influence of management of government records to the promotion of good governance inĀ two ministries of Katsina Stateā€™. Two research objectives were stated : to find out the type of policy used in theĀ management of records and to find out the influence of management of records to the promotion of good governanceĀ in Katsina State; the literature were reviewed based on the research questions, the method used in this study wasĀ survey and the population of the study is 55 which comprised records managers, staff officers, secretaries amongĀ others, the findings of this study indicated that there is no records management policy in the ministries and the areaĀ in which records influence governance are for effective administration, decision making and accountability,Ā recommendations were provided such as; awareness campaign through seminars and workshops should be providedĀ to the staff of the offices and records management policy should be made available and implemented for theĀ efficiency and effectiveness of management of records in the ministries


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    Capital is regarded as a major factor for expanding production and modernizing Agriculture. The need to provide it to farmers is inevitable because it is an instrument in fostering Agricultural development and for improving efficiency in the production process. The contemporary practice of agriculture requires capital support, which is a handicap to small farmers. A research was conducted in Jos South L.G.A to assess the effectiveness of rural credit delivery system of community banks to provide resources to poor farmers. A set of 65 data collection instruments was administered to farmers and bank officials in a multi-stage random selection technique. Descriptive statistics was adopted to analyse socio-economic characteristics of the farmers while inferential statistics was adopted to test the hypotheses of the study. Findings revealed that majority of the farmers are yet to benefit from community banks (88%). The result of the hypotheses test indicates that information gap, inadequate and timely supply of inputs of production, time of loan disbursement, value of loan package are all statistically significant to sourcing of credit from the bank by farmers. It is recommended that farmer friendly banking policy be adopted to encourage farmers to patronize community banks.Agricultural Finance,

    Prediction of Compressive Strength in High Strength Concrete with Steel Fiber Addition using Support Vector Machine Algorithm

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    In this study, a support vector machine model available in Weka Algorithms, was utilized to test the predictive capacity of compressive strength in high performance concrete (HSC) with steel fiber addition. To test the performance of the algorithm, a certain percentage were allocated for training of the algorithm, and the rest for test. This was done from 60-40 percent split up to 90-10 percent split for training and testing respectively. Results generated from the model include mean absolute error, root mean squared error, and relative absolute error for each model. It was observed that there was a good correlation between the actual and predicted values, and that errors were relatively low. Utilization of free algorithms in civil engineering construction will enhance the optimization of concrete mixtures. &nbsp

    Hypoglycaemic activity of biosynthesized copper oxide nanoparticles in alloxan-induced diabetic Wister rats

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder that affects the body's ability to produce or use insulin. This study evaluated the hypoglycaemic activity of biosynthesized copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) in alloxan-induced diabetic Wister rats. CuO-NPs were synthesized via the green route and characterized using different analytical tools. Diabetes was induced intraperitoneally using 90 mg/kg body weight of alloxan monohydrate in albino rats. Thirty (30) rats were randomly divided into 5 groups of 6 rats each and orally treated for 21 days. Groups I and II were treated with 300 mg/kg bwt Cereus hildmannianus extract and CuO-NPs, respectively. Groups III and IV received 5 mg/kg bwt of Glibenclamide and 2 mL of normal saline, respectively, while Group V was left untreated as the diabetic control. Blood glucose (BG) levels and body weight changes were monitored at 3- and 7- day intervals, respectively, throughout 21-day treatment period. Lipid profiles, enzyme assays and histopathological studies of the liver were also carried out

    Insilico analysis of binding interactions and evaluation of mode of action of hydroxy tyrosol on candida albicans I, ii and parapsilosis

