9 research outputs found


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    Temuan dalam penelitian ini memiliki hipotesis untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara persepsi terhadap kesehatan dengan perilaku merokok pada mahasiswa keperawatan dan kedokteran umum universitas sultan agung semarang. Populasi 244 mahasiswa laki - laki. Metode kuantitatif menjadi pilihan penelitian. Teknik memilih sampel peneliti menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan 2 skala, yaitu skala persepsi terhadap kesehatan 24 aitem dan skala perilaku merokok 24 aitem . Uji daya beda skala persepsi terhadap kesehatan dengan estimasi reliabilitas sebesar 0.730. Uji daya beda skala perilaku merokok berkisar dengan estimasi 0.734. Penelitian ini memiliki uji hipotesis yang diuji dengan korelasi product moment dari Karl Pearson. Hasil dari uji tersebut ditemukan adanya hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan anatara persepsi terhadap kesehatan dengan perilaku merokok diperoleh rxy = - 0.446 dengan taraf signifikan p = 0,000 (pada p < 0,01), yang berarti hipotesis (dugaan) penelitian sesuai dan dapat diterima. Berdasarkan hasil temuan peneliti menarik suatu kesimpulan penuh kesadaran bahwa dengan taraf persepsi yang rendah terhadap kesehatan berarti semakin tinggi perilaku merokok, dan sebaliknya.Kata Kunci: persepsi terhadap kesehatan, perilaku merokok, mahasiswa keperawatan dan kedokteran umu

    The causes of maternal mortality in adolescents in low and middle income countries: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: While the main causes of maternal mortality in low and middle income countries are well understood, less is known about whether patterns for maternal deaths among adolescents are the same as for older women. This study systematically reviews the literature on cause of maternal death in adolescence. Where possible we compare the main causes for adolescents with those for older women to ascertain differences and similarity in patterns of mortality. Methods: An initial search for papers and grey literature in English, Spanish and Portuguese was carried out using a number of electronic databases based on a pre-determined search strategy. The outcome of interest was the proportion of maternal deaths amongst adolescents by cause of death. A total of 15 papers met the inclusion criteria established in the study protocol. Results: The main causes of maternal mortality in adolescents are similar to those of older women: hypertensive disorders, haemorrhage, abortion and sepsis. However there was marked heterogeneity between papers which could indicate country or regional differences in the importance of specific causes of adolescent maternal mortality. When compared with causes of death for older women, hypertensive disorders were found to be a more important cause of mortality for adolescents in a number of studies in a range of settings. In terms of indirect causes of death, there are indications that malaria is a particularly important cause of adolescent maternal mortality in some countries. Conclusion: The main causes of maternal mortality in adolescents are broadly similar to those for older women, although the findings suggest some heterogeneity between countries and regions. However there is evidence that the relative importance of specific causes may differ for this younger age group compared to women over the age of 20 years. In particular hypertensive conditions make up a larger share of maternal deaths in adolescents than older women. Further, large scale studies are needed to investigate this question further

    The rise of institutional births in India: are maternal and newborn risks adequately addressed?

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    The government has successfully increased facility-based childbirth over the last decade, but are these hard pressed services successfully recognizing women’s health risks in pregnancy, birth, and post-partum stages? Is there an understanding of women’s health behaviour and the risks they perceive and prioritize? This chapter explores the quality of health services in two studies conducted nearly ten years apart in rural Karnataka, during which time there was a 47 per cent increase in institution-based births. This chapter shows that the healthcare system narrowly perceives risks within a biomedical framework as opposed to women’s more multidimensional view of risk. Furthermore, the process of identifying, assessing, and managing these health risks has not been located in an institutional framework of accountability that prioritizes its patients. This chapter proposes that the government must adopt a more culturally attuned approach that strengthens the quality and not simply the coverage of health services

    Antenatal care, care-seeking and morbidity in rural Karnataka India: Results of a prospective study

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    Results from this prospective study of 282 pregnant women from 11 villages in Karnataka, India showed early and widespread use of antenatal care, but the content of the care falls far short of that recommended following the recent World Health Organization (WHO) antenatal care trial. Initiation of contact is commendably early, but only women with problems reported an adequate frequency of contact. Morbidity in pregnancy is widespread and care-seeking for problems is also common, mostly from private practitioners. Iron and folate supplement distribution and tetanus toxoid immunization are well covered. However, history-taking and effective record-keeping by doctors is inadequate, the current level of delivery planning is minimal and very little advice is given to women about aspects of health care during their pregnancy. The potential for improved health promotion is immense

    Birth rights and rituals in rural South India: Care seeking in the intrapartum period

