29 research outputs found

    Increased expression of upstream TH2-cytokines in a mouse model of viral-induced asthma exacerbation

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    Additional file 2: Table S2. Primary and secondary antibodies used during western blot analysis of lung homogenate samples. All primary antibodies were diluted in TBS-T with 5 % BSA, while the secondary antibody was diluted in TBS-T with 5 % milk

    In vivo MRI and PET imaging in a translational ILD mouse model expressing non-resolving fibrosis and bronchiectasis-like pathology after repeated systemic exposure to bleomycin

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    Drug-induced interstitial lung disease (ILD) is crucial to detect early to achieve the best treatment outcome. Optimally, non-invasive imaging biomarkers can be used for early detection of disease progression and treatment follow-up. Therefore, reliable in vivo models are warranted in new imaging biomarker development to accelerate better-targeted treatment options. Single-dose bleomycin models have, for a long time, served as a reference model in fibrosis and lung injury research. Here, we aimed to use a clinically more relevant animal model by systemic exposure to bleomycin and assessing disease progression over time by combined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging.MethodsC57BL/6 mice received bleomycin (i.p. 35iU/kg) or saline as control twice per week for 4 weeks. Mice were monitored until 2 weeks after cessation of bleomycin administration (w4 + 1 and w4 + 2), referred to as the resting period. MRI scans were performed in weeks 3 and 4 and during the resting weeks. [18F]FDG-PET was performed at the last week of dosing (w4) and 2 weeks after the last dosing (w4 + 2). Lung tissue sections were stained with Masson’s trichrome and evaluated by modified Ashcroft scoring. Lung volume and lesion volumes were assessed using MRI, as well as 3D mapping of the central airways.Results and discussionBleomycin-challenged mice showed increased lung weights (p < 0.05), while total lung volume was unchanged (w4 and onward). Histology analysis demonstrated fibrotic lesions emanating from the distal parts of the lung. Fibrosis progression was visualized by MRI with significantly increased high signal in bleomycin-exposed lungs compared to controls (p < 0.05). In addition, a significant increase in central airway diameter (p < 0.01) was displayed in bleomycin-exposed animals compared to controls and further continued to dilate as the disease progressed, comparing the bleomycin groups over time (p < 0.05–0.001). Lung [18F]FDG uptake was significantly elevated in bleomycin-exposed mice compared to controls (p < 0.05).ConclusionNon-invasive imaging displayed progressing lesions in the lungs of bleomycin-exposed mice, using two distinct MRI sequences and [18F]FDG-PET. With observed fibrosis progression emanating from distal lung areas, dilation of the central airways was evident. Taken together, this chronic bleomycin-exposure model is translationally more relevant for studying lung injury in ILD and particularly in the context of DIILD

    C57Bl/6N mice have an attenuated lung inflammatory response to dsRNA compared to C57Bl/6J and BALB/c mice

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    Background Lower respiratory infections caused by ssRNA viruses are a major health burden globally. Translational mouse models are a valuable tool for medical research, including research on respiratory viral infections. In in vivo mouse models, synthetic dsRNA can be used as a surrogate for ssRNA virus replication. However, studies investigating how genetic background of mice impacts the murine lung inflammatory response to dsRNA is lacking. Hence, we have compared lung immunological responses of BALB/c, C57Bl/6N and C57Bl/6J mice to synthetic dsRNA. Methods dsRNA was administered intranasally to BALB/c, C57Bl/6N and C57Bl/6J mice once/day for three consecutive days. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, inflammatory cells, and total protein concentration were analyzed in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Pattern recognition receptors levels (TLR3, MDA5 and RIG-I) were measured in lung homogenates using RT-qPCR and western blot. Gene expression of IFN-β, TNF-α, IL-1β and CXCL1 was assessed in lung homogenates by RT-qPCR. ELISA was used to analyze protein concentrations of CXCL1 and IL-1β in BALF and lung homogenates. Results BALB/c and C57Bl/6J mice showed infiltration of neutrophils to the lung, and an increase in total protein concentration and LDH activity in response to dsRNA administration. Only modest increases in these parameters were observed for C57Bl/6N mice. Similarly, dsRNA administration evoked an upregulation of MDA5 and RIG-I gene and protein expression in BALB/c and C57Bl/6J, but not C57Bl/6N, mice. Further, dsRNA provoked an increase in gene expression of TNF-α in BALB/c and C57Bl/6J mice, IL-1β only in C57Bl/6N mice and CXCL1 exclusively in BALB/c mice. BALF levels of CXCL1 and IL-1β were increased in BALB/c and C57Bl/6J mice in response to dsRNA, whereas the response of C57Bl/6N was blunt. Overall, inter-strain comparisons of the lung reactivity to dsRNA revealed that BALB/c, followed by C57Bl/6J, had the most pronounced respiratory inflammatory responses, while the responses of C57Bl/6N mice were attenuated. Conclusions We report clear differences of the lung innate inflammatory response to dsRNA between BALB/c, C57Bl/6J and C57Bl/6N mice. Of particular note, the highlighted differences in the inflammatory response of C57Bl/6J and C57Bl/6N substrains underscore the value of strain selection in mouse models of respiratory viral infections