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    This work was aimed at purifying the most potent antibiofilm principle from Acalypha wilkesiana leaves against Candida species, analyzing its binding interactions with the molecular targets and evaluating its mode of action. Bioassay guided fractionation was carried and purification of the most potent fraction was achieved by Preparative -TLC. Proton NMR -spectroscopy was used to elucidate the structure of the most potent fraction which was hydroxy tyrosol (HT). There was significant (p < 0.05) increase in the IC50 of HT and caspafungin in the presence of sorbitol. In the presence of ergosterol, there was no significant (p > 0.05) increase in the IC50 of HT but there was significant (p < 0.05) increase in the IC50 of voriconazole. Insilico molecular studies revealed a good docking score (-7.7 and 4 hydogen bonds) with glucan synthase and (7.0 and 1 hydrogen bond) with lanosterole-14Ī±- demethylase. The mode of action of HT is most likely by inhibiting the activities of Ī²-1,3-D glucan synthase. The Significant increase in IC50 of HT in the presence of sorbitol showed that its inhibition leads to depletion of cell wall glucan and subsequent lysis of fungal cells

    Antiplasmodial Efficacy Of Methanolic Root And Leaf Extracts Of Morinda lucida

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    Development of antimalarial drugs from medicinal plants continues to be a very appealing option. Morindalucida, commonly known as ā€œUgigoā€ by the Ebira people in Kogi State North-Central Nigeria, is used in the treatment of malaria, fever, amongst other ailments. Therapeutic effects of the methanolic root extract and a combination of extracts of the leaf and root parts were evaluated in Plasmodium bergheiinfection in mice. Percentage suppression of parasitaemia for the methanolic root extract was 56.30, 59.84, 67.72 and 81.80% for doses of 100, 200, 400mg/kg body weight of the extract, and 5mg/kg chloroquine respectively. The mean survival period in days were 15.00 Ā± 0.70, 18.75 Ā± 0.5, 19.75 Ā± 1.39, 23.25 Ā± 1.38 and 8.75 Ā± 1.25, for 100, 200, 400mg/kg body weight of the extract, 5mg/kg chloroquine, and the untreated control respectively. Effective dose dependent inhibitions of parasitaemia were also observed in the curative test. In the combination study, it was observed that, the antimalarial activity for leaf and root was slightly more, compared to that of each of the extracts, as seen in parasite inhibition, after 5days of treatment (26.00, 20.00, 25.28, 21.35, 27.00, 19.50, 8.5 and 85.00), for 100, 200mg/kg leaf extract alone, 100 and 200mg/kg root extract alone, 50, 100mg/kg leaf and root extracts, 5mg/kg chloroquine and control groups respectively. It is concluded that the methanolic root and leaf extracts of Morindalucida are potentially useful for the development of antimalarial drug. Key words: Antimalaria, Percentage suppression, Morinda lucida, Plasmodium berghei, Parasitaemi


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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membahas tentang Strategi Kepolisian Dalam Penanganan Demonstrasi Massa Di Kepolisian Resor Tebo Provinsi Jambi. Peristiwa Demonstrasi saat ini sudah menjadi budaya bangsa Indonesia. Demonstrasi sering dijadikan alat politik, atau alat untuk menyampaikan kepentingan sekelompok maupun kepentingan individu yang berseberangan. Demontrasi adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan seorang atau lebih untu mengeluarkan pikiran dengan lisan maupun tulisan dan sebagainya secara demostratif di muka umum. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui cara observasi, wawancara dengan pihak terkait, meminta data-data dan dokumentasi. Masalah yang terjadi yaitu bagaimana strategi kepolisian dalam penanganan demonstrasi massa, upaya kepolisian dalam penanganan demonstrasi massa yang anarkis dan demonstrasi menurut hukum islam. strategi kepolisian dalam penanganan demonstrasi dilakukan dengan dua startegi persiapan dan pelaksanaan strategi tersebut sudah baik. Upaya kepolisian dalam penanganan demonstrasi massa yang anarkis sudah menurut undang-undang no 1 tahun 2010, ada tiga upaya yang dilakukan yaitu upaya pre-entiv upaya preventif upaya refresif. pihak kepolisian sudah melakukan upaya untuk menangani demonstrasi yang anark, sebaiknya baik pihak demontrasi dan kepolisisian untuk saling menjaga agar tidak terjadi hal yang merugikan. menurut hukum islam demonstrasi/unjuk rasa boleh saja dilakukan selam tidak terjadi anarkis