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    Maternal morbidity and mortality are high in the Indian context, but the majority of maternal deaths could be avoided by prompt and effective access to intrapartum care (WHO, 1999). Understanding the care seeking responses to intrapartum morbidities is crucial if maternal health is to be effectively improved, and maternal mortality reduced. This paper presents the results of a prospective study of 388 women followed through delivery and traditional postpartum in rural Karnataka in southern India. In this setting, few women use the existing health facilities and most deliveries occur at home. The analysis uses quantitative data, collected via questionnaires administered to women both during pregnancy and immediately after delivery. By virtue of its prospective design, the study gives a unique insight into intentions for intrapartum care during pregnancy as well as events following morbidities during labour. Routine care in the intrapartum period, both within institutions and at home, and impediments to appropriate care are also examined. The study was designed to collect information about health seeking decisions made by women and their families as pregnancies unfolded, rather than trying to capture women's experience from a retrospective instrument. The data set is therefore a rich source of quantitative information, which incorporates details of event sequences and health service utilization not previously collected in a Safe Motherhood study. Additional qualitative information was also available from concurrent in-depth interviews with pregnant women, their families, health care providers and other key informants in the area. The level of unplanned institutional care seeking during the intrapartum period within the study area was very high, increasing from 11% planning deliveries at a facility to an eventual 35% actually delivering in hospitals. In addition there was a significant move away from planned deliveries with the auxiliary nurse midwife (ANM), to births with a lay attendant or dai. The proportion of women who planned for an ANM to assist was 49%, as compared with the actual occurrence, which was less than half of this proportion. Perceived quality of care was found to be an important factor in health seeking behaviour, as was wealth, caste, education and experience of previous problems in pregnancy. Actual care given by a range of practitioners was found to contain both beneficial and undesirable elements. As a response to serious morbidities experienced within the study period, many women were able to seek care although sometimes after a long delay. Those women who experienced inadequate progression of labour pains were most likely to proceed unexpectedly to a hospital delivery

    The causes of maternal mortality in adolescents in low and middle income countries: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: While the main causes of maternal mortality in low and middle income countries are well understood, less is known about whether patterns for maternal deaths among adolescents are the same as for older women. This study systematically reviews the literature on cause of maternal death in adolescence. Where possible we compare the main causes for adolescents with those for older women to ascertain differences and similarity in patterns of mortality. Methods: An initial search for papers and grey literature in English, Spanish and Portuguese was carried out using a number of electronic databases based on a pre-determined search strategy. The outcome of interest was the proportion of maternal deaths amongst adolescents by cause of death. A total of 15 papers met the inclusion criteria established in the study protocol. Results: The main causes of maternal mortality in adolescents are similar to those of older women: hypertensive disorders, haemorrhage, abortion and sepsis. However there was marked heterogeneity between papers which could indicate country or regional differences in the importance of specific causes of adolescent maternal mortality. When compared with causes of death for older women, hypertensive disorders were found to be a more important cause of mortality for adolescents in a number of studies in a range of settings. In terms of indirect causes of death, there are indications that malaria is a particularly important cause of adolescent maternal mortality in some countries. Conclusion: The main causes of maternal mortality in adolescents are broadly similar to those for older women, although the findings suggest some heterogeneity between countries and regions. However there is evidence that the relative importance of specific causes may differ for this younger age group compared to women over the age of 20 years. In particular hypertensive conditions make up a larger share of maternal deaths in adolescents than older women. Further, large scale studies are needed to investigate this question further. <br/

    NCCP-ICS joint consensus-based clinical practice guidelines on medical thoracoscopy

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    Medical Thoracoscopy (MT) is commonly performed by respiratory physicians for diagnostic as well as therapeutic purposes. The aim of the study was to provide evidence-based information regarding all aspects of MT, both as a diagnostic tool and therapeutic aid for pulmonologists across India. The consensus-based guidelines were formulated based on a multistep process using a set of 31 questions. A systematic search of published randomized controlled clinical trials, open labelled studies, case reports and guidelines from electronic databases, like PubMed, EmBase and Cochrane, was performed. The modified grade system was used (1, 2, 3 or usual practice point) to classify the quality of available evidence. Then, a multitude of factors were taken into account, such as volume of evidence, applicability and practicality for implementation to the target population and then strength of recommendation was finalized. MT helps to improve diagnosis and patient management, with reduced risk of post procedure complications. Trainees should perform at least 20 medical thoracoscopy procedures. The diagnostic yield of both rigid and semirigid techniques is comparable. Sterile-graded talc is the ideal agent for chemical pleurodesis. The consensus statement will help pulmonologists to adopt best evidence-based practices during MT for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes