536 research outputs found

    O controlo de qualidade no sector vitivinícola

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    O controlo da qualidade nas industrias agro‐alimentares, sendo essencial, é hoje em dia e cada vez mais fundamental. Essencial, porque transmite ao consumidor a confiança que o produto obedece aos requisitos qualitativos que o enquadram na regulamentação específica da área agro‐alimentar onde se integra. Fundamental, porque a sua importância não se resume aqueloutro, antes se projecta para montante da própria indústria como actividade económica específica de uma área em que são exigíveis elevados padrões de qualidade da matéria prima e dos equipamentos, se reflecte no seu interior mediante o escrupuloso cumprimento dos procedimentos produtivos e se prolonga para o exterior conferindo‐1he uma imagem em que à credibilidade do produto estão associados o saber fazer e a responsabilidade. O sector vitivinícola não pode estar nem aquém nem além do que é exigível e aconselhável para as restantes empresas do ramo agro‐alimentar; limitar o controlo de qualidade ao produto final deixa importantes lacunas que se torna necessário colmatar. A exploração racional da fileira vitivinícola em termos de qualidade e credibilidade do produto final impõe, que em toda e qualquer fase, se adoptem procedimentos de controlo de qualidade de matéria prima, bens consumíveis, manuseamento e processamento de produto, na ausência dos quais a imagem da empresa não recolherá, não obstante um irrepreensível saber fazer, os inerentes benefícios que a projectem em termos credíveis e responsáveis

    A new strategy for RNA isolation from eukaryotic cells using arginine affinity chromatography

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    The relevance of RNA in many biological functions has been recognized, broadening the scope of RNA research activities, from basic to applied sciences, also aiming the translation to clinical fields. The preparation and purification of RNA is a critical step for further application, since the quality of the template is crucial to ensure reproducibility and biological relevance. Therefore, the establishment of new tools that allows the isolation of pure RNA with high quality is of particular importance. New chromatographic strategies for RNA purification were considered, exploiting affinity interactions between amino acids and nucleic acids. In the present study, a single arginine-affinity chromatography step was employed for the purification of RNA from a total eukaryotic nucleic acid extract, thus eliminating several steps compared with current RNA isolation procedures. The application of this process resulted in a high RNA recovery yield of 96 ± 17% and the quality control analysis revealed a high integrity (28S:18S ratio = 1.96) in RNA preparations as well as a good purity, demonstrated by the scarce detection of proteins and the reduction on genomic DNA contamination to residual concentrations. Furthermore, the performance of the new RNA isolation method was tested regarding the applicability of the isolated RNA in modern molecular biology techniques. Hence, this new affinity approach will simplify the isolation and purification of RNA, which can bring great improvements in biomedical investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization and differentiation of five “vinhos verdes” grape varieties on the basis of monoterpenic compounds

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    The aromatic profiles of three white grape varieties (Alvarinho, Loureiro, and Avesso) and two red varieties (Amaral and Vinhão) from the Vinhos Verdes region have been established with respect to the monoterpenic compounds, present either in free and in glycosidically bound fractions. Seventeen compounds have been identified and quantified in the free form and 21 in the glycosidically bound form. Loureiro variety is characterized by important levels of linalool in the free fraction, above the odour perception threshold; in contrast, Alvarinho and Avesso varieties do not contain compounds above the perception threshold. For Alvarinho, geraniol prevails, followed by linalool, while Avesso only has, in much low concentration, geraniol, nerol and citronellol; red varieties do not contain terpenic compounds. Loureiro and Alvarinho are still the richer varieties with regard to the glycosylated fraction; linalool and 3,7-dimethylocta-1,5-dien-3,7-diol have equivalent concentrations, and linalool is around the odour perception threshold; Avesso does not contain linalool. The isomers (Z) and (E) of 8-hydroxylinalool seem to differentiate white varieties; they are similar in Loureiro but the (Z) isomer prevails in Avesso and especially in Alvarinho; Avesso has a more balanced distribution. Amaral only contains α-terpineol, nevertheless of similar concentrator found in Loureiro; Vinhão has a more balanced distribution of isomers but the concentrations are very low. The results show that profiles of the terpenic compounds vary to a significant degree for the grape varieties studied and as is already known empirically, the white varieties are richer than red varieties, especially Loureiro.União Europeia - Fundo Social Europeu (FSE) - Programa Operacional Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (PO AGRO) - Project no. 202

    Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Perceived Ability to Cope With Trauma Scale in Portuguese Patients With Breast Cancer

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    Funding: RL was supported by the 2018 Scientific Employment Stimulus from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (CEECIND/04157/2018). DF, BS, and AO-M were supported by the BOUNCE project (grant agreement no. 777167), and AO-M was supported by the FAITH project (grant agreement no. 875358), both funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.Background: The impact of a cancer diagnosis may be traumatic, depending on the psychological resources used by patients. Appropriate coping strategies are related to better adaptation to the disease, with coping flexibility, corresponding to the ability to replace ineffective coping strategies, demonstrated to be highly related with self-efficacy to handle trauma. The Perceived Ability to Cope with Trauma (PACT) scale is a self-rated questionnaire that assesses the perceived ability to cope with potentially traumatic events, providing a measure of coping flexibility. The current study aimed at examining the psychometric properties of the PACT Scale in Portuguese patients with breast cancer. Methods: The study included 172 patients recently diagnosed with early breast cancer. Participants completed a Portuguese version of the PACT scale, and instruments of self-efficacy for coping with cancer (Cancer Behavior Inventory-Brief Version-CBI-B), of quality of life (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30-QLQ-C30), and of psychological distress (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-HADS) that were used as convergent and divergent measures, thus assessing construct validity. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the factor structure of the Portuguese version of PACT scale and reliabilities were examined. Results: Results from the CFA confirmed the two-factor structure, consistent with the original Forward and Trauma focus subscales. The two subscales demonstrated high internal consistencies. Convergent and divergent validities were confirmed: the PACT scale was related to high self-efficacy to cope with cancer (CBI-B), to high perceived quality of life (QLQ-C30), and to low psychological distress (HADS). Discussion: Overall, the current results support and replicate the psychometric properties of the PACT scale. The scale was found to be a valid and reliable self-reported measure to assess Portuguese breast cancer patients regarding beliefs about their capabilities in managing the potentially traumatic sequelae of cancer. The PACT is a simple and brief measure of coping flexibility to trauma, with potential relevance for application in clinical and research settings.publishersversionpublishe