    Early Career Members at the Lung Science Conference and the Sleep and Breathing Conference 2019.

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    The Lung Science Conference and the Sleep and Breathing Conference 2019 brought together leading experts in the field to discuss the latest cutting-edge science, as well as various career development opportunities for early career members http://bit.ly/2XNX6V6

    Translational studies of viral-induced asthma and COPD exacerbations

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    Caspase-1 deficiency reduces eosinophilia and interleukin-33 in an asthma exacerbation model

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    Rhinovirus infections are common triggers of asthma exacerbations. Viruses can activate the inflammasome, resulting in processing and activation of caspase-1. This recruitment triggers production of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18, which have been implicated in asthma. Elucidating the involvement of the inflammasome and its compartments, such as caspase-1, in asthma exacerbations is warranted. Gene expression of caspase-1 was measured in rhinovirus-infected primary bronchial epithelial cells of asthmatic and healthy donors 24 h post-infection. In an in vivo exacerbation experiment C57BL/6 wild-type and caspase-1-/- mice were challenged with house dust mite followed by exposures to the viral mimic poly(I:C). General lung inflammatory parameters and levels of T-helper type 2 (Th2)-upstream cytokines IL-33, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and IL-25 were assessed. Caspase-1 expression was elevated after rhinoviral infection exclusively in bronchial epithelial cells from asthmatics. In a translational mouse model of asthma exacerbation effects of caspase-1 on airway inflammation and Th2-upstream cytokines were explored. Caspase-1 deficient mice exhibited no alterations of general lung inflammatory parameters, but showed markedly reduced eosinophilia. Furthermore, the Th2-upstream cytokines IL-33, TSLP and IL-25 were reduced at exacerbation in mice lacking caspase-1. Rhinovirus infection increases bronchial epithelial caspase-1 in asthma. Caspase-1 may induce production of lung Th2-upstream cytokines and eosinophilia at exacerbations. Further targeting of caspase-1 signalling is warranted to explore its role in asthma exacerbations

    NFκB1 Dichotomously Regulates Pro-Inflammatory and Antiviral Responses in Asthma

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    Asthma exacerbations are commonly triggered by rhinovirus infections. Viruses can activate the NFκB pathway resulting in airway inflammation and increased Th2 cytokine expression. NFκB signaling is also involved in early activation of IFNβ, which is a central mediator of antiviral responses to rhinovirus infection. Using a mouse model, this study tests our hypothesis that NFκB signaling is involved in impaired IFNβ production at viral-induced asthma exacerbations. C57BL/6 wild-type and NFκB1 mice were challenged with house dust mite for 3 weeks and were subsequently stimulated with the rhinoviral mimic poly(I:C). General lung inflammatory parameters and levels of the Th2 upstream cytokine IL-33 were measured after allergen challenge. At exacerbation, production of IFNβ and antiviral proteins as well as gene expression of pattern recognition receptors and IRF3/IRF7 was assessed. In the asthma exacerbation mouse model, lack of NFκB1 resulted in lower levels of IL-33 after allergen challenge alone and was associated with reduced eosinophilia. At exacerbation, mice deficient in NFκB1 exhibited enhanced expression of IFNβ and antiviral proteins. This was accompanied by increased IRF3/IRF7 expression and induction of pattern recognition receptor expression. In a human asthma dataset, a negative correlation between IRF3 and NFκB1 expression was observed. NFκB may impair antiviral responses at exacerbation, possibly by reducing expression of the transcription factors IRF3/IRF7. These findings suggest a therapeutic potential for targeting NFκB pathways at viral infection-induced exacerbations

    Imaging biomarkers in animal models of drug-induced lung injury : A systematic review

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    For drug-induced interstitial lung disease (DIILD) translational imaging biomarkers are needed to improve detection and management of lung injury and drug-toxicity. Literature was reviewed on animal models in which in vivo imaging was used to detect and assess lung lesions that resembled pathological changes found in DIILD, such as inflammation and fibrosis. A systematic search was carried out using three databases with key words “Animal models”, “Imaging”, “Lung disease”, and “Drugs”. A total of 5749 articles were found, and, based on inclusion criteria, 284 papers were selected for final data extraction, resulting in 182 out of the 284 papers, based on eligibility. Twelve different animal species occurred and nine various imaging modalities were used, with two-thirds of the studies being longitudinal. The inducing agents and exposure (dose and duration) differed from non-physiological to clinically relevant doses. The majority of studies reported other biomarkers and/or histological confirmation of the imaging results. Summary of radiotracers and examples of imaging biomarkers were summarized, and the types of animal models and the most used imaging modalities and applications are discussed in this review. Pathologies resembling DIILD, such as inflammation and fibrosis, were described in many papers, but only a few explicitly addressed drug-induced toxicity experiments

    Interferon-β deficiency at asthma exacerbation promotes MLKL mediated necroptosis

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    Abstract Defective production of antiviral interferon (IFN)-β is thought to contribute to rhinovirus-induced asthma exacerbations. These exacerbations are associated with elevated lung levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), indicating occurrence of cell necrosis. We thus hypothesized that reduced lung IFN-β could contribute to necrotic cell death in a model of asthma exacerbations. Wild-type and IFN-β−/− mice were given saline or house dust mite (HDM) intranasally for 3 weeks to induce inflammation. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) was then given for additional 3 days to induce exacerbation. HDM induced an eosinophilic inflammation, which was not associated with increased expression of cleaved caspase-3, cleaved PARP or elevated bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) LDH levels in wild-type. However, exacerbation evoked by HDM + dsRNA challenges increased BALF levels of LDH, apoptotic markers and the necroptotic markers receptor-interacting protein (RIP)-3 and phosphorylation of mixed linage kinase domain-like protein (pMLKL), compared to HDM + saline. Absence of IFN-β at exacerbation further increased BALF LDH and protein expression of pMLKL compared to wild-type. We demonstrate that cell death markers are increased at viral stimulus-induced exacerbation in mouse lungs, and that absence of IFN-β augments markers of necroptotic cell death at exacerbation. Our data thus suggest a novel role of deficient IFN-β production at viral-induced exacerbation

    Capacity of capsazepinoids to relax human small airways and inhibit TLR3-induced TSLP and IFNβ production in diseased bronchial epithelial cells.

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    Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), an immunomodulating potentially disease-inducing cytokine, is overproduced in TLR3-stimulated bronchial epithelial cells from asthmatic donors whereas production of antiviral IFNβ is deficient. It is of therapeutic interest that capsazepine inhibits epithelial TSLP and relaxes human small airways with similar potencies. However, it is not known if other capsazepine-like compounds share such dual actions. This study explores epithelial anti-TSLP and anti-IFNβ effects of capsazepine and novel capsazepine-like bronchorelaxants. We used primary bronchial epithelial cells from asthmatic and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) donors, and human small airways dissected from surgically removed lungs. Seven novel capsazepinoids were about 10 times, and one compound (RES187) >30 times, more potent than capsazepine as relaxants of LTD(4)-contracted small airways. TLR3-induced TSLP, TNFα, CXCL8, and IFNβ mRNA and protein levels were dose-dependently and non-selectively inhibited by capsazepine, equally in cells from asthmatic and COPD donors. The novel compounds, except RES187, reduced TSLP and IFNβ but none are more potent than capsazepine. Only capsazepine consistently inhibited TNFα and CXCL8 production and attenuated TLR3-induced epithelial NF-κB signalling. Hence, the present compounds did not separate between inhibition of TLR3-induced epithelial TSLP and IFNβ, but all compounds, except capsazepine, did separate between the bronchorelaxant and the epithelial immune effects. We conclude that similar mechanisms may be involved in capsazepine-like inhibition of TLR3-induced epithelial TSLP and IFNβ and that these are distinct from mechanisms involved in relaxation of small airways by these compounds